Im sorry you choked out to Hoseok, one arm covering your eyes not wanting to see his dissapointed face. And also know that I dont think of you like that. can you do a reaction to bts 's S/O pining them to a wall or bed please. What did he see in you? Youre okay. He was working on lyrics, his back hunched over the once blank paper now graced with inkt. That Yoongi realized you werent good enough or that you were a burden to him. Biting his lip while closing his eyes, he rolled up his sleeve and shoved his wrist to close to your face making you blink in shock and pushed his arm away, beginning to feel annoyed. I love you too and thank you for loving my blog ^^. The moon and the stars shining lightly down on you, witnessing that real love would overcome everything. Where are you? He called for you a bit nervous. Im doing my best to keep it that way plus that I enjoy writing eventhough I need some more practice. He had to be careful around you because you had the habit to drag him down with you and he kept sharp things out of you reach since you always, always cut yourself eventhough you knew it was sharp. No stress! Good, now turn around so we can cuddle you giggled, sliding down your arm from his neck while he turned around to face you. I am the one who should go to little cafs and go walk in the park with you. Heck you never were the silent type in those kind of situations. But I guess you want someone to join you, seeing all these bottles keeping you company. . hoping they could be their light for the ones who were there and awake. You still confused why your brother laughed while patting Hoseoks back, stoop up and greeted your boyfriend with a peck on his cheeks. Grades dont define how good you are, they dont but the pressure you felt because of society, because of parents and family who have high expectations and want nothing but the best for you weighed heavily down on your shoulders. Being the sweetheart he is, he understood giving you a quick kiss before leaving the room. Your eyes and nose began to sting, tears dangerously close to spilling so you quickly took a deep breath, looked at the ceiling with wide eyes trying to hold of the tears. You had walked out on him. I need response otherwise I just ugh. Why.. are you jealous or something? you laughed because this situation was just weird to you. You winced at the memory, heart aching at the thought of Jimin who must have stood there defeated, lost and hurting as you left him behind, keeping him in the dark. You will be okay. Babe? Letting yourself relax in his arms, you felt the tension leaving your body in an instant. You knew him well enough not to ask to many questions in this situation. You miss him. You are absolutely right. You screamed it out, wiping the desk clean with one swipe of your arm as you watched how it clattered down on the floor with heavy breathing, sweat dripping down your body as the room began to spin. You were happy with your relationship with your brother. Not getting any response you bit your lip in worry. Please dont hide your feelings. Whats up. you asked her when you picked up, walking out of the livingroom, the noise the three of them produced making it unable to hear what she was saying on the other end of the line. I can imagine you and him sitting at the table, eating some takeaway he got for the both of you. I dont want to only see the happy, go lucky y/n. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: You weren't very fond of people waking you up. Next time, just make sure you set an alarm on your phone so you cant forget about the time and can text me when you want to study more or just need my company. I am in my room if you need something okay? I - I.. You were always good in that. You just do what you do. Thank you for your kind words! It are words like this that make you will push through. you began to admire its beauty, its personality. The way his eyes flashed when you told him how you felt told you enough and so you flee. Here is the Hyung line! Babe.. Y/n.. he was speechless, the shock which at first had slowly vanished, came barging in again when those hateful words left your mouth and your heart. Hey y/n I really really am proud of you of being here you know. Your smile fell and Hoseok could see your eyes welling up and your lips trembling. You only told him what troubled you to let him know how you felt and warn him about moodswings. Its okay though.. right. Hoseok hummed, now placing his arm around your waist while leaning down. After the eleventh attempt to get him to accept your apology, you went back to the room. No more feeling bad baby! Your sudden loud voice asking him to go away and leave you alone made him freeze, his smile dropped and so did his shoulders. Dont cry. He was totally jealous! Please tell me where you are? whats wrong? you would ask him after his deep sigh. . Thank you for the free drink. The phone stopped and you sighed but the screen lighted up again, Jimin was still trying to reach you. Hope you like this reaction and stay healthy! Tell me whats going on. I want to see my lovely boyfriend. you spoke up after a while. I have never felt like this before. You werent like that, you liked having some freedom in a relationship but the way you behaved this week had got him thinking and after the fight you just had about the issue of you wanting to know where he was every minute you had screamed it out. At first he thought you were to the bathroom what happens quite often so he didnt think much of it but when his eye fell on the slight ajar door, his eyebrow rose. You couldnt help but always giggle when he saw Taehyung, puffing up his chest, voice suddenly much more deeper while greeting him with amanly hug. I was jealous, you were right and I apologize for treating you wrongly. Tears were already spilling down your cheeks, of course they noticed so why were you even trying to hide. The affection and love you felt for and from this rare man was so immense that you would do everything, everything just to see him comfortable, relaxed and happy. Of course he worries every now and then but most of the times he just laughs along with you but not today. I didnt know I was going to struggle with this one, so I hope it did not turn out that bad :(, Plus that my sweet sweet neighbour (note my sarcasm) always wants to listen to his music, loud may I add at freaking 11 p.m. cause obviously thats what everyone does. Looking down at your features when your fingers stopped making circles motion he smiled at you. Books buried under your arms as they made a great pillow for your head to lean on. But hey, who could blame you. You greeted him back without looking at him, as you smiled at the ducks who were swimming in circles, clearly enjoying the water. like the earth loves the sun and the rain. Its just being away from home and all the sudden attention I guess im just a bit scared and shocked. Your grandparents face greeting you. I think I changed it kind of.. again? I love you too. The little bunny kept hopping behind him wherever Hoseok went, the bunny just followed him. You did not even have to say anything. He looked down at his jeanpocket and that was the moment you grabbed the books out of his arms however Hoseok was quick to look up and slap them out of your hands, grabbing them and threw them across the hallway into the bathroom. The If it makes you feel like being ripped apart inside, its not. I love you too Tae. You confessed, lifting your head up a little so you could give him your eskimo kiss. It wasnt your fault at all, you had not done something wrong. Now shoo shoo After the little dove flew away, he just stared at the silver and gold on the ground. Jungkook? You couldnt hide it anymore and so you told him the truth. Almost. I love the real and raw you.. Out of nowhere you started to bang your head on the wooden desk, you didnt even know why you were doing it. With eyes gazing at the trees you suddenly felt something moist fluttering against the back of your hand and thats when you remembered why you were here in the firstplace, the sight of the wavering sheet taking you back to this very morning. Standing up, you turned unlocked the door and swung it open and true to your thoughts Hoseok had been sitting against the door as he tumbled backwards. Dont worry sweetheart. You could feel his warm hands on you neck as he stopped you, forcing you to look at him. this time dropping the fork while biting your lip. Yoongi needed a moment to let it all sink in, following the tear down from your eyes to your nose to end up on your red lips. Why would he still be with you if he had so many beautiful women standing in line for him? You just couldnt understand plus you began to feel selfish by staying with him. Nodding your head in understanding, your hands left his hair and traveled down to his shoulder, gently guiding him to lay sideways so his eyes, faced your tummy. I cant hobi. your voice trembling, hands shooting towards the book but before you could touch them Hoseok stepped back, your fingers only getting the chance to slide over them. He looked at you with so much adoration and love, trying to understand how he got so lucky. What, why? Just please help me okay. Is it okay for me to come in? you heard him ask, his voice soft and dripping with pain caused a new set of tears to roll down, feeling awful you were hurting him like this. Namjoons words told you. Babe? Namjoon swung his feet over the edge of the bed, stoop up and strechted his limps as he already knew what was going on so he took his time getting to the kitchen. No sometimes you worry him sick as you come falling down the stairs or spilling hot water on your body. Laughing, you stopped yourself from thinking realizing you were rambling to yourself silently and just when you were about to focus on the drawing again, a creacking sound reached your ears and when light fell on the picture revealing someone was here, someone had opened the door you heart picked up its pace, pounding faster and louder, eyes not wavering at all, to scared to move, to scared to look. its okay., I hope this is something you had in mind. So what if you shed tears over a project or a grade, if that is important to you than you are allowed to. Man what the heck? With a big sigh you stood up, happily creating distance between you and the book, leaving the living room in quick steps. you whipped around, halted your movements, eyes falling on his figure and watched him looking around the room, stepping over the things you had thrown around. What if you get tired of it and get with him. He talked with you about this so many times, that you should not hide your emotions. he can help you. Also want to thank you all for your kind messages, it really helps us writers to continue to write for you ^^ , The light blue sky faded slowly, dark clouds painted the world in a lighter grey and it was just a matter of seconds when it began to drizzle, the world softening around you, the area around you peaceful and still, no human to be seen. - Something Bad Happens To You (!!) The tears had stopped and he was now giving little butterfly kisses on your skin, still salty from tears. Yeah maybe it was strange that a frog brought dandelions with him It was sweet so who cared. Enjoy reading and thank you for loving my blog! The sudden weight on your lap got you distracted from the book you were reading and when your eyes moved away from the words, they focussed on the man laying beneath you. You wanted to be alone for awhile, hiding until that weird feeling went away. We should go home, put on dry clothes after we take a shower before we can talk about what happened this afternoon. he sighed, his heart still clenching at the thought. Im not only there for you in the sunny days. Sorry for taking so long :( I wanted it to be perfect for you and maybe it isnt as perfect as I wanted it to be but I didnt want you to wait any longer. Im glad you know that you too perfect for my sister. your brother snickered, greeting Hoseok with a handshake and left. You had joined Seokjin to one of his shows since he asked you to come with him. I dont.. In here sweety! I cant always come when you need me. He would be pissed. Telling you if you needed help, you only needed to ask. Im sorry I should not have ignored you. Taehyung just came in at the wrong moment and didnt bother to listen to the rest of story when you were talking to your friend on the phone, overhearing only a little part of the conversation. Where is she? Jimin asked himself, scratching his head in confusion. It really helped me! Helping you up, he pulled you into a playful headlock, complaining that you needed to learn to walk properly again. You know I dont like to admit that I am wrong but I was. Why are you even hiding? you heard him ask. Patting the free spot beside you, you smiled at your brother who you had not seen for a long time. Taehyung shot up from the bed, marged his way out of the room, yanked his coat of the hanger, slipped on his shoes and was out of the door, heavy steps echoing through the gallery as he jogged down the stairs, the lift to slow. So please dont hide your feelings. Hoseok snuggled closer, hiding his face against your tummy, his hands holding your waist carefully. I didnt know what came over me. It did not even make sense. Standing up from his spot next to Jungkook, he shortened the distance between you two, grabbed your arm and pulled you up from the chair, dragging you with him to his bedroom. He instantly whined when he was on the ground, you half laying on top of him. Are you talking about the one of Ms. Ironically right then he decided to walk in and well the rest is history. Because everyday my love for you grows. You didnt really know what happened because you were just eating a sandwich as you only said what you thought, but before you knew it you were in the bedroom, his tongue exploring your cavern as you were now standing infront of him in only your panties. I love you so much that even if you break my heart I will still love you. I am not one of those people who will forget about her friends you said sternly, making clear you didnt want to hear anything about it anymore. A baby duck to be more specific. When I see you or hear you my heart sets itself free from all the worries and pain it felt throughout the day. Seokjin bit his lip, his heart feeling the blow when you turned away from him. Dont feel embarassed. You quickly ran over snatching the tickets out of his hand and studied them. Oh are you making fun of me now? this time he slammed it close on purpose. "You're lucky I love you." Originally posted by bangchant CHANGBIN : Changbin would probably be a more quiet protective. Of course this is all fiction so please dont be mad at me hahaha. Never do this again you hear me! you jumped from his sudden loud voice as it boomed throughout the large chamber. Had he heard you correctly? Y/n.. please. Jungkook gasped, turning back to the man. You were embarrassed showing a side to Hoseok you never wanted to show him. Luckily you only broke the blender today, decorating the kitchen, yourself and him with the smoothie you were making as you shot him a nervous smile. Luckily for him, unlucky for the stranger he came back at the right moment as the man passed you the drink, his hands dangerously close to your hip. BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet . I think he is- You dropped your phone, totally forgetting Jimin was still on the phone when a voice you longed to hear called out your name. I know I cant take it away instantly even if I want it so badly. We can do that later. Hoseok pushed you out of the room, closing the door behind him as if you arent allowed to see it for a couple of hours. You know not to believe them, and I know youre fighting with yourself right now. Babe, I am ready! the announcement of Namjoon made you groan, if you were being honest, you had totally forgotten about him. No Jimin, You cant escape my kisses now you laughed fake-evilly. His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons. Its a sign of strength because I think that showing your emotions is the strongest thing a human can do. Two people together, both as clumsy as can be. Didnt I teach you that stealing is wrong? Seokjin sighed. You were unable to fall asleep. Im just great! Well if you tell us we can maybe try to understand. This time Seokjin spoke up. You can see it as a thank you for keeping you healthy. you spoke, your hands now wandering back to his chest and keeping it there. I love you! you shouted after you stepped under the luke warm water. He didnt look at you, his face lowered, his other arm unmoving at his side. 4 hours and 48 minutes later you were laying on his bed, staring at the stars on the ceiling you begged him to put on. Hey you heard him saying as you felt him sitting down beside you. Jungkook would leave you alone for awhile but when you didnt even leave the room to eat some dinner since it was already 9 p.m. he got a bit concerned and decided to check on you. to the back of your head but with no avail, here you were sitting down on the And I know that my baby is very well mannered in the bedroom you winked. Yes I know you dont like it, but I dont like things either you do but you dont hear me complain. finishing the last touch on your hair, you tidied up the bathroom and walked out, passing your boyfriend. Here you can find my Masterlist if you feel like checking out more of my BTS fiction! I love you so much that even when I step out this door just to get some food I will already miss you. of course babe but how did you get all those ingredients? you rubbed your chin thinking about how in the world did he get those. Turning to Jimin who was now looking down, feeling quilty for making you cry. Setting the food on the tray he carried himself to the room and sat down the plate on the paper you were working on. Not him. Oh well he did a good deed. Its sexy though you broke the silence, still playing with his thumb as you walked home hand in hand. You just took a hot shower and no one would question. Right at the time Seokjin walked in, ready to announce he was home but stopped right in his tracks as he saw Taehyung hovering above your chest, your head thrown backwards with your eyes closed and the bomb exploded when he heard you speak. Shoo shoo we dont need you here. So. You tried to tell yourself that, you tried to tell yourself that it was alright. I already have hurt you and that wasnt my intention. You couldnt even tell your own boyfriend what was wrong, how would you pass a simple test than? Totally forgot to put that in my bio. I am almost done baby. he whispered as he tossed the cloth away and laid down next to you, his arm swinging over your waist, hands settling on your abdomen and pulled you in, the thick sheet falling over your forms and continued to sing you to sleep, rubbing soothing circles on your skin. My- my friend called? you stuttered confused. He hadnt answer your texts since last night or answered them with really short answers but you guessed he was just tired and so did not want to bother him anymore and let it be. Well you already had those so he was kind of used to it but you felt how they switched much more sooner than normal. That you would throw yourself into his arms? BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. Jimin was enjoying some alone time in the garden, absorbing some sun when he heard some rustling. Pushing him away, you snatched the pans from the stove and jogged to the table. I didnt.. you began, voice soft and shaky, eyeing your shoes not daring to look up. The others who think they dont have to work at all, will be slapped in the face by reality one day. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) Its perfectly unperfect is what you tell me. Yoongi would definitely be worried when you did not response to any of his words. What was so urgent for me to rush here? You asked him when you stepped in the practice room. Youre right. The sight made your heart clench and before Yoongi could even utter some word you already pulled him down, burying his head against your chest, your hands rubbing circles in his back as you whispered soothing words in his hair. He was getting anxious as he watched the moon beaming proudly but humble high above the indigo sky. Unfortunately it didnt and pulled Jimin down with you, both crashing to the ground. You know what is like to work hard for what you want and it has to be that way. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. We all know he feels as a mom and so he would be worried as a mom too but he was getting used to it since you would be hurting yourself at least once a day so he eventually had a cupboard full with bandages, bandaids, ice packs and much much more to take care of you. you stole my drink honey. Where is my Hoseok? he asked looking around. You want to listen to the song on repeat forever, but you know if you hear his voice one more time, you mightn't survive it. No! He could not believe you just walked out of the door when you confessed your insecurities. It got you so of guard that you at first just stood there, watching how the tears roll over his cheeks, how they kissed his lips in sorrow. Why are you leaving? the voice asked. Well no Your head instantly snapped to Jimins. He knew you werent the type to tell someone your worries, you didnt like it and just waited until that feeling passes and now when you finally did you walked away after uttering the last word. The one who completed his heart. Jungkook breathed out in relief when you stilled against him, heartwrenching sobs no longer being heard and with your breath steady and calm, he lifted you from the ground as he walked towards the bedroom and carefully laid you down. Youre the best man! Hand landing ontop of his shoulder as to physically thank him aswell. I want you to tear my clothes of my body, Your wish is my command sweetheart but I cant guarantee it will only be your clothes.. That he got mad just because Yoongi shared his food with you, got you more angry the more you thought about it. The arrogant man just scoffed at him. Is it fun chilling on the ground? He could feel his heart swell at the sight infront of him. I will make you regret saying that because by tonight youre going to be dripping.. Babe, I wasn'tI'd never hurt you. Scoffing, you wanted to turn around but he quickly tightened his hold on you making it impossible for you to turn. Dont shut me out. A sudden soft breeze brushed against your exposing skin, making you shiver in delight. Y/n let go of that man. Thats not true y/n. One voice is telling you not to believe them and just to let their comments slip past you but there is the other one who is telling you that they are right, that you shouldnt be with me, that you dont fit in but who cares about an image sweetheart? She should be with a real man. You were flabbergasted. It was like you had closed off your emotions, locked in a safe, hidden away in the dark and at the end of the week he snapped, asking you, no demanding you to spit it out. He hummed, smiling down at you. But now you just wanted to cry for awhile to get all the stress out so you could continue after that. June 6th, 2019. Taehy- He shook his head, pulling you away form his chest as his finger fell on top of your lips, shutting you up immediately. Me? Originally posted by cyyphr Yoongi: He likes it. Grabbing your wrist, he dragged you to the bedroom, ready to put some action to those words, Oh sweetheart, youre lucky were alone tonight cause I will have you begging.. You shook your head and greeted the others with hugs. Read You Getting In A Fight Defending Them from the story bts reactions by tsumusum (chloe) with 10,116 reads. like the world stood still as if you were sharing a secret with earth, her showing a side no-one else was allowed to see. But I guess we can use it for our furure son, so its okay. However you didnt expect this as he didnt even spare you a glance, ignoring you to the max. You giggled attacking him with pecks, not missing any spot on his face before you jumped off his lap and headed your way to the bathroom. You being confused of course looked up and gave him an questioning look. I love you so much y/n. And they say school is the most fun and easy part of life you wailed out as you slumbed down on the table, your face tucked away in your arms. One teardrop fell, marking the notebook in sorrow and its when one will fall, more will follow, so here you were, fists banging on the desk as you cried in anger, upset you couldnt control your emotions. No there is not The-. did you know that? you whispered. maybe 10, you didnt know, when you were abruptly pulled into his arms. His arms dropped off the wall and landed on your butt, rubbing your bum sensually as his body began to take control. I mean.. Oh fuck this. His words had lighted up the darker side of your heart, his words filled with loved chased away the beasts as it bit their skin. His hands slid against your waist and ended up on your back. Why do people do that? It seems its nice since you do it a couple of times a day. y/n no, no, no, no. He took quick steps towards you, grabbed you wrist and with a strong tuck he had you wrapped in his arms. He had you trapped between his arms against the wall, his body pressed to yours, moaning your name as your hands were tre-passing dangerous waters. You sometimes have to sleep alone for a long period of time. He actually would find it funny you being so clumsy eventhough he says he doesnt. Your eyes shot open, looking at the man infront of you with wide eyes. Greeting Hoseok with a strong tuck he had you wrapped in his arms to little and. You went back to the room and well the rest bts reaction to you protecting them history who! 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