wyoming county court records

Includes affidavits for election, ballot copies, notices of sale of bonds, news releases, and pertinent information concerning building a new high school in Lander. ABSTRACTS OF TOWNS Transcripts of testimony, depositions, and exhibits from civil cases appealed before the Wyoming Supreme Court. 1924, 1934 - 1938 Forms provide bride's and groom's name, address, age, race, marital status, date of birth, parents' names and address, and sworn statement by witnesses. 1911-1915 TRANSCRIBED MORTGAGE RECORD Gives the description of lands, usually by metes and bounds, and may or may not mention names of parties involved. REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERKS - DISTRICT NOS. 1943 - 1950, 1966 - 1967 1870 - 1932 (Not inclusive) Weekly announcements about student activities, faculty meetings, and administrative matters. Files may contain warrants, indictments, motions, orders, subpoenas, bonds, transcripts, judgments, and jury verdicts. Records of mortgages on real property. rschell@nycourts.gov, Surrogate's Court Deputy Chief Clerk 1955 1956, 1959 - 1970 1 1884-1913, No. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, type of action, date of trial, and brief notes about the proceedings. 1883 - 1982 Sample of original deeds filed with the Albany County Clerk. Field notes of surveys made by county surveyors John S. Titcomb and Frank H. Jones. Graduation dates through 1960 See also combined civil and criminal case papers. BUSINESS LICENSES Record of receipts and disbursements by fund or account, such as cash, irrigation and drainage districts, welfare, county fair, service agencies, and taxes. SCHOOL DISTRICT REVENUES LEDGER These cards list teacher's name, date and place of birth, citizenship, marital status, experience, district, subject area, salary, type of certificate, expiration date, degrees, and educational information. List of voters and tally of votes in municipal elections. 1932-1970 birth dates Commissioner of Jurors fax: 585-228-3269, Hours of Operation RESTRICTED TO GOSHEN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1911 - 1930 2. Duplicates of certificates issued for the sale of property for delinquent taxes. Record of daily filings in civil, criminal and probate court. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAPS SUPREME COURT APPEALS - CIVIL Features include location of rail lines, rights-of-way, fences, rail markers, railroad buildings and service structures, telegraph and telephone lines, buildings adjacent to the line, and plats of cities. INVESTIGATIVE RECORDS The documents give the name of the administrator and amount of bond. 1930 - 1952 Reports on school district finances, including reports of the school district treasurer, certificates of special school taxes, and budgets of receipts and expenditures. ASSESSMENT ROLLS AND TAX LISTS Only five entries are recorded: Pleasant View, Mountain View, Warwickdale, Lake Side, and the Oasis. NOTE: Restricted to student of record and Niobrara County School District No. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of complaint, chronology of court actions, and judgment. CATTLE TAX LIST BURNS HIGH SCHOOL - PERMANENT RECORD CARDS (TRANSCRIPTS) DEED INDEXES 1972 1999 The information includes school name, district, teacher, teacher's certification, experience, and the names of the pupils enrolled (some with birth dates),ages, grade level, and parents' names. Report to State Department of Education on pupil attendance, building facilities, personnel, and curriculum. Various records filed in civil and criminal cases. and fixtures on the same lot. CHATTEL MORTGAGE RECORDS Notice, inventory and account of sale of personal property. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Record of property purchased and redeemed for delinquent taxes. 1983-1985 MARRIAGE LICENSES 1966 - 1973 SHERIDAN COUNTY FAIR Information provided includes name, license number, date of issue, duration of license, type of license (liquor, retail, billiards, circus, wholesale, etc. 1919 1923, 1925 - 1926 1949 - 1973 (not inclusive) 1885 - 1902 Correspondence about social, political, and judicial matters with Evanston justices of the peace. 1925 - 1926, 1935 - 1936, 1959 - 1960, 1966 - 1967 1888 NOTICES OF ANNUAL MEETINGS Copies of wills filed in probate court. 1923 to 1970 Dockets contain various records documenting case proceedings. 1966 1978 Information includes names of grantor and grantee, recording book and page, dates of instrument and filing, type of instrument, consideration paid, acknowledgment, and legal description. 1926 - 1942 1926 - 1957 Sampling of correspondence about administrative matters. 1924 - 1932 The first year of publication of the Laramie High School student newspaper. LICENSE REGISTER ROAD RECORD Included are mining deeds. How do I file divorce, custody or child support documents? Record of taxes on state land purchases. 1933 - 1937 GENERAL INDEX TO DISTRICT COURT RECORDS A few records of marriages (1868) are also included in the volume, with information including names of bride and groom, their ages, and residency. Files may contain summons, complaints, orders, motions, attachments, and judgments. Records include complaints, summonses, praecipes, notices, executions, satisfactions of judgment, etc. PERMIT HIGH SCHOOLS REPORT Information includes name, age, state/country of birth, and place of residence. 1926 - 1931 1969 These appointees were often State Justices, who acquired temporary duties as District Judges for Albany County. Records include mining records, water records, certificates, licenses, assignments, attachments, court records, survey notes, affidavits, notary commissions, leases, articles of incorporation, rights of way, liens, powers of attorney, etc. and school activities. 1868 - 1870 APPEAL DOCKET "O" Record of licenses issued. Information includes property description; notice of tax number; amount of tax; property owner; amount and date on certificate of purchase; and name, amount, number, and date on certificate of redemption. Various records from six cases. Information includes name, residence, age, and place of birth. Report on county finances and the condition of the courthouse and jail. Information may include name, residency, nationality, and background on work experience and personality. 1890 1968 (Not inclusive) 1962 Legal records may be attached to docket sheet. POWER OF ATTORNEY 1914-1921 1882 - 1887 Entries list recording book and page, date, names of grantee and grantor, kind of instrument recorded, amount of consideration, and description of property. 1885 - 1893 1982 - 1987 WYOMING SCHOOLS RECOMMENDED SALARY SCHEDULE Case files consist of documentation from individual case proceedings. 1919 - 1970 Information includes case number, names of plaintiffs and defendants, amount and date of judgment, and recording book and page in district court journal, judgment docket and execution docket. CIVIL DOCKETS CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET BOOKS 2 and 4. RESOLUTION OF APPROPRIATION For primary elections, tables list name and political affiliation. 1891 - 1958 Also included is a table of the water appropriation rights on the Big Laramie River (1914). Register of licenses issued for various regulated businesses or activities, such as retailing liquor, billiard and pool halls, and peddling. 1899 Record of patented land claims in Albany County. A total of all votes per district and per candidate is included with the abstract. CIVIL DOCKET BOOKS 1868 - 1975 2/6/07. The monthly report filed by the teacher includes pupils names, ages, and attendance. 24 - SUPERINTENDENT'S FILE Letters to and from the clerk concerning the duties of the clerk and county administration. Topics include employment of teachers, transportation, student isolation, and student attendance. A directory of members of the Board of Trustees, officers, and addresses of the various districts. 1900 - 1933 CORONER'S INQUESTS ROAD AND BRIDGE RECORDS PROBATE BAR DOCKETS 1983 - 1985 Certificates are proof of attendance of witness and claim for expenses incurred by witness (fee and travel). Circuit Courts Municipal Courts State Law Library Chancery Court About The Courts We appreciate your interest in Wyoming's judicial system, thank you for visiting our website. Docket books provide summaries of case proceedings. PLACER RECORD UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING CORRESPONDENCE 1898 - 1933 1984 - 2003 1884 1967 Among the topics are poor and pauper fund, mothers' and old age pensions, recordings, bids for services and equipment, dealings with state and federal agencies, and elections. Information may include high school and elementary grades, scholastic test scores, name of parent or guardian, occupation of parent or guardian, place of residence, age, date of birth, where the student attended just prior to entering the district, date of entry, age at entry, attendance record, activities, health record, date of graduation or withdrawal, and class rank. Several histories of the PCWPC District as written by supervisors. Reports of road supervisors on expenses, equipment and road work. 1969 - 1970 school year RESTRICTED TO SCHOOL DISTRICT AND STUDENT OF RECORD. RECEIVING BOOKS RESTRICTED TO GOSHEN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1984 - 1992 1890 - 1967 Files may contain complaints, petitions, summonses, subpoenas, motions, decrees, transcripts of testimony, and exhibits. 1915 - 1930 (mostly 1915) CRIMINAL CASE FILES CERTIFICATES OF CONDUCT OF STATE EXAMINATIONS Correspondence and memoranda concerning the adjudication. CIVIL CASE PAPERS CRIMINAL TRIAL DOCKET 1887 1931 (Not inclusive) PATENTS 12 - SUPERINTENDENT'S FILE (CENTENNIAL) COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION MINUTES 1868 - 1947 RESTRICTED TO ALBANY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1921 - 1941 Correspondence about teachers, children and policies. Information may include grades, health history, scholastic test scores, biographical data, record of attendance, and date of graduation. SOME INFORMATION IS RESTRICTED. 1929 - 1933, 1937 - 1938, 1945 - 1946 Information includes names of bride and groom, their ages, and names of witnesses and their residences. Various records, such as appraisements, transcripts, orders, motions and petitions, separated from case files. Volume contains only two entries, W.C. Brishine's Divide Ranch and S.L. Incoming correspondence to the Board of County Commissioners concerning the leasing of school lands and informal application to lease. Files may contain complaint, summonses, petitions, motions, indictments, warrants, transcripts of testimony, and judgments. The earlier minutes also include trustees' oaths of office and miscellaneous reports to the county superintendent. 3, 7, and 10 Mohun, Michael - Wyoming County Court, Supreme & County Court Chief Clerk INACTIVE STUDENT HEALTH CARDS Index to deeds recorded in Sweetwater County. 31. Records of mortgages on real property. After 1908, see Treasurer's Assessment Rolls. DISTRICT COURT JOURNALS A Cheyenne school directory listing all the schools, teachers and administrators, and members of the Board of Trustees. Information includes names of parties, description of property, consideration paid, and terms of the sale. TYPES OF TEACHER CERTIFICATES CORRESPONDENCE - WYOMING STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Docket book gives a short descriptive account of civil and criminal case proceedings. Correspondence relating to petitions for naturalization. Information includes name of grantee, certificate number, legal description of land, and attached covenants or rights reserved. Petitions requesting a name be placed on ballot for school board member elections. PROBATE CASE FILE PAPERS Also included is a list of county superintendents (1889-1971). No dates TRUSTEES OATH OF OFFICE 1961 - 1975 Information includes student's name, grades, test scores, residence, health record, graduation date, and name of parent or guardian. 1917 - 1969 Expenses for school board, teachers' salaries, transportation, supplies and other needs. ST. STEPHENS MISSION SCHOOL CORRESPONDENCE - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1958 - 1964, 1967 - 1968 RESTRICTED TO GOSHEN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1972 1979 Dates of birth 1928 - 1955 Various maps designating the school district boundaries of the county. 1888 - 1889 Index to criminal dockets and case files. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of charge or complaint, dates of proceedings, dates and types of pertinent filings, plea, disposition, fine and court costs. 1953 - 1971 Files usually consist of transcripts of testimony and the opinion of the Supreme Court. COMBINED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASE FILES 1966 - 1984 Register of motor vehicle license plates issued in Laramie County. The volumes contain information on certificates issued to teachers, the certificate number, type of certificate, dates of issue and expiration, and examination scores for certification. Annual reports by the Clerk of the School District showing enrollment by grades and sex, numbers of students promoted from eighth grade, days schools were in session, number and types of schools, principals, superintendents, teachers and their assignments and salaries. JAIL REGISTER Petitions to District Boundary Board to change existing school boundaries. Witness and juror certificates contain statement by the juror/witness of days spent in attendance and mileage to and from their place of residence in order to collect fees for appearing at trial. A superintendent's journal which includes the following: Teacher list with their examination score, teacher list with incomplete certificates, eighth grade graduates, listing of students in grades 5-8 and miscellaneous information on activities, all grades, all districts. 1915, 1920, 1936 POLL TAX RECORD 1938, 1947, 1948 Legal grant of water right. PRESIDENT'S REPORTS Record of liens against real estate from district court cases. Supplementary documents may be found in some volumes. 1922 - 1988 ABSTRACT OF ELECTION RESTRICTED. Copies of wills filed in probate court. 1913 1937 CORPORATION RECORDS Contents contain various documents such as docket sheet, warrants, complaints, and court orders. Lists of voters by precinct in primary, general, and special elections. Recorded minutes concerning boundary changes and/or redistricting in Sweetwater County. Record of filings with the county clerk's office. The report gives the name of the teacher, the name of the school, the number of the school district, and ten response categories. 1923-1924 Files may contain summonses, petitions, motions, indictments, warrants, and transcripts of testimony. Many entries are incomplete. TEACHERS' DAILY REGISTER Information includes name, legal description of property and amount owed in taxes, penalty and interest. Entries give name, place of residence, type of license purchased, and fee for license. ca. 1942 - 1967 (Not inclusive for all districts) Record of meetings of the Crook County Commissioners concerning bills, budgets, bonds, petitions, actions taken, and resolutions adopted. 17. Copies of agreements, contracts and bonds filed with the county clerk. Monthly statistics about welfare cases handled in Hot Springs County. (Utah Territory)." 1919 - 1976 Trial dockets provide a daily summary of criminal proceedings. TEACHER LISTS CRIMINAL DOCKET BOOKS CRIMINAL APPEARANCE DOCKETS MARRIAGE RECORDS In the back of each volume is a tally of votes cast. RESTRICTED. Examiner's Reports include a narrative pointing out audit discrepancies and problems and itemized listing of receipts and expenditures. ca. Wyoming County | 143 N Main Street | Warsaw, New York 14569 Government Websites by CivicPlus Register of records filed in individual cases. LANDER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL IMMUNIZATION RECORDS Dockets provide summaries of case proceedings for traffic and game violations. 1979 - 1981 Correspondence and forms for grazing livestock on public lands. TEACHER LISTS VACANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS POSITION 1879 - 1881 TEACHERS' DIRECTORIES 55 violent and 43 property crimes occurred in Wyoming County back in 2018. CIVIL JOURNALS Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of charge or complaint, dates of proceedings, dates and types of pertinent filings, plea, disposition, fines, and court costs. BLUE SKY FILINGS Administrative correspondence on the appointment of members, reorganization plan, decision and order of the School District Committee on School District Organization, and committee finances. 1880 - 1886 Record of appointments to county offices. TRUSTEES' DIRECTORIES 1914 - 1933 1972 - 1982 CRIMINAL CASE FILES CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASE FILES 1929 1930 - 1971 (Not inclusive) BOUNDARY BOARD MINUTES 1911 - 1929 Information includes name, age, place of residence, sex, and name of parent or guardian. In accordance with Chapter 10, Session Laws of Wyoming 1945, the Board of Trustees was required to adopt a resolution stating the amount of tax to be raised to operate the district's schools. Information includes grantee, certificate number, legal description of land, and attached covenants or rights reserved. Preliminary classification reports filed by the teacher assess school conditions and needs, school names and districts, terms, teacher statistics, and names of children enrolled with their ages and grade level. Contracts for teachers (1936, 1942) and bus driver (1942). 1923 - 1981, 1986 - 1990 This means that cases that need to be referred upwards can either go to the District Courts or they can be dealt with by the Supreme Court in extreme situations or when called for. Record of chattel mortgages filed in the county. FREMONT COUNTY VOCATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE 1978 1985 Dates of birth MINING RECORDS Recorded certificates of appropriation of water. 1983 Dockets provide summaries of civil and criminal proceedings. Also contains a school calendar of activities. Docket books provide summaries of civil court proceedings. 1917 - 1923 Some forms name school officers, district numbers, school name and enrollment. General records relating to the maintenance and construction of roads and bridges. Document is prior to 1913 since Thermopolis is listed in Fremont County. 1951 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS, CORRESPONDENCE Records include warrants, complaints, and court orders. Included are several equalization reports. CERTIFICATE OF PERMIT, HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS 1940 - 1984, 1988 REORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. FEE BOOKS Licenses issued in the county for gaming, peddlers, pawnbrokers, auctioneers, billiard halls, pool tables, bowling alleys, and theaters. 1920 1927 1949 - 1950, 1952 - 1954 RESTRICTED. 1922 - 1950 (not inclusive) AGREEMENTS, BONDS, AND CONTRACTS Records are minutes of the school board and minutes of annual and special meetings of the school district, and incoming and outgoing correspondence. Ca. CERTIFICATES OF REDEMPTION Record of teachers' salaries and deductions. Summary of proceedings against H.J. Files may contain transcripts, letters of recommendation, application, performance evaluation, and correspondence. Decision in the cases of Goodnight vs. Hewes and Hardin Campbell & Co. vs. Decker. 1929 - 1934 OUTFITTERS IN PARK COUNTY CRIMINAL CASE FILES Entries also record performances as notary and, in 1890, marriage. Provides owner=s name, description of real property, values, taxes levied, total assessed value, amount paid, and receipt number. West Virginia requires all county clerks to collect marriage records. CRIMINAL DOCKETS 1, 5, 6, AND S.W. 1931, 1937, 1944, 1955 MORTGAGES - LANDER BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION These cards include names, certificate numbers, types of certificates, issuance and expiration dates, date registered, assignment, district number, some dates of birth, hours in education, salaries, and years of experience. Dockets provide brief outlines of criminal proceedings, most of which involve traffic violations. Other types of writ are exclusively dealt with by the supreme court, too. Volume [1] also contains Sheriff's record of papers served in civil and criminal cases, arrests, and mileage notes (1879 - 1880). Registration of corporations and businesses operating in the county. Includes agendas and minutes of the Trustees' Association. 1989 - 1999 Information includes names of plaintiffs and defendants, charge, dates and kinds of pertinent filings and disposition. Prospectus and notice of sale of $75,000 of general obligation building bonds. 1909 - 1967 1918 1936, 1968 7 1914-1983 1891 - 1899 RESTRICTED ACCESS. CERTIFICATION OF NUMBER OF TEACHERS EMPLOYED Before June 1929 see Combined Civil and Criminal Docket Books. 1914, 1922 Record of transfers, assignments, and releases of mortgages and liens recorded in Carter/Sweetwater County. DISTRICT COURT JOURNALS 1893-1954 (Not inclusive) Pages record name, date received, date discharged, cost per prisoner per day, total days confined, total costs per prisoner. 1956 - 1971 Daily record of filings in civil court. Information includes name of person or business and amount.