I got off the phone with her and tried to untie myself. Why would a rapist use shoelaces to tie her up? Defendants included Rittgarn, Mason and Lynnwood Police Chief Steven J. Jensen. Credited as a collaboration with The Marshall Project and ProPublica, it debuted on February 26, 2016. Hendershot asked for a comparison. When the woman reported the attack to Lynnwood police, she says detectives Jerry Rittgarn and Sgt. The woman had lost her husband to cancer the previous year. Tuesday 7:00am - 9:00pm This was never meant to happen. He insisted on a fax. [9] The other officer, Rittgarn, declined to be interviewed. She was just a nice person to have around. Just after noon, the agents saw a woman and a man who looked like OLeary leave. He was certain Marie had lied. Self-esteem gave way to self-loathing. [9], Armstrong's editor Joe Sexton and Miller's editor Bill Keller had worked together at The New York Times. Peggy had two cats. There was something else she had to do. The investigators hadnt known that Michael lived with his brother. [29] Emily Bazelon of The New York Times praised that the authors "tell their story plainly, expertly and well",[30] and the style of alternating between Marie's story and the other Denver sexual assaults was praised by Claudie Rowe of The Seattle Times and Cain. He didnt answer so I called my foster mom. Two dogs, a small pit bull and a Shar-Pei, tumbled out ahead of him. Thundershowers had soaked the area before the attack. Only about one-fifth to one-third of rapes get reported to police, national surveys show. That night, Hendershot drove to break the news to her victim, the 59-year-old widow in Westminster. One sample was collected from the kitchen timer in Westminster. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Two and a half years after Maries attack, Lynnwood police contacted her to refund her the $500 and other court costs and informed her thather record would be expunged. A Lakewood patrol car had snapped a picture of OLeary standing by his white Mazda in the driveway of his house only two hours after the August attack on the widow in Westminster. It was registered to a Lakewood man named Marc Patrick OLeary. Lakewood patrol cars had cameras that automatically took pictures of every license plate they passed. An internal review also concluded that Mason and Rittgarn's behaviour was "designed to elicit a confession of false reporting." That seemed very strange, Shannon says. The two women who had helped raise Marie talked on the phone. .css-gk9meg{display:block;font-family:Lausanne,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;padding-top:0.25rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-gk9meg:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.15;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 73.75rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}Celebrities Who Voice Cartoon Characters, 'The Mandalorian' Season 3 is About to Commence, The Underworld Crossover of the Century Is Coming. When he was finished, he said that if she told the police, he would post the photos online so that her kids, when she had kids, could see them. Apartments didnt offer the privacy of a house, but still, there were advantages. In August 2008, a stranger broke into the apartment of an 18-year-old Lynnwood woman, gagged her, bound her hands with a shoelace and raped her. Why would you want to have the same sheets and bedspread to look at every day when youd been raped on this bed set? Shannon thought to herself. We would always hug and she would look you right in the eye. In the bedroom, Marie seemed casual, with nothing to suggest that something horrible had happened there. Marie broke down, experiencing, all at once, shock, relief and anger. ", Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion, What Netflix's 'The Spy' Gets Wrong About Eli Cohen, Netflix's 'The Spy': Eli Cohen's Remains Still a Mystery, Kathleen Zellner Explains $100,000 Reward in Steven Avery Case. She was charged with filing a false report, later forced to pay $500, and The Seattle Post-Intelligencer wrote a piece about her called, Police: Lynnwood rape report was a hoax., I was mad at God, Marie said. She enjoyed chatting with people, free from pressure to sell. The man threatened her with a butcher knife, gagged her with her underwear, bound her hands with a shoelace from her tennis shoe and raped her. The two bonded naturally. But there was a clincher: the woman in Galbraiths case had remained as focused as possible during her ordeal, memorizing details. The first narrative is about a woman in Lynnwood, Washington, known pseudonymously as "Marie", who reports being raped to the police. Could the detectives connect OLearys Mazda with the blurry image of the white Mazda in the surveillance footage from Golden? The pair spoke to various police officers, including Detectives Stacy Galbraith and Edna Hendershot who investigated the Colorado cases. Marie left Shannons home after a couple of weeks to move in with Peggy Cunningham, who worked as a childrens advocate at a homeless shelter and lived in Lynnwood, a smaller suburb about 15 miles north of Seattle. News coverage, criminal justice guidelines and court transcripts were also consulted. Her story hadnt hurt anyone no suspects arrested, or even questioned. I would spend hours at the beach watching the sunset go down and that was one of my favorite things. They often dont know about, or fail to use, an FBI database created years ago to help catch repeat offenders. He boasted of the countermeasures hed taken to avoid getting caught. . She married, and in October she and her husband had their second child. She went into the bathroom and cleaned up. And the reporters who made her story national news are still in touch with Marie, who, in 2014, settled a lawsuit against the city of Lynnwood for $150,000. This didnt square with what Marie had previously told Mason. On Feb. 9, 2011, more than a dozen cops and agents from the FBI and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation gathered in a briefing room at the Westminster police station to discuss the state of the investigation. [10] The structure was proposed by Sexton. On Aug. 18, D.M. The report on Maries life written by a mental health expert who interviewed her for five hours is written with clinical detachment, describing her life before she entered foster care She reports not knowing much about her biological mother, who she said would often leave her in the care of boyfriends. We are happy to reach this resolution, he said. The detectives doubled back to what she had said before about being stressed, being lonely and, eventually, Marie appeared to relax. Illustrations by Wesley Allsbrook. He had been punctilious. He has been the McGraw Professor of Writing at Princeton and a Nieman Fellow at Harvard. Mason. His work included coverage of the 2000 presidential campaign and three years as a bureau chief for the Times, responsible for 10 countries in South and Central America. He was alone. Galbraith and Hendershot hadnt known each other before the meeting. Marie was charged with filing a false report and accepted a plea deal under which she had to pay a $500 fine and undergo counseling to avoid jail time. A newNetflix series, which takes on the real-life tale of how a serial rapist was tracked down and captured, dedicates a lot of its screen time to one of his victims in particular:a teenage girl who wasnt believed when she came forward with her story to the extentinvestigators actually charged her with filing a false report. The first person she called after the attack was her former foster mom Shannon McQuery, who immediately didnt believe her. Act like nothing bad had happened, like nothing ever affected her. MARCH 12, 2009 LYNNWOOD, WASHINGTON No one came to court with her that day, except her public defender. Peggy, too, was mystified by Maries demeanor. Galbraith spotted the victim standing in the thin sunlight outside her ground floor apartment. The credibility of the victim was often on trial as much as the guilt of the accused. After hours of further questioning, Marie wrote that she had been lying. Then her eyes darted back and forth as if she was thinking of a response.. She stopped crying. The search results can point you to the official or complete court record. Rittgarn asked. And Zoloft is an adult drug I was on that at 8, she said, according to the article. And then, finally, in January 2011 came the attack on the 26-year-old in Golden, about 15 miles southwest of Westminster. As she headed home that night, Galbraiths mind raced. She asked that her current location not be disclosed. The first victim, an 18-year-old woman known as Marie, reported to Sergeant Jeffrey Mason and Jerry Rittgarn that she had been raped at her home in Lynnwood, Washington. returned to the police station with Cocoon House representatives and asked to withdraw the denial and insisted that she had been attacked. They gave her an envelope with information on counseling for rape victims. He wore a gray hoodie, baggy gray sweatpants and gray slip-on houseshoes. When Galbraith talked to her husband, also a police officer, he observed similarity with an incident reported to his police department in Westminster. Flipping the switch was a relief and it would let her leave. They were both cops, after all. Im encouraged, Im excited, she said. A half-dozen officers and technicians were now at work. I have no qualms with asking for help, Galbraith said. Lie-detector tests are especially unreliable with people who have been traumatized, and can destroy the victims trust in law enforcement. When I went to sleep I dreamed that someone broke in and raped me. When the detectives returned, they saw that Maries new statement described the rape as a dream, not a lie. Hassell transmitted the image to Galbraith. In the predawn hours, a white Mazda pickup truck appeared 10 times. How am I going to find him? Galbraith often volunteered to take rape cases. You should get help, the woman, a house mother at a local fraternity, told the man. He arrived in the predawn hours, then waited outside her apartment, outside her bedroom, listening to her on the phone, waiting for her to fall asleep. Gina Marie Maki (Marinucci), age 46, passed away peacefully and surrounded by the love of her family on Saturday, February 18, 2023 at EvergreenHealth Hospice Center in Kirkland, Washington from Stage IV colon cancer. In 2008, an 18-year-old Marie, fresh out of foster care, reported that she'd been raped by a man who entered her apartment in Lynnwood, Washington while she was sleeping. The medical report noted abrasions to Maries wrists and to her vagina. Then she admitted making the story up". The article was written by Ken Armstrong and T. Christian Miller. Marie agreed to those conditions. The investigators decided to try to get a sample of OLearys DNA. The detectives had thoroughly examined their crime scenes. I didnt want to give him the satisfaction. It wasnt until 2 years later, when OLeary was arrested in Colorado, that Lynnwood police reopened their investigation. If there was sympathy in the room, Marie sensed it from only one person, the young woman to her right. On her way, she crossed a bridge. She and I speak fairly often. He also realized police departments often did not communicate. It described the officers' behaviour as "bullying" and highlighted threats of jail and housing assistance removal as "coercive, cruel, and unbelievably unprofessional." He gripped a silver and black gun. Because I feel that if I would have shut my mouth, they would have done their job, she says. At Elle Marie Hair Studio, we believe your experience should be empowering and transformative. He was the rapist. [35][36][37] On Rotten Tomatoes, the series has a rating of 98%, based on 82 reviews, with the summary: "Heartbreaking and powerful, Unbelievable transcends familiar true-crime beats by shifting its gaze to survivors of abuse, telling their stories with grace and gravity. He was not a registered sex offender. Maybe it was the attacker waiting for the woman to fall asleep? Their suspicions were based on comments from three people who said that they doubted her story, according to the suit. (A later edition has been retitled, Unbelievable: The Story of Two Detectives Relentless Search for the Truth.). [8] A brief audio recording of Marie describing her rape is included in the article.[2]. I didn't even get a half mile from my house. It had cost her sense of worth. This time, though, there was something different. The three then went to the police station so Marie could recant her recantation that is, tell detectives that she had been telling the truth the first time. She called the judge who was on duty for the weekend. It was such a rush. Jennifer Gentile Long, CEO of AEquitas: The Prosecutors' Resource on Violence Against Women, commented that the article presented an "extraordinary learning opportunity for both criminal justice professionals and ordinary citizens alike". He had broken into more than a dozen homes since. In Lynnwood, Washington, an 18-year-old woman, referred to as "Marie," reported being bound, gagged and raped at knifepoint to police. Marie Adler is a rape survivor and long-haul truck driver from Lynnwood, Washington, USA. And for him to know that we figured you out.. Galbraith and Hendershot turned to DNA to identify the serial rapist. OLeary had been stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord from November 2006 through September 2009, when he moved to Colorado, according to prosecutors in King and Snohomish counties. I didnt want it to get back to Marie, Peggy says. And we dont want to see this happen to anybody ever again, Rider said. She had reported being raped in her apartment by a man who had bound and gagged her. So, too, his methods. Later that day Aug. 14, three days after Marie reported being raped Mason called Marie, to ask if they could meet. Galbraith and her husband David once again faced each other on the couches in their living room. Hendershot remembered that while investigating her case, an officer had alerted her to an incident in October 2009 in Aurora, a suburb on the other side of Denver. T. Christian Miller joined ProPublica in 2008 as a senior reporter. The trail started in Aurora, east of Denver, on Oct. 4, 2009, with the 65-year-old woman. Lets do what we can do to catch him.. So nobody else would get hurt, she said. She would need to go on supervised probation. The search of the home validated the detectives investigation. Celebrate the life of Marie Arzer, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information. At home, her husband David had done the dishes and put the kids to bed. According to police reports and statements filed with the lawsuit, D.M. Marie became the subject of media reports and an attack website. Marie said she really had been raped and began to cry, saying she was having visions of the man on top of her. She reports entering foster care at age six or seven.". I basically had 20 minutes to pack my stuff and go.. Rapes by strangers were uncommon about 13 percent of cases. ProPublica and Marshall Project in-depth story. The marks at the two crime scenes were the same. However, the police were suspicious of her story and Peggy was too. Turn away, he told Marie and she did. He left the room, and walked to the front door, and he was gone. The five other attacks one in Washington, four in Colorado all came after the attack on Marie. ", The reporters adapted the story for audio for an episode of This American Life and wrote a book about the case called, A False Report: A True Story of Rape in America. Shed worked more than 100 rape cases in her career. Interviewed in the same room where he had confronted Marie seven years before, he said: It wasnt her job to try to convince me. A second came from the victim in Golden. But not enough.. But he spent so much time hunting (thats what he called it, hunting), hundreds of hours, maybe even a thousand, that he conditioned himself to incorporate as many women as possible, young or old, into his fantasies. It was dark outside when she finished. It fell to Shannon to break the news. There was a particular photo that I really liked that she took. "Unbelievable" recounts the true story of how the teenager reported to Lynnwood police in 2008 that she was raped at knifepoint by a masked intruder in her apartment and how she later. commented on the changing definition of rape used by the FBI. He took pictures and threatened to post them on the Internet. I went into this dark hole.. Galbraith had a simple rule: listen and verify. In early October, less than two months after Marie was charged with false reporting, a 63-year-old woman reported being raped inside her condominium in Kirkland, east of Seattle. Marie, as directed, told her fellow participants in Project Ladder that she had lied about being raped. Golden and Westminster were middle class bedroom towns wedged between Denvers downtown skyscrapers and the looming Rockies. adult caregivers and professionals coming in and then out of her life, some distressing or abusive experiences, and a general lack of permanency. Police should not interrogate victims or threaten to use a polygraph device. Based on her answers and body language it was apparent that [Marie] was lying about the rape, Rittgarn later wrote. "This was about a sexual assault that happened in 2008, and [Miller] and I are both working on this story seven years later. And the Westminster widow had told Hendershot that her attacker wore a white T-shirt during her assault. Cities: Lynnwood WA, Livingston MT Possible Relatives: Kirsten Marie Gilliam, Jo Darlene Hagen. Maybe she was making up the rape to get moved to a new one. Peggy told Shannon she had doubts. Who is this guy? she asked herself. She looked calm, unflustered. Marie Callender in Lynnwood, WA. Two years later, in Colorado, detectives investigate a serial rapist with the exact same modus operandiall without knowing that he may have struck before. He stuffed cloth into her mouth to muffle any sound. Project Ladder gave her a 9 p.m. curfew and doubled the number of times she had to meet with staff. They received thousands of pages of documents, including investigative reports, case reviews, crime scene photographs and footage of surveillance and O'Leary after his arrest. No one deserves to be treated like Marie was. He had a term for what he was about to do: rape theater. Deviant fantasies had gripped him since he was a kid, way back to when he had seen Jabba the Hutt enslave and chain Princess Leia. 1. A Kirkland detective eventually called Shannon back. It was just like, freedom. Thats awful. Link your TV provider to stream full episodes and live TV. Mason then came to her home and interviewed her in person. He would rifle a targets personal documents. She reports the assault to police, who quickly abandon investigating her case and .css-umdwtv{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#FF3A30;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #d5dbe3 50%, #d5dbe3);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-umdwtv:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}charge her with with making a false report to police. But the hunt for the rapist united them. Alerted to the site, Marie went into a frenzy, trashing her apartment. They also appeared similar to prints from a pair of Under Armour gloves that a Lakewood investigator, on a hunch, had discovered at a Dicks Sporting Goods. Selena Gomez says her biggest mistake is losing touch with the Wizards of Waverly Place, Miley Cyrus Tour 2023: Tickets, prices, presale, dates, setlist and everything we know, High School Music: The Musical: The Series. Analysts at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation got the samples. Masons judgment was unduly swayed by Peggys phone call. She also held it againstMarie that apparently she wasn'tmaking eye contact, was giggling, and was being flirty in the aftermath. He wore a black. But I dont think that thats the right standpoint. It was him. This story was co-published with The Marshall Project. Marie also confronted the police who handled her original case and they apologised to her just like in the series. Marie was used to being around other kids. The Project Ladder managers told Marie that if she wanted to stay in the program if she wanted to keep her subsidized apartment she would have to confess to someone else. In her lawsuit, the woman claimed Lynnwood detectives disregarded evidence of the assault, bullied her into saying it didnt happen and then threatened to have her thrown out of her apartment when she insisted it did. She does not know if she attended kindergarten. About two of those and probably 10 or 11 foster homes., I was on like seven different drugs. It was all a blur. Marie was heavily medicated, although its not clear why. Seven cops stood behind her, pressed against the house, their guns drawn. And it had her address. Rarely do misdemeanors draw notice. [28][29] However, though Rosita Boland of The Irish Times enjoyed the early sections of the book, she found it to have a "curiously flat style overall, without any distinctive voice". But there was not enough genetic material to identify a single individual. As the weeks passed, the dead ends continued. Marie had been sexually and physically abused in early life and was in foster care for most of her childhood. Honeycomb marks. "An Unbelievable Story of Rape" is a 2015 article about a series of rapes in the American states of Washington and Colorado that occurred between 2008 and 2011, and the subsequent police investigations. Just keep working! Galbraith insisted. Her case was one of 4,859 filed in 2008 in Lynnwood Municipal Court, a place where the judge says the goal is to correct behavior to make Lynnwood a better, safer, healthier place to live, work, shop and visit.. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. D.M. OLeary had purchased a pornography website in September 2008. The lawsuit alleges police ignored or disregarded evidence once they convinced themselves she was not telling the truth. Hendershot was more experienced. I moved a lot when I was younger, Marie says in an interview. She was wearing new boots that day. She was a little scared, but any trepidation was tempered by a sense of pride. 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