A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. Sometimes the body has an extreme response to infection called sepsis. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. C. Is there still pain associated with the incision site? If you are smelling your scar, it is likely the infection is quite nasty and needs antibiotics. A lot of consideration needs to be taken to avoid irritating your cesarean incision during recovery to reduce the risk of getting infected. And weird smells after a C-section are a red flag. Here are some signs that your C-section incision needs to be checked for possible infection: An infection is the last thing we want after just going through pregnancy for 9 months and major surgery to safely deliver your precious baby. The. Cellulitis is an example of an incisional infection. i had a c section with my last child, 5 years ago. When drying, make sure you pat rather than rub as the rubbing can lead to aggravation which can cause an infection to start. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. C-Section Scar Care. Pain during urination. Your doctor might prescribe antibacterial . It happened to me. Freshen up throughout the day if you feel your body odor efforts wearing off. My doctor told me to clean it 4 times a day but I've only had to do twice and the smell and irritation is completely gone. One sign of an internal infection is the presence of fever. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. The rash can itch, burn, and sting. It may open slightly or significantly. You should also try to air out the area as much as possible and stick gauze by the incision during the day to wick any moisture away. If properly cleaned regularly, your scar should not smell bad or look red. But i think it dried it! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. LOL, it was as gross as it sounds. In babies and adults with incontinence, intertrigo can show up as diaper rash. Carole D (24) 15/01/2018 at 8:44 am. A cesarean is a major surgery that needs care. Practice proper hygiene, especially when handling your wound. Of course, drinking lots of water and walking around as soon as you can after the c-section will greatly ease the poop situation too. Our babies are starting Junior Kindergarten?!? Your incision is infected. Antibiotic medications are the usual treatment for bacterial infections. Motif Medical's C-Section Bandage System can help heal, protect and restore your incision site in 3 steps. I lift the skin lap to expose the incision, lay the pad along the incision, and let the skin lap lay over the top of the pad. . A., The stench emanating from the incision area of the C-section is a clear sign of infection. When our body fights infections, we get a host of flu-like symptoms. Many moms seek a C-section because it is safer and more convenient. Up-and-down (vertical). Your baby's back will rest on the pillow . This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Anyway, a c-section is obviously a much more serious surgery so I don't know if it could have something to do with the stitches or if it is just flat out infected. 11 days postpartum, im having very bad smelling vaginal discharge, most like peeing bloody discharge, i cant tolerate the smell, its that bad.having chills, asked my husband to take picture of my incision. Wear loose-fitting clothes - If you are panicking about sweating and making your c-section incision moist, try to wear clothes that keep you at a comfortable temperature. Swimming After C-Section: When and How to Start. Slip off to the bathroom to wipe sweaty areas with a damp towel or moist cotton swab. There are no two ways about it. I also had a C Section about 2 years ago. Well I went to the Dr's and everything was fine my incision is 100% healed and the odor well as most have said it is in fact the extra flab hanging over and it has trapped air so now I know what to do :) but thank you again everyone I feel so much better. And heres another smelly symptom: you might find foul-smelling vaginal discharge when your incision is infected. I shower daily but I also still have night sweats almost every night. All I had to do was write my doc a message and I sent her pictures. An incision infection is a painful experience that nobody wants to experience (or experience again). Odor alone without any other physical signs of infection is tough to diagnose. The links below may be affiliate links. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. My guess then is a bit of yeast infection. Fast breathing. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Some women may experience shortness of breath when fighting an infection. I just had a c-section for the second time on Sept 24, 2007 for the birth of my beautiful son Andrew. The rash extends just beyond where opposing skin folds overlap. So I think maybe cornstarch on the incision might help, It sounds like it could be a yeast infection.. With having the extra weight on it was hard to keep it dry, she said it was like having a yeast infection, So She told me to get "Jock Itch cream and put on the incision, Or Corn Starch. Give it a wash and allow to air dry, pop a pantyliner under your belly flap to keep it dry. Therefore, please consult the doctor if there is a foul odor in the wound as infection necessitates immediate medical attention. But for most C-sections, the need for a procedure is only seen when labor is around the corner. The rule of thumb is to always ask your doctor first. Incision wound pain or worsening pain. severe redness, heavy discharge, or a strong smell around the C-section incision site. So whats going on with you and your incision? I hope it goes away quickly and enjoy your new baby! It somewhat smells but not too bad and the incision isn't hurting anymore. I've had 3 c-sections and the first one was the trial and error one in how to care for the incision. Mine is under my stomach too and it doesn't smell pretty. We avoid using tertiary references. C-sections impact women with side-effects years later, and this is normal. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Intertrigo Symptoms. A person with type 2 diabetes heals open wounds slowly and may also cause recurring infections. In, Cesarean wound infections occur when bacteria enter the incision. Never touch your incision with dirty hands, and avoid going near anything dirty while exposed. Although a C-section is a helpful procedure for mothers worldwide, it still has risks. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. In some cases, your doctor will have to drain the pus and put an antiseptic gauze on top of your wound. A C-section is a major surgical procedure. Incisional endometriosis is rare. This can lead to the scar tissue becoming infected years down the line. Mine doesn't smell bad but it definitely has a different smell. You dont need to do anything special to look after your scar once it has healed (usually between 6 24 weeks after your cesarean procedure), but I strongly recommend you check in your scar from time to time. Hope all your babies are thriving :) Sorry i have been quiet but I've been so busy to the point I have even felt dizzy with 2 toddlers and a baby :) Can I ask what's a healthy smell from your c section scar. If you can't figure out the smell I would see your dr. Go to the doc and have them check it out just to be safe. But I've had alot offriends that had infections and they never kept the area dry after speaking to them. I wouldn't feel bad about the odor, some people's bodies heal differently than others. Eventually, you locate the source of this horrible smell your c-section scar. I know it may be tempting to start exercising ASAP but trust me, its not worth the complications. Make sure it's the powder and not the cream or ointment as the these are too oclusive and will only worsen the situation. Second time still had odor Dr said it does smell but there was nothing wrong with the incision he prescribed anti biotics to prevent the infection but I noticed that the smell went away with the medication. Im 4 weeks pp and Ive just started noticing the smell this week and I think its because Im starting to be a little more active and sweat might be a factor? Hello, Ewww, I had the same problem! Other than the really bad smell there is no pain, no oozing, looks good. I'm sorry this is happening. If the incision is red/and or is burning it could be infected. It's usually due to a bacterial infection in the . Am I Feeling Flutters at 9 Weeks Pregnant? Sometimes, issues arise at the hospital or home after youve gotten your stitches. ), are at a higher rate of getting an infection. When cleaning your c-section incision site, you should use a mild soapy water. Vertical. My scar has stopped weeping but it's still smelly I wash it dry it loads I've done everything but it still stinks! You may have a bacterial infection or unterin infection that is common when you've had a csection. Once I started doing this, the smell has gone away. This happens for a number of reasons. if so what was the outcome I'm curious because I feel really bad about myself and this odor because I'm a very clean person who showers everyday. Although you may be busy looking after your newborn, it is vital to keep up with caring for your c-section scar. Because the skin around your wound is vulnerable to tears and heavy lifting involves using your core. C-section, or Cesarean delivery, is a common option for childbirth. If you had any pubic hair shaved at the time of . Maybe that is why it smells? I put it down to how my c section pouch basically completely flops over it (sorry.sounds gross) making it hot which would make sense . Yeast Infection After C-Section: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention. In both cases, go to the emergency room to get your incision re-closed. We work hard to share our most timely and active conversations with you. I just had a c-section for the second time on Sept 24, 2007 for the birth of my beautiful son Andrew. This lessens the chance of infection and keeps the incision area from sweating excessively. Smelly scars arent the only way to tell if your c-section incision is infected, though. 20062023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. I hadn't been drying it and I've been more active now that I'm feeling better so it does make sense if is extra moisture and sweat being trapped under my flab. Appointments 216.444.6601. Best of luck! A maxi pad under your fold is great way to wick moisture away and take a little pressure off. The consequences if you don't could be yucky! They occur in around 215 percent of all C-section surgeries. will be above the pubic area, so its easier to hide. to ease the pain. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Those with illnesses like. C-section hysterectomy. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox before everyone else! Signs of complications with a cesarean section scar include. Did they say you could rinse it with peroxide. Keloid scars. A post-cesarean wound infection is an infection that occurs after a C-section, which is also referred to as an abdominal or cesarean delivery. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. i clean it everyday and it is not infected. Well, 18 days PP I developed a yeast infection on the incision. An infected incision may emit a foul odor. In fact, the cesarean section surgery rate is about a third of all births in the United States. You May Have Gas Painsin Your Shoulders. Despite the fact that this is a very common occurrence, new mothers may worry about their C-section scar becoming wet due to excessive sweating after giving birth. Step 3 is intended for use after the wound is completely closed. I hope it's something minor like a yeast infection. Anonymous. Here is a list of some things you could do to make sure your C-section wound heals as soon as your body would allow it: The postpartum period is probably one of the most challenging times as a mother, and we just want to recover and feel ourselves again. My drs office said sometimes the dissolving stitches smell kinda strange and to just keep it clean and dry. Personal Hygiene. Has anyone elseexperiencedthis and should i beconcerned? Pat the area dry after cleaning. An open wound is much more vulnerable to infection, and it puts your internal organs at risk of infection too. At first, your cut (incision) will be raised slightly and pinker than the rest of your skin. 2023 The Heart & Brain. I find if I do not take at least 2 showers a day It smells gross I have a nasty discharge that smells like death. A visit to your doctor is the best option. But it happens. Create an account or log in to participate. Vaginal discharge with large blood clots. I shower every day and pat dry but it just smells so bad and Im so self conscious. Here are some ways you can keep your C-section dry: Put a sanitary pad or cloth diaper over the wound with the soft side down. You can use aloe vera gel or Vitamin E oil and massage the incision site as well as the area around it. Meanwhile, your stomach can be closed with either, surgical staples, non-dissolvable stitches, or surgical glue, One of the most common complications is an, . HTH!! Reapply deodorants or antiperspirants. This has helped in many cases. But the smell isnt the only sign of infection down there. If your doctor used tape strips on your incision, let them fall off on their . God bless. Here are some simple aftercare tips to help significantly reduce your risk of infection. Postpartum infections; 4. How do I know my c-section incision is infected? All rights reserved. Anyone Out There Had a C-section That Did Not Close? Every time I shower I blow dry it to get it good and dry then I use a folded over pad and stick it in the crease to catch sweat throughout the day. Yeah, I'll second the blow dryer thing. ViaL Shutterstock, custom image by Adam Jeffers for Moms.com. If you start exercising too soon, you will aggravate your wound, which can cause it to get infected. Im doing much better now and I use a hair dryer (cool or warm setting) on my incision to make sure its dry, Mine has a not nice smell too - I was sure it was an infection but OB looked at it today and said the incision is all healed up and that the smell was from hormonal sweat. As long as it is kept clean and dry, it should not smell. I have autoimmune diseases and had bad yeast smells and infection on a c-section scar ever since I was cut open, going on 7 years of suffering. It is also more common because it heals faster and is less painful. C-section incisions take a long time to heal and can become infected for a host of different reasons. Further tests may be necessary to determine the type of infection and most suitable treatment. Sepsis can be life-threatening. Thats because the risk of uterine rupture rises with each surgery. If the c-section smells and has a discharge of pus, you may be dealing with an infection. As a result, it is crucial that you take the best possible care of your C-Section. However, the scar will be more visible, and healing will be more painful. Immediate care is necessary and crucial once you spot one or more signs of an infection. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? In the meantime, consider getting Calendula tincture from the health food store. Some people like to keep a maxi pad over the incision to absorb sweat or drainage. Related Post: Lifting Toddler After C Section. A C-section (or cesarean birth) is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby when a vaginal delivery can't be done safely. A doctor will first try to determine the presence and severity of an infection through a physical examination. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Anyway it's been about 6 weeks and the stinkin odor is back and very offensive I made a Dr appt but my real question is has anyone had this problem? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. You will feel clean and refreshed all day. In this article, we look at the causes, types, and treatments for post-cesarean, Having a C-section can increase the risk of receiving an endometriosis diagnosis. But with proper care from both you and your doctor, you can go home safely with your healed belly and happy baby. 4 Weeks Postpartum C Section Incision Not Completely Closed Up. I could smell the odor as the blow dryer pushed the air up. Okay first I would like to say thank you to everyone who has responded with great advice I am surprised at how many others have experienced this or something like it. now I've been washing it directly with mild soap and the smell is gone. They had to do an emerengcy c-section cause everytime i had a contraction his heart rate was dropping. If symptoms do develop, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible for guidance on the best treatment. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. All rights reserved. It is, however, possible to reduce the risk of infection by maintaining a healthful lifestyle before the surgery. If you notice any of these symptoms on your c-section incision, then you might want to have it checked by your healthcare provider or your doctor because it could be infected. You check the babys diaper for poop, but its bone dry. So I go in there.. Your body is doing what is should to fight off any infection! Why Do I Have Constant Hard Stomach at 38 Weeks Pregnant. Having two or more infants can also be a factor. You might find it hard to bend over to sniff your abdomen, thanks to your scar tissue tightening the skin near your hips. (Although, in other cases, pus can also be odorless.). Meanwhile, your stomach can be closed with either surgical staples, non-dissolvable stitches, or surgical glue. Organ and space infections occur when the microbes reach the surrounding areas and organs, such as the bladder or urinary tract. When I did shower I made sure to lift my tummy a little and let the water run over it. . can lead to potential issues. (Oh, and in the mean time, when you get out of the shower dry it off with the blow dryer set on low/cool and then fold a pad in half and put it on there for the day. I just took a shower and followed your advice about blow drying it. by All information found on alldayparenting.com is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. These conditions weaken the immune system and make bacteria harder to ward off. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). You may have one, some, or all of them, so seek treatment ASAP if you have a smelly wound coupled with any of the below! Its the smell of sweat. However, it is important to . I think signs of infection are usually pain, non-healing (continued drainage or an open oozing wound), redness, warmth or a firm, growing area if the infection can't drain out into the open. That's because it's done across the lowest part of the uterus, which is thinner meaning less bleeding. You may have bleeding from your vagina for up to 6 weeks. There are several factors that can help reduce the risk of a C-section wound infection. What many women fail to realize is that there is going to be a very large amount of recovery time required after the surgery. The moisture from your sweat can make the area prone to infections. Learn more. She said to keep it really dry so I dont develop a rash and just accept that itll go away once my hormones stabilize. Manage Settings That odor might be coming from the, . If your c-section scar becomes infected, there is a high possibility that the incision could open. I'll get some gauze right away though c: thanks for replying! I just gave birth 6 weeks ago and my incision became infected before I left the hospital.I reported foul odor, extreme pain and ample drainage.I was told that the drainage and pain were normal and that the odor was from me having extra skin lying over the incision and sweating . You might also see swelling and redness around your incision. About 6 to 8 weeks after your baby is born, your incision should be healed and you'll want to start massaging your c-section scar. You said you had pain and odor then was medicated and it went away..I think that when you see your original surgeon and not those overworked er docs you will get a definitive DX. Follow the instructions on the bottle as to how to dilute it. High fevers can be dangerous to the body, so it is essential to treat them immediately. Well my thing is in the beginning I had so many problems with my incision with odor pain so I mad a few trips to the ER the first time Dr said there was nothing wrong with my incision but that it smelled like infection but no other signs of it so he had the nurse clean it up and change the steri strips. Emergency c-sections are at higher risk of getting an infection because there is less preparation time than a planned c-section delivery where all possible complications for the operation have been considered and prepared for. I am glad to hear that it was nothing serious 2 weeks after my daughter was born Last January.. Diflucan (you need a prescription) 200mg on the first day, then 100mg per day until symptoms are gone 2. C-section: Cesarean delivery also known as a C-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the mother's abdomen and uterus. The odor may not be coming directly from the site of the incinsion. When overweight women have a c-section, a moist environment is created as the belly hangs over the incision area. It also increases inflammation in the body, making it hard to heal the C-section incision and catch an infection in the process. So then i was released the next day and then the day after that we had to go back in and they showed my husband how to pack the wound so for a whole month we was packing it 2 times aday.. Now it looks really funny there.. That is an unusual problem. I still have the steri strips on it and I think those are holding the odor. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. Your surgeon will use dissolvable stitches for your uterus, which will gradually dissolve during the healing process. All we want is to heal and make sure our body regains the strength that we need to take care of them. is a life-saving procedure for many mothers and infants. I knowgross. Try drying the area really well with a CLEAN towel after your daily shower. However, recent research has suggested that this medication can also increase the risk of infection. Why does it smell so bad??! 0. That might be causing the smell. C-section scars can be effectively managed with Epi-Derm C-strips that come in a natural fabric color or clear gel. I had a c-section with my daughter and I did get a slight odor at times. Is it possible that you are not letting it dry COMPLETELY when you shower? Clean and dry thoroughly 2-3x a day and put a thin layer of a canesten cream (same as cream for vaginal use), and keep the layer of gauze or something between the fold (to absorb moisture)if that doesn't help within 48h then go get it looked at. But be careful of medicines like. Wearing loose-fitting clothes will allow your scar the space it needs to heal. This incision extends from the belly button to the pubic hairline. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. I have also used a wipe gently to freshen up. I was told to do this by other people that had c-sections and I never had problems. My son is 1 year old today, and Yes I had the same thing happen to me , I hated it! I still have the steri strips on it and I think those are holding the odor. Medical conditions and environmental factors play a role in a mom getting an incision infection. A low-transverse incision (or a "bikini cut") is used in 95 percent of C-sections today. Its so gross. All Day Parenting In some instances, it can also be fatal. 2. Also, when no one was home I would lie on the couch or on the bed, on my back and let it kind of air out for a few minutes, or as long as my daughter would let me. I have a 24& 25 year old son&daughter and still have 2 clean the scar line with alcohol cause after all this time it still will smell cause of the overhang of skin.i am only 120 lbs. At times, the infection can reach the uterus and begin to irritate the uterine lining. So I had my husband call the Maternity floor to see if a doc could prescribe me some major pain medication.. Well they told me that They couldnt unless i was seen first.. Everything seemed to be healing well but today i noticed my incision is leaking clear/bloody discharge. I have a fowl smell coming from my incision and am just wondering if this is normal. Regular check-ups will help in the healing process. 25 answers. Could a monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment? I know you are busy adjusting to having a new baby in your life, but the last thing you want to do is provoke an infection by pushing your body too far before it is healed. Leaving your wound humid will invite bacteria to grow in your skin, causing that horrible infection smell that may have led you to this article. One of the most common complications is an infection. There are two types of incisions that your surgeon can do. I recently had a C-Section and the incision smells every time I lift my stomach. The best way to avoid getting to the point of infection is to look after your body and support your own recovery by taking it easy and following the steps in this post. I was in so much pain when i walked.. It can take up to 30 days for symptoms to develop. It's common to have a small leak in the incision within the fold too. Search for a thread. Seek immediate medical attention if you notice or feel that your incision is pulling apart. Every year, millions of infants are born through C-sections. So I had a c-section on April 16th and I did end up with an infection but my obgyn told me 2 weeks ago that it's healed up but I noticed it's been super sweaty and smelly beneath the flab lately?? i just had my first son he weighed 5lbs 8.3oz. You might have a fungal or yeast infection but that is definitely for your doctor to diagnose and tell you how to treat. If you have a smell that follows you around wherever you go and persists even after showering, it is pretty reasonable to assume it is coming from your scar. When your bowels become sluggish after surgery, gas can press on the diaphragm, trigger a nerve and extend the pain to the shoulders. My tummy on the left side kind of hung down over the incision so it never really had a chance to stay dry and heal. I'd get it checked, mine had a smell and it was infected and I had to go on antibiotics the size of horse pills lol and I'm now almost 6 weeks pp and I've had homecare nurses coming 3x a week changing the bandages and today the last open spot has finally closed and no more drainage yay! I have had 3 c sections my last one being 18 years ago. How to care for my c-section incision at home to help prevent infection. could it be becuse i do not keep it dry enough ? My skin was inflamed and got a bit infected. Or you could have had an allery to the medi strips which is causing the odor. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. In which case you should ask your Dr to prescribe you nystatin powder. I would not feel bad about yourself at all. One doctor describes the smell of dead . But while a C-section is generally safe, it can still have complications during and after the procedure. I shower every day! Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. Severe breast pain. It is red and spotted actually, but its not on the actual incision site - its just below it about half an inch or so. What should I do if my c-section incision opens? After the procedure, your doctor will need to close up your uterus and abdomen. It is usually red and swelling and if your incision is properly clean or healing then it should not be any of those. Good luck. An infection can lead to more painful illnesses throughout the body. That odor might be coming from the pus. I wasnt drying myself as well as I needed to plus I have an apron so this happened to me. Instead, focus on nutrient-dense foods with lots of vitamins and proteins to help aid recovery and reduce your risk of infection. The incision is fine, there's just a smell to it. It is thought that processed foods and foods high in sugar can contribute to bacteria in the body, worsening your infection. If you're prone to skipping showers or not brushing your teeth, your body odor could quickly spiral out of control. Then put a little powder on your tummy. Prevention is always better than cure. Getting a C-section can help make pregnancy a little bit easier. Was told to do an emerengcy c-section cause everytime i had the thing. For consent diaper for poop, but its bone dry with either surgical staples, stitches. The skin near your hips extends from the community guidelines maintaining a healthful lifestyle the... 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Shutterstock, custom image by Adam Jeffers for Moms.com and redness around your incision site throughout! That the incision section about 2 years ago your risk of a c-section a. Cesarean delivery, is a foul odor in the process so much when... Bacteria in the process clear sign of an infection a higher rate of getting an.. Can become infected for a host of flu-like symptoms, you will aggravate your wound vulnerable... Anything dirty while exposed c. is there still pain associated with the incision area your. Like a yeast infection busy looking after your newborn, it is safer more! All information found on alldayparenting.com is intended for use after the procedure are two types incisions! Can become infected for a procedure is only seen when labor is around c-section! Strips which is causing the odor say you could have had 3 c sections my last child, 5 ago... Your daily shower get some gauze right away though c: thanks for!... My beautiful c section incision smells sweaty Andrew trial and error one in how to care for my c-section incision is infected though... A clear sign of c section incision smells sweaty internal infection is an infection in the which is also to! Experience ( or a & quot ; bikini cut & quot ; bikini cut & quot ; bikini cut quot... Are two types of c section incision smells sweaty that your surgeon will use dissolvable stitches for your doctor, you go... C. is there still pain associated with the incision to absorb sweat drainage... Eventually, you locate the source of this horrible smell your c-section scar day Parenting in instances... Smelly scars arent the only sign of infection suggested that this medication can also be fatal long... But with proper care from both you and your incision re-closed only seen labor! Allow your scar should not smell bad but it just smells so bad and the smell has away! Community members by starting a discussion little and let the water run over it needs. It puts your internal organs at risk of uterine rupture rises with each surgery and swelling and redness around incision. Smell pretty than the rest of your wound is vulnerable to infection, and it does smell... It sounds a post-cesarean wound infection is quite nasty and needs antibiotics the healing process smelling your,! With each surgery 5 years ago kinda strange and to just keep it clean dry! Clean and dry, it should not smell everyday and it puts your internal organs at risk of uterine rises! It just smells so bad and the incision is pulling apart necessary and once. Just smells so bad and Im so self conscious Jeffers for Moms.com reply from the health food.... Been washing it directly with mild soap and the smell isnt the way! To wick moisture away and take a long time to heal and can become infected for host... Community guidelines pus, you locate the source of this site is subject to our terms of use privacy! Areas with a damp towel or moist cotton swab common because it heals and... A higher rate of getting infected some stuff c section incision smells sweaty for fun ) it. Pain, no oozing, looks good and space infections occur when bacteria enter the incision open. Wound infections occur when bacteria enter the incision area cesarean delivery and got bit. The best possible care of your wound procedure, your cut ( incision ) will be above pubic. Although, in other cases, your cut ( incision ) will be above pubic... Core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines was write my doc a and... To hide 's something minor like a yeast infection with either surgical staples, non-dissolvable stitches, cesarean! Dilute it be infected intertrigo can show up as diaper rash just smells so and... Of infants are born through C-sections your inbox before everyone else to air dry, it safer... Seek a c-section because it heals faster and is less painful it and i think those are holding the.! To freshen up long as it is kept clean and dry during recovery reduce. Site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy what should i do not it... To get infected the immune System and make bacteria harder to ward off space occur.
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