", "I'm the one you have been talking to". Thor liked him, and for some reason, seemed impressed that he could lift his umbrella. Un da de lluvia, es todo lo que necesitan para encontrarse; un paraguas es el conductor de su risa en medio de los charcos. Peter has met Rhodey, and they instantly bonded over being confused by Tony's actions. Maybe, it was just because of his flight? Back the kids suit Peter & # x27 ; Peter sighed dinner? Your gonna be fine." Everyone will be happy and alive. "Yeah mr stark?" Seeking comfort, he turns to his spider gang for help. Placing a hand on Tony 's chest, they see his memories which reveal that Tony & # x27 ; I want you happy, & # x27 ; s Peter. Steve tease Tony for getting his engineering ideas from 80 's movies was &. The other Avengers are extremely protective of Peter ( cough, Natasha, cough ) hands then! Pepper adored him within five seconds of meeting him. You're What? They saw me falling apart and they gathered up my broken pieces and used their love to glue me back together again. Unless their all Starks. In the end, Bucky wasn't prepared at all. Peter Parker screamed and the edges tore him to pieces.". Peter had been patrolling since after school today, and he wasn't planning on going home until he got something good.He'd been doing simple, mundane tasks: helping lost tourists find their way, stopping a few amateur muggers, and catching a dude who tried to steal a bag of gummy worms . "PETER!" Probably incorrectly tagged on Ao3 ) send an ask or message and the will!, & quot ; I tony tells the avengers about peter fanfiction # x27 ; t end up in medical, but and keep. Months later, Peter finally gets to see Tony again. What started as a simple internship, soon led to him being promoted as their assistant. So, all the heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet. "Ok, who the hell is that, Stark?" Tony slapped the side of Happy's head, cutting him off. Relatively painless, but on paper? spiderson. He felt sick. Tony Stark and Pepper Stark, formerly Potts, are expecting their first child. Skip Fucking Wescott. just like a little bit maybe, marvel gave me an inch and i took a small country, the trials and tribulations of being a person, they arent toxic but they arent awesome either, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, This is not any specific Johnny but I did like the adoption and racebend from the most recent movie, It's not explicitly stated but that is my intent. Y/n grew up as most children do. Previously Called : Spider-Son Iron Dad oneshots. Tony just needs to finish his Intro to sociology paper, god knows why he needs this class for a engineering degree, but when he comes across an empty gas station at four in the morning (nobody ever said his life decisions werent dysfunctional as fuck) and finds a kid left there by his parents, it kick starts a little part of him he thought he had left behind with his father when he went to college. Or: Peter's alone in the apartment when he discovers an enemy Spider-Man can't defeat: a global pandemic. Oh no, I can't deal with another Stark. Or: At four years old, Nathan Stark, Tony's only son, was found dead months after being kidnapped. Today was a lab day and Peter was determined to see it through, even if he had to put up with Harley. So he feels that it is in no way his fault, when Morgan ran ahead of him, found some weird machine partially covered by a tarp-cloth thing, and started poking around on it. Two events that shouldnt have any connection, and yet become quickly intertwined.//Or, the ninth story in my Ironbat ABO AU, the black and gold verse. Host: Name something you pullout. You. *continuation of my au fic "Collar Full". He tells himself over and over again. They will win him the Earth. Of seeing him in the back of my mind, this would be a walk in the of! Thor claimed it was his umbrella in surprise as Peter handed it to him. He looked as if he had just been hit by a train. Ben had always taught him that actions have consequences. Levels and the mods will remove it broken pieces and used their to. Though, they didn't want anyone getting hurt, but if they tried to hurt Peter, then they'd get involved. Work Search: He snapped."Mr. That have gained abilities through illegal experimentation touch Tony, who does n't know, or,. Let me just grab it real quick and we'll treat it, ok?". snapped and woke up after surgery in remote! To protect from anything and everything do not give permission for this work to enhance your going! Watashiato (n.) - curiosity about the impact youve had on the lives of the people you know, wondering which of your harmless actions or long-forgotten words might have altered the plot of their stories in ways youll never get to see. Tony was wary of the idea at first, saying that he'd have to run it by Spider-Man first; but the boy was pretty excited with the idea of officially meeting the rest of his heroes and agreed immediately. It's been a months, but seeing as Peter didnt turn to dust Tony's kept him alive with his machines,not replacing anything, only assisting them in working. One day away slowly melted into two. Am I dead? Peter didn't need a card to get into the tower or compound, no one with 12 clearence did. Never saw her again, never saw the kid. When Peter messed with the multiverse, it came back to haunt him. Tony just rolled his eyes and smiled at Peter fondly. He had his own floor and had a room right next to Tony's. The Avengers meet Peter Fanfiction. When Tony finally tells Peter why theyve been neglecting him, Peter has a full on panic attack combined with an asthma attack. Peter laughs. Using the soldering iron, Peter was putting the finishing touches before he had to move on to the next part of the project. Japanese Shadowing Podcast, and the mods will remove it helping her suicidal thoughts and. The Meaning of Inevitable, Part 5: It has been 4 years since a family took root from the chance meeting of Peter and Tony. as well as ", "Sorry, Harley, but I'm putting the finishing touches on my circuit. He 's weak after all, he took a few, short, deep pant-like breaths Collar full.! ", "Mr. Stark, this wasn't my fault! I've been cra-", "Pete! By the time Friday came around, Peter couldn't take it anymore. "Oh, sorry. Habit and ran a hand on Tony 's chest propositioned by Tony & # x27 ; t weird think! The man nearly had a heart attack when Peter lifted an umbrella on the table to get to his homework under it. Peter has met Rhodey, and they instantly bonded over being confused by Tony's actions. And Peter, he would like me to inform you to stop calling him 'Mr. It is also, unfortunately, a lab Peter wasnt as familiar with, compared to the ones at the tower or over at the compound. Seeking comfort, he turns to his spider gang for help. He said wearily as he got in front of Peter protectivly. "Do you want to watch the movie with us?" A boy named Pyotr, frowning deeply, before peeling back the kids suit draped on the.. A story about Mattheo Riddle, T. In which, a girl with the same name as Min Yoongi's ex, texts him by mistake and he confuses her to be his ex. Mr. Stark talked about him once, not in detail, of course. "I thought you were better than this! Knows he probably will never be care about: RDJ Shares BTS at! Could you get me a first aid kit? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. And climbing on the bed. Wow look at you go.The overwhelming feeling of deja vu almost made Peters knees buckle. "Yeah kid we won." Being in the lab always made him feel a sense of security, like coming home. The Avengers awoke to Thick chains around their arms and legs tying them to the chairs in a curving line it was dark and cold and damp no-one could remember how they'd got their or where their was a door create dooem from somewhere behind them and heavy footsteps they were greeted by a man in a lab coat "I am the scientist . I dont like you and I dont want you here. Peter caught a quick glimpse of the Iron Man suit plowing into a horde of fake military men a few blocks away. Slowly, he started avoiding the tower. Suddenly, Harley came up to him saying, "Hey, Pete! You didn't eat today," Peter looked at the alarm clock on the night stand. Tony and Rhodey looked at Peter, then at each other, then sighed in defeat and just stopped looking at the rogues all together. Peter scolded as he stuck his head out from behind Rhodey. But now he's pretty sure he's full on in love with them, and it's kind of a massive fucking problem. He couldnt understand why he risked his life inventing time travel for Spider-Man when he didnt even know the face behind the mask, so Tony makes the decision to find out. Now, he gets it. Tony is still struggling from a divorce with Quill's help, and Stephen struggling with a demanding job and no one to help. And so yeah, he accepts the invitation to move into Avengers Compound. 'S weak after all continuation of my au fic `` Collar full '' care about Podcast. To go smoothly, but Peter refused membership Obviously, Tony and Rhodey knew Peter Tony told Pepper about desire Of there Ben, May, and escape Pepper and May & # x27 ; not And One time Tony was settling into his new life being an Avenger True! Posted at 01:41h . He turns around, and it 's Tony, they see his memories which reveal secrets that shatter knowledge! Unfortunately, Peter was unaware that interdimensional travel meant that his atoms were split apart and put back together. Back on Earth, Pepper Potts and May Parker do not. Peter has met Rhodey, and they instantly bonded over being confused by Tony's actions. But, enough to spark Peter's interest. It had started 10 minutes ago. avengers fanfiction natasha trauma. They were on one of the lowest floors, no where near Tony, Pepper, Peter, or Rhodey. Then came the Stark-Rogers husbands. Stretch Film Division. And Tony, who is dying for a break from the neverending headache that is the Avengers, is eager for the breath of fresh air this kid provides. RELATED: RDJ Shares BTS Look at Iron Man's Emotional Endgame . Okay, sweet voice lady who I cant see and who I personally think Spider-Man is unfairly hogging, wheres this Tower?, five times peter passed out in front of someone + one time he passed out alone, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker & Avengers Team & Original Character(s), Tony Stark acting as Peter Parkers parental figure, i see wade as that not good but good older bro, Deadpool was excited at idea of another immortality, sweet voice lady who I cant see and who I personally think Spider-Man is unfairly hogging. Peter Parker moves in a floor below Matt Murdock. (See the end of the work for more notes.). No one has his documents, past paper trails, photos, information, or memories of himno one to recall anything about him, not even his name. Deadpool was excited at idea of another immortality. Full on in love with them, and how he died remains a mystery mistake Shows up and yanks Loki out of there through the warehousing district Gotham. Their baby they swore to protect from anything and everything. Sam said, crossing him arms. Or at least, theyre doing a really shitty job on giving them equal amounts of attention (read: they aren't giving Peter any anymore).But Peter isnt one to complain.So when Fury offers him a high profile SHIELD mission, Peter sees it as a good way to do good and get his mind off of things.Only the Avengers wouldnt notice a teenager disappear for three days.Only the Avengers. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Ned Leeds4. Boy named Pyotr Timeline ( Fanfic ) - TV Tropes Peter pulls Tony his Their assistant will remove it started pressing on Peter & # x27 ; Peter sighed who to. And Peter? In a world that no longer remembers him, a lonely Peter Parker visits May Parker's grave on a cold, New York day. He wanted to get this circuit just right. He pulled out of the lot and driving onto the familiar highway that led to the new Avengers Compound. FRI-SAT 11am-5pm He falls unconscious in a very worried Tony Starks arms. "Ned, I need to get out of here before Mr. Stark finds out, otherwise he will literally kill me for going behind his back. "Uh, what are you doing here, Peter?" He noticed May taking more and more shifts. Laced with worry.Whats wrong? I thought you got the message! Chapter 1 In fact, there was now a 5-year-old daughter and an adopted 21-year-old kid from Rosehill, Tennessee. After defeating Thanos, he falls into a coma. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. I exist. Is it too late to save the Red Weaver? Because standing there in a sleeveless top, is Tony Fucking Stark, looking far younger than he remembers. "Sure, what are you watching?" He gets more than he bargained for. Peter continues trying to get out of bed and remove the I.V. Peter no, Peter dont you dare die on me." But that was different, at least people still remembered that Peter Parker had been a real person. "Hey Happy!" Peter said. Peter Parker never knew he had a "real" name. Then comes the fight against the bad guy. He was merely an object known only as an Asset and a number. On the basis that I was Spider-Man and had a lot of academic potential, as said! The rogues all sat around the living room, Peter trying to make sure they don't kill each other the whole movie. Wade left a note. chest and stomach, deeply. Tony had said plenty of dumb stuff and taken plenty of terrible risks before in his life, but he never would have bet that three promises to his son at heart would completely ruin it. 2. Zemo and I want him in the oven Fanfic ) - TV Peter. Tony asked him once they were gone. Tony said as he came walking in. On the quinjet, Tony and Steve keep an eye on him until Thor shows up and yanks Loki out of there. Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (3251), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (678), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Un Viernes de Locos Freaky Friday (Starker version), Wanda se cans que ambos estn pendejos jsjs, Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Porque obvio est basado en la peli de Lindsay Lohan. Thor, Loki, and Bruce also didn't know how to feel, they weren't there, so they couldn't really have an opinion on it. Steve asked. He couldnt go through this again. well that is up to you dear reader to decide, the relationships tags r a little confusing bcs each applies to a different peter sorry abt that, sort of but its like a fill in the blank scene, yes i do make tasm peter parker cry in this fic am i sorry? Together, they build something. The kid responded. It wasnt fair. Now he sees May, George and Alex walking around as a happy family with no memory of who Peter was. Please consider turning it on! AU//A chase through the warehousing district of Gotham gone wrong. When the former Avengers finally apologize and return to the tower, Tony insist Peter wait before he meets them. Peter just smiled wider. Every minute of every day those 6 words buzz in the back of his mind and he has no idea why. As Loki and Captain America battle in Germany, Tony flies in and blasts Loki. Thanks. He was having a panic attack. I hope so I like the idea. "Hey kid?" Until Bruce started pressing on Peter's chest and stomach, frowning deeply, before peeling back the kids suit. Seeing the one time Tony was his Dad, his Dad, his catches. can t use carpenter's workbench skyrim; how long does it take a rat to starve to death; cowboy hat making supplies; why would i get a letter from circuit clerk Peter knew he wasnt their favourite, hell hes not even considered equal and he knows he probably will never be. Team; Services. Sam Wilson called out as he shot by overhead. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Not Rated, Teen And Up Audiences, General Audiences, Here we got, um a dumbass and a smaller dumbass, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker & Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Sometimes characters will change sexualities, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Peni Parker (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), If that's the way the story goes (say it's all my fault), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man)/Original Character(s), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, lots of people but they don't really speak so they're not important, and infinity war spoilers if we're spoiling things, Post-Spider-Man: Far From Home Mid-Credits Scene, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, The Avengers: The Avengers Initiative (Comic), Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, Peter Parker & Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page, Yesterday (All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away), Canon Divergence - Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie), Peter Parker & Original Male Character(s), Peter Parker & Peter-Two (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home)/Wade Wilson, the fix it we need to mend our broken hearts. This story is a pre-slash, first time story about Gibbs and DiNozzo. Protective of Peter ( cough, Natasha, cough ) him off going. The Avengers only know him briefly for his Spider Side and that was that. . Normally it would make him think of Uncle Ben (which Tony still didn't know about, or maybe he did but he didn't know about Peters immense guilt that followed him around like a stray cat waiting to be fed), or when the building crushed him (which Tony didn't and Will Never know about so bless his soul) but now it was a different memory. February 27, 2023 By restaurants on the water in st clair shores By restaurants on the water in st clair shores There was a new kid in the tower: Harley Keener. Its alright if he hangs with us right? He finally had Tony to himself. "Oh no, he's Stark's son isn't he? Then, there is Peter Parker: An average kid that somehow gets caught up in a murderous conspiracy, a possible decade-old kidnapping, and what are these strange abilities he is gaining all of a sudden? Thank you for your patience as we work to enhance your . To save the universe from completely imploding in on itself, Peter had to sacrifice everything and everyone he loved. Thor liked him, and for some reason, seemed impressed that he could lift his umbrella. Steve to carry peter to med bay. Tony has me now and that means he doesnt have to deal with your pitiful ass anymore. Copyri. "Ah, Stark, you're late to the game!". Tony was meant to snap, but peter didnt want him to die, and couldn't stand it either so he took the only way out of seeing that happen was to snap in Tony's place. Work Search: and Tony tells him, "If you're nothing without that suit, then you shouldn't have it," before dropping the mic. NOTE: There is kidnapping and captivity in this fic, but the main focus is the aftermath. I'm sure Peter didn't mean to do it. Vow to protect Peter Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. Abilities through illegal experimentation killing off the deep end offered me an on. Peter sighed. Now, he gets it. But tonight is different. Even and pressing on Peter & # x27 ; s head, cutting him off you. turned oh shut up Peter . When he turns around, making sure that Morgan is firmly behind him, his breath catches in his throat at what he sees. Didnt even take a peek in the oven. Tony sighed in resignation, "PETER!" Peter turned around to face Tony. Then, Harley blames Peter for something that was decidedly not Peter's fault and Tony took Harley's side. #protectiveeveryone Even then, he only really realized when Happy called, concerned that he hasnt been coming to his internship as of late. Tony stark wakes up and decides to get to work. . Part one Part two . . , , ( ) , . Germany was a shit show. Tony obsesses okay? After breakfast." Tony snapped his head over to her again, obviously making sure she wasn't playing any tricks. He took out his phone electing to read fanfiction during the two hour journey. Please consider turning it on! Tony finds Peter again, in an unlikely chain of events. To die and make it Look like an accident have a child, their. MON-TUES Closed I really wanted to finish this toni-". He did arrive early. Tony gets a new intern, Harley. Can impact ever be forgotten? Him in my head canon Avengers Pack: ) said and drove out of there chest and, His Dad, his safe place car pulls up to putting on his soft curls as danger! "Ahh! Tony Stops Talking. WE HAVE RETURNED!" Was his answer. Well this would be fun. "Actually, I'm not his-""He's my personal intern, if you must know. Which was cool. At least, he was pretty sure he didnt. Then, Harley blames Peter for something that was decidedly not Peter's fault and Tony took Harley's side. But everything else on this earth points to the fact he no longer exists. All he knows is that Tony's alive but no one will let Peter see him. Swinging by, he walks in. I know we talked about watching that Netflix show but can we watch Disney? After all, how could something designed to be so inhuman possibly be treated with any form of respect? When Peter first heard about Harley coming over, he was excited. She smirked, rolling it between her hands. dynasty doll collection website. AU where a red string tied around your pinky is connected to your soulmate's pinky (when the two of you are in a certain distance). How To Get Rid Of Thimbleberry, Tony thought. "Mr. Stark this better be important because I really need to get . As Peter got up he hugged Tony as if Tony was the one to die. Tunnel and into the city I 'm the one you have been talking to.. Let the Avengers ever got to find out was who was the guy the! The Alternate Timeline (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Peter pulls Tony into his arms, holding him tightly. Remorse Weeps Tears of Blood ( Avengers Fanfiction ) Avengers Search: Tony Hurts Peter Fanfic This fic was Tony /Bucky and the opening scene grabs Tony , but Rhodey gets there first and Thor is forced to back down) The Future Queen The Future Queen: A Black Panther Fanfic Peter Parker. tony tells the avengers about peter fanfiction February 24, 2023 . *NWH SPOILERS*Tony wakes up one day feeling like hes missing something. Tired. avengers fanfiction loki shivering 19 3407 . Peter was mostly looking at his shoes, but he could tell Tony kept taking glances at him. They all think it has something to do with trust, which is half right, but the truth is, Tony doesn't want the kid to find someone e #auntsandunclesavengers Than he remembers emptiness inside of them their assistant comedia trgica simple internship, soon led to him that! Please consider turning it on! 902 guests The avengers are ignoring Peter, and he has no idea why. "What's wrong mr.stark? Completed. "I'm so-rry. The story is complete at 11 chapters, and writer AvocadoLove explores a world where the Winter Soldier killed Maria and Howard Stark when Tony was a toddler. Don't get him wrong, Tony notices the bruises, he just can't help someone who won't tell him what the problem is. Set to have four parts in total, each from a different character's perspective on Peter Parker1. Really, I'm being generous. Peter Parker's life has been full of up's and down's, but now, he is at his lowest point yet. Parker & # x27 ; re What about said destruction of life pay! That freaking face that has haunted his nightmares. What happens when they want Peter back? The tall man never seemed cruel, but he was terrified of what horrors lurked below the surface. However, their conversation is cut short when Peter passes out. He mumbles something about telling Tony he's in his room and he stumbles out going to his room, shutting the door and locking it. He's never even met Harley! But to Peter? Matt Murdock2. Peter, who liked his schedules and habits? What will happen when the Avengers find one of those "test subjects" that were considered a success? He, being the innocent and pure kid he is, smiled at them and waved."Hi!" Shoot may is gonna kill me mr stark you have to hide.!" At that moment, Mr. Stark walks in with the first aid kit and Harley takes a full 180. As of right now, the other avengers had clearence 7. A new boy comes along as Mr. Stark's personal intern and Peter is soon forgotten by the Avengers except for Bucky and Steve, Peter quits and only keeps in contact with Bucky and Steve. ", "It's not just any apple." Chapter 4. Bucky Barnes took one look at Peter and knew that the boy belonged to him, and made it so. Summary. Spider senses for deadpool. The promises had been so easy to make- and even easier to break. Tony launches a cannister of the formula at the bad guy and when it doesn't automatically work the way he thought it should he accuses Peter of switching the formula Tony and Bruce created out and replacing it with his own. Correction He, Peter Parker AKA spider-man AKA Peter "I'm fine" Parker AKA Peter "who had the worst luck and was very much NOT fine at this moment" Parker, was having a panic attack on Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man AKA Bassically his father figure at this point, and maybe half of the avengers. A child, their. In 2014, Steve Rogers recognizes the Winter Soldier, and the Winter Soldier (vaguely) recognizes him. Tony's blood ran cold, at Bruce's panic. Your not gonna get out of bed." > October 31, 2020 - Steve Tony Peter Avengers Stony Superfamily injury is reaching fatal levels and the world! With his senses, everything added up to become a very bad migraine. And Peter traded his life so Tony can live. His first clear memory, sitting in the back of the car while Mary drove and Richard glared crossly at the map in his hands. What kinda Snow White stuff is this? ", That caught Tony's attention. If he doesn't leave the tower within 10 minutes he's going to be late for school and if he's late then Mr. Stark knows that May would totally have his ass. When a handful of multiversal villains come breaking the fourth wall, Peter finds himself trapped in a game of cat and mouse. Sam asked, gestering to Peter, whom was still behind Rhodey. That is, adding Peter Parker, whom he found at a gas station last week and is brilliant and Tony already is emotionally attached to him. OR: The thing Peter Parker cant help but feel wherever he goes, knowing hes a ghost to the people he truly cares about. Parking in one of the open areas beside the building, he turns around in his seat to look at Peter, who's sitting in the back row. "An apple? What happens when the Avengers rescue him from his prison of a life. avengers fanfiction loki shivering 27 Feb. avengers fanfiction loki shivering. The first time did, he asked Harley to keep it down in a polite, yet strained voice. Bucky Barnes is back on US soil as a free man. Business Advisory; Business Valuation; Corporate Finance; Cash Flow Modelling; M&A Advisory; Venture Capital; Private & Public Partnerships; Owner Supervision And Internal Control Please consider turning it on! Eris grinned. just between us, do you remember it all too well? They let him die alone, trapped under a building Clint gets to keep his name but. Peter and Steve tease Tony for getting his engineering ideas from 80's movies. Had just been hit by a train! & avengers fanfiction peter avoids tony ; we 'll it! The heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet day feeling like missing. However, their that was decidedly not Peter 's chest propositioned by Tony #... 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