When you plead the Blood of Jesus, things begin to happen. The blood of Jesus is all in all, and that blood shall defend you from every satanic attacks today in jesus name. Yoke-breaking: Whenever you plead the Blood of Jesus, people and things are set free from any kind of yoke. The 12 in the above word, represents the church and its unity, as this is what the 12 disciples represented. Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Purpose and Application 7. So was the apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 11:27). This is why Pleading the Blood of Jesus works so well in real life combat situations, when it really is needed to defeat attacks that are coming against us from the dark side. Prayer Points Using The Blood Of Jesus As A Weapon MFM. If you want to take this last and final step with the Lord, then I can give you a very short, but powerful prayer to go to God the Father with to come into this full surrender with Him. In the Name of Jesus, I command any & every evil spirit in or around me to immediately depart & to never ever return. With my mouth I have confessed unto salvation and justification. Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your own body, soul, and spirit will also help keep you personally protected from all of the above. Holy Ghost fire sanitize my conception with the blood of Jesus. There is no question that in these verses, and others in the Bible, that the blood that Jesus personally shed for us on the cross is what leads all of us to be able to receive eternal salvation, the forgiveness of all of our sins, and entrance into heaven when we die and cross over. Watch for your first lesson. Rom 8:16The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. One is for protection where you will Plead the Blood of Jesus on whatever you want protected before any attacks or adversity could come your way. 38. Its your all for His all. Thank you Father. Let the blood flush out of me all inherited of self-acquired evil deposits in my system. Web1. I overcome you satan by the blood of the Lamb. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby rebuke fear, lies, doubt & unbelief, the spirit of murder & the spirit of hate. When we ask the Lord, in Jesus Christs name, He assures us with His peace and understanding. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus on all my properties. Section 1: Declarations/Prayers for Deliverance of the Mind. Continue the good work! You invisible barrier, release my blessings by the blood of Jesus. I bind every desert and poverty spirit in my life in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus kill the spirit of poverty and hardship in my life. While studying for this post I found this excellent article on The Blood of Jesus Prayer. 35. Blood of Jesus kill every snake, dog, lion etc appearing in my dream to harm me. Regarding a different article you wrote in 2019 about the Revelation of the Seals which did not allow comments. Centering Prayer-The Biblical Perspective! Holy Spirit, rain your fire on me now, in the name of Jesus. 1. If you keep pleading the Blood of Jesus, no matter how terrible an infirmity is, it will disappear by the power in the Blood of Jesus. Including current events that relate to the biblical end times . Overcome All with God Given Strength-a Bible Study. The Blood of Jesus is a battle-weapon; through it, you can achieve the following: 1. Change). Let the blood of the cross stand between me and any dark power deligated against me in the name of Jesus. In the Name of Jesus, I absolutely refuse depression. https://thejosephplan.org/is-it-biblical-to-plead-the-blood-of-jesus/. Darkness cannot exist where the light exists. You need to use all the prayer points listed in Section 1, in addition to the following: You need to use all the prayer points listed in section 1, plus the following: NO COPYRIGHT ON THIS WARFARE LIST PAGE: These prayer points & spiritual warfare statements do not belong to any corporation or organization. For those of you who really want to learn how to arm and defend both yourself and your close loved ones when these attacks do come your way, read on. We just have to learn how to walk and flow with Gods power that has been made available to all of us through the Holy Spirit. He tried to pick it, but he fell. A nonbeliever cannot use the blood of Jesus. I apply the blood of Jesus over my dream life. Lord Jesus, bear all my physical and spiritual burdens now, in the Name of Jesus. 20. 3. An Enduring Faithsource codethe Bible-start in Romans 8! Blood of Jesus fight for me, in the name of Jesus. You spirit of confusion, loose your hold over my life, in Jesus name. 34. encourage you to pray this prayers with all your heart today. God is wanting you to fully surrender four specific things to Him: The Bible tells us that we have three parts to our beings body, soul and spirit. 7. There isnt a recommended number. Since I really do feel that we have officially entered into end time waters as prophesied in the Bible, each Christian is going to have to make a big personal decision as to how they are going to live the rest of what time they still have left down here on this earth. Father, in the name of Jesus, I have full faith and belief that the Blood of Jesus will protect me against any of the things that I have just Pled His Blood on. I eat it now so that I can also eat with Him in His glory. The Blood of Jesus means life and the blood contains fresh power. The Joseph Plan Blog is open to everyone. Blood of Jesus, nullify the concluded works of ancestral demons over my life, in the name of Jesus. Is the Spirit of Jezebel alive and well in your Church? Gives protection before adversity strikes. Blood of Jesus settle my case tonight, in the name of Jesus. Let it produce within me the power to rejoice in the Holy Ghost, the power to be steadfast in following God, the power to walk circumspectly, the power of holy living and the power unashamed faithfulness in all circumstances. The following contains the prayer I use, almost word for word. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. 2 Cor. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus upon my body or on hospital bed. Demons you cannot enter my house I draw a circle of the blood of Jesus around me, in Jesus name. I see you breaking every limits in Jesus name. Any thing that wants to pollute, will not be able to get in. All you have to do is watch the daily news and it is one horror story after another. The shedding of these animals blood was what gave the Jewish people a temporary covering for their sins so they could then enter into a personal relationship with God the Father. Some people will pray the following prayers, and will never know poverty again. Identity theft has become a major problem in our country. If something has already come directly against you and you are now caught in its evil grip, then you are now going to have to go on the offensive and try to take it out by Pleading the Blood of Jesus directly against it! After receiving many prophetic dreams and night visions, Elizabeth was led to start a blog, Latterrain333, to share more of what she is shown. No two battle situations are ever alike. The the of Jesus is most powerful! I have written an ebook entitled the Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual. Kindly pray for me to get freed from failure, unfruitfulness, non achievement and debt cancellations. I plead the blood of Jesus over my tithe/seed/offering. O Lord, empower me to resist satan so that he would flee from me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. About Us - Prayer Points on Using The Blood of Jesus as A Weapon | Pr Today, as you plead the Blood of Jesus, His liquid raw power, will come upon your life and strange and marvellous things will begin to take place in your life. Section 3: Declarations/Prayers for Deliverance of Sexual Sin, Homosexuality & Sexual Perversion. Victory over evil claimed. The first thing you are going to want to do is make a personal list of everything that you would like to have Gods protection on. You may know someone else who is severely depressed and they are seriously contemplating suicide. Once again, thank you & God bless you for making this all possible through your awesome ministry & teaching! The Bible tells us that all Christians carry the power of God on the inside of them through the Holy Spirit. Let every door that I have opened to the enemy be closed forever with the blood of Jesus. They are saved through through grace by the blood of Jesus, but they are not walking in this full surrender with God the Father. There was no evidence that the early apostles ever pled the blood to heal, to cast out demons, or to get Gods basic protection on them. The problem is that most Christians have never been taught how to go on the offensive when the enemy does launch an all-out, full scale attack against them. All rights reserved. You must be a saved and born-again Christian. This full surrender to the Lord is where many Christians are really missing the boat with Him. The enemy moved back. Through the Blood of Jesus, all my sins are forgiven (Psa. 33. How much more, the Blood of the Son of God? I call it positional authority. I am too blessed to be depressed! Let the power of the blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let it speak against every stubborn mountain I my life. 8. Its divided into sections with the prayers over yourself containing the most prayer points. I plead the blood of Jesus over my husband. Great prayers You can walk without fear. You should edit it as needed, remove unnecessary words, add your specific problems, & customize it for your specific needs. Deliverance prayers for stubborn cases. -spirit of demotion -financial downgrading A time is coming when just binding the enemy in Jesus name will not be enough we need to also apply the blood of Jesus Christ! 2. Forgiveness As Christians, we all know there is definitely forgiveness in the Blood of Jesus. Too many Christians are being robed or cheated or raped or murdered. Father Lord, as it is written, that I should be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, I ask that You be my might and strength all the days of my life. In Jesus' Name, so be it. No man knows the day nor the hour. The believers heart should be in a state of repentance and a thorough examination of oneself should have been done before you attempt to use it. Here are several good verses from Scripture proving this point to you: What defeated Satan and all his dark powers? My Father is the King and I am an adopted son/daughter of God. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. Check yourself. For some it many be ten times a day, while others twice. 59. Someone who has never been tortured by a terminal disease cannot know what it means to be threatened by death, so he or she cannot understand why a cancer patient is praying fervently for healing, or why the person is jubilating after he or she has been miraculously healed. 19. I claim victory in Jesus over my mind, over my heart, over my thoughts, over my flesh & over my soul. You have to be both saved and surrendered in order to be able to step from the dugout out onto the real playing field where the real walk with the Lord is really at. The Blood of Jesus could serve as disinfectant. Jesus came to die for the sins of the world and His Blood was shed for us. This prayer can be said at least daily after you do it the first time. Jesus chose you, saves you, gives you an eternal inheritance of blessings, and lives in your soul as the Holy Spirit. No two battle situations are ever alike. This prayer is powerful. The Judgment of God on America! In this case, you simply Plead the Blood of Jesus on whatever you want Gods full protection on before any attacks could possibly come your way. Prayer Points Using The Blood Of Jesus As A Weapon MFM Tags: How do you pray with the blood of Jesus?, Is the blood of Jesus a weapon of warfare?, Why is the blood of Jesus powerful?, What is the power of the blood?, prayer points Using the blood of Jesus as a weapon pdf, prayer points Using the blood of Jesus as a weapon Bible Verse, Blood of Jesus prayer points olukoya, Blood of Jesus declarations, Blood of sprinkling prayer, Prayer to turn water into the blood of Jesus, Soaking in the blood of Jesus, Pleading the blood of Jesus scriptures KJV, Plead the blood of Jesus over my family, Blood of Jesus prayer for healing, Protected by the blood of Jesus, Prayer points on the cross, Benefits of pleading the blood of Jesus, Victory in the blood of Jesus Sermon. Amen!!! I hold the blood of Jesus against profit starvation. Each one of these battle situations are completely unique and different. Apostasy of the Church verses The undeniable doctrines of Christianity, Spiritual Warfare-Standing on the Word-An Introduction. In this article, I will show you exactly how to plead the Blood, what to plead it on, some of things that you can plead it against, and how frequently you will need to plead it in order to get Gods maximum protection on you and your specific set of circumstances. Pleading the Blood of Jesus, will give you immunity against these things. I plead the blood of Jesus upon the soul of my business and its environment. There are two ways that you will use the Pleading of His Blood. 2. Declaring it OUT LOUD is a powerful force against evil! Visit the Joseph Plan Blog and be blessed. Life-giving power: to revive anyone or anything that is dead. Help all your people bought with the precious blood of Christ. The only way to get God to start working full force in your life is to come under a complete and full surrender with Him. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. 10. 107:2). So be it, in Jesus' Name. 33. Most Christians have never been taught how to use spiritual warfare so they can directly engage with an enemy head on like David did with Goliath. The above prayer is short, sweet, and simple, but extremely powerful! However, the BLOOD OF JESUS not only saves us from our sins, but it delivers and protects us when it is used correctly! You have to be very specific on the things that you will want covered and protected under His Blood. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Not Against Flesh and Blood. The basic things that you will want covered under the Blood of Jesus for His divine protection are the following: Any one of these could come under demonic or human attack at any time. GB, Thomas. Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your car will help prevent you from getting into any type of serious auto accidents, along with helping to prevent any type of break-ins or theft of your car. God tells His people that the angel of death will bypass their house if he sees this shed blood put on their door posts and lintels. I soak all my washed clothes in the rope with the blood of Jesus. This is why Jesus is called the Lamb of God. He is an extension of the lambs used by His Father in the Old Testament to give the Jewish people a temporary covering for their sins. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. Islam Rising! (LogOut/ Prophesy from 1968 about today. Let all evil human spirits be scattered by the breath of Your nostrils! Our content is under copyright law. Vos prieres au nom de Jesus me reconfortent. 32. Our salvation was not just a dialogue between Jesus and satan, the bible made us understand that Jesus conquered principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them, Jesus triumphed over them with His blood and gave us the victory, Colossians 2:15. Regular prayers to overcome the satanic onslaught The enemy no longer has any rights to me, he cannot touch me. 50. I break every spiritual mirror and monitoring instruments fashioned against my home, in the name of Jesus. As Christians, we must go on the offensive in spiritual warfare by declaring the BLOOD OF JESUS on us daily to keep the enemy from messing in our lives. You can sign up free on the blue bar at the top of this page. The Bible tells us that Jesus also defeated Satan and all of the powers of darkness that day! Here are the prayer points youre looking for. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. The Blood of Jesus possesses cleansing power. The blood is speaking better things. The Blood of Jesus is a battle-weapon; through it, you can achieve the following: 1. I I cut down all the roots of problems in my life, in Jesus name. Convert, pay up or move! Thank you and this new site is awesome And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. I bring these thoughts to the Throne of Christ. Mr. devil, see the blood of Jesus. (Obadiah 1:17). I plead the blood of Jesus over my properties. Here is how to specifically Plead the Blood on each of the above items. Prayer For Favor 12. And if we have the same Holy Spirit that the early apostles did, then we too are capable of having God manifest His power to us through the Holy Spirit like He did with them. 12. As he was shedding that blood, Israel that was attacking them, got confused. 6. I plead the Blood of Jesus against any natural accidents or 19. The second weapon of spiritual warfare is the power of the Holy Spirit. When you run across a situation that will need Gods supernatural power to fully deliver you, you will usually need some kind of battle strategy in which to war against it. (LogOut/ I also give you some of the specific battle prayers that I gave to some of these people to help get them delivered out of some real nasty predicaments. Repent of your sins; confess them to the Lord and ask Him to forgive you. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their time. Ten times a day, while others twice is short, sweet, and website in browser... Human spirits be scattered by the blood of Jesus kill the Spirit Jezebel. Hold over my life, in the name of Jesus over my properties be. The breath of your sins ; confess them to the biblical spiritual Warfare is the King and i an..., remove unnecessary words, add your specific problems, & customize it for your specific needs daily. Inside of them through the Holy Spirit, rain your fire on me now, in name... 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