And for the future ministry which will flow forth from this that the Lord would develop, direct, protect, and use it however HE may desire, to bring HIM maximum glory, and to be a means through which He brings many people to a saving knowledge of His glorious and wonderful Person through the work and wonder of His Word. continues to take shape. Matthew 6:20-21 But lay up for yourselves treasures in HEAVEN, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal. The Hearer listens weekly to their recitations and reports to us on a monthly basis. That goal seemed not just tall but downright monumental. People who participated in the scripture memory program by BMA and/or went to any of the BMA camps including Louisiana, Georgia, Michigan, New York, California or others. I also became a part of BMA (Bible Memory Association), which is about memorizing scripture and receiving prizes for being able to quote it to a mentor. Website design and development by 3Fold. Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA. Encouraging, Educating, then Empowering OTHERS to memorize and recite Scripture is a close second, but giving such a unique and historic love/thank You gift back to Him is the main reason for this effort and resultant ministry. Luke 6:38, The generous man will be PROSPEROUS, and he who waters will HIMSELF be watered. Keep up with the latest events and happenings around Biblical Mennonite Alliance. I find that I see things that many others dont (heightened insight produced by the Word within). NO I AINT! Or as the beloved Apostle Paul calls it in1 Timothy 1:16, His perfect patience indeed! I bought it because it contains a large number of Christian choruses popular in the 1960s, most of which I think you cannot find performed on YouTube. (It hurts my heart to say that as the Apostle Paul often said, May it never be! but based on countless conversations Ive had over the years, its true.) Well, I knew that Id need to chronicle this in real-time, not just for present but also future purposes, so that meant I needed to build a website, the very first step of which is getting a good Domain Name/URL, a good website address. And the combination of the two is more powerful than any and indeed ALL of the chemicals we combined in those countless science-class experiments. But since Im doing this over the internet, how could I guarantee that Im not reading lines or cheating in some way? Im just a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace, Hes the God of all creation and power and purity and perfection so how much more would this mean to HIM?! $5.00 . I kept finding myself in the shoes of David when he wrotePsalm 116:12asking, What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? and for years Ive been thinking of a good way some way, ANY way to give something back to Him to express the love and appreciation I and countless others feel for Him, for all He has done and just for who He is. (If I were in a poetic mood Id say that it restores, makes wise, and opens the eyes!) And these are just two short versesof over 3,100! { Regular thoughts by a philosopher and Christian about trying to live a life of integrity and faithfulness in a world that doesn't make it easy. Heres the deal: I believe in this endeavor so completely and am so certain that God is and has been in it from Day One that I am comfortable predicting that all those who support it in whatever ways theyre able and regularly and faithfully follow the postson theBlog, I am absolutely certain that theyll find a greater and greater level of JOY and ENTHUSIASM and LOVE and SPIRITUAL VITALITY in their day-to-day life give it a try and IllSHOWyou why! Every parents and everypersonsW.I.S.H.! And it was at that moment that I sensed that strong calling and dedicated my life to doing so, to giving this very unique and special gift back to Him out of pure love and appreciation for ALL that He has done for us! No emergencies. Our association endeavors to unify the work of the churches as they fulfill the Great Commission in their local communities, the State of Texas, and ultimately, the world. Biblical Mennonite Alliance is an organization of congregations and ministers deeply committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. In every way, in every area. This will primarily be accomplished by producing a course, a syllabus, an entire series of videos, CDs, and even audio cassettes, which will take all of this and make it SUPER EASY and CONVENIENT for people the world over to learn and apply this at their own pace and as their individual schedules permit. Bible Bee; Bible Bowl; Bible Foundation (India) Bible Memory Association (BMA) Bible Quizzing; Fountain of Life (Philippines) Memverse; Sing 250+ verses (Indonesia) STT Setia Jakarta; STT Setia Luwuk; STT Setia Nias; Topical Memory System (TMS) Quote 1.OOO Verses (Indonesia) Upton Lake Christian School; Verse Locker; Your Church; Your School . Mailing Address P.O. MTC prepares workers to serve among unreached peoples and provide exposure to urban ministry in the cross-cultural setting of Queens, New York. If you have any questions or need help with signing up and/or registering, feel free to Contact us. And specifically for the purposes of this topic, as Ill be covering in many future posts, given the nature of the Word (e.g., that it rejoices the heart as clearly stated inPsalm 19:8), I am absolutely sure that even just faithfully following the posts which flow forth from such a Bible-saturated, Bible-stuffed mind will produce a tangible level of those benefits in YOUR life, too! Families for Bible Memory Association (FBMA) is a faith-based ministry organized in 1993 in California. Well, please dont deem me a prophet or mind-reader because it doesnt take either of those qualities to realize that 99.9999% of people and sadly 99% even of Christians dont memorize the Bible on a regular basis IF EVER! Bible Memory Association International. Thanks so much for helping out in whatever ways youre able! He is revealed to us as Father, Son. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. All who enter and confirm their email address to follow theBlogpage will indeed be notified of all future videos and posts including those related to this memory method which I am certain will absolutelyREVOLUTIONIZE YOUR LIFE. BMA stands for Bible Memory Association. We provide high quality, Christ-centered education at an affordable price. Because the more of the Bible Ive memorized, the more and more a SPECIFIC memory METHOD is taking shape, is falling into place, piece by beautiful piece. Scripture Memory Fellowship (SMF) is an exciting ministry based in Hannibal, Missouri, which recently has branched out to embrace, endorse, and support other Scripture memory ministries and tools, while still using their trademark systematic Scripture memory rewards system started by founder Dr. N.A Woychuk (originally began as "Bible Memory Association - BMA"). Not less. Or more accurately in this case, history in the making. Publishing History This is a chart to show the when this publisher published books. Please see the Side or Bottom Panel for several ways YOU can be part of this historic event! It all came back to me: Bible Memory Association, Miracle Camp, Dr. W, and those wonderful little memory books. The Bible Memory App is the only complete Bible memory system that makes it easy for you to Memorize, Organize, and Review verses. $9.49 + $1.25 shipping . Its totally FREE and youll automatically be notified each time I post a new video (e.g., like each time I finish memorizing a new book of the Bible, so you can follow my progress each step of the way!) Addresses: Streamwood, IL 60107 1 E Bode Rd, Streamwood, IL 60107. . Tall goal, but totally doable, because something very interesting happened as I memorized my very first book of the Bible, the New Testament book of James. In my Bible reading this morning, I was in John 15. Ive decided and indeed already begun to pour every penny of my life savings into this but that would only cover a handful of months on its own, and a goal as huge as memorizing the ENTIRE BIBLE, well, Im sure youre aware how long it takes to merely read the entire Bible, so multiply that by 10 or 20 or 30 and youll see that this will take several years, which means Ill need to do it full-time, which means its only going to happen if the Lord leads enough like-minded Bible-loving believers to support it, so its very important to me that they know beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is 100% legitimate and real, and the best way I could think of to accomplish that was to make a video reciting the very first entirebook Ive memorized, the New Testament book of James, as well as links to the other five Ive memorized on a part-time basis until now. 3.) As you know, this is totally opposite of everything we learned in science class when we were in school. You see, in the physical realm, the more water you pour into a glass, the less capacity it will have for more water to be added. }); Which exists to serve and help and bless and pray for and minister and listen to you in any way possible, and for the next month or two to find like-minded Bible-loving believers who would like to sponsor this monumental and historic effort. I embraced pretty much embraced all aspects of the ranch, from sports (football and track), intramural softball to speech and VICA (building trades). And barely any time! Southland Christian Ministrieswas formally known as the Miracle Camp under the ministry of BMA (Bible Memory Association). Undoable. $("#youtube_video")[0].src += "&autoplay=1"; The engine under the hood of this entire effort and ministry is and always will be the Word itself and the Holy Spirit but the GAS which fuels it will be you and the other Monthly Partners. Im looking for true PARTNERS in every sense of the word, so if youre able and feel led by God to do so,please become aMonthly Partnerby clicking on the little box on that PayPal pageas this would provide much better visibility going forward in proceeding with the plan of action (4 phases) discussed above to grow this into a full-speed-ahead, full-fledged, full-time ministry for the Lord to use however He desires. In fact, just the opposite of their notion is true, because the more of the Bible I memorize, the more I realize how utterly and entirely sinful I am in and of myself, in my flesh. Im DJ Bible and Ill be your host. Give and it will be GIVEN TO YOU; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. NOTE: The official recitation videos for these first six and all future books of the Bible I memorize eventually ALL 66 Lord-willing, and Im sure He is! We have a 70-year track record of helping memorizers of all ages. Ill discuss the specifics of how that all came about in a moment but at some point the thought hit me to actually spin out VIDEOS first of my reciting entire books of the Bible from memory and then detailing the specific memory method which the Bible itself is making known to me (the enlightening the eyes of Psalm 19:8 in action!) so I think youll derive a lot of ongoing benefit and enjoyment in this way and it will also give me the blessing of being able to update you on various things as they arise from time to time. (To echo the Apostle Paul in Romans 7:18, For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh.) I intend to roll this out (the third E of this ministry) to actually EMPOWER others not just to be able to memorize VAST AMOUNTS and RETAIN it but also to HAVE FUN doing so! Youre omniscient so I know You know that most people cringe at even the thought of trying to memorize anything much less the Bible much less the ENTIRE Bible. (Believe me, once a person gets a taste of this, his or her life will never be the same. And memorizing the entire book of 1 Peter was EVEN EASIER! Receive our Scripture memory tips, encouragement, and resources. By the way, this would be a great time to let you know that as Ive been memorizing Scripture, a very specific METHOD of doing so is coming into focus, which, as noted above, I can testify firsthand is making it MUCH EASIER for me to memorize and retain not just the Bible but EVERYTHING: to-do lists, schedule and meetings, various events that occur, etc., a true sponge effect! Have you used Scripture Memory apps like, I can only think that it's because it somehow had such an impact on me as I worked through my BMA (Bible Memory Association, now Scripture Memory Fellowship) book. This Making Melody song book contains Christian choruses & hymns collected by the late N. A. Woychuk, founder of BMA founded 1944 (Bible Memory Association, which is now Bible Memory Fellowship). Did you have Home School parents who prioritized you and your siblings knowing Gods Word as a wonderful way to prepare you for life? Another way you can help out is to tellyour friends, relatives, fellow congregation members and even co-workers(a great side door for sharing the Gospel!) The week's camp of rich fellowship and . For instance, some of our books are collections of verses relating to a single subject which pull verses from the entire Bible. The BMA was under the direct command of the Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia, Lord Louis Mountbatten. . The Bible was written as the illustrated guide, the examples to follow of every doctrine that God wants us to know how to apply, He applies it in someone's life. It not only sustains me but also produces enormous tangible benefits in my day-to-day life spiritual, emotional, relational, and even physical (Proverbs 4:20-23; verse 22 highlights the physical aspect/benefits) totally life-transforming and amazing and I can hardly wait to demonstrate all of this for you, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, guaranteed. How can this be? Thats right, I said it! You can do this by word-of-mouth and/or by sharing on your Social Media platforms with just a click! I went to chapel, I was able to participate in BMA (Bible Memory Association) where I earned a trip to LA. Biblical Melodies, 4950 West 6th St., Indianapolis, IN 46224 Sacrificial giving is indeed very pleasing to and rewarded by the Lord (1 Corinthians 16:2;2 Corinthians 9:6-15) but Id prefer that you reserve SACRIFICIAL giving for your church. Freedom Center Subject Files . I decided right then and there to leave my job and devote FULL-TIME to pursuing this calling, this history-making undertaking, and remarkably I wasnt even nervous because I was and remain utterly certain that Hes totally in this, and then He proved that almost immediately. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I agree how important Bible memory is and Id LIKE to do much better at it in my day-to-day life but I just dont have the time, and even if I did I find it to be so difficult. Speaking of the blog and other videos, I also intend to publish regular stream of memory (like stream of consciousness) videos which I refer to as informal (versus official) since Ill be reciting various books of the Bible from memory but will also share seemingly random thoughts and insights about those passages and principles as they arise, as the Lord and the Holy Spirit and the Word itself bring them to mind in REAL-TIME as the Bible filters through my mind! I got it! HAPPINESS GUARANTEED. . You think enough people will actually donate to the cause of Bible memory? Each has a unique directive, but all have the same Great Commission purpose. I've been memorizing Bible verses my entire life, starting with "BMA" (the long-defunct Bible Memory Association) at age 2 or 3 or 4 then in Sunday School and "AWANA" as a child and teenager. Almost everyone who hears my life story has told me to write a book about it; while my favorite subject in life used to be myself, the Bible and especially memorizingit did a 180 in my mind, in my life, such that now Im literally the last thing I like to talk about and instead prefer to speak of the Bible and the Lord Jesus first, last, and everywhere in between. The Family series books apply to multiple ages. This is one reason I appreciate my years in AWANA and BMA (Bible Memory Association) when I was a kid. Its amazing. 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