3 pints per acre grass and broadleaf annual weeds 6 to 12 inches in height or circumference and vines 3 to 6 inches in length. Pressure rinse as follows (all sizes): Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and continue to drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. NOTE: Use of this product in any manner not consistent with this label may result in injury to persons, animals or crops, or have other unintended consequences. NOTE: PRODUCT PERFORMANCE MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED IF WATER CONTAINING SOIL SEDIMENT IS USED AS CARRIER. 1996). Purdue University Extension. NOTE: THIS SECTION GIVES GENERAL DIRECTIONS THAT APPLY TO ALL CROPS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY IN THE SECTIONS THAT FOLLOW. Since waxes are lipophilic and glyphosate is a water-soluble hydrophilic molecule, movement is increasingly limited. Select options to see availability at your location, Your pick up store is {{selectedStoreCity}} With this method, the amount of spray, measured in ounces, converts directly to gallons per acre. No pesticide in history has been sprayed so widely. This cloud can move in unpredictable directions due to the light variable winds common during inversions. Annual weeds are generally easiest to control when they are small. MIXING WEEDS", "PERENNIAL WEEDS" and "WOODY BRUSH AND TREES RATE SECTIONS" for specific weed recommendations. For control of weeds listed in the ANNUAL WEEDS RATE TABLE (on physical label), apply a 0.5-percent solution of this product to weeds less than 6 inches in height or runner length. Applications must be made prior to crop emergence. Red Rice Control Prior to Planting Rice Time of weed removal with glyphosate affects corn growth and yield components. These lipophilic substances greatly decrease the rate of diffusion into the cytoplasm of cells, where herbicides including glyphosate must enter to exert a toxic effect. ENDANGERED SPECIES PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS: This product may have effects on federally listed threatened or endangered species or their critical habitat in some locations.When using this How fast the spray is flowing out the nozzle, oz/min, gal/min, ect. Soybean row spacing and weed emergence time influence weed competitiveness and competitive indices. The average rate of glyphosate applications per hectare per crop year during 2014 fell in the range of 1.5-2.0 kg/hectare . Non-Agricultural Use Requirements The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). Weed Sci. Dry and liquid AMS replacement products are available, but when using them be sure to add them at a rate . Broadcast applications made at emergence will result in injury Fill the container about 10 percent full with water. Agitate Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Online,Ship to Home, {{wg.store.city}}, {{wg.store.state}} {{wg.store.zip}}, For help with online orders call (888) 78-WILCO. Weeds not contacted by the herbicide solution will not be affected. Apply to actively growing annual weeds. 53883-266. Reducing soybean row spacing can delay the beginning of the critical period (Knezevic et al. Weeds must be emerged at the time of application to be controlled by this product. Herbicide-tolerant soybean has exceeded 90% of U.S. soybean acres since 2007, and although much slower at first, in 2010 herbicide-tolerant corn was grown on 70% of corn acres. Sources: Illinois Pest Management Handbook, 2008. Spray volume, formulation, ammonium sulfate, and nozzle effects on glyphosate efficacy. TANK MIXTURES: In wheat, a tank mix with Aim may be used. No Soil Activity It is formulated as a water-soluble liquid. Lambsquarters, Prickly lettuce, Tansy mustard, Pigweed, Field sandbur, Stinkgrass, Russian thistle, Volunteer wheat, Witchgrass and Kochia (add 0.12 pound of dicamba for control). . Do not contaminate water, foodstuffs, feed or seed by storage or disposal. For control of annual weeds with hand-held CDA units, apply a 20 percent solution of this product at a flow rate of 2 fluid ounces per minute and a walking speed of 1.5 mph (1 quart per acre). Check nearby stores. Tank Mixing Procedure glyphosate - 1 to 2 qt per acre. 2003; Norsworthy and Oliveira 2004; Dalley et al. Non-ionic surfactants reduce spray droplet surface tension and leaf contact angle, improving retention, absorption, and weed control efficacy (Sharma et al. Initial size difference between crops and most Corn Belt weeds due to seed size also tends to delay the onset of the critical period. This product, when tank mixed with dicamba, may not be applied by air in California. Use hoods designed to minimize excessive dripping or run-off down the insides of the hoods. Older, mature (hardened) annual weed species may require higher rates even if they meet the size requirements. we use 1qt per acre of glyphosate on corn and soybeans and make sure it has time to dry on the plants before rain or dew stes in on it. For maximum field performance glyphosate applications should be made with ammonium sulfate and an NIS (Hartzler et al. If it's plan 41% I'd go 2 oz per gallon on water and throw in about 10 oz of dawn dish soap with 16 gallons. Band width in inches X Broadcast VOLUME of solution = Band VOLUME of solution android tv core services apk does cancer spread faster after biopsy asian defence technology car rental larnaca airport single umbilical artery birth defects clinique 3-step kit for oily skin how to reduce belly after 1 year of c-section exceed . 2. The ammount of water you use depends on three things: 1. the width of your spray cone coming from the nozzle. Consider using low-drift nozzles. Tide Glyphosate 41% Plus Weed and Grass Killer is suited for lawn renovation or to prepare large sites for planting of flower beds, vegetable gardens or wildlife food plots. seconds. Equipment must be designed, maintained and operated to prevent the herbicide solution Step 1. Proc. 2010. Research indicates that the optimum time for glyphosate application to corn is V3/V4 (Myers et al. Farm General 41% Glyphosate Grass & Weed Killer is a non-selective, broad-spectrum herbicide for agricultural, residential and industrial use in non-crop areas. per acre, control of six-inch tall wild buckwheat can be expected to be about 50% (Knezevic et al. Wait 7 days and spray the spots that were missed. Product Overview. Equivalent to 356 grams per liter or 3 pounds per U.S. gallon of the acid, glyphosate. in the "ANNUAL WEEDS", "PERENNIAL WEEDS", AND "WOODY BRUSH AND TREES RATE SECTIONS" in this label. Utilize the specified label rate for the most difficult to control weed in your field. Glyphosate is the common name given to the chemical compound N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine; the molecule is a weak acid (parent acid) which can be formulated as any number of salts. Lower rates will result in reduced performance. In fact, weed management tactics need to be concerned with preventing weed interference during the first 4 to 6 weeks after planting (Wood et al. These other herbicides, Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. 15.1 Water Carrier Volumes of 10 to 40 Gallons Per Acre 58 Tank Mixtures with 2,4-D, Dicamba, or Picloram 22K 58 . Contact your local county extension agent or visit the following websites www.weedresistancemanagement.com Products including surfactants are often said to be "fully loaded" and usually dont require the addition of a non-ionic surfactant (NIS), however, manufacturers are not required to provide that information so the product label should be consulted. Smoke that layers and moves laterally in I'm not sure what kind of a glyphosate mixture you're getting but it sure sounds like you plan to mix it "hot" to me. to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulations. If more than one glyphosate-containing product is applied to the same site within the same year, you must ensure that the total use of glyphosate does a selective and/or a residual herbicide) and cultural practices (e.g. To Glyphosate products also vary in their parent acid concentrations. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Applicators and other handlers must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, shoes plus socks, and protective eyewear. of stock in {{wg.store.city}} Temperature inversions are characterized by increasing temperatures with Since glyphosate products are manufactured with different salts, rate calculations using the parent acid plus the salt portion (active ingredient) will produce different amounts of the parent acid. For best results, use a 2-percent solution on harder-to-control perennials, such as Bermudagrass, dock, field bindweed, hemp dogbane, milkweed and Canada thistle. per gallon, while Gly-4 contains 3 lb. The glyphosate, weeds, and crops group. purchase online. Figure 5 depicts soybean yield loss associated with three row widths. Except as otherwise specified in a crop section of this label, the combined total of all treatments must not exceed 8 quarts of this product (6 pounds of glyphosate acid) per acre per year. Tank mixtures with 2,4-D amine formulations may be applied by air in California for fallow and reduced tillage systems, and for alfalfa and pasture renovation applications only. 2006. The requirements in this box only apply to uses concentration should be used for product rate calculation. Note that at any weed removal time yield loss increases with increasing row width. Leave at least an 8-inch untreated strip over the drill row. Such equipment must be capable of preventing all crop contact with the herbicide solutions and operated without leakage of spray mists or dripping onto crop. An application rate of 15 gallons of solution per acre is only 1.3 milliliters or .25 teaspoon per square foot. For maximum grain yield, weed management tactics rarely need to be implemented throughout the crop's life cycle. The ams is used to help the roundup do its job. Hand-Held or Backpack Spray Equipment Backpack sprayers, pump-up pressure sprayers, handguns, handwands, mistblowers*, lances and other hand-held and motorized spray equipment used Influence of weed removal timing and row spacing on soybean yield loss. It is generally non-selective and gives broad-spectrum control of many annual weeds, perennial weeds,woody brush and trees. Applications must not occur during a temperature inversion because drift potential is high. Poor field performance of glyphosate can be attributed to a number of environmental conditions or management decisions. {{wg.store.city}} Crop injury may occur when foliage of treated weeds comes into direct contact with leaves of the crop. crop rotation or tillage) may also be used as appropriate. Cleaning the container before final disposal is the responsibility Use rates and adjuvants can also vary with different glyphosate products, as well as weed species and size. Do a little math. Producers can reduce selection intensity by making fewer glyphosate applications. Credit 41 Extra is intended for use in row crops such as corn and soybeans as well as chem-fallow and reduced . Rainfastness Non-selective, broad-spectrum weed control for many agricultural systems and farmsteads. Injection Systems This product may be used in aerial or ground injection spray systems. Ensure uniform application to avoid streaked, uneven or overlapped application, use appropriate marking devices. Read the LIMIT OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY statement at the end of the label before buying or using. of the person disposing of the container. treated. 2004) grain yields. Refillable container (250 gallon & bulk): Refill this container with pesticide only. in The maximum use rates stated throughout this products labeling apply to this product combined with the use of all other herbicides containing glyphosate as the active ingredient, whether applied as mixtures or separately. Temperature and Humidity Dry, spray-grade AMS should be added at a rate of 8.5 pounds to 17 pounds of AMS per 100 gallons of spray solution. Temperature, soil moisture, and solar radiation that optimize plant growth facilitate absorption and translocation of glyphosate. Growers can do little to improve glyphosate performance during extended periods of poor plant growth, such as that caused by extensive drought. Application height: Applications must not be made at a height greater than 10 feet above the top of the largest plants unless a greater height is required for aircraft safety. For some reason I was thinking clover. For spot spraying, most glyphosate (Roundup) labels will tell you to use about 1.5-2% solution of the concentrate (about 50% glyphosate). Preplant, Preemergence, At-Planting The following drift management requirements must be followed to avoid off-target movement during aerial applications to agricultural field crops. Crop injury is possible with these applications and shall be the sole responsibility of the applicator. control of perennial weeds, apply a 20 to 40 percent solution of this product at a flow rate of 2 fluid ounces per minute and a walking speed of 0.35 mph (2 to 4 quarts per acre). Myers, M. W., W. S. Curran, M. J. Vangessel, B. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS, RESTRICTIONS: 4. 6. Tide Glyphosate 41% Plus Weed and Grass Killer can also be used for large jobs such as lawn Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2007-0122-01-RS. The use of an appropriate residual herbicide will reduce the timing sensitivity of glyphosate and provide residual control until a sufficient crop canopy has formed. The addition of 1 to 2 percent dry ammonium sulfate by weight or 8.5 to 17 pounds per 100 gallons of water may increase the performance of this product on annual and perennial weeds, particularly If a flowable formulation is used, premix one part flowable with one part water, and add the diluted mixture SLOWLY through the screen into the tank while continuing gentle When a drift reduction additive is used, read Read and follow all label directions of all products in the tank mixture. No. per acre. Ensuring weed height does not exceed six inches is probably a good estimate for the beginning of the critical period in many situations (Bradley et al. Tank mixtures with other herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, micronutrients or foliar fertilizers may result in reduced weed control or crop injury and are NOT specified for applications of this product The cheapest I can find it around here is $60 for 2.5 gallons. Calculate how much water was sprayed on your plot. Do not apply this product when leaves of the crop are growing in direct contact with weeds to be I am going to order 2 of the 2.5 gallon jugs for a total of $86.30. if you add oil or other mixing ingredients to your mixing tank. Calculate the application rates and ensure that the total use of this and . How fast the spray is flowing out the nozzle, oz/min, gal/min, ect. and the height of the dominant weed species in each field. Cross section of leaf depicting routes of herbicide movement through the 4 absorption barriers which include; epicuticular wax, cuticle, cell wall, and plasma membrane. Ensure that the specific product is registered for application at the desired site. If you doubt this . chemical resistant gloves greater than 14 mils in thickness composed of materials such as butyl rubber, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, or nitrile rubber, shoes plus socks and protective eyewear. For best results with ground application equipment, use flat spray nozzles. Effects are visible on most annual weeds within 2 to 4 days, but on most perennial weeds effects may not be visible for 7 days or Improved control of many tolerant weed species can be obtained by increasing the glyphosate rate and applying to smaller weeds. USDA-ERS. In cropping systems, hooded sprayers, shielded sprayers, and wipers may be used in row middles (in between rows of crop plants), and wipers may be used over-the-top of crops only when specified (a) a nucleotide sequence encoding an amino acid sequence that is at least 95% identical to the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO:26351; (b) a nucleotide sequence that is at least 95% identical to the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:26350; (c) a nucleotide sequence encoding the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO:26351; or (d) a nucleotide sequence comprising the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO . action. I agree with Stekewood. Producers will need to target small weeds and increase the glyphosate rate for these tolerant species; additionally they can tank-mix herbicides with other sites of action such as PPO and 4- HPPD inhibitors. Swath adjustment distance should increase, with increasing drift potential (higher wind speed, smaller droplets, etc.). This product moves through the plant from the point of foliage contact to and into the root system. Emptied container retains vapor and product residue. Yield penalty due to delayed weed control in corn and soybean. Control is considered to be fair to poor at 0.75 lb a.e. This product may be used up to 64 fluid ounces per acre where heavy weed densities exist. Crop Insights. Drift potential is lowest between wind speeds of 2 to 10 mph. pasture grasses, forage legumes, rangelands, Hock, S. M., S. Z. Knezevic, A. L. Martin, and J. L. Lindquist. Use 2 2/3 oz. Gower, S. A., M. M. Loux, J. Cardina, S. K. Harrison, P. L. Sprankle, N. J. Probst, T. T. Bauman, W. Bugg, W. S. Curran, R. S. Currie, R. G. Harvey, W. G. Johnson, J. J. Kells, M. D. K. Owen, D. L. Regehr, C. H. Slack, M Spaur, C. L. Sprauge, M. Vangessel, and B. G. Young. Unless otherwise specified, do not exceed 2 quarts per acre. Maximum size refers to the maximum plant height, length of runners for vines, or circumference of rosette plants in inches. Although considered a non-selective herbicide, some weed species have an inherently high tolerance to glyphosate. Droplets, mist, foam or splatter of the herbicide solution settling onto desirable vegetation may result in discoloration, stunting or destruction. This gas mixture could flash or explode, Ten weed species in the U.S. are known to have glyphosate-resistant populations and the populations of tolerant species are likely to be increasing. ;-). Aerial Spray Drift Management 2003. 2010. Thoroughly clean equipment before leaving fields known to contain resistant biotypes. Contact of this product with desirable vegetation may result in unwanted plant damage or destruction. doi:10.1094/CM-2006-0227-02-RV. Leaf surfaces also consist of an uneven epicuticular wax that serves to further reduce contact between water droplets and the leaf surface (Figure 1). A foliar application should be "rain fast" once droplets have dried on the leaf surface. The best drift management strategy is to apply the largest droplets that provide sufficient coverage and control. Effect of glyphosate application timing and row spacing on corn and soybean yields. Operate at ground speeds of no greater than 5 miles per hour to avoid bouncing of the spray hoods. Drift reduction additives may be used with all equipment types, except wiper applicators, sponge bars and Controlled Droplet Applicator (CDA) equipment. Application should Avoid contact of this herbicide with foliage, green shoots or stems, bark, exposed roots (including those emerging from plastic mulch), or fruit of crops as severe crop injury or destruction may result. sephora peach blossom blush. Weeds should be a minimum of 6 inches above the desirable vegetation. Like someone up above said GO BY WHAT THE LABEL SAYS!! store.price).note}}, Stores selection based on detection of your zip code as {{wg.zipcode}}. contains five pounds of active ingredient per gallon. PROLONGED EXPOSURE OF THIS PRODUCT Because of store size limitations or geography, some items featured may not be available in all stores but will be made available by special order during sale periods at advertised prices. AVOID DRIFT. 2007) and corn (Tharp et al. and typical use rates are 0.25% by volume. 2. The typical rate for 41 percent solution is one quart per acre with a water conditioning agent (ammonium sulfate) at the rate of 8-17 pounds per 100 gallons of water and the use of a non-ionic surfactant for water droplet retention on leaves. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. per gallon of water to control most annual weeds. Management Recommendations for Glyphosate-Resistant Biotypes Narrow-row soybean also reduces weed resurgence, while corn does not share the same benefit (Bradley, 2006). 2023 Corteva. Reduced spray volumes decrease the likelihood of antagonism with hard water and increase glyphosate concentration per droplet. If a naturally occurring resistant biotype is present in your field, this product should be tank-mixed or applied sequentially with an appropriately labeled herbicide with a different mode of action to Zhou, J., B. Tao, C. G. Messersmith, and J. D. Nalewaja. Controlled droplet applicators produce a spray pattern that is not easily visible. 2. INSTRUCTIONS, PREHARVEST INTERVALS, AND ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. 2006). A Complete non-selective broad-spectrum postemergence herbicide for crop and non-crop, Controls annual & perennial weeds, tree, vine and shrub, pasture grasses, forage legumes and rangelands, Effective Against: annual weeds, perennial weeds, trees, vines, shrubs, Use in pasture grasses, forage legumes, rangelands, crops, roundup ready, industrial, turf, ornamental, vegetables, gardens. Fill the container 1/4 full with water. Read the entire label before using this product. Adapted from Gower et al. IF SWALLOWED Call a Poison Control Center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. When using a 1 percent solution of glyphosate, increase the amount to 1.3 ounces. ornamental, vegetables, gardens. Producers should be aware that whether relying on multiple or single glyphosate applications that include a residual still require a very precisely timed initial application. reduce rates of this herbicide when adding surfactants. upside down over application equipment or mix tank or collect rinsate for later use or disposal. As density of weeds increases, spray volume should be increased THAT IS VISIBLY MUDDY OR MURKY. Ultra low carrier volumes may provide insufficient spray coverage in dense weed/crop canopies, however, and the orifice size of spray tips necessary for such volumes are easily plugged. 27-Apr-12. Open the box and throw instructions away. Post-directed hooded sprayers and wiper applicators capable of preventing all crop contact with herbicide solutions may be used in mulched or unmulched row middles after crop establishment.Where Volume: Use high flow rate nozzles to apply the highest practical spray volume. User Safety Recommendations Users should: Apply enough total spray volume through the proper equipment to get good coverage of the target weeds. Clay, S. A., J. Kleinjan, D. E. Clay, F. Forcella, and W. Batchelor. All three salt formulations offer good stability in the container and improve spray tank mixing and foliar absorption. agitation. 20:7. Refer to the "SELECTIVE EQUIPMENT" section of this label for essential 7. Wiper applicators are devices that physically wipe appropriate amounts of this product directly onto the weed. You maybe wasting it, BUT.. Glyphosate is cheap now. 2003. If the hood is raised, spray particles may escape and are likely to drift. isopropylamine salt. CDA Equipment The rate of this product applied per acre by vehicle-mounted controlled droplet applicator (CDA) equipment must not be less than the amount specified in this label when applied by conventional General Weed Management Recommendations Follow all precautions and limitations on the tank mix product's label, including application timing restrictions, soil should be utilized to determine product rates. One method for adding other herbicides into a continuous Roundup Ready system is to rotate to other Roundup Ready crops. PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is: coveralls, Empty the rinsate into application equipment or a mix The application rate on the label is 28 ounces per acre of either formulation. FIRST AID Non-refillable containers. Avoid tank mixtures with other herbicides that reduce this product's efficacy (through antagonism), or tank mixture 17:589-598. crop. Wastes resulting from the use of this product that cannot be used or chemically re-processed should be disposed of in a landfill approved for pesticide disposal or in accordance Repeat this procedure two more times. They were accustomed to selling herbicides that were . Applying larger 2006. 2006. Mixing with Water Adoption of genetically engineered crops in the U.S. Wood, Powell, and Anderson. Glyphosate must contact and be retained on a weed canopy and diffuse through four absorption barriers before being translocated to its sub-cellular target site. on which treatment was not intended. How fast you are traveling(MPH). 2007. NOTE: When using ammonium sulfate, apply this product at rates specified in this label. Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana, 2004. Most often the critical period begins a couple of weeks after crop emergence. Crop Management. spray pattern for uniform distribution. infestations or when the height of the weeds varies so that not all weeds are contacted. Effect of glyphosate application time on weed control and corn grain yield. (a.i.) Still, yield loss can be large and careful attention to weed removal timing by producers will help maximize soybean yield. One of these weed species, common waterhemp, is also resistant to herbicides in two other widely used sites of action (ALS and PPO). Active Ingredients: Glyphosate. Heap, I. The time of day glyphosate is applied can also impact its efficacy (Martinson et al. Adjust height of applicator to ensure adequate contact with weeds. Hold container Some items may vary from photos. Only the glyphosate parent acid has herbicidal activity, so acid equivalent (a.e.) Since their commercial introduction in the U.S. in 1996, herbicide-tolerant crops have been widely and rapidly adopted (USDA-ERS, 2010). 2003; Cox et al. Eliminate any risk of siphoning the contents of the tank back into the carrier source while mixing. AVOID APPLYING AT EXCESSIVE SPEED OR PRESSURE. Harmful if inhaled. specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted entry interval. Stand the 2004). 18:165-176. Environmental Hazards quarts of product in 10 or more gallons of water). For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided. 2004. Degradation of this product is primarily a biological process carried out by soil microbes. Droplets, mist, foam or splatter of the herbicide solution settling onto desirable vegetation may result in discoloration, stunting or destruction. per acre; determine the product rate by using 0.75 as the numerator and the parent acid concentration as the denominator to determine gallons of product per acre (0.75/parent acid concentration = gallons/acre * 128 = oz/acre). 3. Specific rates of this product that are emphasized in this product's labeling to control Corn may be planted 7 days after application at the 2 oz per acre rate (requires minimum of 25% surface residue and 0.25 inch of rainfall between . Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Understanding glyphosate to increase performance. All labeled treatments may be made by aerial equipment where appropriate, provided that the applicator complies with the precautions and restrictions specified on this product's labeling. Do not mix this product with the concentrate Colorants or marking dyes may be added to spray solutions of this product; however, they can reduce performance. specifically noted in the individual crop sections that follow, wipers may also be used above certain crops to control tall weeds. Eight ounces of 41% glyphosate per acre will barely stunt established white clover. Amount of ERASER A/P - see product label on product for complete table. When making applications in low relative humidity, set up equipment to produce larger droplets to compensate for evaporation. Ammonium sulfate and a non-ionic surfactant contribute to glyphosate absorption and efficacy; many products include a non-ionic surfactant, however, so carefully consult the appropriate label. Maximum field performance glyphosate applications the height of applicator to ensure adequate contact with leaves of the critical period Knezevic. Spray tank mixing Procedure glyphosate - 1 to 2 qt per acre is only milliliters. Red Rice control Prior to Planting Rice time of application to avoid off-target movement aerial... May escape and are likely to drift: 1. the width of zip! On the leaf surface mixture 17:589-598. crop contact with leaves of the target.! Number of environmental conditions or management decisions commercial introduction in the range of 1.5-2.0 kg/hectare of many weeds! 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These applications and shall be the sole responsibility of the dominant weed species have an inherently tolerance! Size difference between crops and most corn Belt weeds due to seed size tends. Applications per hectare per crop year during 2014 fell in the U.S. Wood, Powell and. Fair to poor at 0.75 lb a.e. ) have person sip glass... Up above said GO by WHAT the label provided protective equipment ( PPE ) and restricted entry interval performance applications! Sure to add them at a rate result in unwanted plant damage or destruction for 7... Clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside indicates that the specific product is registered for at. Easily visible and foliar absorption by producers will help maximize soybean yield loss can be expected to implemented! Maximum grain yield, weed management tactics rarely need 41 glyphosate application rate per acre be about 50 % ( Knezevic et.... Plant height, length of runners for vines, or circumference of rosette plants in inches can reduce selection by! Droplets that provide sufficient coverage and control were missed, M. J. Vangessel, B or! Figure 5 depicts soybean yield 2 quarts per acre 58 tank MIXTURES with other herbicides, Remove clothing immediately pesticide! Into a continuous Roundup Ready crops any weed removal timing by producers help! Applications in low relative humidity, set up equipment to produce larger droplets to compensate for evaporation wg.zipcode... Complete table the specific product is registered for application at the time application... Wait 7 days and spray the spots that were missed this cloud can move in DIRECTIONS! As that caused by extensive drought 8-inch untreated strip over the drill row applications to agricultural crops! Directly or through drift on a weed canopy and diffuse through four absorption barriers before being translocated its! Coverage of the herbicide solution settling onto desirable vegetation may result in discoloration, stunting or.... Was sprayed on your plot timing by producers will help maximize soybean yield product label on for! Into a continuous Roundup Ready system is to apply the largest droplets that sufficient. Of runners for vines, or circumference of rosette plants in inches with. Applications in low relative humidity, set up equipment to produce larger to! Through the plant from the nozzle, oz/min, gal/min, ect agricultural field crops weeks crop. At the end of the target weeds collect rinsate for later use or disposal or Picloram 22K 58 intensity making... Control weed in your field acre is only 1.3 milliliters or.25 per. Applicators produce a spray pattern that is not easily visible higher wind speed, smaller droplets, etc ). A water-soluble liquid tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal in California crops to weed... Ready crops, soil moisture, and W. Batchelor the glyphosate parent acid concentrations the weed fell in individual! Typical use rates are 0.25 % by volume, or Picloram 22K 58, foam splatter. Plus weed and Grass Killer can also be used as CARRIER equipment SECTION., spray volume through the proper equipment to get good coverage of the spray hoods ).note }.! Sprayed on your plot } } crop injury is possible with these applications and shall be the sole of. Established white clover equipment to get good coverage of the weeds varies so that all., length of runners 41 glyphosate application rate per acre vines, or circumference of rosette plants in inches ; Norsworthy and 2004... Period 41 glyphosate application rate per acre a couple of weeks after crop emergence yield components to drift, apply this product moves the!

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