Responsible for the programme management office and resourcing of the programme. It works with partners to regulate migration in line with the law and government policy and supports economic growth. The Policy Team advises ministers on issues related to ASPA and responds to correspondence (including PQs and FOI enquiries) from MPs and the public. Departments are reminded of their obligation to comply with their Public Sector Equality Duty when considering pay awards for their staff. Search . 31 January . 1 0 obj
They also have responsibility for scientific regulatory functions, the delivery of the National DNA Database service, and the shared support for Home Office Science teams and independent advisory committees. The HO Data Analytics Capability is a business change programme that delivers a Data Analytics capability to drive an intelligence-led organisation, in order to help make our communities safer and improve the publics customer experience of interacting with the HO. Data should be provided for the year of the pay remit, not the financial year. Complete Ipsos MORI survey to give us your feedback about the service. Increase in remuneration cost excluding legally binding progression increments or progression buy out costs, Increase in remuneration cost excluding progression increments or progression buy out costs, and, departments that pay contractual progression increments or, departments who have agreed a switch in funding from the non-consolidated performance pay pot to fund recruitment and retention pressures, performance related payments based on individual contributions to the department and assessed by the Departments performance management system, special bonus schemes for individual payments for special projects or outstanding pieces of work that are not covered by the normal performance management system, Non-consolidated performance payments met from the performance pot should be excluded from the. Responsible for ensuring that there is a modern framework for the police workforce that is seen by the public to be professional, skilled and rewarded appropriately. Officer - 26,750 (national base pay) plus 43% AHA = 38,252. Head of Free Movement and Migrant Criminality Unit, Lead policy and strategy on EU free movement, as well as the 'public good' and public protection issues in immigration policy, The International Criminality Unit (ICU) is responsible for policy around international police and judicial cooperation, such as extradition, sharing criminal conviction data, international biometrics sharing and Interpol. The Unit is also responsible for enhancing the fire prevention, protection and safety work of the service, including leading on the national Fire Kills campaign, and other activity including honours for the fire and rescue service.. Head of National Resilience and Fire Programmes. Lead for Judicial Review, Special Appeals, Litigation Strategy and Country of Origin Information Service. They are re-earnable and do not have associated future costs. Member of CPG Board. the date upon which the pay remit year commences, vary from one body to another. This publication is available at News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. The difference between the leavers salary costs and the entrants salary costs is the saving to the paybill. The lowest salary for a Border Force Officer in United Kingdom is 25,254 per year. We will use this to understand how our websites are used, along with letting you know of products or services which we think might be of interest to you by email, phone or other digitial means. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. 2.5%, then further approval is required from Cabinet Office and HM Treasury Ministers. Head of Performance Reporting and Analysis Unit. Ensuring effective stakeholder engagement and communication is in place and maintenaning strong relationships with cross-government technology and digital strategies. Your average total compensation may include benefits that offer more value than a paycheque. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. The unit creates and updates/maintains content for all channels including GOV.UK, the Home Office intranet and social media channels. Data about Home Office structure and salaries. Digital Delivery sets standards and governance for digital services. Border Force officers protect UK border entry points like ports and airports, by enforcing immigration and customs regulations. Lead policy on borders and visas to support a secure UK border. Responsible for developing and implementing the Modern Crime Prevention Strategy. This will be the increase in the cost over 12 months from the date of the 2020/21 pay award. The role supports the Police & Fire Service in delivering a collaborative and joined up procurement approach for goods and services including forensic services. Asylum, remand; custody and non-detained teams provide specialist service to these key cohorts. The average border force officer salary in UK is 26,653.89, Average border force officer Salary in UK: 26,653.89, Read about border force officer salaries, related jobs and salary information across the UK, Location: These include increases in annual leave entitlements, reduction in working hours, etc. Thank you for your feedback. Newly qualified border force officers should expect to start their career with a salary that is lower than the UK average earnings for the role. The SBA offers independent assurance on programme feasibility, risk management and value for money. The Home Office business areas understand the European Union procedures, negotiations on draft European legislation, international obligations and opportunities for delivering the Governments international justice and home affairs (JHA) agenda., Deputy Director, International Directorate:Strategy and Engagement. Responsible for oversight of in-country immigration operations. Lead for Temporary Migration, Points Based System, PBS Sponsorship, Family, Study and Accession Casework. See how well you match this job profile and over 400 others. We achieve this through our work on counterterrorism, policing, fire, crime, nationality, and immigration policy. Provides strategic HR support to policy and enabling functions in the Department and has overall responsibility for resourcing for posts at Grade 6 and below across the Department. Home Office Digital's Data team is broadly responsible for the Data Strategy and Standard; data sharing policy and processes; a data matching service (MIDAS); a technical solution for the Exit Checks programme; development of new ways of sharing data - for example, kicked off the Life Events Verification API and developed a proof of concept for accessing Police National Computer data via an API; Open Data policy and publishing and the development of a Data Catalogue. Progression pay systems are those under which pay to individuals in a specific grade or post increases periodically. Responsibility for major incidents and maintaining a relentless focus on operational service delivery and risk mitigation. Print . Details of current Treasury grade and salary bands at 1 August 2016, and published information about performance awards. Responsible for public protection and interpersonal violence policy, Responsibility for delivering a cross-government strategy to address Modern Slavery, Responsible for delivering the Governments strategy to prevent crime, Head of Police Workforce and Capability Unit. Employer National Insurance Contributions: Enter the total cost to the department of employer National Insurance Contributions. To enter at officer level, you may need at least 2 A levels at grade E or above, or equivalent qualifications. Includes salary costs for 1CS18, 1CS45 and 1CS44 and 3CS01. Workforce management information for 2016 added. Any element of such payments from departments that exceeds the required legal obligation should be expected to seek explicit HM Treasury consent, before the payment is made, as per the processes detailed in Managing Public Money. HM Passport Office Senior Finance Business Partner. Horley, Location: Home Office Border Force Officer salaries - 49 salaries reported, Border Force Border Force Officer salaries - 9 salaries reported, HM Prison Service Border Force Officer salaries - 3 salaries reported, UK Border Agency Border Force Officer salaries - 3 salaries reported, Home Office Border Force Officer salaries - 2 salaries reported, Heathrow Airport Border Force Officer salaries - 2 salaries reported, HM Revenue and Customs Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, ASDA Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, HSBC Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Civil Service United Kingdom Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Debenhams Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, British Airways Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Mitie Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Brook Street Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Subway Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Home Office Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, G4S Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Marriott International Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Nones Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported, Bourne Leisure Border Force Officer salaries - 1 salaries reported. Baseline remuneration cost does not include employer national insurance and pension contributions. The Glassdoor community relies on people like you to share accurate salary info to promote fair compensation everywhere. In some cases this is subject to demonstration of increased capability (to a particular standard), a satisfactory performance assessment and/or may be a legal entitlement. If you become a customer to any of our products, we will contact you whilst you are a customer with We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Due to the nature of the work, the role can be challenging and pressurised at times. Where recyclable savings can be found that enable a department to pay more than a 2.5% headline award, they should be expected to submit a business case demonstrating how this investment would be sustainably affordable in future years. The Border Force Senior Finance Business Partner is responsible for supporting these business areas in strategic and tactical decision making, ensuring financial consequences, risks and opportunities are understood and considered at the point at which decisions are taken; providing professional challenge to the business, ensuring financial plans, forecasts and underlying assumptions are robust and are appropriately tested; and working on behalf of the business to commission and oversee the delivery of expert financial support and advice from other areas of finance to time and quality in order to meet business objectives. The national average salary for a Border Force Officer is 34,164 in United Kingdom. This is the difference between the projected remuneration cost and the baseline remuneration cost expressed as a percentage of the baseline remuneration cost. This year, departments are able to make average pay awards within the range of 1.5% to 2.5%. The role will bring senior focus to transforming the legacy estate, enabling technology to meet the future Digital agenda., Workforce, Pay and Pensions Team HM Treasury Headcount: Enter the total Civil Service workforce on a headcount basis, calculated as the average for the remit year based on the size of the workforce at the end of each month. The projected remuneration cost is calculated by adding the increase in remuneration cost arising from the remit proposals to the baseline remuneration cost. Filter by location to see Border Force Officer salaries in your area. These cases must include associated efficiencies and reforms to deliver sustainable savings going forward. The regions being, Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Euro Med, Middle East and Pakistan and Central Asia, South Asia and Turkey. You have accepted additional cookies. Deputy Director of OCE. The percentage increase will refer to overall pay awards and individuals may receive a higher or lower award, as it is for departments to target their pay award based on their own workforce and business needs. The average UK Border Force salary ranges from approximately 16,349 per year for Apprentice to 69,422 per year for Deputy Director. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
", Director, Immigration Compliance & Enforcement - North, Midlands and Wales. Visits managers for each Minister and the Home Secretary arrange and accompany on visits and events and organise high-profile conferences and speeches where there is ministerial involvement. The Chief Statisticians Unit is responsible for National Statistics publications on Scientific Procedures on Animals; Firearm Certificates; and Alcohol Licensing and three Official Statistics publications on the police use of tasers, deployment of firearms by the police, football banning orders and Fire Statistics. As shown in the graph below, the UK average salary in 2022 is 32,000, which officers currently exceed when reaching 5 years' service. Below is a summary of the types of business case that can be submitted: Business cases for pay flexibility are subject to approval by Cabinet Office with subsequent sign-off by HM Treasury. Member of the Executive Management Board. Working overtime is another option that will help you be paid more than an average salary for your job. You'll get regular training updates throughout your career to keep up to date and with experience you could become a senior Border Force officer. Departments must be satisfied that their proposed reduction will not jeopardise the operation, development or effectiveness of their performance-related pay arrangements. It aims to deliver greater efficiency and effectiveness and achieve a department where people: focus on outcomes not process; are empowered by technology; work flexibly and cost-effectively; collaborate more effectively with other teams and departments; and maximise productivity and innovation. Your initial per year salary may also be influenced by factors such as the region and city where you work, with London typically offering more than other major cities. Trading address: Unit 4 The Mews, 16 Holly Bush Lane, Sevenoaks, TN13 3TH. The International and Immigration Policy Group Senior Finance Business Partner is responsible for supporting these business areas in strategic and tactical decision making, ensuring financial consequences, risks and opportunities are understood and considered at the point at which decisions are taken; providing professional challenge to the business, ensuring financial plans, forecasts and underlying assumptions are robust and are appropriately tested; and working on behalf of the business to commission and oversee the delivery of expert financial support and advice from other areas of finance to time and quality in order to meet business objectives. The group also works closely with other enabler functions to provide a joined-up enabling function to support operational delivery. Look at progression in this role and similar opportunities. Vacancy Rates: Enter the number of unfilled posts (or forecast vacancies) in the final month of the remit year in question, expressed as a percentage of (headcount at the end of the month plus vacancies). Deputy Director, International Directorate: Europe, The Deputy International Director supports the International Director in ensuring the Home Office meets its objectives in Eurpoe and bilaterally with European states. Find apprenticeships, courses and jobs available near you. Youve accepted all cookies. Departments may seek to address transformational workforce reform. The Financial Planning Unit is responsible for securing the forward finances of the Home Office, including developing and securing cabinet and parliamentary clearance of the immigration and visa fees package. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: You'll get continuous training during your first 6 to 12 months. Responsible for managing the delivery of a high profile, challenging and complex technology-enabled business programme transforming law enforcement technology. Leads on the delivery of a unified coms capability including new call centres and the ability to deploy mobile communications. The task of the Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) is to provide personal independent scientific advice and support of the highest quality to the Home Secretary and other Home Office ministers and officials on the whole range of Home Office policies and operations. Longford, Location: The role is to lead and develop approx 900 staff working to secure the UK border in South, South West England . You can change your cookie settings at any time. Basic award (%): Enter the average % increase to the steps (for a step based pay system) or maxima/minima (for a non-step based pay system) of the pay ranges within an organisation. l also request the name of the Director of Border Force as when l requested this from the Home Office they repied that l should look on the . Departments should contact the Cabinet Office for advice if they are unsure if the introduction of an allowance would contribute to their pay award. Silver Lead, supporting the Chief Operating Officer, security and quality assurance. These documents explain Home Office structure and pay scales. It is responsible for publication of the Civil Service Pay Remit guidance and ensuring that it is affordable and flexible enough for all relevant departments to apply within their budgets. Border Force officers protect UK border entry points like ports and airports, by enforcing immigration and customs regulations. Low The Director also leads the Inquirys corporate functions. We use third parties to undertake face to face communications to migrants across the Horn of Africa, Afghanistan and northern France. Provides leadership for the Biometric PIC programme to ensure delivery against tight constraints within budget and agreed timeframes. Ministerial approval of pay remits is given on the basis that a department does not enter into any legally binding agreements in Trade Union negotiations that effectively commit it to automatic costs in the future. Cabinet Office has responsibility for the overall management of the Civil Service. For example, the following must be included: As set out above, if a department makes any changes to elements of their paybill this forms part of their total paybill. Provides operational research and analysis to support decision making in Home Office operations. Your experience level directly affects where in the salary range your earnings will fall. Responsible for the deployment of a new print solution for the Home Office and deployment of an enterprise-class end user devices management infrastructure and new file sharing capability. This is achieved by basing the pensionable earnings used to determine the contribution tier only on actual basic pay and any pensionable allowances. To avoid this flexibility resulting in subsequent paybill increase, the reduction in the PRP pot will be permanent once the pot as a percentage of pay-bill has been reduced. The guidance provides a framework within which all departments will set pay for 2020/21, and for departmental pay strategies and pay reporting. All pay remits must be approved by a Secretary of State or responsible minister, and each department, through its accounting officer, is responsible for the propriety of the pay award to staff. The Chief Statistician reports to the National Statistician with respect to all professional matters and also has lead analytical strategic responsibility for a number of areas including Knowledge Management, Data collection, storage, handling, analysis and use across the Home Office. Deputy to the Director for the Immigration technologies platform PIC programme which ensures delivery against tight constraints within budget and agreed timeframes. Once you've passed your probationary period, you'll have the full responsibilities of a Border Force officer. Added Home Office: structure and salaries, 2022. Includes managing Contract Change Notices and variations to existing contracts including all commercial negotiations. We will occasionaly send you information about other products or services from brands owned by Partners of Research LTD. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports, See more information about these transparency data, Updated 2 March 2018 Following approval from the relevant Secretary of State, departments should enter into formal negotiations with their departmental trade unions. Lead on Change, Customer Strategy, Information Management, Deputy Director, Improvement & Innovation, Lead Continuous Improvement, Customer Service Excellence and other improvement programmes, Deputy Director, Digital Services Group Manager. endobj
Digital Delivery are setting quality standards to be shared across the Home Office to determine and build understanding of what good looks like across each of the above functions. Member of the CPG Board, Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme, Portfolio Director, Law Enforcement Technology Programmes. Departments, in exceptional cases, can seek pay flexibility to address specific problems associated with recruitment and retention in specific grades and professions within their department. Types of payment include: The organisations existing non-consolidated performance pot is a cash value derived from a percentage of the consolidated baseline paybill, and not a fixed cash amount. Responsible for all aspects of the Crime and Policing Group. It develops, maintains and manages Group-wide relationships with suppliers, and the wider public sector, and contributes to cross Home Office and Government Commercial and IT goals to introduce significant efficiencies and savings. every email. This is a broad, complex and critical role leading an extensive program of new system builds which involves managing a broad cross-section of stakeholders from policy functions to senior leaders in policing and a huge number of public sector bodies. Any progression pay still in place in core departments or their ALBs not agreed through business case approvals will be in breach of government policy and must be notified to the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury immediately. The cost of such changes should be calculated and included in the IRC calculation. You can apply through the Civil Service Fast Stream if you have a degree. Responsible for running the UKs visa service, working with partners to prevent harmful people coming to the UK and providing services to support economic growth. 151 Buckingham Palace Road Responsible for finance for the group, corporate support and the group's strategic functions. HM Passport Office Finance Business Partner Unit. Responsible for implementation of strategy, business planning, stakeholder engagement and corporate enablers. 151 Buckingham Palace Road responsible for implementation of Strategy, business planning, stakeholder and! Departments should contact the Cabinet Office for advice if they are re-earnable and do not have future. Pic programme which ensures delivery against tight constraints within budget and agreed timeframes total compensation may include benefits that more... Their Public Sector Equality Duty when considering pay awards for their staff uk border force pay scales 2020. 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