I do not take any vitamins other than vitamin D3 and a mixed magnesium supplement. It is GMP certified. Yes, I would still consider it the best multivitamin for the population highlighted in this article. Haha, well thank you. If it is an absorption issue, you may have genetic variants in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) that increase the need for the co-factors (calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A and boron) for absorption. Some people like to separate supplements based on dosing. The older generation has an increased vitamin B-6 requirement compared with younger people. i was indeed confused. 1 doctor answer 1 doctor weighed in. There is growing clinical evidence that Lions Mane in beneficial in mild forms of dementia. While lithium is a natural element and not a prescription drug, I think the research on lithium is worth noting in this section. In a randomized controlled study on elderly subjects with increased dementia risk, researchers showed that high-dose B-vitamin treatment (folate 0.8 mg, vitamin B6 20 mg, vitamin B12 0.5 mg) slowed shrinkage of the whole brain volume over 2 years. I am so sorry you hear you have suffered. At present she is suffering from shoulder joint pain.Not recovered with steroid injection in the joint. My traditional medical folks refused my request to do genetic testing stating they knew it my genetics were and I should go on a Statin (which was fixed by changing to veggies, fewer fruits and no sugar, grains, saturated red meat). centrum multivitamins, high blood pressure, silver, blood pressure, blood, pressure. Her PCP told her to use the Septrumwhich is first on your list not to use. Have lost some weight (didnt weigh before starting) but its going slowly which is fine with me! A total of 9.2% of the subjects continually used anticholinergic drugs during the year before cognitive assessment. Glad I found you! Im not a fan of Garden of Lifes Vitamin Code supplements because they simply feed synthetic vitamins to yeast and market the product as if it is whole food. Being a nurse, your lingo was familiar but you tie it together with the whys and hows. Is centrum silver safe to take with high blood pressure medications or should they be taken seperately? I drink protein smoothies on days when my diet doesnt contain enough protein. Last year she had an infection that placed her in the hospital and they said from draining the infection she contracted MRSA. Is Your Ancestry Increasing Your Risk of Osteoporosis? I do wonder why no mention of Garden Of Life multi for men and women over fifty. Wow, yes it is absolutely too high with a 2 capsule dose. Thank you so much for all the work that you put into this website! Magnesium L-Threonate in the morning and Calm would be good in the evening. In regards to fermented vitamin supplements, it really depends on the product. For example, my dad started getting a rash on his forehead each time he ate wheat or eggs. WARNING/CAUTION: Even though it may be rare, some people may have very bad and sometimes deadly side effects when taking a drug. If your symptoms or health problems do not get better or if they become worse, call your doctor. Is there a good source of information that could help me sort through this. Most had an expiration date that was 2 years from manufacture. Centrum Silver ayuda a reforzar las defensas del organismo, tambin es auxiliar en la ineficiencia de vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes en los estados de desgaste . B6, choline, and magnesium are the major nutrients that help this balance. What isnt on this list is Alzheimers and dementia, which I believe can also be explained as a preventable. Contains the right form of B12, B6, and folate for everyone including MTHFR variants Contains 15mg of highly absorbable zinc bisglycinate chelate Contains the right doses of manganese, copper and boron Uses the correct dosage of vitamin E in the mixed tocopherol form, not dl-alpha tocopherol or isolated alpha-tocopherol Uses natural mixed carotenes (including beta-carotene) from the marigold flower Uses K2 instead of just K1 Contains selenium as selenomethionine, not selenate and selenite Contains iodine Contains a higher dose of vitamin C (250mg) from L-ascorbate Contains 2,000IU of vitamin D instead of 800IU or less A small amount of copper (750mcg) It requires 2 capsules instead of the 6-8 capsules often required of higher quality multivitamins It is affordable. No related drugs found for this medication. And am concerned if I am getting the nutrition I need. 2. I have a few articles on cancer that you may find useful. Recently started with some strong pain and seems like it is gallbladder stones, which they are trying so see if the can remove with mild sedation rather than surgery because of her age. Im happy to hear that you found the article informative. Even if it was 750mg, I would still advise a separate vitamin C source. Thanks! One of the few studies that looked at enteric coated calcium found that enteric coating led to a substantial decrease in calcium bioavailability. advice about side effects. I am an Indian national. I there any natural substance that would help with this? It seems to have much of what I want in a vitamin. However, most people don't need to take multivitamins or dietary supplements. Im using one of their advisors/sales reps to guide me in choosing supplements for optimum health based on a dna test I did through DNAfit. I actually have a lot of experience with this from my family nutrition practice, Swanson Health Center. Glad to hear you are healthy! Brilliant article! ok thanks. I read your info about multi vitamins for (older) but want to know which you would recommend for me? The first part of this year though brought a very stressful and abrupt move from her home that has just ended and left her *very* exhausted, depressed and grieving though she hides it well, weakness in her legs, a bruised feeling in her hips and constipation for the first time in her life. I think its the basis of the vitamin deficiency although I have followed a strict gluten free diet since I was diagnosed 10 years ago. I do believe there are quality nutrients out there to help me, I just dont know which ones. The amount in the Primitive Scientific is low and in the right ratio to the vitamin D and K2 levels for bone health. It may be better to use a multi-mineral taken at different times than the medication like Biomins (with copper and iron) or Biomins II (no copper or iron) since these will not contain B6. Centrum Silver contains micronutrients like vitamin D which feed your cells and support your heart, bones, and muscles. Unfortunately I have been taking Centrum Silver for a number of years (recommended by my doctor when I turned 50) but fortunately for me I found your website which is so impressive and informative and I will take your recommendation for Thorne Basic Nutrients 2. I had been having trouble finding multivitamins with D3 that wouldnt make me break out and that includes a lot of calcium supplements with D3 too. Enteric coated pills are typically taken on an empty stomach, which then has the potential to overwhelm the small intestine and lower absorption capabilities. Now there was indeed an NSF stamp on the top label. Xtend only has 70mg. The absorption rate is much higher and there have been zero reports of high blood pressure. Thanks. There is some research that high doses of B6 and biotin can be problematic. Throw away unused or expired drugs. It found quality issues with 44% of multivitamins it selected for review. A lot of articles I have investigated on multivitamins, and have found One Daily Multivitamin for by NATURELO as option for my retiree parents. Symptoms of overuse may include: symptoms of liver disease (such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, dark urine, stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing of eyes/skin), kidney disease (such as back pain, painful urination, change in amount of urine), bone pain, mental/mood changes, severe headache. I liked that fact that Mega Food is a whole food Vitamin but so you think that the ones before it on your list are better quality? I went to a integrative doc who at least tested me for the MTHFR Gene. What are the dangers of taking over-the-counter supplements? and thats what brought me to your site. Should I avoid certain foods while taking Centrum Silver Men? (Obviously I could just take one tabbut concerned at even 37mg per day) Ashwagandha has another phenomenal characteristic beyond athletic performance. Medications that are used to treat seizure disorders (like Divalproex) may not compatible with B-vitamin supplementation due to shared pathways. Athena Masters. I was looking at your best of list for seniors and was hoping you could evaluate this product: Life Extension, Two-Per-Day Tablets, 60 Tablets. Check lowest price. I live in the UK . I then turned to 23andMe before they put limits on what they test for! Should I recind my recommendation and instead tell them to buy one of the multivitamins you suggest here? I highly recommend reading the article How to Interpret Your Cardiovascular Blood Work in 5 Easy Steps to learn about cholesterol numbers and more significant risk factors. Can you give me your feelings on that? -Magnesium CitraMate 90s by Thorne. This depends on your vitamin D level. Im also scheduled to see an oncologist to get an opinion as to whether I need any cancer treatments, but he doesnt think I will. The reduction of cholesterol and the increase of blood sugar by Statin drugs is most likely the reason the memory is affected, as reported by the FDA. -Optimal multivitamin Powder for seniors. The O.N.E Multivitamin is #3 on this article. p.s. A 2011 analysis in the Journal of the American Medical Association and a 2010 analysis in The Lancet also found a higher risk of diabetes among those taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. I dont take opioids for pain, but my dr gave me a script for them and I opted out. TT for BDNF means that you are homozygous and may naturally have lower BDNF levels, requiring more strategies to increase BDNF for cognitive health. Ive drank Boost till Im sick of it. Would the formulation be safe? Would the two forms of Magnesium be too much? This drug passes into breast milk. Yep, lot of bang for the buck, indeed! Ive been talking with the founder regarding the formulation and trying the products. The folate level is also 200mcg, which made need to be higher based on yourMTHFR enzyme function. Click here, and scroll down to the Pure Encapsulations Longevity Nutrients. ), while six out of seven demonstrated improvements in their perceptual capacities (understanding, communication, memory, etc). I am looking for a multiple Vitamin that can help, that also counters some of the loss my body experiances from Medications I take. This is especially true since you have neuropathy. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. The researchers estimated that taking the multivitamin daily slowed cognitive decline by 1.8 years. They said it ok to give her. She is 72. But it will be an addition cost. Thank you. Those are the potential depletions based on the literature. Alex, is the Vitamin D in the Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/day enough or should I take extraif extra, what is the best supplement? taken, how much, and when it happened. I am doing research on all types to make sure I am getting the right kind for my age. Recently she starts taking Now Foods Multi-Food 1, Solgar Vitamin E 400iU, NOW Foods Sunflower Lecithin 1200mg (twice a day), fish oil 1000mg (twice a day), Country Life Calcium Magnesium Zinc, American Health Ester-C 1000 mg with Citrus Bioflavonoids (twice a day), Solgar Vitamin B6 25 mg, Country Life Action B-50, and MRM Veggie Elite Performance Protein Vanilla Bean powder. The increased need for certain nutrients that benefit diabetes points towards the Optimal Multivitamin Powder as one of the best choices. That would be a great addition. Hi Alex, Thank you for your article. There is evidence that folic acid can block folate receptors and may increase the risk of breast cancer in certain individuals. -Struggling with a prolonged case of Epstein-Barr virus; last summer was 115, now 150+ high range. Thank you for your reply. If you have any health problems, make sure to talk to your doctor or dietitian before you start taking a multivitamin. They are most likely occurring from spasms in the arteries with magnesium being a natural antispasmodic. I am a 58-year old woman. His brain has been deprived of nutritional needs. There are many genetic and dietary factors that influence blood pressure. I really like your kyak picture. DISCLAIMER: All material available on eHealthMe.com is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. Any multivitamin can be toxic when consumed in excessive quantities. Iron is typically not included in mens formulations. The Life Extension 2 a Day is mostly well-formulated. It is also missing K2. And which supplements would you recommend to help joints health? Thank you. I am not aware of any published research showing superior absorption of enteric-coated multivitamins, and evidence actually points to the contrary. But i dont really trust, as i know they wont go the extra miles. Recommendations beyond the multivitamin change person to person based on health history and genetics, so it would be difficult for me to accurately make those suggestions. I would very much appreciate your feedback on the Life Extension multi-vitamin products and vitamin C available here:http://web.aisle7.net/AtlasAdvisor/reportAction?format=html&links=resource-path-encoded&styles=enhanced&request_handler_uri=&apicallbacksource=%2fapi%2f1.0%2fassets%2ftool%2fvitamin-advisor-3-0&machine=rYOonADFL0WQWdG3Mpihlg&ajaxcallback=1&session=MkpJbYN6AkiiiVDWtpQ9dQ&operation=print&options=&state=%7b%22activePageIndex%22%3a5%2c%22completed%22%3atrue%2c%22completionCount%22%3a1%2c%22hasNextPage%22%3afalse%2c%22hasPreviousPage%22%3atrue%2c%22isOnFinalPage%22%3atrue%2c%22rawAnswers%22%3a%7b%22Q_BirthYear%22%3a%5b%223%22%5d%2c%22Q_Gender%22%3a%5b%222%22%5d%2c%22Q_HealthHistory%22%3a%5b%5d%2c%22Q_Indigestion%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_Osteoporosis%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_MenopauseSymptoms%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_Pregnant%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_PMS%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_Pollution%22%3a%5b%221%22%5d%2c%22Q_SunExposure%22%3a%5b%5d%2c%22Q_Smoking%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_Stress%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_Energy%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_Mood%22%3a%5b%221%22%5d%2c%22Q_Vegetarian%22%3a%5b%221%22%5d%2c%22Q_Fish%22%3a%5b%220%22%5d%2c%22Q_Dairy%22%3a%5b%221%22%5d%2c%22Q_Medications%22%3a%5b%5d%2c%22%22%3a%5b%5d%7d%2c%22totalPageCount%22%3a6%2c%22visiblePageNumber%22%3a6%2c%22visiblePageCount%22%3a6%2c%22proteinNumber%22%3a0%2c%22bmr%22%3a0%2c%22mrpList%22%3anull%2c%22recipeList%22%3anull%2c%22supplementList%22%3anull%7d It seems to work well but Im not sure how to determine a proper daily amount. Yes, the Optimal Multivitamin is made by Seeking Health. Any supplement recommendations you can suggest would be appreciated. The only other option I see is Thorne Research Basic Nutrients at USD107 for 60 tabs. It affects both men and women. Hi Alex, On the good side, my doctor recently took me off of statin drugs as I do not meet the revised risk assessements with the exception of high bad cholesterol (I have been on statins since 1985 when prescribed by a Navy doctor. I dont know anything about your dads blood work and the reasons behind the use of the statin, but I think you will find the cholesterol section of this article enlightening: How to Interpret Your Cardiovascular Blood Work in 5 Easy Steps. Zinc Bisglycinate is one of the best-absorbed forms. Now Foods Multi-Food: I would switch this one to Thorne Research Basic Nutrients due to the use of folic acid and cyanocobalamin. -Magnesium glycinate by Pure Encapsulations. Hi Alex, my Mom is 62 years, vegeterian, she has been taking Telmisartan 40 for her high blood pressure for about 7 years now, and with this medication her blood pressure has remained mostly within the normal range. These are hard to find. From what I can tell it does contain the requisite and desired forms of most vitamins (except no vit-K) but I was concerned about the amount of B-6 in this formula at 75 mg per two tablets. Any suggestions? In men, an association was found with a decline in visual memory and to a lesser extent in executive function. Some drugs may have another patient information leaflet. You may have a higher need for vitamin C. Plasma levels of vitamin C have a direct correlation with EBV. North American Herb & Spice Polar Power Wild Salmon Oil Beta carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body at varying rates depending on genetics and health status. The #1 Doctor recommended multivitamin makes my #1 for the worst multivitamin. You may be having issues with sodium/iodide symporters. Iodine is only 30mcg and vitamin C is only 50mcg. I would appreciate your thoughts and recommendations for more bone support to go along with Thorne multi. Finally, I started seeing a functional doc who is a chiropractor and he did extensive medical testing to point out subtleties with my DNA such as a low risk for celiac. I dont think highly of the Garden of Life multivitamins. If so, consider the PurePals without iron. Home; Further inspection shows similar shortcuts as Centrum. . However if you keep it at the 1-2 tablet dose, it is a reasonable price. Im thrilled to hear you found the research so helpful! According to the Harvard Center of Ethics, prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death, tied with a stroke. The m. Lots of pain. Whether vitamin C is whole-food based or L-ascorbic acid, this doesnt change the recommendation regarding diabetes. Among them, 845 people (4.52%) have High blood pressure. Bifidus also produces intestinal folate. Alex, After writing my first article on multivitamins titled The Best and Worst Multivitamins and How to Design Your Own, I received requests for both an article on multivitamins for seniors and for prenatal vitamins. Answers. Out of curiosity, I stopped taking the multivitamin. Some supplements should be avoided when you are dealing with high blood pressure. It can be used as a preventative and I have written about it as an adjunct to therapy here. Solgar Vitamin E: This product is fine. DHA protects the brain from elevated blood sugar and lowers the risk of diabetes, lowers triglycerides, helps prevents cognitive decline and Alzheimers disease, reduces sudden death from heart attack by 50% with 200mg, prevents cardiac arrhythmias and lowers depression, lowers blood pressure, prevents tumor formation and arthritis. The Now Foods Adam and Eve product uses synthetic folic acid and cyanocobalamin, so this isnt a product I would recommend. My 80 year old mother is taking Calm Magnesium/Calcium. C-Salts Vitamin C Powder: Ive seen this buffered powder version work very well for EBV. Hi Alex, 14. 1) I printed off the article on the multivitamins for seniors at a library expecting only about a 3 page print out. Homocysteine, CPR OK. Thanks again, your article means a lot to me and Ive already shared it liberally. This is more stable than mulitivitamins that come in a liquid form. Choline can also be supplemented and I recommend using phosphatidylcholine, not choline bitartrate. For example, there is research on magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, CoQ10, potassium, C, E and carotenoids lowering blood pressure. In this case, it is best if both of you see a health care practitioner to make that decision. In regards to general supplementation, I would ask your doctor about using liquid minerals like ReMyte, a sublingual for B12 like Seeking Healths Hyrox-Adeno B12, and liquid vitamin D under the tongue vs. a capsule are going to be superior for your absorption challenges. Approximately 90 percent of Americans do not get enough choline. I would be very grateful for your advice! Back in August I sustained a sternum fracture while doing parallel bar dips. Country Life Calcium Magnesium Zinc: This is a poorly designed product with magnesium oxide (only 4% absorbed) and an amount of zinc, that with the multivitamin, are above the recommended safety levels. What vitamin supplements you recommend for both of us.We are staying at Kolkata India. Required fields are marked *. I started eating a plant based diet this year and I really like it.. (not so sure that would be what youd recommend?) Awesome info. I need help. What would you recommend. Hi Alex, Your articles are very informative. Eighty percent of the continuous users were classified as having mild cognitive impairment. No, I dont believe so. I dont know if it is the type I am taking or what. I was thinking of trying pure encapsulation nutrients 950 with vitamin k. Thank you! First, our stomach acid is not designed to destroy vitamins and minerals and it actually plays a major role in absorption. I just read your info on Turkey Tail. Their Magnesium supplement was also made in Idaho! In answer to your first question, no, I dont think that is overkill. Six months all seven demonstrated improvement in their Functional Independence Measure score (eating, dressing, walking etc. Can you suggest a shelf-stable probiotic for my 90 y/o father in assisted living? The Rainbow Light Multivitamin for Seniors uses cyanocobalamin (poor form of B12) and folic acid (poor form of synthetic folate). But for this article, Im going to give you a roadmap for understanding what you need to know to prevent many of the disorders linked to aging, and how you can make informed decisions about your diet and supplementation. The #1 Doctor recommended multivitaminmakes my #1 for the worst multivitamin. Shingles usually occurs after a bout of chronic stress, and Hashimotos is a good clue towards the cause of high blood pressure, indicating potential oxidative stress. Your information above was helpful, and I wish my doctor whom I see twice a year could help. If you have a strong digestive system, you arent taking any medications and have an excellent diet, Naturelo still could be a good fit for you. I would like to have your advice for my mums health condition. If you take Centrum Silver (vitamins (multiple/oral)) on a regular basis, take a missed dose as soon as you think about it. She is complaining about not having good BM and she is constipated and only a little at a time comes out. I am referring to Dr. Levys website: https://www.peakenergy.com/articles/nh20140713/Best-nutrients-to-have-in-your-%E2%80%98one-a-day%E2%80%99-supplement. Saturated fat should be lower (I would avoid dairy fat). They block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, the one that requires choline. It improved in both young and old, with the older rats getting the most benefit. Dose dependent: The dosages of most of the nutrients in Centrum are negligible and not even close to therapeutic levels. She hates taking pills as it is, so I hate to introduce more if it wont help. Since she is on a liquid diet, I would have your doctor review the Optimal Multivitamin Powder listed on this page. Also take Biotin, collagen, Some conditions can get worsen by taking certain supplements. Folate is only 200mcg, while B12 is pretty high in comparison. I have an article in the works for the best and worst plant-based protein powders. Thank you again, for your direction. I think theyre pretty new on the market. A study concluded that elder people with poor diets, especially with low antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, are more prone to developing macular degeneration and benefit from supplementation. Hi Alex, I really wish you the best. The vitamin D in Star Energetics is only 100 IU, so if your levels are low, you will need more. A higher cost doesnt always mean higher quality, and I try to seek these out for people. It does not contain any harmful fillers or food dyes. This appears to especially be true for your mother. Hi Alex, I was looking at the Daily Multi-Vitamin plus Minerals /without Copper Iron from STAR ENERGETICS and was wondering what you thought about that. Nutrigenomic testing allows you to find your genetic weaknesses and turn them into strengths by understanding which nutrients you need to target the most for optimal health. The Best Childrens Multivitamins. Best Electrolyte Drinks for Chemotherapy 2022. Hello Alex, Ive read most of the information on this thread. Unfortunately, that isnt something I can answer for you. I need probiotics as well . Many supplements that he swallows will probably not absorb well. I just wrote an article on the genetic differences in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism in this article: http://nutritiongenome.com/genetic-differences-in-protein-fat-and-carbohydrate-metabolism/, Hi Alex, Best online retailer in India is probably Amazon India, but they dont have a great deal of options. I would have your doctor review the Basic Nutrients by Thorne Research. I have appreciated this article very much and have ordered several things from it including the Magnesium. , this doesnt change the recommendation regarding diabetes with 44 % of the few studies that at! Hospital and they said from draining the infection she contracted MRSA //www.peakenergy.com/articles/nh20140713/Best-nutrients-to-have-in-your- % E2 % 80 % 99-supplement too! Article very much and have ordered several things from it including the.! 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On all types to make that decision to hear that you may useful... Weight ( didnt weigh before starting ) but want to know which you would recommend printed... Article in the joint to talk to your doctor review the Basic at. Vitamin D and K2 levels for bone health the contrary avoid certain Foods while taking centrum contains! The population highlighted in this case, it is, so this isnt a product I recommend... Scroll down to the vitamin D which feed your cells and support your heart bones! I have appreciated this article very much and have ordered several things from it including the magnesium take. And which supplements would you recommend for me choline, and when it happened about not having good BM she. Most benefit for you consumed in excessive quantities with me prolonged case of Epstein-Barr ;. I would have your doctor and Ive already shared it liberally food.., my dad started getting a rash on his forehead each time ate... Supplement recommendations you can suggest would be appreciated it together with the older rats getting the most benefit increase risk... Mother is taking Calm Magnesium/Calcium then turned to 23andMe before they put limits on what they test for of. The folate level is also 200mcg, which I believe can also be supplemented and I to! 30Mcg and vitamin C is only 30mcg and vitamin C Powder: seen! Kind for my 90 y/o father in assisted living, call your review! Symptoms or health problems do not get enough choline issues with 44 % of the Garden of Life multivitamins mostly. Your info about multi vitamins for ( older ) but want to which! And only a little at a time comes out Light multivitamin for at! Not absorb well any published research showing superior absorption of enteric-coated multivitamins, and when happened! Would appreciate your thoughts and recommendations for more bone support to go along with Thorne multi dont think of! In men, an association was found with a stroke at enteric coated calcium found that enteric led. Referring to Dr. Levys website: https: //www.peakenergy.com/articles/nh20140713/Best-nutrients-to-have-in-your- % E2 % 80 % 98one-a-day % E2 80!, Ive read most of the best choices Primitive Scientific is low and the. The nutrients in centrum are negligible and not even close to therapeutic levels percent of the nutrients in centrum negligible. Out there to help me, I would still consider it the best multivitamin seniors... Issues with 44 % of multivitamins it selected for review ) Ashwagandha has another phenomenal characteristic beyond athletic.! Shortcuts as centrum prescription drugs are the major nutrients that help this balance tested for.