English traders had lost their largest trade - Wool / cloth exports to burgundy. << This is Amins third history book and he has matured wonderfully as a writer this work elegantly mixes detailed analysis with a strategic view of the national and international politics of Henry VIIs reign. /Subtype /Image The first of these rebellions was in Yorkshire and was in 1489. Henry knew he was vulnerable internationally. , Urgent help with History essay question?! Second, his heir, PrinceArthur, died in 1502. . Anti-Virus Appointed the leader of his army, Earl of Surrey, as 'Lieutenant of the Council of the North'. In 1492, what did Henry Negotiate in order to make life difficult for Warbeck? If you have already purchased access, or are a print & archive subscriber, please ensure you arelogged in. Nathen Amin is an author from Carmarthenshire, West Wales, who focuses on the 15th Century and the reign of Henry VII. However, there was a worry that 2 of Henrys trusted nobles felt that they could fight against him. These ulterior motives made Simnel a far more serious threat to the throne. Hide Show resource information. That people were not happy in supporting his crown by funding a war from the opposite side of the country, It impacts foreign policy as well as causing domestic unemployment. What sort of welcome did he receive in Scotland? Modern England The Great Rebuildings Of Tudor And Stuart England Henry VII and the Tudor Pretenders A Genealogical and . could benefit from supporting the Yorkists in reclaiming the throne, therefore he worked hard to safeguard against any anti-Tudor co-operation. endobj Under Henry VIII, we see the Pilgrimage of Grace, protesting against Protestantism . most famous rebellions in historythe first mass uprising by the people of England against. The tax rises instigated in order to defend Brittany. Who did Lambert's tutor (Richard Symonds) initially make Lambert pretend to be, before changing to Warwick in Ireland? What did Northumberland go to Yorkshire to do? , OCR A-level History British period study and enquiry: All exams 10th Jun 2022 , OCR AS History A England 1485 - 1558: Early Tudor (18/05) . This raises the question of why it was, from about this time, that hebegan his assault upon the English nobility through the arbitrary imposition of bonds and recognizances. How many Cornish died during the Cornish Tax Revolt? 4 0 obj Henry had the real earl of Warwick locked up in the Tower of London. /BitsPerComponent 8 Goal: To assess own leadership skills. Henry only trusted a small group of friends largely from his time in exile and family. These circumstances never fullymaterialised.The ClaimantsFor Henry VII to be seriously threatened by any of thechallenges he faced, these needed to be mounted insupport of a viable alternative claimant. Perkin Warbeck was not such a risk as all of his support came at different times, but he did have support from all over Europe. The army of Henry VII suppressed the rebels. Of course, Henry VIIdid face a serious rebellion in 1497. Why had Cornwall preciously been exempt from taxes for a war in Scotland? Because they felt that they had already paid there bit in the defence of the land through local subsidies used to defend the marcher borders. He wrote 'Tudor Wales' in 2014 and 'York Pubs' in 2016, followed by the first full-length biography of the Beaufort family, 'The House of Beaufort' in 2017, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in three historical categories (Wars of the Roses, Norman England, and The Plantagenets . Play a game and discuss about it. However this is ignored, so he produces the real Earl of Warwick from the tower and paraded him around London, but still they did not end. Of course, there were times when he may well have been unpopular and the events of 1489and 1497, especially this latter year, seem to bear this out but it would be difficult to argue that he was weakenough to be an easy target for a usurper since he enjoyed a position of relative strength. ( ( ( ( mHZ+[xSN#{9IS_og5#:# NBM]O$W> cg{[VO/M~?n R_. Most . endobj Toad Testicles, Foul-Beard and Broad-Arse. 6) He rewarded some Englishmen with lands/titles but also introduced measures to control them eg: bonds and recognisances, Acts of Resumption/Attainder. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz He ruled the complex Anglo-Norman kingdom of Normandy, England, Scotland and Wales for 35 years, fighting off rebellions, war with his older brother in Normandy, and assassination attempts. In addition, even if Richard were dead, this would aid Warbeck, as Henry could not show him to the public. /Title ( H e n r y V I I , P r e t e n d e r s a n d R e b e l l i o n s) What sort of welcome did he receive here? Touchpoint Reflections: This is a new type posting that occurs in the same type portal as the discussion thread. Both the pretenders got much backing from Margaret of Burgandy, the sister of Richard III and Edward IV, who despised Henry. endobj /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . What did he know that he would have to do to avoid such events in the future? 6 0 obj He had fallen out of Royal favour and had financial difficulties. Stemmed from support leftover for Richard III as Francis, Viscount Lovell was a key supporter, joining with Humphrey Stafford (+ his accomplice Thomas Stafford) where did it occur. What did many prominent Yorkists do at this point? In addition, Richard Symmons hoped to become a rich and powerful Bishop when Simnel became king. Fled into exile in burgundy - Supported by Margaret - to avoid imprisonment or execution for suspected support in the Imposture. First, those seeking the throne needed to be credible and viable alternatives to him. Exactlywhere he was going and why Brigden does not say, but the implication is that Northumberland was desertingHenrys cause. Richard Duke of York (younger prince in the tower). Finally, there was the revelation of the Calais Conspiracy of 1504, when captains of thegarrison discussed the virtues of Edward Stafford, duke of Buckingham, and Edmund de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, asworthy successors to Henry VII but not Henry, Prince of Wales, coupled with Henry own illness after 1504.Paradoxically, then, it was at the time when he was most secure from conspiracies that the ever vigilant Henry VIIfelt the most vulnerable. To my knowledge, this is the first book that focuses on the three most dangerous attempts to unseat Henry VIIs reign, beginning with the Simnel affair, progressing through the long Warbeck troubles and culminating in the execution of Warbeck and Warwick in 1499. These circumstances never fully materialised. Jez Ross argues that Henry VII was more secure than he realised. Learn more. Looking further back, Amin contrasts Henrys care to ensure that his army was orderly and well-disciplined, with the failure to manage the Lancastrian army that had cost Marguerite of Anjou ultimate victory when London had barred its gates to her ill-disciplined troops. They were clearly political pawns (albeit that Warbeck quickly became a free agent) in thehands of ambitious politicians (John de la Pole, earl of Lincoln, and Sir William Stanley) or unscrupulous foreignpowers (Margaret of Burgundy, Maximilian of Habsburg and James IV of Scotland). The reign of Henry VII, 1487-1509: Political power and control Pretenders, claimants and rebellions Threat: Surviving Yorkists - There were some Yorkists who could be expected to resist the new King. Although Nest, as one of the King's mistresses, was often in the thick of the action, she . Yet her reign is destined to be brief and heartbreaking, as she . Lincoln had 8000 soldiers whilst Henry had 12000 men The battle lasted 3 hours Schwarz was killed and over half of Lincoln's force was killed Bigger than Bosworth With foreign support Simnel was crowned king in Dublin in May 1987 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Second, it is possible that he was sent to defendthe north against a possible Scottish invasion (after all, this was one of the primary functions of the Warden of theEast and Middle Marches): although Henry VII had signed a truce with James III in 1486, this had done little toease the threat of a Scottish incursion because hostility to the English was so entrenched. Not that that should give the impression that Henry's survival was a matter of luck. The Cornish Rebellion John Guy says that this was Henry's major threat, and so it was. 83 Apply to become a tutor on Studypool! Henry VII, Pretenders and Rebellions King Henry VII holding a Tudor Rose, wearing collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece, dated 1505, by unknown artist. King Henry I was the youngest son of William the Conqueror. She also acknowledged him as her nephew. Yet again Who did he send to crush the rebels at Exeter? You are to pick a strategy and apply it to a specific company and answer the q Saint Leo University Sentencing Guidelines Corrections Issues and Trends Discussion. However compelling is the case of Ian Arthurson that the Cornish Rebellionwas less about taxation than a conspiracy to overthrow Henry and less about Cornwall than a more general risingagainst Henrys government (which, according to Arthurson, extended north to Devizes, south to Dorchester andeast to Winchester), the fact remains that only one noble, James Lord Audley, and 22 gentry were on the side ofthe rebels. Early life Why was the defence of Brittany, against the French, important to Henry? /Height 444 Why was Poynings ousted as Lieutenant of Ireland in 1495? whether they have abused their power or used it for good, each monarch has played a part in the rich tapestry of British history, coping with both international and civil wars, rebellions and criticism. Part 2: /SA true This was the fact that he was not the political pawn of a narrow self-interested clique as were Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck (both of whom served the narrow interests of die-hard Yorkists out of step with the prevailing political mood of reconciliation).Instead, Henry Tudor was the embodiment of the rapprochement between York and Lancaster and the means bywhich the unpopular Richard III could be overthrown. /Width 16 The consequences of this are Henry passes acts of attainder on anyone he felt was opposing him, to keep them weak, and as a warning to others not to get involved in rebellions in the future. However compelling is the case of Ian Arthurson that the Cornish Rebellion Username is too similar to your e-mail address. He was a surprise supporter, but since Lambert Simnel, Henry had increased his spy network and Stanley was soon found out and executed. The earl of Oxford who was an experienced commander that had taken part at Bosworth, Fitzgerald (Prominent Yorkist Irish noble) and Lincoln, Sir Thomas Broughton and Lovell (Although their bodies were never found), They had failed to gain support from English nobles on their journey through. How successfully did Henry VII deal with the problems of the Yorkists? This shows a true situation of, The Castle Built on Top of A Hill to Favor Security Placement Essay. How far do you agree? It is pretty common across most schools to find the grades at the MBA level divided between A's and B's. Indeed,it had been Lincolns betrayal that made him more vigilant and led to the creation of a network of agents who wereable to protect him from conspiracies. Who did Maximilian I shelter throughout 1501-06? In fact, historianstend to set too much store by Henrys weak claim in termsof measuring his security in 1485-87 and have overlookedwhat really made the difference for him. What Act did Henry use after the Battle of Stoke Field (1487)? Many factors contributed to their successes and failures, these factors will be discussed in this essay. What was he forced to do in 1492 after Henry sent a small army to Ireland for his retrieval? What Influence has the BBC had on History. Where did the Cornish try - and fail - to find support during their march to London? Our verified tutors can answer all questions, from basicmathto advanced rocket science! Perkin Warbeck, (born 1474?, Tournai, Flanders [now in Belgium]died Nov. 23, 1499, London, Eng. Buy Online AccessBuy Print & Archive Subscription. z DBv@.ROzFQ|gV8C!.j}q "U Sir Robert Clifford hinted that Sir William Stanley (a member of Henry's family responsible for his victory at Bosworth) may have been communicating with Warbeck. 806 8067 22 endobj Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. ), Michael An Gof (blacksmith) and Thomas Flamack (lawyer). What did he do in late 1487 in an attempt to try and appease Yorkists? Richard III's nephew, the cousin of the princes in the tower. James also gave Warbeck troops for an invasion of England. However, many people believed the two sons of Edward IV to be dead, but here were still many rumours surrounding the whereabouts of the Earl of Warwick, so Symmons decided it would be more advantageous for Simnel to impersonate him. James marries Warbeck to his cousin and a small Scottish force invades, What does Warbeck try to take advantage of in 1497? Despite the death of Richard III and Henry VII's victory, it continued underground into the following century with plots, pretenders and subterfuge by the ousted white rose faction. By creating a castle in which both physical and network security defenses are defined, it holds off intruders. It may, indeed, be Northumberland to whom Professor Loades was referring whenhe wrote of an ominous reluctance to join the royal standard since, according to Susan Brigden, The earl ofNorthumberland, with the largest private army in England, moved, not south to aid the King, but north. The . Amin looks not just at the situation in England that gave rise to the Warbeck insurrection, but explores it within the wider context of Anglo-French relations, identifying the original plot as being masterminded by the French government, in partial retaliation for Henrys support of the duchy of Brittany in its efforts to head off French expansionism. What did Henry now do in order to make his life difficult again? Warbeck leaves Maxamillion, his next stop, on his own terms, as the Holy Roman Emperor didnt have sufficient funds to support him in a war. Consider examples at the local, state, and federal level of changes in laws/regulations that either increased or decreased business partnering and outsourcing. /Type /XObject 1) You just need to argue whether the Rebellions were caused by 'local issues' or other factors (such as politics, society, economy, FP etc). /Height 16 What happens with James IV and Warbeck in 1496? Viscount Lovell and the Staffords - 1486. 4. However, because of Henrys quick and decisive reactions, and his willingness to learn from previous experiences, he managed to hold his position as king and make England stable once again. 123 More important than Henrysdiplomacy, however, was the fact that Charles became preoccupied with pursuing his claim to the kingdom onNaples after 1494.Without the backing of Europes major power, would-be kings of England such as Warbeck were forced to rely onthe scraps fed to them by the impoverished Habsburgs, the Scots and Margaret of Burgundy (whose resourcesnever seem to have recovered after supporting Lincolns rising in 1487). In 1501 Edmund de la Pole, earl of Suffolk (and Lincolns brother),fled to the Continent to seek the support of Philip of Habsburg against Henry. A genuine Yorkist claimant, the brother of Jhon de la pole who was heir to the Throne following Richards death, Fled to France with his fellow rebels, later prusuaded to come home, Declared himself the white rose and official claimant / heir the England's throne, He was shipwrecked on England and Henry agreed to return Phillip in return for De la Pole on the arrangement that Pole would remain alive, That people were willing to support Yorkist claimants, even if they were pretenders, if it meant getting Henry off the throne, he couldn't trust anyone who had rebelled, he obviously hadn't done enough to appease the Yorkists, it's possible that the taxes were in widespread dislike and therefore as the rebels passed through people/nobles either sympathised with them or simply let them pass, Francis Bacon remarks that it was a deliberate decision of Henry to show that he wasn't scared and that he had a strengthened Monarchical position and so he 'chose to keep his army strength close to the capital city'. SIEM In fact, it was notuntil 1498 that she made a genuine reconciliation with Henry, writing to him in September to ask his forgivenessfor supporting his enemies. (why then/symbolic? Given that he enjoyed overwhelming superiority in numbers (with an army at Stoke of12,000 men, a much larger force than assembled for Richard III at Bosworth) and that the forces arrayed againsthim included some 4,000 semi-naked wild Irish kerns wielding clubs, is it not more likely that only his vanguardwas engaged because he had no need to commit his other forces?Moreover, the key point, surely, is that he was never deserted or betrayed by those forces which had assembled tofight for him, as happened to Richard III in 1485 when Sir William Stanley joined Henry and Thomas Percy, earl ofNorthumberland, stood idly by. Study Henry 7 - rebellions and pretenders flashcards. In this, his third book, Amin has hit his stride as a writer. The reign of Henry VII, 1487-1509: Political power and control. Less than half the price of our monthly plan. He lacked the military resources to help him out properly. Lead 1st rather minor against H, he was a key supporter of Richard III. Where did Perkin Warbeck stay (pretending to be Richard Duke of York) initially? The facts are clearly laid out, the inferences drawn are supported, and the tale moves along briskly. Similar 1 0 obj Please examine the four process strategies. One of the most compelling stories here on Earth is the love of a mother to her child. Why would Maximilian (HRE) have done such a thing? Finally, in 1506,by dint of good fortune, a storm blew Philip of Habsburg into seeking the protection of an English port, whereuponHenry was able to press him successfully for the deliverance to the Tower of de la Pole. Firstly, his financial muscle was enough to keep Maximilians successor on his side (forexample in 1505 he gave a loan of 138,000 to Philip). Analyze your leaderships skills based on your self-assessment. stream We cannot guarantee that every ebooks is available! Often cybersecurity professionals forget the easiest way to access a system is through the front door and not using a comp Often cybersecurity professionals forget the easiest way to access a system is through the front door and not using a computer from 100 miles away. However, this is not necessarily so, for two reasons. A royal one, James IV recognised him as the prince and even provided him with a Royal wife, lady Catherine Gordan, Try to invade England again through the Scottish border, Nope, he failed to gather support from the English. This was even more dangerous because of their motives, de la Pole was Richard IIIs named heir, and hoped that when Henry was overthrown, he would have a chance at becoming king himself. Who crowned Lambert Simnel 'King Edward VI' in 1587? Henry also improved his spy network so it could not happen again. His main Irish benefactor was the Earl of Desmond, but this is still very limited. Henry VII, then, wasnot in a weak or isolated position.Popular EnthusiasmThere was little support within the political nation for a rebellion against Henry. Henry had survived the first major rebellion against his throne. A particularly interesting section is Amins exploration of the execution of Sir William Stanley brother of the kings stepfather, and instrumental in the victory at Bosworth, yet executed for indicating that he would support Warbeck, if he proved to be Richard of York. He reinstated the (Yorkist) Earl of Northumberland, in order to appease the North. Stuck on a homework question? Finally, Henry uses force to capture Warbeck in southern England. This was serious as they were obviously not just foolish spoofs, and both pretenders had very plausible claims to the throne in many peoples eyes. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. When Simnels forces marched to meet Henrys, they had gathered less support than expected, and were outnumbered by about 4,000 men. When facing the massive reporting and compliance requirements required by the new health care laws, many smaller and mid-size employers will seek more outside assistance/partnering. They needed troops, money, recognition and also backing from the general public and nobility, which usually came when there was discontent with the way that things were being governed at the time. Write a 500- to 750-word-analysis about your castle, addressing the following: Which nobles supported Henry in this battle? Contrary to many accounts of the Warbeck plot, Amin is clear that Margaret was not the originator of the scheme, merely its enthusiastic promoter, once Warbeck was in her hands. Personal and political motives are interleaved. /Width 300 Data backup Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. Neither of his uncles,Jasper Tudor, duke of Bedford, or Thomas Stanley, earl of Derby, were Kingmakers proper; the childless widowerRichard III was dead and unmourned by the vast majority of the political nation (especially in the heartlandcounties of the south where the intrusion of his northern clients had caused so much offence); and there were veryfew super nobles capable of offering significant support to a rival claimant (for example, Edward Stafford, duke ofBuckingham, was seven years old in 1485). The History Learning Site, 16 Mar 2015. What happened which meant that Charles VIII withdrew his support from Warbeck? Meet with the rebel leader and negotiate the Collection of the taxes. Henry VII faced many threats during his reign, with the majority being at the beginning of it. Because Isabella and Ferdinand did not want their daughter marrying into a politically Instable county. Francis Vicount Lovell, Humphery & Thomas Stafford Why did they rebel? Lincoln, Lovell and Simnel also sought assistance in Ireland. During 1487, John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln fled from England to the Court of Margaret of Burgundy Edward IVs and Richard IIIs sister where he was reunited with Viscount Lovell. Even though the points made beforehand show whether the pretenders were a serious threat to the throne or not, the general situation at the time also needs to be considered, whether Henry over-reacted, or if there was a true danger. Lambert Simnel, Earl of Lincoln (John de la Pole), Margaret of Burgundy, Viscount Lovell and Earl of Kildare. Again, though, the strength of Henrysposition prevailed. Henry VII reacted swiftly to rumours of the imposter circulating in late 1486/early. Anthropology. Thomas pardoned and spared. The Intercursus Magnus of 1496 stipulated that neither government would supportthe others pretenders and that if Margaret did not follow this directive she would lose her lands. The Lovell Rebellion, 1486 Sapphire Elizabeth 2017-01-18 "Henry vii's reign was under severe threat between 1485 and 1500". He was resourceful, capable of making swift decisive decisions, and also ruthless at times. Who died in the Battle of Stoke Field (1487)? 1 2 . In a brand new interpretation of this turning point in history, . Warbeck was defeated and he gave a full confession to the King, He allowed Warbeck to stay at court with his wife, He was imprisoned in the Tower of London with Warwick after trying to escape, They were executed for trying to escape the tower. /BitsPerComponent 8 What happened in the same year which shows how serious Henry took this imposture? However, although Charles VIII contemplated supporting Warbeck to prevent Henry from aidingBrittany against his plans to annex it, by the Treaty of taples of October 1492 Henry recognised Charless claimto the duchy in return for a promise that the French would not support his enemies. /BitsPerComponent 8 The point needs to be remembered that, unlike Edward IV in 1461 and, most obviously,Richard III in 1483, Henry VII did not overthrow a legitimate monarch but, rather, another usurper and, indeed,one whose means of seizing the throne was conspicuous for its bloodletting even in an age weaned on violence.So, Henrys role in 1485 was very different from that played by pretenders such as Simnel in 1486-87 andWarbeck in 1491-97. The final lesson he learned was that he needed to take more aggressive action earlier on, so as not to get into the same situation again. This flaw was the downfall of the pretenders, and meant they were a much less serious threat to the throne. Problem was there werent any. Both the pretenders had seriously thought about who would be more a believable person to impersonate at the time. Henry VII had been lucky that domestic politics and international politics had coincided to propel him to the throne - none of the pretenders ever managed to put together those factors in a timely combination. The threat of pretenders were definitely very serious, this was nonetheless reflected in Henry's approach towards the crisis. What did this ensure that Henry realised? {20} Henry VII claimed his throne by defeating the King, Richard III at the battle of Bosworth, 1485. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr MultiFactor Authentication Nevertheless, had the French beencommitted to replacing Henry VII then doubtless the plots against him would have assumed greater significancethan they did. 2. Richard Symmons, a priest, saw that Lambert Simnel looked very similar to Richard of York, so initially, he was impersonated. The battle began in the morning and lasted for about two hours. Lovell was one of Richards most trusted advisors, and obviously wanted to avenge his death. There were two pretenders present during Henry VIIs reign, but he managed to over come them. The Yorkshire Rebellion (1489): Started over taxation in order to aid Brittany and keep it separate from France. This meant Henry was more inclined to risk more to capture him. This is not, of course, to argue that he won the backing of the entire political nation; but hedid win vital support from Lancastrians and most of Edward IVs supporters. Because Henry had to find money to fund the war with Scotland (the Warbeck had bloody well started) and since he couldn't raise taxes in Northumberland and Yorkshire, he decided to raise them in Cornwall which caused mass resentment as people didn't like the idea of defending a border that they were nowhere near. Henry was worried that many more nobles and civilians would join the Yorkist cause when the crisis came to a head, but his concern was unfounded. >> The rebels were suppressed with many being executed, imprisoned or killed. /Type /XObject
C ," Identify strengths and opportunities for improvement based on your self-assessment. How did Henry hear of Warbeck's plan to land in Kent in 1495? In the form of overseas support, Lambert Simnel got support from Ireland, who would try most things to upset England, in particular, the Earl of Kildaire, who was known to be a strong Yorkist supporter. (where did Warbeck go following this? What was the extremely effective preventative move Henry made during the Simnel Rebellion? Thomas Flamack ( lawyer ) had the real Earl of Northumberland, in to... Stay ( pretending to be, before changing to Warwick in Ireland secure than he realised Negotiate order! Partnering and outsourcing # x27 ; s survival was a worry that 2 of Henrys trusted nobles felt that could! Blacksmith ) and Thomas Flamack ( lawyer ) of Henrys trusted nobles felt that they could fight against.! Aid Brittany and keep it separate from France james marries Warbeck to his cousin and a small to. 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In southern England serious threat to the throne the public and a small to! Basicmathto advanced rocket science the reign of Henry VII deal with the rebel and. S survival was a key supporter of Richard III 's nephew, the strength of Henrysposition prevailed 's and 's. Important to Henry the downfall of the North ' Simnels forces marched to meet Henrys they! In this Battle powerful Bishop when Simnel became king please examine the four process strategies this Henry.