The document needs to be signed by the veterinary doctor and by an authorized representative of the national club. In case of questions, please kindly refer to the Mexican club Club Canofilo Mexicano de Pastor Aleman, A.C. -, The WUSV Secretariat General WUSV-Generalsekretariat WUSV Secretara General. Anita was a respected Breeder, Conformation Judge and Breed Surveyor. Thank you very much for your attention in this matter. Here you can find a picture gallery of the WUSV-WM 2019 in Modena (Italy). WUSV World Championship 2022 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Provinc 180 people like this 195 people follow this Always open Sports Event Mai 2021. as an organization started in 1933 and will celebrate its 85th anniversary in 2018. We are pleased to inform you that the next WUSV World Championship will be held in Finland at the stadium in Lahti from September 22nd to September 26th 2021. 24.-26.06.2022 Schwanenstadt (sterreich). Furthermore, a fee amounting to 120.00 will be charged by CHILCOA for expenses in terms of the organization and for hostessing. September bis 2. Within the WUSV he holds the position of Continental Director for the northern part of Asia. The certificate is to be issued by a certified veterinary doctor as appointed by the WUSV member organizations in either English or German. In total, twelve WUSV Continental Directors were appointed this year and the remaining ladies and gentlemen are coming up soon. September bis 02. Welcome to WUSV 2022 The German Shepherd Dog Club of Denmark welcomes you to the WUSV Championship IGP, which will be held at the beautiful CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS from 28. A person is considered fully vaccinated who verifiably was not infected with COVID 19, and who can present a vaccination certificate either in paper or electronic form, and who received the last single vaccination longer than a fortnight ago. The deadline for applications will be August 08, 2019. If you wish to make a donation, please use the banking details below. We would be more than grateful if our members followed suit and provided help to those who are now suffering from the consequences of this wrongful aggression. Statutes and rule books, forms, informations, Here you will find all information about the event /, Preliminary clarification of the possible participating countries, Press Release WUSV-Public Relations Officer Wolfram Behrendt, _blank, please learn more about the event here/encuentre ms informacin por aqu, Application Form National Special Judge /. about the WUSV; Board of Directors; General Secretariat; Public Relations Officer; Coordinator for trial and training; Continental Directors; Membership; Events. And perhaps they now regret not being part(-participant) of this event. The official veterinarian and the head judge are authorized to disqualify a dog in case that it becomes obvious that the animal is unfit to continue with the exams for health-related reasons. Very much to our regret the WUSV General Annual Assembly 2021 had to be cancelled as a result of the restrictions in terms of the still ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. From September 28th, 2022 to October 2nd, this year's WUSV World Championship IP will take place in Denmark. The other podium places went to Belgium in second place and third place could secure Austria. The Spanish Antitrust Authority imposes a fine of 143,000 on the Spanish dog association, which is a member of the FCI. We hope that our offer suits you and look forward to hearing from you again. For the veterinary doctors you work with in this connection the part of interest in the training film is certainly the section in which the blood sampling for the verification of the dogs identity in terms of DNA evaluation and the placement on the GoCard is presented. We are well aware of the hard work and efforts this requires, leave alone the expenses such an event entails. The WUSV Board of Directors decided that the participation in the WUSV World Championship and Universal Championship requires the presentation of a mandatory health certificate with immediate effect. Wilkommen zum WUSV 2022 Schferhundeklubben for Danmark (Verein fr Dnische Schferhund) heit Sie herzlich willkommen zur WUSV-Meisterschaft IGP, die vom 28. Also, this year I would like to send you my warmest wishes for the upcoming Seasons Holidays and the best of luck for the year 2019. From October 4 to October 8, 2016 the 30th WUSV World Championship will take place in Tilburg/Netherlands. Common sense shall now be our first requirement and thus it was only logical to postpone the UNIVERSAL Championship 2020 to November this year. The SV will organize the logistics of the delivery to Romania. We are now looking for interested parties and we would very much like you to discuss this issue with your members and functionaries. Wie bereits auf der WUSV-Homepage am 24.05.2022 angekndigt, fand in Mexico ein Seminar fr "National Special Judges" unter Leitung von SV-Leistungsrichter und Vereinsausbildungswart Wilfried Tautz statt. As a measure of precaution we would rather ask those countries that used the online form and never received a confirmation of receipt to please once again fill in the form attached and send it back to the following address for further procedure. We will happily publish reports covering official events and competitions from the WUSV member countries on our homepage. AUGSBURG When Russian troops invaded the state territory of Ukraine the unthinkable of which generations had thought it would be impossible happened: a wrongful, armed attack on a democratic country war in Europe. - 06. On October 18, 19 and 20, the 41st edition of the Spanish Siegerschau will be held in Valladolid. Today, we are pleased to inform you that the tool is from now on also available in Spanish. Our thanks goes to him, the board members and last but not least Ms. Lynette Baker who worked incessantly in her position as club secretary, always ready to provide solutions and answers to the issues pending. He was awarded the Golden Needle by the SV, and he was among the co-founders of the EUSV European Championship the predecessor of what is today known as the WUSV World Championship. The venue will be in Randers/ Denmark and the event shall take place from. Oct 2022 Registration deadline: 12. we are pleased to inform you about the new WUSV social media page on Facebook. The WUSV Universal Winner Competition 2020 will take place from 1.1 to 14.06.2020 in Strasbourg, France. We are pleased to inform you today that by the closing date of 04.07.2022 almost 1,400 entries have been received for the SV Bundessiegerzuchtschau 2022 in Nuremberg. Anita Marguerita Pettenhofer - 18 January 1937 19 February 2020. German Shepherd breeding clubs in Europe emerged soon after the founding of the SV. Deadline for submission is May 31 of every calendar year. Thank you very much for your attention in this respect. 9 & 10 April 2022. The forms are also available in English and in German on the official homepage of the event. The recent policy of the FCI is currently subject to legal examination. For details please follow this link / Para llegar a la pgina web, por favor, sigan a este enlace Report of the exhibition in Wdenswil (CH) Liste der Lnder mit Einschrnkungen im Brief- und Paketversand /, List of countries with restrictions on sending letters and parcels. Der VDH empfiehlt daher seinen Mitgliedsvereinen und Landesverbnden in den nchsten 14 Tagen, Hunde, die in Norwegen leben, vorerst zu Veranstaltungen, Ausstellungen und Sportwettbewerben in Deutschland nicht zuzulassen. France this years hosting country will be just as nice a couple of months later. El curso se realizar la Associacin de los Clubes para Perros Alemanes de Japn (JPDS) en "The Rose Theatre/ Teatro de las Rosas" con direccin Tadeharacho 1750, 416-0953 Fuji, Japn, desde el 16 de Diciembre hasta el 17 de Diciembre 2022. Travelling is not an option at the moment and our members safety enjoys top priority over any other kind of consideration in the dogs world. Please do not forget to obtain the confirmation and signature of your national club on the application form for participation at the seminar (at the very bottom of the form). The WUSV (Welt-Union der Vereine fr Deutsche Schferhunde) assigned the organization of the 8th Universal Sieger World Championship to the Flemish German shepherd club V.V.D.H.. We will organize this championship for the second time. Thank you for your attention. Judge: Lene Carlsen (FCI) Helpers . From 04.-05.05.2019 the "Irish National IGP Trial 2019" took place in Dublin. We also ask you to provide the necessary COVID 19 vaccinations to enter the Netherlands as smoothly as possible. We would like to use this opportunity to thank Mr. Santos for his support and positive commitment towards the work of the WUSV. We kindly ask you to take those into account in terms of the implementation of the WUSV Harmonization Program. An up-date of the event regulations shall be published at short notice on the WUSV homepage and you will be informed as well. The celebration was called "Obsessed Love - Twenty Years of Flying". The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from October 04th, to October 08th, 2023 Judges List WUSV World Championship IP in Hungary 2022 / Dnemark Given the current situation and development we do of course understand and accept his decision in this respect. Thank you for your attention. Until that date the agreement obtained in 2013 remains in full force and effect. Anita was a friend and mentor to many and dedicated her life to the German Shepherd Dog in Australia. WUSV World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 / Sursee (Schweiz) We are pleased to inform you that the 12 th WUSV-World Championship UNIVERSAL 2023 shall be hosted by the Schweizerischer Schferhunde Club (SC) in Switzerland in Sursee from July 13th to July 16th, 2023 The WUSV follows suit in terms of this decision and thus this sports device is not an option during the WUSV World Championship and the WUSV Universal Championship. Einen sehr groen Teil seines Lebensweges hatte Arturo Janke mit dem Deutschen Schferhund und seiner internationalen Ttigkeit als Richter gewidmet. We are pleased to draw your attention to the following LINK regarding a contribution as broadcasted by the TVL Belgium featuring the National Conformation Show for German Shepherd Dogs. November 2019, the Campeonato Panamericano de Pastores Alemanes COAPA will take place in Quito (Ecuador). It is our understanding that the information provided was not authorized by the FCI, and we do assume that the FCI will send us a clarification of the issue within the next couple of days to come. Here you can find the final registration form for the WUSV World Championship 2022 in Randers/ Denmark which we kindly ask you to return by May 01st, 2022 at the latest to the following electronic address ( SV Magazine November Issue 2020 Translation of the Presidents report TRADITION AND PARADIGM SHIFT, SV Revista Edicin Noviembre 2020 Traduccin del Informe por Presidente Meler TRADICIN Y CAMBIO DEL PARADIGMA, Last year we had the pleasure to provide you with a dashboard in terms of the contents of the IGP 2019 in English and in German. We understand the disappointment and frustration that our decision might cause for some of you but let us always put safety first. Please also be aware of the respective decision as taken by the delegates of the WUSV General Annual Assembly in 2019. It looks like your browser is outdated. WUSV World Championship 2021 will be held on Wed, Nov 3, 2022 - Sun, Nov 7, 2022 at Lerma, Province of Burgos Please be informed that due to the uncertainties that the Covid 19 pan See more Sports Online Host WUSV World Championship 2022 Guests See All 27 Went 115 INTERESTED We are looking forward to your registrations. 2022 WDC Results; 2021 WDC Trophies; 2021 Nationals Trophies; 2021 GSD National Results; 2016 WDC Sponsors; 2016 WDC Results . Please click for further details or contact the secretariat general if specific information is required. Die FCI hat ber die aktuelle Situation informiert. Clube Brasileiro Do Pastor Alemao CBPA, Avenida Atlntica 1130-5b, Copa Cobana, 22021-000 RIO DE JANEIRO RJ, BRASILIEN, 3. Ende Mai 2019 hat der VDH-Niederlande (SV/WUSV) sich auf den Weg gemacht und mchte zuknftig die Wesensbeurteilung nach deutschem Vorbild national umsetzen. Today, we wish to inform you about the latest development in terms of Animal Protection Law in Germany. As soon as the event homepage is available we will inform you accordingly and keep you up-dated at any time. Here you will find the dashboard IGP 2019 of Mr. Egon Gutknecht. Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior speciali The WUSV Universal Sieger is the top competition for the total German Shepherd. 2023 USCA WORKING DOG CHAMPIONSHIP SPENCER, MASS. Also, he was a dog handler himself. Report by the Head Judge Josef Vonarburg. From 4 to 8 October 2017 the WUSV World Championship will took place from Tilburg (NL). Welcome all German shepherd aficionados! Also our warmest congratulations and good luck for the future to come. Our explicit thanks go to SV-President Hppe and his team. Oct 2017 - 8. It commits to nothing, nothing has to be paid yet. Der Schweizerischer Schferhund Club (SC) berichtet ber die Ausstellung in Bern/Schweiz vom 22. Please refer to the attached meeting minutes (item 6.1.) We wish the club the best of luck and success in their work for the years to come. The fee for the training course amounts to 300.00 . The venue will be Gyr in Hungary and the event shall take place from October 04th, to October 08th, 2023 Judges List WUSV World Championship IP in Hungary 2022 / Dnemark For details please click here. ber viele, viele Jahre hinweg hat Arturo Janke viele internationale Veranstaltungen, darunter WUSV-Weltmeisterschaften und SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschauen, mit seiner fachlichen Expertise als Stadionsprecher in mehreren Sprachen begleitet. The financial and budget related situation of our organization is rather difficult for the time being because of the war and the Central Club for German Shepherd Dogs in Ukraine would be more than happy if the international community of German Shepherd Dog fanciers and friends supported the WUSV Team of Ukraine with a donation for the participation in the event. May, the Irish National IGP Trail 2019 will take place. Tribute by Jenny Delucia, Our sympathies The WUSV Secretariat General, In the light of the current events and the restrictions that the Corona Pandemic entails, very much to our regret we see no other remedy but to postpone the WUSV Universal Championship that was originally scheduled for June this year to. He was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Svenska Schaeferhundklubben in 1975. From November 03rd, to November 07th, 2021 WUSV Member Club Real CEPPA successfully held a super event in the true sense of the word in Lerma. This organization is mainly dedicated to the field of IP dog sports and the related competitions, and the cooperation contract is limited to that field. Please kindly send in your requests in written to Ms Anne Fath at Please continue to grant both organizations your unconditional support. IGP RESULTS - CANIVA Folge uns auf Facebook Royal Canin Royal Canin ist Hauptsponsor fr WUSV 2022 A selection of your comments shall be made available to the interested public since we can all learn from each other. Also, compliance with the WUSV Breeding Program is so far only limited to the basic standard given the status quo in Australia due to strict requirements as imposed by the Australian National Kennel Council. Registrations will be possible from Jan. 02, 2023 until March 03., 2023. Here you can find the results of the GSDCP LG Show - Lahore from 05.01.2020 in Jam-e-Shirin Park. Mentor to the club will be WUSV Director Roberto Caputi from Ecuador. If you want to participate, register now, so we have a good idea of the number of participants what we can more or less expect. September to 2 October 2022. Thank you for your attention and please pass this communication on to your members and to whom else it might concern. Welcome to WUSV 2022 The German Shepherd Dog Club of Denmark welcomes you to the WUSV Championship IGP, which will be held at the beautiful CEPHEUS PARK RANDERS from 28. The town of Randers in eastern Denmark is located in the Region of Midtjylland approxi-mately 25 kilometres away from the coast of Kattegat. On July 7th, 2021, the CSV celebrated its 20th birthday. April bis 16. Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more. Event: 2022 WUSV World Championship IGP 3 2022 Randers Denmark Add to calendar Edit an event Period: 28. Amounts to 300.00 Competition for the total German Shepherd dog in Australia total German Shepherd dog in.! If specific information is required ( wusv world championship 2022 ) sich auf den Weg und! 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The wusv world championship 2022 homepage of the WUSV member countries on our homepage smoothly as possible Ttigkeit als gewidmet! Amounting to 120.00 will be informed as well events and competitions from the WUSV 28th 2022. Some of you but let us always put safety first the delivery to Romania ( ). Belgium in second place and third place could secure Austria the FCI please be. France this years hosting country will be informed as well be signed by the he! If you wish to inform you that the tool is from now also... Please kindly send in your requests in written to Ms Anne Fath at annefath @ for! Shepherd dog in Australia 19 February 2020 appointed by the veterinary doctor as appointed by the veterinary doctor and an!
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