Uber officials seem to tell the public what they want to hear and then turn a blind eye to it. What began in 2009 as a luxury car service in San Francisco is now valued at $62.5 billion and operates across 71 . 2018 Nov 15 [cited 2023 Mar 1]. This is a case study review about Uber a global, app based Taxi Company. Get your custom essay on, https://studydriver.com/ubers-ethical-and-legal-issues/, Legal and Ethical Issues in Online Counseling, An Examination of Legal, Ethical and Social Issues on Information Systems, (n.d.). Let's start by finding a writer. Uber has also been guilty of violating terms of service, specifically with APPLE. With an evaluation of Uber work governance the factors can be explored effectively because company has previously involved in issues that are linked with corporate governance, risk and ethics. Basically they utilize low-cost provider approach which consolidates that with making quality for the different partners by concentrating on incredible [], One of the most genius ways people are influenced to purchase an item or service is the common everyday magazine advertisement. Stop wasting your time searching for samples! Operating in 58 countries, it is valued over 60 billion dollars. An organization with good morals doesnt cover these things up. ReferencesAngrist, J. D., Caldwell, S., & Hall, J. V. (2017). Uber was accused of unscrupulous recruitment tactics. our extensive database of written samples to find the inspiration or research youre looking Safety of the passengers While pursuing the trip to a random destination, the independent contractors try whether the loyalty of the driver could be changed to the Uber Company. Disruptive change in taxi business: The case of Uber. (2017, Aug 31). And nobody gets away with just an apology. But doing so dramatically increases the rate of having an accident. Though the local government had intervened in this matter and sent the doctor on administrative leave, there have been no significant interventions made by the Uber Company management. Studies show that certain people (mostly older and of oriental origins) do not tolerate much female supervisors. We have experts for any subject. Their objective was to be the founders of the self-driving vehicle. (JEC, n.d.). In modern management, knowledge audit is particularly important as it provides a detailed analysis of the state of knowledge in an [], Autonomous Ride-sharing Uber was founded in 2009 to make transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere, for everyone, using a smartphone app to connect customers with drivers. Why would a multi-billion dollar company who can afford a standard background check on their employees, allow these dangerous people to drive innocent customer? Ethics made easy - comprehensive, simple to use, transparent and reliable ethical rankings. There should be staunch support to the drivers by the company who are a victim of assault and violence so as to curb the Uber Ethical Issues. Uber executives stated that they are working on bringing in more women and more people of color into tech (Lussier and Hendon, 2019). All rights reserved. Yesterday it was announced that the Department of Justice sued Uber alleging it charges disabled passengers who need more time to climb into a vehicle extra "wait time" fees. "Emil's comments at the recent dinner party were terrible and do not represent the company," he tweeted. The following are few of the ethical issues which are highlighted: Ethical issues Passenger Safety: According to New York Times, many UBER drivers have been convicted with sexual harassment and sexually assaulting of the passengers. It was upsetting enough when Michael made his crack about digging up dirt on journalists who dared to criticize the company. The EEO-1 report, also known as an employer information report, is mandated by the US federal government and requires companies to report employment data by race/ethnicity, gender, and job category. Below, we will examine Susan Fowlers case, who was an employee at Uber and claimed that her supervisor sexually harassed her and other women at the company. Uber has been accused by three engineers of systematically underpaying women and minorities. Write an article and join a growing community of more than 160,300 academics and researchers from 4,571 institutions. Uber has suffered a spate of negative publicity in recent days after allegations of discrimination and harassment from a former software engineer ("Another Uber Engineer Goes Public With Sexism and Harassment Allegations", 2017). As per a case file in the jurisdiction of Chicago in January 2016, an Uber driver was arrested by the police officials for abducting a drunken passenger. Its growth to date has been so costly that even after the raft of regulations it has managed to sidestep, and measures forcing down the income of its drivers, it is losing billions every year. English philosophers and economist Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill described this philosophy as making an action right if it promotes happiness and wrong if it has the opposite effect. Ethical Issues at Uber - Sexual Harassment - Case Study, By the response Susan Fowler got from her HR Department, and news articles I have read in the past regarding the. 863-872). The Edge DR Tech Sections Close Back. In conclusion, we have discussed three specific laws that applied to the company which was: Sexual harassment, violation of Equal Pay Act, and violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Morningstar: 2019 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Recently, Uber has been under fire for a bad corporate culture, which promoted, among other things, sexism and other forms of toxic behavior. Uber sought in September to get a new rule overturned. Purpose This paper aims to engage with the social issues emerging from the increasing reliance upon app-driven services, as they pertain to precarious labor and ethical standpoints in a digital . The argument of the Lyft company stated that the process of ordering and cancelling a ride wastes the money, effort, time, etc. The instalment of proper online cameras in the cab would give proper safety to the drivers while working. For many, Uber is a sure thing. There have been instances that the cabs were being damaged by the customers, but there has been no significant support given by the company to the Uber drivers. The footage of this video also went viral, and the person had to lose his job from the designation of corporate manager in Taco Bell company (Glss, 2016). UBER has been subjected to many law suits and ethical issues. Ubers fundamental problem is that it does not have this advantage. The company has never made a profit, and in 2016 alone lost nearly US$3 billion. Previously, Ghaffary worked at BuzzFeed News, the San Francisco Chronicle, and TechCrunch. Castigation without consequences is meaningless. The similar case of crimes like rape, sexual harassment, sexual assault, verbal assault, stalking, etc. Sexual harassment became a part of things that violate the CRA being a discrimination based on sex (Lussier, Hendon 2019). The controversial statement of Kalanick stating the company as Boob-er (implying that the company has acted as a chick magnet for him) has also created a disgrace to the leadership of Uber Company (Leighton, 2016). According to the U.S. After all, how does a driver learn about your need in the first place? So can Uber afford to become ethical? It is not that Uber is incapable of such ethical measures. Most dramatically, the costs of becoming established in new markets is vast. In November, a New York court dismissed Uber's lawsuit challenging a city law limiting the number of licenses for ride-hailing services. HR should be there to help, to train, and to take aggressive action and have zero tolerance. By the activities of Uber, the main rival companies like Lyft have to undergo humungous loss because of the pointless expenditures conducted for the pick-up and return to back to other customers in case of bogus and failed orders. The personal data of the customers were being manipulated and utilized by Uber to sustain its business interests and expands its customer base. China, being the most populous country in the [], Nowadays information systems are integrating four main components. What HR is really good at is hiding these issues and standing up for their company in a lawsuit. You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your The open letter continues, "Making changes only at the corporate leadership level creates a dangerous likelihood that Uber's sustained ethics challenges will resurface.". These acts have led to 200,000 users deleting the app during a protest that occurred in February of 2017 (Bershidsky, 2017). The business guide to legal literacy: what every manager should know about the law. Herein lies the problem. Uber has suspended its services in Philippines after the national regulator banned it from operating for one month. Uber plans on going public sometime in 2019, they could potentially be the worlds largest IPO of all time, with banks valuing the company as high as 120 billion dollars (Ivanova, 2018). Students who find writing to be a difficult task. We have sent you an email with the required document. As Andrew Keen suggested Thursday on CNN.com, if Kalanick really meant what he said, he would have suspended or fired Michael for those remarks. Uber Information Systems Integration Essay, The Importance of Knowledge Management Audit on Uber Essay, Case Study: Autonomous Vehicles of Uber Essay, The Interview With O'Reilly in Magnolia Essay, An Analysis of the Integrity of Ipcc as an Organization Essay, A Profile of the Company Costco Wholesale Essay, The Business Model and Market Strategy of Costco Essay, Identifying the Psychological Needs of a Wal-Mart's Magazine Advertisement Essay. Jobs dont necessarily have to be identical to be paid equally but must be almost of the same worth. However, purposely sabotaging other ride sharing companies and turning a blind eye to numerous rape and sexual assault allegations are beyond terribly unethical and untrustworthy. The retrospective apologies - rather than pre-emptive plans to prevent ethical issues that could be easily avoided - is a common . The acts and attitude of Travis Kalanick were absolutely against the traits of an ethical leader. Here's a look back at the scandals the came before Uber went public at an initial market. Or they just settle the case with a few millions and then keep doing the same thing? In March of 2009 UberCab initiated out San Francisco allowing customers to access a cab with your smartphone. The benefits of a diverse workforce at an organization such as Uber are described above, but there exist challenges as well. Uber- Ethics & Legal Standards. Loading. Below, we will . Ethical issues are a great concern for the company. But Amazon has benefited, throughout its growth, from a trump card: its use of a virtual shopfront makes its overheads significantly lower than bricks-and-mortar rivals. We do this by: Fostering and enabling a culture of ethical decision-making Guiding the Uber workforce to comply with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations Once the problem gets widely publicized, of course every company will apologize and say that they will take steps to change, but will they really change? This technique of Greyball could be considered a violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (In, 2017). I want to suggest that this may not be possible. Ultimately, in response to Fowler's claim of sexual harassment and similar accusations, Uber fired 20 employees, including senior executives, and reprimanded 40 more employees. Sexual harassment and Equal Pay are not the only two laws Uber has been accused of breaking. It is looking as though, in many territories such as London, Ubers survival will rely on concrete measures to better care for both its drivers and customers. Jiang, S., Chen, L., Mislove, A., & Wilson, C. (2018, April). Ethics Issues: Uber is a great company that provides a variety of services. These approaches would effectively attend the Uber ethical issue of Passenger safety in the future. Unprincipled LeadershipIt has been accepted by Travis Kalanick, the first CEO of Uber that he tried to sabotage the funding strategies of Lyft Company, its biggest rival. Why exclude someone just because their gender is different, or their skin color, or religion, or birthplace? The letter's . Copyright 2022. totalassignment.com. Every place I worked at had a range of different people and it was very nice to meet and work together with people of different cultures, and I think me being from a different country added to that experience as well. This technique would cause the Lyft drivers to have low availability, waste gas and then more than likely allow the customers to call Uber instead for a ride (Frizell). The three engineers, Ingrid Avendano being one of them as well as Ana Medina and Roxana del Toro, accuse Uber of favoring men of white or Asian race. Uber Eats. Securing Higher Grades Costing Your Pocket? Sam Frizell of Times wrote that numerous Uber employees would call in rides from Lyft, wait until the rides got close to them and then cancel them. Retrieved from JEC: http://jec.unm.edu/education/online-training/contract-law-tutorial/breach-of-contract, (2018, March 27). Benefits/Challenges of a Diverse Workforce. The report is used to ensure proper diversity and equal opportunity throughout our workforceessentially a road map of Uber's US workforce at a . You can find a skilled professional who can write any paper for you. The first Uber scandal to break was the sexual harassment claims, which led to a domino effect of multiple other scandals. Similarly, another passenger accused an Uber driver of sexual charges in Chicago. Uber disregarded the social responsibility of keeping their employees and consumers safe, to maximize profits. Retrieved from Harvard JLOT: https://jolt.law.harvard.edu/digest/waymo-v-uber-surprise-settlement-five-days-into-trial, Denning, S. (2013, June 26). The company should have no right to retain the personal data of the passengers. Sexual Harassment was not the only specific law that applies to Uber. These hackers found the critical data of Uber on Amazon Web Services AWS where the company stored and stole that data. However, sometimes brands suffer with making an incorrect choice and have to face those consequences. 1632-1643). On ride sharing competition and accessibility: Evidence from Uber, lyft, and taxi. Retrieved from The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/19/business/uber-sexual-harassment-investigation.html?module=inline, Ivanova, I. Until the company straightens up and drives right, I'll find other ways of getting from A to B. Since the ethical issues of autonomous vehicles involve life and death decisions, they are understandably complex and controversial, and opinions are heavily influenced by individuals' personal moral codes. The unethical approach of employeesIf the management of Uber Company wants to sustain the business for a longer period, then the appropriate practice of ethical behaviour should be encouraged among its employees. Another ride sharing company, Lyft, got the brunt of Ubers sabotaging techniques. A correction was made on October 4 to reflect the fact that Amazon is the largest online retailer on the planet, not the largest retailer. The rising report all over the countries also reveals that most of the employees in Uber are practising unethical behaviour. These contractors used burner phones and credit cards to create accounts with Uber's competitors' services, mainly those of its major . Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. Related: Taxi rival bills itself as 'non a-hole' Uber. In 2014, August, Verge claimed that Uber has recruited a group of independent workers that were referred to as brand ambassadors. Uber was accused of stealing trade secrets from Waymo, a Google self-driving project. Another challenge could be the sexual harassment problem. It provides a competitive advantage to the owner. Rapid growth saw Uber in 100 cities [], OReilly started as a part store in Missouri in 1957. 2022 Cable News Network. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. The aspect of ethical responsibility and appropriate code of conduct was being neglected by the managing division of UBER, which later backfired at various local markets. Interactive: Human Resource Management Interactive eBook 3rd edition: 9781544320618, 9781544320601. https://www.vitalsource.com/products/interactive-human-resource-management-interactive-robert-n-lussier-v9781544320601. Most stock quote data provided by BATS. World news: Uber faces probe under U.S. bribery law justice looks at whether managers breached foreign corrupt practices act. Uber executives were driven by profit and decided to not allow government regulations to interfere. Should Uber ultimately fail, it would open up the possibility of a taxi company fit for the 21st century. Glss, M., McGregor, M., & Brown, B. Same Frizell explains how Lyft told CNNmoney that Uber employees have called and canceled more than 5,000 rides. have been charged against various Uber drivers (Saadah &Mubah, 2017). In August 2014, The Verge alleged that Uber had recruited a team of independent contractors referred to as 'brand ambassadors'. With a 6% Hispanic, 9% black, and only 36% female ratio, there is no question that Uber violated the 1964 CRA. A fairly common conclusion is that Uber needs to become more ethical if it is to survive. This ethical framework can be said to be a driving force in Ubers case with stealing trade secrets. Ethics in the programming process Accidents involving self-driving cars are usually due to sensor error or software error, explains Srikanth Saripalli, associate professor in mechanical engineering at Texas A&M University, in The Conversation. But you can one from professional essay writers. Related: Uber sorry for 'hot chick' 20-minute ride promo. So there needs to be ongoing training that includes everyone, about how to deal with cultural differences and why does diversity matter, and it needs to be clear that sexual harassment is a big deal and it is not tolerated. Have been charged against various Uber drivers ( Saadah & Mubah, 2017 ) that Uber needs become... Described above, but there exist challenges as well straightens up and drives right, I then turn a eye., app based taxi company fit for the company straightens up and drives right I! Than pre-emptive plans to prevent ethical issues are a great concern for the 21st century right to retain the data... Of independent workers that were referred to as brand ambassadors in February of 2017 ( Bershidsky, 2017.! Brands suffer with making an incorrect choice and have to be paid equally but ethical issues with uber be almost of the in. New York Times: https: //jolt.law.harvard.edu/digest/waymo-v-uber-surprise-settlement-five-days-into-trial, Denning, S., Chen,,! 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