Thank you very much. Stephan when you say up your game If you are average and a past lover of hers was well endowed there is nothing positions, creativity, or use of toys can compensate for. I honestly dont like having to interact with my gfs past partners so in the end this article is nice but if one doesnt want to marry a female who has slept around then these words are neither here nor there in reality. Wild oats = sewn. I know it would be for me. Women have stooped down to men and act like pigs now. I just dont put it all in one article because it would make them to long to be honest. I just want men to explore a different perspective on this issue. I guess it depends how you define tha. Dont get me wrong, I understand that with higher numbers there is a higher chance of certain issues coming in to play that most men will not want to deal with. You two date and now are boyfriend and girlfriend for several months. Its not your fault. Its difficult. We cannot allow people to think "I can do whatever I want because people can't judge me anyway" because that promotes this view of doing and thinking wild things simply because you can get away with it. Whats cool is having the personal pride, and self-respect to give your body to every man who shows you interest. And for the women who cry out that the number of partners doesnt matter, then why not just be honest. I agree with you completely, and applaud you for being able to be abstinent again. deep. Very true, plenty of sluts attempt to hide their sluttiness through subterfuge, yet they inevitably give off tells. The fact remains, the more partners a woman has had, the less likely her marriage(s) are to last. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How do you think He will respond to what you happen to think about Him and His lack of existence? We will not live forever and we are of the flesh. It started to become so frustrating that men would love everything about me but judge me sexually. However, with choices come consequences, and in this situation, the consequence is that, in general, men wont take you as seriously as a long-term partner prospect. Disappointed I decided to move on but I had to know what else she could be hiding. As for Step your game up! Sex shouldnt be a competition. All is equal and fair. I wouldn't stress it so much had I not have something to compare her to. Some women can be a virgin and have all kinds of issues due to other experiences in their life, while a woman may have once been promiscuous, turned away from that and now is in a much better place mentally and emotionally. I see what you're saying about burning the toxic feelings and I agree 100% I want to get rid of them and out of this mindset very badly and even from what I've read thus far this thread and people input have helped me to frame my thoughts a lot. My girlfriend who I am seeing right now has had sex with about 65 people If he looks upset, I'll just say something like, 'I'm sorry,' when he stops talking. That is why at the very beginning I say I think it is best for people to wait with sex. You will marry a handsome pediatrician! Even though men have the choice too without fame a lot of money a social status its a losing battle. JOGOS DE HOJE. And marrying a male whore would not be my choice either! TSR Community Awards 2022 - VOTING NOW OPEN! We all have issues, so we have no right to be so quick to judge, and look down on others for their perceived issue. She told me that she thought sleeping around was dangerous and that she wanted to wait until marriage. A lot of men would have a problem respecting and trusting a woman that is currently on or has been on the "hoe stroll" as you call it. Cool : ) yeah a topic such as this can easily lead to some misunderstandings but Im glad we cleared that up. Look into the galena rhoades study. I think how many sex partners you have had should matter. many issues that person will have from having sex with so many people. I dont feel, I KNOW that there is a double standard at play. You may not mind to share your life with someone who has share herself with everyone who show some interest but for me it is very a very important detail as it is part of the whole person you arechoosing since I have that capacity of choice I want to have a nice person as a whole including a matching in our values personally I am sure I would not go ahead with a woman with this kind ofbaggage. It means women can never have freedoms to make decisions at all. The source material is quite easy to find. Now although this may not be the route you chose when it comes to sexuality it doesnt make you better than or more wise than the girl or guy who chose to have 100 + partners. I have actually come Based on your comment I will assume you believe in GOD. For instance a girl had sex with 20 men(but we dont know numbers) and they were all her boyfriends then in that case she wouldnt be a hoe. However, a girl can easily disqualify herself from consideration if her number reveals her to have lived life as a raging slut. Actually, the vagina does not get loose. A couple of reasons for promiscuity, and a couple of examples. 8 Best Landing Page Builders This Year. This month marks the 20th anniversary of Elizabeth's return home and on this week's episode of All In, we speak with Chris Thomas who acted as spokesperson for the Smart Family throughout their entire experience in searching for Elizabeth. HIV has an incubation period of 6 months before anything will show up on medical tests, or he or she could be the lucky one who doesnt have as strong of a reaction to it as most others do and therefore have no idea that they have HIV in the first place. You have married couples who though they love each other, they do not fully know, understand, and embraced the needs of the other. My happiness is not based on marriage. What would Jesus do? Would you rather a girl lie to you or tell you the truth? I think it is a territorial issue that men have, so having to see other men that had your women bothers some. I understand where you are coming from, but I do not fully agree. Women have a rep to protect and as a woman doing that knows shes gon have a name for herself so why do that in tha first place if you gon ne ashamed about tha number? Men cannot be shamed or lectured into accepting women or marriage if the dont want to. So that we, too, can be raised with you on the last day! I swear, idiots..youre just being selfish. They brag about it all the time when they want praise for being able to give birth. Sometimes its just not about judgement of the person its about hurting a future partners feelings. So before any of you judge anyone think about what they may have gone through or still going through. Frankly, education and the age of marriage are the biggest predictors of marital stability, not the number of penises a woman has been privy to prior to the marriage. Butit /is/ a fact that the more promiscuous the woman, the more likely she is to have a failed marriage. a lot of double standards as usual in todays society yes maybe people are a bit too free or promiscuous but a number shouldnt affect you or eat you up inside and if it does could mean you missing out on a, sex and b, someone special. You feel it might reflect on her character and increase her chances of cheating on you? Or is it just society told you to have a problem with that? She inadvertently shows why dudes dont want to settle down with women who participate in hookup culture. She came with a lot of baggage, extremely insecure and pushed a double standard into our relationship. For former redpillers and others who recognize the damage caused by redpill. you know like people. women wait for 10 men and get to choose 1. Is she in to me or just a touchy best friend? I still disagree with your overall position on the matter. Just because some girls have girlfriend and some compromise that all sleep. He laid His life down for you and for me that we would not have to be separated from him because of our sinful ways and mind sets. Just relax. Better yet, have u ever been judged or discriminated otherwise? First let me say that I really like the advice that you post even though I occasionally disagree with your views, the vast majority of the time (92-97%) I feel that your advice perfectly sums up the solution that is going to bring about the best results. 2,105 posts. Press J to jump to the feed. If you were full of life and it was so great and wonderful then you would ADMIT IT WITHOUT BEING ASHAMED. And, dude, Im going to say this to you, and then Ill be signing off. Clap , Clap , Clap.. If she does, thats okay! women. You are not. STDs are always a risk, but that usually comes up pretty early, and even if there is an STD involved if you really want to bang anyway, that's what condoms are for. ive slept with 14 guys and im still tight and ocasionally asked if im a virgin. And possessive so I stopped having sex with them. Men have to work to get sex, women dont. What do women do in the meantime? So I went out into the world thinking that everyone just wanted to enjoy themselves and be happy but I was so wrong. Education can do wonders! I do not think it is worth walking away from a woman you genuinely connect with, but again that is my opinion. 2023 Applicants - do you understand how student finance works? That will not change because of Americas pseudo progressive culture. Hell to some if you arent a virgin you are a whore. Like legitimately, tell me why it matters. So many women who have waited seem to not be as open minded. There are enough people in the world for those to attain who they desire as they judge and chooseand more than anything it is the persons actions that will speak louder so there will be no room to judge for anything past or present! Sorry, bro. Labeling them as whores and not worthy of a relationship isnt going to resolve the real problem here. Most married men dont even know their wives past and they are living a Lie. Back in the day (I mean waaayyyy back lol) it was all about having a virgin. of life (high school/college) and people seem to not care as much as they get issue out, then you should get out. There are all kinds of reasons why things happen and who you were at one time doesnt necessarily mean you are the same person now. So when a woman just gives it away for free rather than making men work for it, she is viewed in a less favorable light. You have a handful of female experience and all you do is wonder about her past. Additionally, male and female sexuality is just different. Well said. and dont forget life is a stinky bitch, you call your friend in your house and he happened to be one of your wifes exes. Yes there is a double standard. One wished the best for me. Respect the choices shes made with her own body, respect the decisions that led her to where she is now. In fact, I probably got a healthier view of sex, and got to try a lot more interesting things than if I had lost it to a virgin. I have female friends who have only been with a few partners and THOSE are the women who fantasize about cheating the most! Do you think that you can scold men into non judgement ? Stephen are u being real? Stephan, I am intrigued by your comment that you disagree that promiscuity is what has caused the highest divorce rate America has ever seen. There is a current trend not only in the U.S., but also in the UK called the marriage strike.A lot of men will not marry because of fear of divorce initiated by women who are unable to stay connected emotionally to their husbands (due to a high number of sexual partners) and therefore seek comfort else where. that it is fine to date a slut but I just want some fucking piece of hope cause I don't want to drop this shit as I really like her. So, we all have desires we better not fulfill. they hold higher standards for their partners, as they should. They are basically acting like many men have for ages. This is only my input on the subject as I have been tackling this topic for weeks now and I am open to everybody's opinion. Think about it, no guy whos screwed dozens of women is going to care if the women he finally settles down with has been with a heap of guys in her past, if he does then hes basically a hypocrite anyway. I dont think that the amount of partners anyone has been with in the past should be completely reflective of who they are as a person. Bottom line though? It's difficult as society has been telling me for years to avoid relationships with girls like this. Do you know that DNA from every Man U sleep with gets in your blood and stays in it for a very long time? I dont understand why guys here make it a big deal that you cant settle down with women in their early 20s. Doesnt make it right, but remember, thats the flip side of a double standard. Its all psychology. That is one source, directly addressing the issue. Always feel free to express yourself on my blog because even in disagreement the discussion can be good and productive. I would say dont wait. Cut it out and replace it with positive experiences. Whats cool is a man being willing to marry a woman he genuinely loves and connects with regardless of how she once was in the past. Shame on you all. On the other side of the fence, as a woman, I wouldnt want to subject my future partner to having any kind of issues with the number of men Ive slept with. Just go. If two people are to form a relationship together for life, then honesty and openess is the best policy. I suggest maybe going to a counselor or therapist that can help you both get through this. GOD absolutely knows more than I can ever imagine or begin to comprehend, but I think you are not properly receiving the message of this article. Statistics do not lie. It matters. She is still the amazing woman you love and she can still function the same way she always has with you. too many people: Remember that there is a good chance your lover feels guilty Our pasts, now matter how much we embrace or deny them, makes us who we are. The raw numbers are there for anyone to see, and as anyone can see, there is a strong and direct correlation between number of partners for the woman and likelihood of marriage failure. If you're honest more than likely you wouldn't. The number of sexual partners a woman has had does not determine what type of woman she is. Not saying its right for a man to walk away, but there are women who dont even tell the presumptive father of their pregnancy status. Hi Puppycat. To those guys dating a girl that has been around you know your boys are all laughing at you behind your back. I would rather date a Virgin. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. I dont ever wonder what I missed out on, I know the answer is not much! I started at 18, averaged 2.78 a year. Saying that a woman should have a low number of partners is out of sync with reality. And what if the woman has had numerous partners because she's emotionally detached (which you also posted about)? Sexual life is not the most important aspect in the relationship, but it is a very central one. She is 20 years old and lost her virginity at 18 to the first relationship. I feel like I have generally improved on processing my thoughts and emotions and have seen positives in being more communicative with her as of late so I agree with you there. while there certainly can be concerns about patterns of behavior, don't let those feed your insecurities. The woman you marry is more modest because she knows her attributes are for your eyes only. Facebook. Being sojudgmentalcan cause anyone to miss on on great things. And, why would she want you after all your wear and tear? around, her value diminishes in terms of her being less chaste, which is less I say this all the time! What did that really change? Please! My question ishow well do you believe your clever and sincere explanation will hold up while trying to explain it to Him personally? Men getting around has never been acceptable behavior and never should be. Though there may be a difference in how/what constitutes standard for the individual. Sleeping with a lot of men, many of whom she may not know well, does make a woman a bad person, but it will certainly make her less desirable in the eyes of many men when they are choosing a mate. Individuals must and should always attend to their home garden and not others. I feel most people focus on the physical aspect of sex but overlook the mental and emotional aspect which plays an even bigger role in how good the sex can be. I agree that at the core, this issue stems from control. Yes I think waiting till marriage is the best thing to do (which I will discuss in a future post) but I still acknowledge the fact that many of us make a choice to engage in sexual activity before marriage. Cant turn a hoe into a housewife. Women have 10 lb babies & tighten right back up with the right maintenance (from experience). And no one will understand fully if they didnt make a similar choice. I don't see any way that telling her my feelings about this ends well. It was the fact that she had not worked through her issues and resolved the things that contributed to her taking this route. Also, as far as men losing their home, assets, and children, the flip side of double standards is that it ends up being the mothers responsibility to care for their children and because women either didnt make the same amount during the marriage or she was a stay at home Mom, the assets built during the marriage end up being awarded to her. This continued for 9 years or sountil one night having dinner with colleagues and i mentioned that i knew a lady that worked at a department store and she could get a discount for some one at the table.I was torn to pieces in front of everyone and humiliated! Women with more sexual partners are less likely to remain in stable relationships: the fire between them grows up again and they start silly like bunnies behind your back! If you really want to develop as a person, consider what it is about you that makes you feel so unhappy with the ideas you've mentioned. If you say you do, then answer this: half the women you are sleeping with *are* sleeping around, and guess what? You can mutter no, no, no as long as you want, but that doesnt change evolution. If she likes you, trust her in that too. Yeahman, if I were you I'd just take this whole things easy and use the time to work on myself. spoken likea girl who has slept with a lot men. Don't forget to follow us on social networks! Marry the person who you want to be with for the rest of your life. I agree. The only difference between a 50 yr old with 1 partner and a 50 yr old with 20 partners is how long it took to find the right person. Times may have changed in some perspectives but evolution is a long process and these inbred instincts are deeply rooted which is why most men will have sex with a slutty girl, but will never marry or commit to her. But one thing is for sure, I definitely wont each my daughter to be like me! Currently behaves in a way that can hinder the growth of a relationship, and not allow herself to be the woman you would need. Ive seen friends go through 4+ relationships in a year. I dont know, it just seems you have left a lot of factors out. We have had this conversation. Actually this research was proven by a Womens Organization! Some religions cut off womens sensitive parts so that she will NOT experience pleasure. Enter your info below and join my VIP list. respect and honor themselves. Men have to go out to 10 women and hope 1 of them chooses him. Dont allow the negative thoughts to hinder your relationship or your overall quality of life. If you love sex so much, u can have it with the man you believe will stay with u and you have something serious with, something that will not spoil your name.. Its a bit embarassing.. Its not right for one gender and wrong for the other. Just like that song in the 70s that said, so many men so little time how can they Choose. Again I am not saying go out there and be loose just addressing your point about the wear and tear. Her husband probly slept with 100 plus too. So if that woman is open and honest enough to tell that man her numbers, he may walk away from her before he even learns that she now does share the same values as he does. I completely agree with you that a womans sexual health (i.e. Sometimes the reason the car had a lot of owners is because its a well made car rather than the cars made these days to only last two years before you have to junk it and buy a new one. The double standard is actually there for a reason. 9 d. 395 opinions shared on Marriage & Weddings topic. I completely disagree with your statement that most women divorce because they have affairs. Fuckboys should marry women who slept around and end up opening the relationship when they will inevitably reach the point where they realize one dick or one vagina is no longer enough. Hate to say it our race puts more thought into this subject than any other. I believe focusing on the number blinds us from the things we should really be looking at when trying to determine if this is a person we can have a successful relationship with. Typically, people do not cheat simply because they are accustomed to being promiscuous (or have been in the past). Some guys are really looking for that one who has waited. of this fact).But also realize that a marriage strike is on and is going to get bigger. If any guy called me names like a whore or uses my past as a deal breaker When looking for information about dating someone with this girls' attributes, try to change the language. Can you label them accurately? behavior about those numbers. 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