Dont listen to what your vet says, arm yourself with knowledge by researching this and everything else they say, youre lining their pockets, they have a business to run and the companies that make these drugs have profits to make, do you really think they want you to have a healthy dog? He was diagnosed with severe pancreatitis. Hydroxyzine for dogs is available in tablets, capsules, syrup, and injectables. Its nice to see her not so stressed out over scratching and with a beauriful full coat. Like a miracle her itching and inflamed skin improved. A number of different antihistamines were used. We just make sure to take him out frequently to be safe. I was too afraid so I gave her 1/2 dose and I thought she had a mild shake. Her stays showed fluid in her heart area and fluid in her lungs. I think he had an overgrowth of yeast, so in february I tried I forgot you add the above food mix to 3kg of chicken or turkey mince. I believe some of the vets push it because it is expensive. Can I give my dog antihistamine with Apoquel? I was at my wits end after failing to relieve his itch, but I refuse to subject my love to seizures and liver damage. Then came the motor coordination hiccups. She was also drinking more and having accidents. We actually had to feed her out of our hand or put the food on he floor because I think she was afraid of Apoquel in her dog bowl ( yes I believe pets are smart line this). My little girl now has ringworm, extremely high levels of protein and blood in her urine, low albumin. My English bulldogs vet (different vet from Philippe) also prescribed Apoquel and it works for her. Also KU Medical center, dept of Integrative Medicine. My westie has allergies. She was given a shot of something at the vet to help with itching. Common names: chlorpheniramine, chlorpheniramine maleate. They treated him with holistic drugs. neutrophil, eosinophil, and monocyte counts decreased among dogs in the oclacitinib group FDA approval of APOQUEL is based on results of two clinical trials conducted in the Multiple doses of antibiotics for skin infections. I was assured this drug was safe. I thought if she recommended it, it must be safe. The first 30 days there seemed to be no side effects, his appetite was good and it stopped the itching immediately upon the first dose he received. While Apoquel is generally well-tolerated by dogs, there are some potential side effects that you should be aware of. Also she was not falling down for no reason. Can you give a dog Apoquel and Benadryl at the same time? I went to a different vet than prescribed the Apoquel and he reported having seen this in other dogs in response to Apoquel. He recently peed a huge puddle in the kitchen and the living room when he is the best out of my three dogs about holding it or telling me has to go. We finally discovered her allergy is to chicken and a diet change cleared up all allergy problems but she now may die from an opportunistic infection that wouldnt have happened had she not been given Apoquel. She had a brain tumor. She would itch and get staph infections. Key Points on Apoquel Unlike steroids, Apoquel side effects are minimal: no excessive thirst or hunger, no exces-sive urination, and no long-term negative effects on the liver Apoquel can cause rare intermittent GI symptoms For a 45-lb. There he had a second seizure which left him drooling,crying and incapable of any movement.I had no choice,I chose to relieve his pain. Im convinced this drug killed my baby girl. He also developed a TUMOR on this paw which my vet thought was malignant but fortunately it wasnt. We havent been able to test for what his allergies could be yet, but the vet thinks it could be something environmentalmold, pollen, dust, something. Then I searched it on the net & see all this stuff. As soon as I stop giving her apoquel the stomach problem stopped. I used some anti inflammation drops I had left over from dermatology vet and they seemed to be working but it is short lived and the yeast is still there. Most veterinarians say no because both drugs can cause drowsiness. Makes me nervous.. At first I was like, Im worried now But its a bit of a scare tactic. She played and ate normally that evening and we turned in at our usual bedtime of 9:30. I cut the dose by half and this side effect stopped. The Vet eventually suggested Apoquel. If youre wondering how I treat my dogs allergies, I focus on diet. BUT dont consider this pill the answer. Generally, a 7 to 10-day therapeutic trial will reveal if the treatment is going to work. THOUGHT OF THAT UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE. Zoetis has made a fortune on this drug, it is time to stop the suffering. You'll need to go back to whatever veterinary doctors are available and have them make sure they've not missed an underlying cause to the itch. The usual dosage of hydroxyzine for dogs is 1 mg per pound of body weight given two to three times per day. Blood work showed he was in severe liver failure with liver enzymes and glucose levels very high. Last night the vet called and told me my guy is diabetic and that I should come in to start him on insulin. My dog has also been getting large pyoderma lesions on his skin for about a year now but we were told this was part of his worsening allergic problem as he aged.I now know this was the drug preventing him from fighting off skin infections. Then the swelling of the legs, so bad that it looked like he had huge donuts under his skin around his ankles. I am concerned because I keep discussing apoquel with multiple vets taking care of him and I am told that is not the cause of his acute illness. They even called the company and the company denied having dogs with bladder infections when clearly it causes them. However, I decided not to renew the script and I am currently looking for a cure for the problem, not a way to mask the symptoms with dangerous chemicals. The vet recommended Apoquel new improved antihistamine drug. The colostrum dose for dogs with allergies varies based on the company; I advise giving of the human dose per 20lbs daily. can respond inappropriately, and may begin attacking the I contacted the makers of this pill. She had a bladder infection (which she never gets) and dr thought maybe cushings. Hes on a limited ingredient food (Dick Van Pattens). This medicine stopped the itch and it had wonderful results UNTIL recently she had 2 seizures!!!! But not at the cost of seizures. Apoquel cannot be used for dogs under one year or breeding, pregnant, or lactating . On top of all of this, it appears she is suddenly going blind she bumps into things, walks into things cannot see her water and wont drink out of her bowls. Two days after being on Apoquel, we noticed less itching. I have never seen him like that so I wont be giving him the medication anymore. This was very traumatic to witness in a 200 Because most of the placebo dogs dropped out, they really couldnt compare the groups. My miniature schnauzer had the uncontrollable itchiness and smell that went with it. About every third day I need to give another 1/4 pill at dinner as well. Keep in mind she has been on the Apoquel since the spring of 2014 when it came out. In fact, giving your dog Benadryl or Zyrtec is a common way to treat allergies in dogs. Something has to be done about this! We are scheduled to go see our great dermatologist again as soon a weather permits the drive. This drug should be taken off the market! In a study, dogs were treated with Apoquel for more than 2 years. I dont have the answers but please think about comments before you write them. He has now lost hair all over his body. He is now experiencing tremors all over and weakness/pain in the front legs. Thank you so much for some holistic suggestions. I am going to take him back m to the vet but I think I will try antihistamines and other supplements. I just think until you have an allergic dog, you are unaware how wide spread of a problem it is. Called the vet and let them know what was going on and that she was OFF Apoquel for good. We went through a round of antibiotics (no help)and then an antifungal, which seemed to help. I would say that these veterinarians are concerned about their wallets The vet put her on apaquel for 4 months. It's also increasingly prescribed in combination with other medications for canine anxiety. My 5 year old,Lab/Bassett mix, was on Apoquel,the wonder drug. All dogs itch sometimes, but when you notice it happening more and more, it could be a sign of a medical condition. Apoquel tablets for dogs comes strengths of 3.6mg, 5.4 mg and 16mg of oclacitinib per tablet. You stated this : Nowhere in the FDA stats on Apoquel does it claim that Apoquel is suppressing the immune system, and this caused pneumonia, mange, skin infection, bladder infection. In less than 7 days this drug killed our baby. Last week we had to say goodbye. Thank you all, positive & negative on Aproquel. Consult your healthcare professional (e.g., doctor or pharmacist) for more in formation. 14 days later he died. I have to admit, I may be the only one in support of Apoquel. No they are not some very serious side effects have not been listed. She used to jump up and greet anyone, especially us when family came home now.. she sleeps through that.. and doesnt greet at all. They may even prescribe another type of antihistamine for your dog. She licks at her mouth often which she never did before and sometimes she acts like she is choking on something and has not had anything in her mouth. This is where we get our information. If there is anyone else out there with dogs on Apoquel as long as mine suffering from cancer I would like to know. Sandra. I should have switched him to the prednisone after his ACL surgery but didnt think about it and didnt know that he had this tumor. Normal levels are between 0-200 my dogs were 2,000. However, after only 5 days on the drug, he became lame with a painful right paw and a painful back leg. What brand of hepaticlear do you use and and do you give the chewable form? Hello Dr I criticize but choose not to use my real name, This article is 100% based on FDA Veterinary ADE reports- you may want to visit the FDA site and read the stats for yourself. Just a follow up to my earlier post. But lately the allergic reaction has gotten worse and I have spent a small fortune at the vet. What can you tell me? Low numbers of dogs in the studies developed demodicosis, neoplasia, pneumonia, bloody diarrhea, skin and ear infections . He now has a tumor on his neck ( just removed and sent for histopatholgy). Apparently either your company representative, the veterinarians or both are not being made aware that this serious adverse event is occurring in dogs exposed to Apoquel with long term use. The treatment can be very effective. IF your dog has allergies, he needs to be on these. Took her off Apoquel and now day 28 no seizures since. I certainly cant say for sure that the Apoquel caused this tumor but am quite confident that it probably exacerbated it. I thought I had found the magic drug. This happened three times over a few weeks, he also learned how to open the door to the garage and was scratching at the window trying to escape. I am very much convinced Apoquel has caused the seizures. To help determine if a pet is receiving an appropriate dose of a medication, veterinarians may monitor the amount present in the bloodstream, a procedure that is called therapeutic drug monitoring. Thank you for any help. Peatie had made a few accidents on the floor we just attributed to senility and a new home. (possibly why her bed was wet on days 19 and 21 too) After the allergy tests I gave him Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish, which he doesnt eat much so I add other things to it. He has had 3 doses of apoquel and I decided to research side effects when I noticed him being lethargic. On February 15, 2018, Aries was back at the center with same issue and again a Rx issued for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg tabs with a charge of $138.60. She examined him and told me that he was having a reaction to the hydroxyzine so dont give any more to him. Among dogs in the oclacitinib group, one dog withdrew from the study because Just yesterday his lab panel showed elevated liver enzymes and he was transferred to a 24 hour emergency hospital. I got you Zoey, its gonna be alright Mommas got you. You may stop using medications all together. He is allergic to lots of things, some cannot be avoided without putting him in a chamber. You complain about big business, drug companies, other veterinarians, but then use peoples fear for their pets to feed your own pocket cash. I hadnt associated the bed wetting with the Apoquel but based on others statements I think their is a connection. The chemical messengers which are being blocked by these drugs are involved in more processes than just controlling inflammationmost likely as yet undiscovered!!! She has been on it for about 3 weeks now. No visible side effects, her energy level is still high and her need to scratch that one spot on her back is barely noticeable. I started homeopathy and alpha stim from a holistic vet. 2 days into treatment puppy started crying when he was put into his carrier for bedtime. They were both prescribed Apoquell July 2016 over the next few months one dog developed two small growths on his feet that were removed and one found to be malignant the other benign. He had stopped eating and drinking. (Answered 2023), Can Dogs Eat Ruffles Chips? He still has the runs. I saw another yorkies mom on here post the almost identical thing as my girl is. It worked almost immediately. The most common side effects were: Another dog required I would have preferred using prednisone as it has worked well in the past and he didnt need to take much. She has had none of the issues above. I have read that this could be a side effect of apoquel which I was not made aware. So in the midst of all of this I did notice that her pet food had changed gradually and I finally took the last case back and put her on another food just in case it was a food additive issue! No more seizures so do yourself a favor and stay very far away from this medication. I wouldnt recommend it after our issues with it and reading others comments. I read all the side effects from the study and didnt know what to do. His allergies are now extreme and he has no fur on the back of his paws/legs. Itching caused by an allergic skin disease can be an During this time we went back to the vet for guidance and he was put on Prozac for dogs. Upon receiving your complaint, the drug company will have to submit a report of adverse drug experience to the FDA. Hi David, Thanks for your question. I am convinced that apoquel is the cause and I would like to know if his liver enzymes will return to normal now that apoquel has been stopped. I have to wonder if this caused or even added to these problems. I use duoxo chlorhexadine shampoo as well as the spray. He never does that, he always tells me when he has to go out. Our vet is pretty awesome and very in depth with everything and will answer any question we can think of and makes sure we understand everything. Dr. Dwight Andrew Alleyne warns that "Allergies in dogs can be a unique experience for each pet. In addition, many kinds of research shows that CBD enhances the effects of chemo and fights cancer more efficiently! Some dogs taking other types of antihistamines have also experienced vomiting. Hi. It could be fleas or mites, a food allergy, a secondary infection (such as yeast or bacteria). Second day I gave her another 1/2 pill and she shook all day and into part of the night. Tried Benadryl which worked some, but she would get flares. Now, in the last couple of weeks.. of going to Vet attempting to find out what is going on she actually bit a tech who stuck her face in Fendis face and startled her. Both Apoquel and Zyrtec are effective at relieving allergy symptoms in dogs, so combining them may provide even more relief for your dog. Her itching is in full force but were having some success with tea tree oil massages. It would be easier or me to inject her with something than get her to eat EFAs, probiotics, or administer colostrom. old Golden Retriever just started taking it and it has made him lethargic as noted in this article. and we gave it to her. I knew the potential for problems but was willing to do anything make her comfortable, and hoped that she would not show any negative effects. I dont believe it. I stopped the pills immediately. This morning I gave to him for a second time. P.S. I have a St. Bernard Therapy Dog who had allergies, itching ears and feet. 7.The last increasingly used ingredient for allergies is colostrum. These days, another type known as H2 antihistamines are commonly used. Normal is 2.5 4.3. I will admit that I had no KNOWN adverse affects to the second dog and the drug did clear up the infections in both. It's . How we found you. More serious side effects can include coma and apnea. Ollie is a sweet beautiful springer spaniel. I am so worried about my wee guy. He has been on it for one month now and doing good! It has been determined that it is more than likely the combination of the Apoquel and the steroid injection.. Be very wary of any vet, or human doctor for that matter, that touts a medicine without side effects. Additionally, our dogs eyes have been filling with a night green mucus. And Grandpuppy has a history of urinary tract issues, but after starting Apoquel her urinary tract problems are blamed on it by her owner. The safety and efficacy of Apoquel has not been evaluated in humans, and it is not recommended for use in people. No rain water from puddles or park ponds, rinse off feet every time after walks during summer fall months, Al-Gen drops (Genestra) 1 month. A small study of 299 dogs- 50% of the dogs took the placebo medication, and most dropped out of the study. Full Year 2014 Revenue of $4.8 Billion Increased 5%; Adjusted Net Income of $790 Million, or Adjusted Diluted EPS1 of $1.57, Increased 11% But, we are seeing improvementfinally. No more for my precious girl! There are too many similar situations in the above comments,I am returning to my vet and inquire what company produces their vaccines. I am still waiting for a call back. The only saving Grace from all of this is I got to whisper in her ear, Its OK baby Girl Mommas got you. Apoquel is NOT worth the risk if Shortys symptoms are mild. keep me up all night and day biting,scratiching licking she is a happy dog. I just started noticing however that his fur on his hind legs is disappearing. Everything looked fine but her liver enzymes were elevated. It was generally well tolerated, with the . It worked well for the itching, but she developed a terrible eyelid infection a few weeks later. besides, hes strong and healthy overall, maybe a little miserable at times but we could live with that. I should have ask questions I usually do. This saved his life. She will pay for it! I can help but believe the apaquel is. My 4yo Yorkie has been on Apoquel for 5 months. Thats terrible! I knew all the side effects and finally was relieved to try the apoquel against my better judgement. Nothing worked. On January 25, 2018 we had to take Aries back for a medical progress evaluation and for the removal of a cytology mass in his left ear, most likely a papilloma. Now there is less worry about infection due to raw shin and constant biting from our dog. 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