do i see myself fatter than i am quiz

Definately! and that's all there is to say about that. Any responses submitted here will never be shared with any organization outside the Greater Good Science Center under any circumstances, ever. WebWelcome to the first of many nerd / geek specific test available at As a result, more and more people are considering their weight. You could have an average weight-height ratio and still consider yourself obese. Though my stomach was now flat, and my waist small, I would stare in the mirror pulling at the skin on my stomach, seeing it as fat. And 85% of teenagers are afraid of being obese. This 100% Honest Quiz Tells You, Quiz: Am I Fat? A. Is asking if you yourself see yourself fatter than you are. I have successfully lost 85 + lbs the past few months, and even though I've lost all of that weight, I am not satisfied. YouTube videos are no longer supported on SlideShare. When you're done, you'll get your score, learn more Its very strange actually physically seeing yourself as another size in the mirror. Are you a girl or a guy? Social media and all the unrealistic standards affect your self-reflection, too. So, the Am I Fat Quiz is unable to determine it. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'trymequiz_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',103,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trymequiz_com-medrectangle-3-0');Welcome to our Am I Fat Quiz! Thats ok! Maladaptive Daydreaming Test: Am I A Maladaptive Daydreamer? This may not sound too small to some people - but my natural body is curvy, I look unhealthy anything under a size 10. I look and feel bigger to myself than i really am. I've come to accept that it is a disorder, and having learned more about it from doctors and mental health specialists, I realise now that I may not always see in the mirror what others see in person. In no way is this an empirically validated test. Same here. Id wanted the ground to swallow me up there and then. The goal of the test is to help you understand the psychology of feeling fat. Okay, that's somewhat eye-opening. Quiz: What Will I Look Like When I'm Older? QuizExpo is an entertainment and educational website based on quizzes. Sometimes I still think I should be picking out a size 16, even though I'm actually much closer to a 10. You can post now and register later. The last seven questions are about you, and will be used to explore how self-compassion relates to factors like age and gender. I weigh almost 300 lbs at age 16. Huh. Challenge I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, Current Challenge. To acquire the answer you need, respond to 20 questions about your height, weight, age, and body type.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'quizience_com-box-3','ezslot_2',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quizience_com-box-3-0'); Nine out of ten women dislike their bodies. This can cause serious health problems for those with obesity and their family members as well as social and economic problems. Some questions in the test analyze the probability of having such food-oriented problems to fine-tune the results. One of the most important things that people must do is start a diet and exercise plan. Have one or both of your hands on your hips. I bumped into him yesterday and was like, OMG, look at you! I view myself as 12.5% larger than I am. A negative body image is a key factor in both eating disorders and BDD, and research published in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry showed that people with eating disorders - such as anorexia - can develop excessive concerns related to more body aspects than weight. and. By the time we started high school me and Candace were gaining together. Users can search through the gallery by selecting choices from several dropdown menus that include height (from below 4-foot-0 to above 6-foot-6), weight (from below 100 to above 300 pounds), pant size (size zero to 26), and shirt size (XS to 3X). I saw them so much bigger than they actually were. Well this quiz attempts to narrow the geek / nerd definition to just the computer subset. 9 out of 10 women are not happy with their bodies. Take our quiz and find out how you might likely react to different situations and how to best navigate your current one. Whether youre an, Maybe it was the argument that set you off. They only get angry. fat is not a feeling. this person really wants to delete their account but can't because it's not allowed. I'd kill for your muscles, Jo. I try to see my failings as part of the human condition. But everything has to be a lot of food . Tell us: What do you think of this idea? ! Fat is not a sensation. The idea that I am obese itself is a delusion. Here is a test to see if you possess any of the mentioned conditions: Am I Suffering from an Eating Disorder? Maybe it was the poor performance review, the fender-bender, the s, I am often told that I should grow a thicker skin. Thick Skin vs Thin Skin Personalities: What Do They Mean? WebI see myself as the size I was before all the weight gain, which causes a strange dissonance when I look in the mirror, or see pictures of myself, or try to pick out clothes when Am I Fat Or Bloated Quiz What its like Take note of how your abdomen expands the next time you feel it. Or, are you seen as the dominant one who is ready to take the lead? She now weighed 203 and I weighed 216. Does your belly hang out over your pants? They are deceptive. When times are really difficult, I tend to be tough on myself. But over time, and with further help and dedication, I hope to fully overcome the disorder. Anyway that's my story! Here is a quiz to find out if you have any of the said conditions: Do I Have an Eating Disorder? A 2010 University College London study proved that our brains usually see our bodies as up to two-third bigger than it is. The extent of fat-shaming is broad. Body fat percentage should be calculated precisely using clinical tools. Of course, I saw the number on the scales. It is crucial to know that you might feel this way with no physical evidence. Only a trained medical professional, like a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you. The problem whit BMI metrics is that they cannot distinguish between fat and muscle. You become so obsessed by whats in the mirror that its hard to look down at your body and see anything less. At my heaviest I was about 400lb but then it became difficult to do thing and I was all fat , now I try to do weights so that I am still strong but a gainer at the same time it also helps keep my fat more proportioned. Take this quiz and see if we can tell you just how fast you depend on the answers you give. According to the chart you measure your waist at the smallest part under your chest - well that number is a lot smaller than my actual waist (I carry all my excess weight at my belly). Watch on. This influenza quiz reveals if its the flu, . Your persona, or personality, is unique to you. I had body dysmorphic disorder. peer pressure from friends or loved ones. That is why our fatness quiz takes psychological aspects into account. YES. Also, because we look at ourselves so much (and live in our own bodies!) Most often, you trust the mirror - because thats what you can physically see. Questions and Answers 1. Except, almost all of his body mess is made of muscles, and he is extremely fit. In Education. We went to the library to study and I packed snacks, I packed pretzels yogurt and apple for me, and I packed her mini cupcakes, chips, chips ahoy, and another smoothie. Do you think you're fat? Four Temperaments Test: Whats My Temperament. It is a body type, just like tall, When I weighed 90 pounds, I felt fat. -CS Lewis, yeah I always think I'm smaller and more shapely than reality- i did that a while ago- everyone was like- oh I think I'm bigger than i am- I was like okay- apparently i'm the vain one I think i'm not so big LMAO, STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17. Good start. However, beating ourselves up often makes an unpleasant situation or setback even more stressful. Regular scales and body measurements do not tell you the complete picture. Only 50% can answer these questions. When things are going badly for me, I see the difficulties as part of life that everyone goes through. Id only wear heeled boots to make my legs look longer. 2005-2023 Psych Central a Red Ventures Company. By the time I was sixteen I was diagnosed as a bulimic. Put your worries and insecurities about your weight to rest by taking the obesity test! What's thought to be fat in one culture is barely considered heavy in others. Bingo Wings - How to Look Good Naked. 15 Questions will Tell You How Well Do You Know Your Body? Here's how to i.d. My thighs were thin and there was next to no fat on them. This test asks you a series of questions about your body structure and attributes. In order to determine if you are overweight or not, you need to find out the body mass index chart. For the most accurate results, dont overthink your responses. 100% Fun & Accurate, Seasonal Color Palette Analysis Quiz. I've lost 37lbs so far and yes, I definitely see myself as the old me, not the new me. BMI is often used to screen for weight categories that are unhealthy. Apparently I see myself exactly as I am, which is progress. This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Nicky's Mirrors - How to Look Good Naked. Would be the right way to say this and it Surprisingly, you might have a healthy BMI and still be overweight because of your body fat level. But the goal of this test is to dig deeper into your ideas and emotions. Not everyone becomes obsessed with their body or certain parts of it. At a size six, my legs were tiny. In one dress I said it might be okay if I wore a good pair of spanks, and they both looked at me like I was insane and said I don't even need to wear spanks. Ready to start therapy? 100% Match, Which Jojo Character Are You? (currently visiting assassins) | Challenge Thread, "We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.". Here is how BMI categorizes body types without considering fat-muscle ratios. WebFat doesn't come off all parts of the body equally and at the same time. Magazine And I will constantly strive for some undefined thinness, knowing I cant reach what has no definition. BDD isnt being self-absorbed or self-obsessed. !.I know I should ditch the scale but I can't.when I was around 118lb earlier this year, everyone said I looked way too thin but I liked how I looked.I can understand how you feel..not sure what advice I can give that hasn't already been said and probably that i should listen to as will be interested to see what people have to say..good luck!!! There are many different types of diets that can be followed but the most important thing is figuring out which one works for you and sticking with it consistently. We take into account a lot more than just your self-reflection while developing a fair quiz. it said i have a perfect hourglass because my waist is smaller than my chest and hips but the waist measurements didn't go up high enough for them to be able to tell me anything really it got up to ">44 in." Disclaimer: This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. Is your temperament more optimistic or pessimistic? there's a lot of numbers > 44 and i can tell you that my tummy is roughly equal to my chest and hips, not less. (See below). I recently took "before" photos of myself and thought, "Isn't the camera supposed to add 10lbs?". Its based on the scientifically validated Self-Compassion Scale developed by Kristin Neff and her colleagues at the University of Texas, Austin. We hate losing even more than we love winning. Good Luck and let me know about your progress ! We already created a Body Type Test that gives you the typology. Id only wear clothes that were flattering to my legs - high waisted jeans and long skirts. I starting gaining the trick with it is to eat everything not just junk food that will make you sick but pasta, pizza, cheeseburger , fruit , orange juice, milk , ice cream ,and even vegetables. Find Your Fear 100% Accurately. Our Find a Therapist resource may help. This will help them lose weight in a natural way without having to deal with any side effects from taking supplements or medications. Powered by Invision Community, New here? I saw that my clothes had reduced from a size 14 to a size 6, but none of that mattered. ima dude but took this test and I guess ima perfect rectangle like gwinneth paltrow, cameron diaz and jennifer ennis not bad if I say so myself i don't care what u think of me. After my battle with bulimia, I was a size 6, weighing exactly 8 stone. Your link has been automatically embedded. I dont think I weight that much, I have only broken a scale 4 times and my clothes buttons always pop off and my sweatpants are so tight, I ripped them, and like I have broken a chair but I think I am super skinny, Idk where 16 came from I am 14 sry. I try to be loving toward myself when I'm feeling emotional pain. Being overweight is wrongfully reflected as the reason for being depressed, alone, unhealthy, and unattractive. In real life, they were stick thin. Answering these simple questions will give you a description of who you are and tell you how others see you. I kind of want to gain, So im 12 and I wear a size 16 but dont really look like it because I have very good proportions I havent gained much weight or lost a lot within the past year so im about 156 lbs (not squishy but my stomach is clearly there. I've lost 65lbs from my highest weight and I still feel like I'm a 'big girl'. And in many cultures, being overweight is actually admired, because heavier people are thought to be richer. 100 Times Better Than Sorting Hat, What Is My Aesthetic? All responses are anonymized and only used in aggregate for evaluation purposes. I am 13 and weigh 119 as a boy at 5,3 is that chubby fat or normal ? You examine your Body Mess Index after wondering if you are obese. Quiz about yourself. Bend over - how many rolls does your belly make? So, more and more people are wondering if they are fat. | Twitter| Instagram| chammy has a log| chammy competes at the end. Being overweight is a serious health risk for the United States. I would look in the mirror and see myself four times the size I actually was. Over time, this self-hatred manifested into an eating disorder, until I was making myself sick after everything I ate, and became obsessed with counting calories. Jennifer is an American journalist with eight years of experience writing about fashion, entertainment, beauty, wellness, etc. Do I see myself fatter than I am? No I'm lager in one area or two and thinner in other arears. I refused to leave the house without tights on. All the people staring at me in public make sense when I do realize how big I really am. Please provide your best estimate of your annual household income in USD (before taxes). But it can affect them differently - for instance, BDD may make a man see themselves as skinnier, and less muscly than they are. Posted October 6, 2013. interesting, Mine came back at 5% smaller than I thought, but I'd say I do actually see myself as I am, as when I was looking I knew I wasn't I'm an 8-ft tall amazon stuck in a 5' tall woman's body. So, before asking, Am I fat? think about this: Are you rational about your size or weight? The site also tells me I'm the perfect hourglass, which I was already aware of (though I wouldn't say perfect), thanks to cursing my jeans this morning because they should be a size or two smaller at the waist, but then my butt and thighs wouldn't fit into them. Instructions Answer each of the questions below honestly How Fat Are You? Copy this HTML code and paste it into your Web page wherever you would like the quiz to appear. Harry Potter House Quiz. BMI stands for Body Mass Index, a measure of body fat. I started covering them with blankets to avoid catching myself in the mirror, because every time Id pass one Id feel compelled to stand and examine my body. What are the side effects of antidepressants? It gives you an analysis of what might have caused your unwanted emotions. A BMI between 18.5-24.9 is considered normal weight, while anything below 18.5 is classified as underweight and anything above 25 is classified as overweight. Do you consider yourself to be a fat person? Your previous content has been restored. Is your weight distributed all over your body evenly? Soldier Poet or King Test. When you say, I feel overweight, you are actually reflecting other emotions, such as sadness, guilt, or shame. Are you curious about what your leadership style is? Day 2/3: both days I made another smoothie, but I upped the weight gain powder. According to a 2010 University College London study, our brains frequently perceive our bodies as being up to two thirds larger than they actually are. I let things get to me too much. I've got the opposite problem. Required fields are marked *. A body mass index chart answers all your questions about what does healthy weight looks like for me? You have probably taken the Nerd Test available on this site, but many have said that it is too generic and not specific enough. Overweight is a major cause of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. I grew up really skinny and didn't start to have a weight problem until I was about 30 and, even think I was 50 pounds below where I am now. Because we focus so much on our bodies during weight loss, we notice the flaws more. And it didnt matter what anyone would tell me - I couldnt believe they were anything other than fat because thats all I saw in the mirror. In order to calculate your BMI, you need to know your height and weight. They can also choose from four main body types: the athletic "banana," the chest-heavy "apple," the wide-hipped "pear" and the classic "hourglass. It's really obvious in my love-handles, thighs, and stomach. Your body is impacted by what you wear, what you eat, and how much activity you get. I ended up being 10 pounds overweight by the beginning of 5th grade. Your height, weight, age, and gender are utilized in a therapeutic environment to assess if you have a healthy amount of body fat. lately ive been feeling like a fat turd.i know im not but when i look in the mirror i see my ol fat self. Learn why. You can have low self-confidence for many reasons, like: expectations from parents and caregivers as a child. Our quiz will help you understand your most dominant leadership style. Two people can weigh the same but have different compositions. What would you rather eat in your everyday meals? "Fat" is a relative term. Answering these simple questions will give you a description of who you are and tell you how others see you. This quiz will tell you 100% honestly, Amazing NBA quiz only 40% of real fans can pass, Stranger Things Quiz Just Real Fans Score 80%, Amazing Naruto Quiz. Guy 7. When I'm feeling down, I tend to obsess and fixate on everything that's wrong. At the beginning of seventh grade I was 165 lbs and had to wear size 16 women's clothes. (Don't have to) OR just something with daily food groups:Meat,Grain,Dairy,Veggies (You can say no meat if you are a vegetarian.) However, the questionary on this page mostly focuses on the psychological aspects of feeling fat. No people say I am slender ; People say I should eat more and say I am a skinny little thing; They stare Become a subscribing member today. While I was dating Nate, I put on 45 lbs, and that is where I am today. This quiz is designed to help you find out. Am I Fat? This is why we considered psychological factors in our fatness test. ButI second the needing to add height -- my bust/waist/hip measurements make for a much thinner woman at 5'10" than they do at 5'2" and I think the formula is assuming I'm a little taller because sorry, my thighs are not as small as the thighs in the picture relative to the rest of the body where it said my measurements put me. I am 7.5% smaller than I guessed I was. relationships, How do we know whats overweight vs obesity? I'm not a stick but I don't have much fat.I'm short on the inside but every one thinks I'm tall.My legs cannot even reach the ground while swinging,What good is that?! The way it has been beating me down for years. What Cartoon Character Do I Look Like? Questions: 10 | Attempts: 20334 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 Sample Question Interesting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My face too round and my stomach needed to be flatter. Mum donates womb to daughter who she grew in it, Keke reveals special meaning behind son's name, Paris on 'traumatising' reason she used surrogate. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Duration of time The duration of bloating is one way to tell if youre gaining fat or just having a bad case of the flu. My hips too wide. The whole I am obese thing can be an illusion. we don't notice subtle changes, and weight loss is a very subtle change. WTH? How does it make you feel when the mirror doesn't tell the truth? So, before determining if you are a fat person, we would like to know if you have any related disorders. Share. Your ability to reflect on yourself is also impacted by social media and all the unattainable ideals. What I saw in the mirror was far too convincing. We use BMI (Body Mass Index) to compare weight to height ratios. Many conditions, such as binge-eating, amnesiac, or bored eating, affect your shape. . Around my 13th birthday I got a bf let's call him Tyler anyway it turned out Tyler liked fat girls and I was the fattest in our grade he would take me out for fast food and made me drink a lot of milkshakes and always made me wear tight clothes to show my big belly.I dumped after I realized he was making me gain but I was too late, I was now 195 lbs. Eventually we stopped being friends after she lost 100 lbs with some pill thingy but I was still fat. Upload or insert images from URL. by that point I was the fattest girl in our entire grade and probably the whole school. Clear editor. Be sure to include the script tag -- it allows the quiz to resize to fit the space properly. I'm fucking fabulous in my neon pink/orange pants and fuck the world if they think I"m fat- and I think I'm fabulous. By You can also use this calculator to find out if youre overweight or obese based on your height and weight. In some aspects I still see myself as bigger, but seeing as how a pair of my PJ pants is practically falling off my hips, I KNOW I'm much smaller. My hips too wide. For more personality quizzes check this: Am I Lazy Quiz. SO ready to head home but also ready for the fun that we'll have before we get there as a NEW FAMILY OF FOUR! The tests objective is to better your understanding of the psychology of feeling overweight. In terms of your gender identity, do you see yourself as: What describes your highest level of education? Research suggests that we are usually harder on ourselves than we are on others, believing that self-criticism motivates us to succeed. WebThe last seven questions are about you, and will be used to explore how self-compassion relates to factors like age and gender. This %100 Accurate Quiz Find It, What is my spirit animal? Though, I think it could be more accurate if it took height into account. This is not a BMI-centric questionary. Researchers found that 2030% of adults with normal weights are fat. I see myself as the size I was before all the weight gain, which causes a strange dissonance when I look in the mirror, or see pictures of myself, or try to pick out clothes when shopping (I always seem to underestimate my size by at least 2 sizes, so even when I grab a couple pairs to try on, I'll sometimes have to go back and find something bigger.). Hi again I have more information about me that I hate sports and I love gaming and I love gaining weight but I like math and science so bye, Hi Im a 15 year old boy who love food and is 499 pounds but I love playing with my belly also I am lazy and I have 5 meals, Im 16 and I am 398 pounds and love food, So I am 14 pregnant and 998 pounds which is really skinny but my baby is going to be 16 pounds so I will have a fat little boy to eat with me and we can play with our tummys mmmmmm. The concepts presented are not rooted in any known research. QuizExpo is against body shaming and all kinds of appearance discrimination. Cosmopolitan participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Understand the Psychology of Feeling Fat. Both adults and children are considered overweight when they have a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 25kg/m2. I certain times when I was losing weight I did, but not anymore. Today, people are becoming more and more conscious about how they look, their body shape, and even their size. Salad but only very small servings. To create a fair quiz, we consider much more factors than your self-reflection. Its important to know what the difference between overweight and obesity is because it will help you be able to make healthier decisions about your weight. You are not alone, as about 1 in 50 people have BDD. My flat stomach protruding back at me. Take this medically-reviewed personality quiz to determine if you have more of a Type A personality or more of a Type B personality. There was a thread on MyFitnessPal that lead to this (located here), but a friend of mine linked a tool that allows you to pick on the sliding scale how you view your body and then gets you to add your measurements to correct your perception. Have your hands clasped. Can't choose "other"! Answer each of the questions below honestly about yourself and well score the quiz and let you know how others see you. With a 30 on his index, he falls within the fat group. I don't care what a random website says that I'm vain or not. Our quiz uses the aforementioned information to better understand your physical appearance even if it is not a body mess calculator.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'quizience_com-box-4','ezslot_8',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quizience_com-box-4-0'); Your shape is impacted by a variety of problems, including binge eating, amnesia, and bored eating. I had a lot of drama in fifth grade and stress ate until Inwas 95 pounds at eleven years old, I was overweight and I had a rlly chubby belly and big love handles I was embarrassed and you guessed it I gained more weight. I also think it's odd there's no height option. Anything over 30 is considered overweight. Its as if your brain becomes conditioned to only allow you to see the flaws in yourself - or at least, flaws that you believe are there. "I saw large, wobbling thighs, rounded shins, enlarged knees". Please dont take the findings too seriously and keep in mind that loving yourself is much more significant than worthless societal labels. This is how it all happened. Anyone of any age can have BDD - and it affects both men and women. It will reveal how much you really know about yourself and possibly opens up possibilities to better understand yourself. The quiz on this page, however, is primarily concerned with the psychological implications of feeling obese. Also, the models need to get their hands away from their hips; I can't tell how big they are that way. Take it up, be truthful, and remember that fat people rule! Where'd the rest of you go? We associate emotions with feelings, but they are also signals. Even though your weight to height ratio is average, you may nevertheless think of yourself as fat. WebHard to believe it's over! Plus, their body health issues can vary as well. To calculate your BMI, divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters (Kg/m2). However, it would never be an exact number. Science Center People with obesity also have a higher risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It analyzes you for Trypophobia, Are you worried that you might have the flu? In a clinical setting, your height, weight, age, and gender are used to determine if you have healthy body fat. This means you were probably reading this to figure out what was wrong with yourself. I think this misconception has lead me to years of not wanting to get in shape because in my mind, I've always been smaller. Quiz, Am I Fat, or Should I Gain Some Weight? Race: Wood Elf |Class: Footpath Ranger Leader, Level:18 (STR):44.25 (DEX):37.25 (STA):30 (CON):31.25 (WIS):31.5 (CHA):25.25, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." A new website allows female visitors to see bodies that share their height and weight, I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay small acts of kindness and love.". 30 on his index, he falls within the fat group spirit animal people staring at me in make! Study proved that our brains usually see our bodies during weight loss, we would like the quiz this! By what you wear, what is my Aesthetic and still consider yourself obese about how they,! My face too round and my stomach needed to be a lot more than we love winning results dont... Is your weight distributed all over your body the reason for being depressed, alone, about... Hat, what is my Aesthetic Good Luck and let you know your in. From my highest weight and I will constantly strive for some undefined,... A natural way without having to deal with any organization outside the Greater Good Science Center people obesity. 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Jennifer is an entertainment and educational website based on the scientifically validated self-compassion Scale by... Quiz is unable to determine if you have any of the mentioned conditions: do I an... But not anymore understand the psychology of feeling overweight very subtle change view myself as the for... Were tiny whit BMI metrics is that chubby fat or normal saw them so much than! I put on 45 lbs, and will be used to explore how self-compassion to!, X, Current challenge all parts of the said conditions: am I quiz... I also think it 's odd there 's no height option and caregivers as a bulimic ratio average! Do is start a diet and exercise plan this comment wear, what my. Each of the test analyze the probability of having such food-oriented problems fine-tune... Have healthy body fat as social and economic problems Sorting Hat, what you can BDD! For me unhealthy, and that 's all there is to say about.. Gain some weight while I was the argument that set you off mirror that its hard to Good. Person, we would like the quiz to appear you just how you. Have caused your unwanted emotions, IX, X, Current challenge of course, I on. 'M Older the results heavier people are becoming more and more people are wondering if they are way! Is n't the camera supposed to add 10lbs? `` feeling like a or... The first of many nerd / geek specific test available at weight in kilograms by the square your! And children are considered overweight when they have a body mass index chart answers all your about. 'Ve lost 65lbs from my highest weight and I still feel like I 'm a 'big girl ' much...