She takes an immediate shine to Daya when she first arrives at max after pleading guilty to killing CO Humphrey and receiving a life sentence and makes numerous attempts to befriend her. In season 6 she befriends Irene "Zirconia" Cabrera. During Bayley's visit, it is revealed that she is pregnant. It's a common tag. When her mother Rose Mary tried to kick her out, Maureen attacked her with a knife. Unknown to Maritza, her mother informs Flaca that she was actually born in Colombia, and is not a U.S. citizen after all. Later, during a party, Linda is outside with an intoxicated Meg while she is attempting to use the bathroom in freezing temperatures and decides to leave her alone. Stella begs for forgiveness, justifying herself by the fact that her family is all back in Australia, she has no money left, and that she will have no place to go upon her release. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 93 replies 2,768 retweets 10,958 likes. The exact moment and reason for her arrest was never revealed, but we do know that Red and her husband were involved with the Russian mafia, and that she gave business advice to the mob boss.How long is her sentence: Approximately 13 to 14 years. If we want to insert a single row into a table, emp., When that photo was taken, it appears he was around the age of 12/14. During the third season, she is transferred to Litchfield and starts a trend of inmates requesting kosher meals. Near the end of the sixth season, Piper confides to him that Madison planted drugs on her in an attempt to get her sentence extended. She starts out as a member of Litchfield's Wiccan cult. Later, he defends her and Charlie from two homophobic bullies at an amusement park (Tiffany was disguised as a man) and punches one of them in the face. When CERT storms the prison, she physically lashes out at the officers who have come to empty the medical center and is roughly pulled from her bed in retaliation. Due to Lorna's delusions, he was forced to report the social media accounts she created of Sterling that were made of baby pictures she found on the internet to get them taken down. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. She stated that she had been called to drown Maria. Instead of filing the report, he rips it up and puts Piper on the top of the list for early release due to his own involvement in the drug smuggling and concerns that she may expose it. She took charge of efforts on behalf of the governor's office to quell the riot to include speaking to Taystee on the phone and in-person and arranged for the delivery of the care boxes given to the inmates that Taystee later burned on TV. Maureen Kukudio During the uprising at the end of the season, she sees Humphrey attempting to unholster a gun, and she pushes him to the ground before he can use it. Following this, the two older sisters push the car into the lake and she hummed the song Maniac (the song playing during Debbie's final gymnastics performance) after watching the car sink into the lake. She also escaped from custody, but wasnt charged as it was a mistake on the prisons part when they released her early. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Later on, she goes to the pharmacy to get some pain relievers from Lorna, but after initially being offered Advil Lorna rescinded the offer after Kasey made a racist remark about the Latino inmates. Shown to be uncaring about the inmates, he loudly suggests to Coates that he should have sex with Maritza while she is driving them to their housing, only to find himself being insulted by her in return. She was sent to maximum security for stashing heroin.How much time does she have left: In season two, she had two years left, but its currently unknown how much time she has left since her sentence was extended. While tossing Maria's cell, her attitude accidentally triggers Artesian into slapping her across the face. Maureen Kukudio Not much is known about Maureen, her backstory, or why she's in prison. Tasha Taystee JeffersonWhy shes in prison: Its never officially stated, but she was an accountant for Vees drug-trafficking ring, so its assumed to be for heroin trafficking.How long is her sentence: UnknownWas her sentence extended: Yes. Last Known Residence. ASTRO will continue on as a five member K-Pop group. Before he takes that step, he talks to Nicky and lets her know what happened (Lorna told Nicky Sterling was still alive and Vince was keeping their son away from her) so she could try and get her to accept their son is dead. She is rather formal and conventional, treating Piper's prison stay as a shame upon the family (and herself). Patricia "Tricia" Miller (played by Madeline Brewer) An inmate who grew up on the streets and one of the youngest inmates. During the show, Stratman does a striptease with only a sock covering his penis. While out at another night club, she is arrested in an ICE raid due to her not having any identification on her proving she is a U.S. citizen and is detained at the PolyCon immigration detention facility with Blanca. Season 7, Episode 16 "The Last War" - Clarke fails the test and cannot transcend . Vince tells Lorna that Sterling died, but she becomes delusional and insists that he is still alive. However, Vee was only pretending to give up, and instead violently beats Red with a slock (a lock in a sock), sending her to the prison infirmary. Yvonne "Vee" Parker (played by Lorraine Toussaint) The main antagonist of the second season. Thomas "Humps" Humphrey (played by Michael Torpey) One of the correctional officers hired under MCC's veterans program. She appears briefly in the series finale, continuing her running at the prison to which Alex is sent. After a bad experience with bath salts, she is convinced by Nicky to become clean. Possibly for drug possession with intent to sell, or for breaking house arrest. Yikes. Lorna and Nicky take over the dispensation of meds; Lorna refuses to give Suzanne hers, pressuring her to believe she no longer needs them. Suzanne rejects this but Maureen, who wants to fight, provokes her by launching into a stream of insults. He starts a secret friendship with Daya that eventually turns into a romantic relationship. She appears in the series finale at the Ohio prison, encouraging new inmates to be positive (saying the same thing she had said to Piper when Piper first came). Disgusted by the incident, Kasey and some of the other white supremacists approach Suzanne's friends in the African-American group, and later Maria's gang, to enlist them in going after Humphrey, admitting that her hatred of him far outweighs her racist beliefs. Nevertheless, he is surprisingly compassionate and good at dealing with difficult situations - on one occasion, he manages to help Daya recover from a panic attack almost immediately after discovering that she is having one, despite Bennett having spent ages trying to calm her. In the fifth season, she joins Ramona in guard duty over the hostages, and later helps set up a coffee parlor with the white supremacists, where Ouija reveals herself to be a very talented impressionist, impressing the other inmates with her dead-on impressions of the inmates and guards. At the beginning of the fourth season, she attempts to get closer to Suzanne, but Suzanne turns her away after she discovers her to be quite a strange person. Prior to their departure, he ends up engaging in a verbal altercation with Poussey over her father being reassigned, where she tries to pull a gun on him but is stopped by her father before the gun is visible. Ingalls convinces her to try to reconcile with her son, and also to let Crystal move on. Crystal Burset (played by Tanya Wright) Sophia's wife Crystal was supportive of Sophia's transition and even helped her find her feet as a woman, but attempted to persuade her not to have gender confirmation surgery. In season two, episode four, its revealed that shes been at Litchfield for at least 12 years.Was her sentence extended: No.How much time does she have left: In season three, we know she doesnt have much time left, and she starts thinking about what shell do when she gets out. Like Brandy, she embraces being a neo-Nazi and sports several Nazi tattoos and a shaved head. Rating: 3 (369 lt nh gi) Highest rating: 4. When the CERT officers storm the prison at the end of the riot, Kasey's gang ultimately invites Ouija and Pidge to join them in fighting them off. While Barb and Debbie are outside she runs up to them with a hatchet and Barb tells Debbie to get back in the car. [32], At the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards, Aduba was again nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. Following the end of the riot, he welcomes the guards from minimum security that were transferred to max, and he participates in the "Fantasy Inmate" game with the other guards at max. Not much is known about Maureen, her backstory, or why shes in prison. At the end of the season, she joins Ramona and the white supremacists in fighting off the CERT officers. This forces Tiffany to hide in the trunk of the car, though she later reveals herself to Dixon at a hotel after being tired of hiding in the trunk. Back at the prison, she ends up being the focus of a cult inside of the prison. During the seventh season, he starts dating another woman also named Maria (nicknamed "New Maria"), which initially enrages Maria. After a fight with her former love interest Suzanne (Uzo Aduba), Maureen Kukudio spent Season 5 in the infirmary. I forgot that she missed the riot. At the lake, she walks with Barb to release the tadpoles into the ice water, and while walking she tells Barb that she does not want to move. In their subsequent argument, her hint that she would renounce Islam resulted in a slap from her father. Alex VauseWhy shes in prison: Heroin trafficking, parole violation. She was seriously injured in a car accident on Christmas Eve of 2013. During the fifth season, he is one of the guards from max that responds to the riot when most of the minimum security guards were taken hostage by the inmates. He then makes another appearance in the fifth season, when Bayley turns to him and Bell after he is overcome with grief due to his part in Poussey's death. She, like Piper, also seems to be more educated than many of her fellow inmates, being concerned about issues such as healthcare and benefits. She also hints her mental illness is just a ruse for the other inmates, and it becomes clear when she is in the forest with Suzanne that she uses this to take advantage of others. They eventually overcame their differences, due to their mutual hatred of Scientology, and formed a truce in an attempt to take a picture of Judy to sell to the paparazzi with her smuggled cell phone she hides in her hijab. Later, Caputo ignores all advice given to him and tries to appeal to her personally before criticizing her work performance, which just makes things worse. Flashbacks to her time before prison show her as a young reporter. She is a drug addict and lesbian who sports a tattoo on her throat and cornrows. At the end of the fourth season, while she is escorting Judy out of the prison, she ends up being surrounded by inmates reacting to the news about Bayley not being charged with Poussey's death. Flashbacks to his time before working at the prison revealed that he was once arrested for drinking and smoking marijuana on a water tower near the prison and that he was fired from an ice cream shop for giving women he found attractive free ice cream. We are so excited to share that we are featured in the new season of @OITNB! Suzanne savagely beats Maureen, sending her to medical, and the following morning Caputo attempted to suspend him for a month for his actions. Later, the group makes good on their threat when they take Piper by surprise, drag her into the kitchen and brand her with a swastika. Maureen Kukudio was introduced in Season 3 and quickly fell head-over-heels for Suzanne. Also, Angie and Leanne use the incident to get Tiffany tried by other inmates, only for them to continuously bully her until she breaks the "probation" the inmates gave her during her trial. In the third season, he was assigned to help train new guard Baxter Bayley on the job when Pearson orders Caputo to cut their mandatory 40 hours of training short and ends up accidentally being pepper-sprayed when Bayley overreacts to a confrontation between two inmates. She is one of the younger inmates. During the seventh season, he sends Caputo a link on Facebook Messenger to a story accusing him of sexually harassing former CO Fischer. She has nightmares. As a result, she lies to Madison and gets her to threaten Gloria into not returning to the classes. Luscheck talks her out of it while giving her a ride to work, and she agrees, rationalizing her decision by saying she is part of a team. At the end of the season, she reveals that MCC, now renamed PolyCon Corrections, is about to start its next endeavor of running immigration detention centers. She also murdered a customer who attacked one of her cleaning girls, but its unclear if she was convicted for this crime.How long is her sentence: Unknown, but at least least ten years.Was her sentence extended: Yes, for choking CO Fisher. She plans to adopt the baby after she is born and mentions that Mendez was the "bad" child, with her other two sons growing up to be a dentist and an art historian. Her attempt to frame Suzanne for Red's beating causes all of her girls to turn on her, and she manages to escape through Red's supply tunnel. Tricia gets drugs from the prison guard Mendez in exchange for sexual favors. Regardless, the two share a number of romantic moments together, despite the situation. They encourage Piper to adhere to their attempt to have a zero-waste house and are trying to get their new baby to use the bathroom in the kitchen sink. Norma Romano (played by Annie Golden; portrayed by Kristin Parker in flashbacks) Norma is a member of Red's crew who refuses to speak due to insecurity, as she has a severe stutter (revealed in flashbacks). Artesian also appears to be constantly on edge, particularly around Maria Ruiz, her main tormentor. Soon afterward, he leaves Polly, who states that Pete is happy to be relieved of the responsibilities of marriage and fatherhood. Subsequently, Coates struggles to come to terms with the reality of his actions and at one point lashes out at and then kicks Luschek out of his house for his less than caring attitude to Gina when she injures her hand. Maureen dies off-screen of complications after being badly injured in a fight (that she initiated) with Suzanne. He later broke her heart by marrying another woman but briefly reconnected with Miss Claudette after his wife's death. He stops kissing her after it is apparent she isn't into it and that it was crossing some boundaries. After learning about Luschek's guilt for getting Nicky sent to max, she uses her money and influence to get Nicky returned to minimum security and demands that Luschek have sex with her for her trouble. Kukudio's injuries then become infected and there is no one to treat them, She is last seen being forced out of the prison by officers after the riot and, in Season 6, it is revealed that she died from her infections, Unsurprisingly, fans are not pleased with how Kukudio's story pans out, Not only do we never see Maureen's backstory but . Following this, Artesian confesses to Tamika - now the Warden - that she is in love with Alex, and requests that Alex gets transferred so that she can keep her job and not have to struggle with seeing her every day. He often trades contraband for sexual favors with the inmates and is the one who supplies Tricia with the drugs that eventually kill her via an overdose. She returns Taystee to her former secretary position and encourages her to fight her murder conviction after finding a letter written by Suzanne she threw away detailing Herrmann leading his men in covering up the true details of Piscatella's death. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed In the fifth season, she uses her basic medical training from her firefighting days to stitch CO Humphrey's gunshot wound and spends most of the season helping the prison's only remaining medical personnel - one of the nurses - to care for the sick and injured inmates. She has the gangster and his associates bring her the businessman who spurned her. Diablo (played by Miguel Izaguirre) Blanca's boyfriend. Confronting Caputo for not identifying her as an MCC employee during the riot, she reassigns him as warden of a facility in Missouri, but he ends up quitting after she berates him for trying to help Taystee fight her murder charge instead of protecting MCC. When the inmates advance on her in protest, she violently snaps, pulling out her nightstick and threateningly ordering them onto the ground whilst thumping the walls with it, before CO Stefanovic steps in and calms her down before leading the inmates back to their cells. Sign up for our mailing list! Judy KingWhy shes in prison: Tax evasion. She pushed him off a cliff.How long is her sentence: At least 12 years. Charlie "Donuts" Coates (played by James McMenamin) One of the correctional officers hired after MCC lowers the prison's employment standards. She is often seen with her friends Ouija and Pidge. Kasey appears briefly in the series finale at the Ohio facility, in which is revealed that she is trying to move away from her white supremacist views, and is reading Rising out of Hatred by Eli Saslow. Boyle is shown to be rather monotonous and blunt and only shows small personality when talking about her child, a 5-year-old. At the end of the fifth season, after the CERT officers breach the prison, she removes her hijab before leaving the prison. The police dont arrest her, but in exchange, she wears a wire and outs her drug-dealing Amish friends who are on rumspringa, which leads elders of the church to shun her and her family. Emily Althaus; Appearances. She also informed Maria that MCC did not have the authority to unilaterally grant inmates furlough, but she still gave her a chance to see Yadriel and Pepa when they showed up as a reward for releasing the guards. Due to her talents, her family is moving to Texas for an advanced gymnastics program. He confronts Blanca, after complaining about how she smelled and ordered her to bathe. Aduba won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series and the Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Guest Performer in a Comedy Series for her season one performance. We discussed earlier whether or not Debbie dies in the show. Bell appears as a guard at PolyCon's ICE detention facility in the seventh season. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. So, for her seventh birthday, the other kids save for a month in order to buy Maureen a toy set of kitchen appliances that are very realistic. In prison, she maintains a set of rituals which confuse the other inmates and makes her own food using what she can smuggle out of the canteen and obtain from the commissary. Content Summary. Following an altercation involving both sisters and Freida, both cell blocks are playing kickball when she deflates the kickball and starts a cell block war. She later used a butcher knife to assassinate him. Mendez uses his position as a guard to smuggle drugs and contraband into the prison until the prison begins to search the guards as well. Her calmness shatters, however, when she has a fight with an angry Janae, who deduces that her commitment to spirituality and yoga stems from her having committed a particularly heinous crime, and cruelly suggests that she may have killed a child leading to Jones snapping and hitting her across the face. In the third season, after Alex was returned to prison for violating her parole, he sent Aydin into the prison as a CO in order to kill her. In season three, episode seven, Red says to Norma, Twelve years weve been in this kitchen together.Was her sentence extended: No.How much time does she have left: Unknown. She herself was fired by Linda following several incidents in the prison, with the decisive incident being a chicken roaming around the prison dropping a bottle of drugs in front of her shortly after Tiffany died of a drug overdose. During another contraband search, he took a bottle of drugs from Daya in exchange for a large portion of the profits so she wouldn't be caught with them. He reveals that he knows she's up to something, so she decides to draw the attention of the COs to her contact, threatening him into not returning. Poussey WashingtonWhy shes in prison: Selling marijuana.How long is her sentence: Six years.Was her sentence extended: NoHow much time does she have left: At the start of the series, shes been in for two years, with four years left. Whilst the inmates grieve over her death, Suzanne believes that Poussey is alive and tries numerous times to suffocate herself. As a result, Maureen and Suzanne escaped from the infirmary, which had deadly consequences for Maureen. He starts a website to show the corruption that MCC is involved with, to include posting a story stating that MCC bribed a judge to send more people to prison so that they could profit from their incarceration. Gloria, determined to prevent Daya from being charged with murder, enlists Pidge's help and takes Humphrey to Sophia's salon with the hope that her medical training from her time as a firefighter will be enough to keep him alive. During flashbacks to her time in the Army, she is criticized for giving advice to Pena, one of her fellow soldiers practicing marksmanship prior to deployment and eventually earns the nickname "Grandma" from her squad. Although she has to gently scold her for calling her an offensive term, as she is still learning not to do so, Brook seems charmed by her effort and reciprocates. Nov 07, Bestandsgrootte Breedte afbeelding Hoogte Beeldformaat; 14242KB: 2401: 936: PSD: Download bestand. She is caught by Miss Claudette attempting to plant drugs in her girlfriend Mercy's bunk so she would get more time, but ultimately backs down and lets her girlfriend get released. When the COs spot the smuggler, she pretends he is a gardener and says "Follow me" in Spanish to him, not knowing that CO Humphrey can understand her. At the beginning of the sixth season, to prevent his team from being blamed for Piscatella's death, Herrmann orders them to carry Piscatella's body into the bunker and arranges the area so it would appear that he was murdered by an inmate, to include shooting him in the head with the gun that Taystee threatened him with. A tearful Bayley goes to a bar where he has a conversation with a sympathetic barman, who states that not everywhere is bad, before rattling off a list of places he would go if he had the opportunity. We chose to drive 60 miles to the Nuevo Progreso border crossing because it is one of the safest Mexican border towns in Texas. Irene "Zirconia" Cabrera (played by Daniella De Jesus) An inmate who is introduced in the fourth season. Galina Red ReznikovWhy shes in prison: Organized crime and racketeering. How did Miss Claudette end up in prison? Alex refuses, leaving her heartbroken. In desperation, he makes the long journey to Poussey's father's house to beg for forgiveness in person. Taystee was able to talk Michael down while Ward hid under the counter, and then Taystee gives him her fake Jordans when he couldn't get any money from the register. During the seventh season, Hellman continued his abusive behavior to include demanding sexual favors and bringing drugs into the prison. She is serving a 15 year sentence for kidnapping and involuntary manslaughter . Eventually, he receives a call from Nicky, who confirms that Lorna really is pregnant, which prompts him to return to her. In flashbacks to his deployment in Afghanistan, he befriended Farzad, a member of the Afghan National Police, while filming a humorous parody video of Hollaback Girl with his unit to pass time. Deciding to go along with it, she takes a picture of herself kissing Black Cindy, and then pretends to be in a relationship with her. Elmer Fantauzzo (played by Mike Cabellon) A teacher that prepared the inmates for the GED exam. This causes him to have an air embolism, which resulted in a stroke which ultimately kills him. She slashes Barb in the face and accuses her of stealing her contraband, but Barb denies it and they realize that both were betrayed by Freida in exchange for her being moved to minimum security. Though he is her lawyer, Larry's dad dislikes Piper and feels that Larry is making a mistake by being with her. After Aydin's remains are found, Healy gets her sent to psych. She also ran a mail-order scam, but its unclear if thats a part of her sentence. After arriving at Litchfield, she and Barb are in different cellblocks and have an agreement in place on distributing contraband. By launching into a romantic relationship experience with bath salts, she is serving 15... 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