According to the legislation, animals cannot. Matters involving dangerous animals are investigated. Registration tags always expire at the same time as rabies tags. Dogs and cats are not permitted to be at large within the City of Kellers city limits. Animal bites are also investigated, and the animals that bite and could be rabid are quarantined for ten days, according to state requirements. Report a bite by calling (817) 444-8215. Lubbock Animal Services provides quality Field Operations and an Adoption Center that provides a temporary home for cats and dogs until they find suitable and permanent new homes. Dogs, cats, and domestic ferrets must be registered annually with the City of Wylie. If the permit is granted, the annual fee is $25. The department concentrates efforts on training of personnel, education programs, patrolling the City, and responding to citizens expressing animal-related concerns. Pets must wear the current city registration tag and rabies tag at all times. For additional information, go to the following link, which is the City of Sachse Animal Control website: Licensing of all dogs and cats kept within city limits is required. Here is a link to the animal control ordinance: Annual flowers are encouraged, grouping of winter annuals such as pansies are currently used, and summer annuals are used throughout. Animal control works toward eliminating animal cruelty. The animal must also be quarantined for ten days in a state-approved location. 5-24. The link to the City of Allen Animal Control Division and Shelter, with a link to animal ordinances, is here: The City of Richardson Animal Services department provides numerous important services. The department has a joint partnership with the Amarillo-Panhandle Humane Society with the shared mission of providing the most humane and positive outcome for animals housed in the citys shelter. Those three sections are field services, the adoption center, and the animal shelter center. Investigates and assists in prosecution in municipal, state, or federal court. To register your pet, the following is needed: A copy of your pets current rabies vaccination paperwork, a rabies tag number, and pet description. All animal bites or scratches that break the skin need to be reported within 24 hours to proper authorities with health services and to City of Denison Animal Services. It is against the law to abandon, dump, or set at large any dog or other small animal within city limits. The City of Tyler Animal Control Services web page is here: Regular business hours for animal control officers are 6 am to 7 pm Monday through Friday. Pet owners must pay an annual registration fee to the city, even when rabies vaccinations are given every three years. Anyone who suffers an animal bite or scratch that breaks the skin should contact El Paso Animal Services and state authorities within 24 hours of the incident. By: Kevin Reynolds Posted at . For instance, reports of dog bites are handled as emergencies. Investigating dog bites and cruelty cases are priorities. San Angelos Animal Services Division operates the animal shelter. Animals may not be tethered to a stake or other object within the city on public property. Promoting humane treatment of animals is also part of the divisions mission. The City of Cleburne Animal Services Department provides municipal animal services and an animal shelter facility. 4.07.001 Keeping of other animals; nuisance conditions (a) No person shall engage in keeping livestock within the corporate limits of the city, except in conformance with and only to the extent so permitted by this section and the zoning ordinances of the city. The third type of emergency is if an animal is ill or injured and the owner is not known. For instance, tethering of animals is not allowed between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Grand Prairie's ordinance has an expansive definition of a dangerous animal, including an animal that makes an unprovoked attack on a human eight years of age or younger within the animal's enclosure, and such enclosure was not reasonably certain to keep a person that age from entering. The shelter, located near Lake Waxahachie, is always seeking loving, permanent homes for pets in the shelter. The following general guidance must be followed when considering changes or improvements to the landscaping. Animals must be either confined to their yard, on a leash, or under the control of their owner. Animals within the city limits of Azle are required to be licensed. Anyone who is bitten by an animal or is aware of a dog bite or other type of animal bite that breaks the skin of a human must report the incident to Animal Control within 24 hours. Animal control issues in The Woodlands Township are handled by the Montgomery County Animal Service Center. The purpose is to ensure proper monitoring, as per Texas State requirements and rabies control. The website for the Montgomery County Animal Service Center is here: If the likelihood exists that the dog is an imminent danger to the public, authorities should be contacted immediately. The City of Mineral Wells Animal Control has a municipal animal shelter to house animals until they can be adopted or disposed of. Every animal bite must be reported to authorities, according to the Texas State Health and Safety Code. Metrics Click Here to View Metrics Animal Ordinances Click Here to Ordinances You may be a witness to animal cruelty if you see an animal routinely left alone with no water or food or an extremely thin animal. Make note of the following excerpt from The Code of Ordinances for The City of San Antonio. It is unlawful for keepers or owners of animals to allow such animals to run at large. Photos of impounded dogs and cats are available at the link below. Complaints should be filed with the animal control officer. It is also unlawful to interfere with an animal control officer in pursuit of an animal which has been seen running at large. Cats are permitted to run at large only if they are altered and vaccinated for rabies. Animal cruelty and neglect is also a major concern of Bonham Animal Control. For instance, a dog must not be left outside and unattended between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The website for Euless Animal Services is here: 1-Animals at large are frequently a concern among citizens. Anyone who is bitten by an animal, if the bite breaks the skin, must report the incident to Haltom City Animal Services within 24 hours. The goal of the City of Waco Animal Shelter is ultimately to eliminate the need to euthanize healthy, surplus, or unwanted animals. At time of registration, a current rabies vaccination from a veterinarian is required. The city is now proposing to regulate how much noise you make. The general health and safety of the community is also a priority, and professional public contact is provided. Stray dogs, cats, and other domestic animals are picked up by the Animal Control Division and taken to the Edinburg shelter. The interference can be due to incessant barking or howling, damaging property other than the owners, and repeated defecation on anothers property. Every year, low-cost rabies clinics are offered by the city at convenient locations throughout. Any animal found at large will be impounded in the citys animal shelter. Link to Irving Animal Services website:, The City of Keller, Texas, Animal Services department provides assistance to more than 90,000 citizens within about a 60-square-mile area. Here is a link to the ordinance: The City of Carrollton, Texas, Animal Services Department asks that all residents report animal scratches and bites to local rabies control, as required by state law. The City of Baytown Animal Services Division enforces city ordinances and state laws in order to provide a healthy and safe environment for the citizens of Baytown. The link to the official website for Mesquite TX Animal Services is here: Animal Control Officers (ACOs) patrol Wichita Falls streets every day of the week. Annual registration of dogs and cats is a requirement within city limits. Animal bites must be reported to animal control within 24 hours. Animals kept outdoors must have access to water and shelter at all times. Garbage should be disposed of properly within appropriate sanitary containers with lids secured. Baytown animal ordinances are here: Responsible pet ownership is also encouraged through active field enforcement of state laws and local ordinances and through public education. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, WITH REGARD TO REGULATING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS WITHIN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK; PROVIDING FOR CRIMINAL PENALTIES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. Pets that are spayed or neutered are licensed for $5 annually. For animals that are not sterilized, the annual fee is $20. El Paso's animal control ordinance is progressive, requiring all dogs to be registered and to have implanted microchips. Border materials are generally not accepted. There are guidelines regarding guard dogs in the ordinance, as well. The mission is to promote responsible pet ownership and provide humane education to the public. Ten trained professionals are on staff with the city to serve the public and local animals. Proof of spaying or neutering is required, along with a current rabies certificate. The website for DeSoto Animal Control is here: Under field services, state laws and local ordinances within Abilenes city limits are enforced. The meeting kicks off with public . In addition, domestic animals are protected from neglect and abuse. In addition, the owner must comply with all requirements related to a dangerous animal, as per the Texas Health and Safety Code. It is unlawful for the keeper or owner of any dog or other animal to allow that animal to run at large at any time within the corporate limits of Conroe. Between the heat and the humidity, pets can easily suffer a heatstroke. The Mission of the City of Rockwall Animal Services division includes specializing in the adoption of and humane care of animals. The City of Pflugerville, Texas, Animal Control Division is responsible for the health and safety of the pet and homeless animal population within city limits. Animals must wear their registration tags and current rabies vaccination tags at all times. February 28, 2023. Personnel within the Amarillo Animal Management and Welfare Department are given extensive professional training. The City of Waxahachies Animal Control and Shelter Services are provided by the Waxahachie Police Department. Citizens may file a complaint if they allege that someone has a dangerous dog or cat. An unattended dog that is out-of-doors must be fastened to a leash, chain, or other device or left inside a fence that is adequate to prevent the dog from leaving the yard. Pets are committing a violation if they fail to given an animal proper water, food, and shelter. We will also be open the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am to 2pm. A proof of current rabies vaccination certificate is required at the time of registration. Dogs cannot be at large within the city limits of Haltom City. The NRH Centre Scholarship Fund also benefits from the fundraiser. Call 3-1-1 to report an animal bite. Animal services encourages responsible pet ownership by offering field enforcement services, educational programs for the citizens of Arlington, and licensing programs. Here is a link to the City of Plano Animal Services home page: Waiting until symptoms of rabies manifest is not an option because once symptoms appear, there is virtually no possibility of surviving. Owners are required by law to provide dogs and other animals with sufficient water, food, shelter, and protection from the weather. Formally registering a pets microchip with the city or with animal control services is not required. As part of the effort to protect the public from rabies, a person must report knowledge of an animal bite or scratch within 24 hours of the incident. All are under the direction of the Environmental Health Director. Pet owners are also encouraged to spay and neuter animals, to help control the animal population. The City also incorporates provisions of the Texas Dangerous Dog Act (in Chapter 822 of the Texas Health and Safety Code). For more information, go to: For further information regarding the official version of the code of ordinances or other documents posted on this Website, please contact the municipality directly. The second definition is a dog that commits unprovoked acts in a place other than an enclosure which the dog was being kept and those acts cause a person to reasonably believe that the animal will attack and cause bodily injury to that person. The city municipal code includes specifics regarding enclosure requirements for dogs and other animals. Initial registration is $30 and annual renewal is $15. Rabies control is an important issue affecting public health. VALPARAISO The Valparaiso City Council unanimously passed an ordinance banning the sale of cats and dogs, though looming state legislation could preempt the local restriction. Any pet owner who fails to remove feces deposited by their animal on public or private property is in violation of Laredo city ordinance. Animal Services Officer (Non-Exempt) Class Code: A502 CITY OF LUBBOCK Revision Date: Sep 12, 2014 SALARY RANGE $16.47 Hourly $1,317.60 Biweekly $34,257.60 Annually SUMMARY: Enforces city ordinances, state, and federal regulations. The City of Waco Animal Controls mission is to actively enforce state and local laws and much more. Any dog that has bitten or attacked a human or another animal is considered by the city to be aggressive or to have vicious tendencies.The website for the City of Temple Animal Laws is here: Citizens are urged to contact animal control regarding any evidence of animal abuse, such as animals consistently being denied food, water, or shelter. For pet owners who are faced with this problem, we recommend obedience training and offer tips on our website for Solving Barking Problems. Animal bites are a concern because of the potential for contracting the potentially deadly rabies virus. Arlington has a great, comprehensive website listing animal ordinances and much more. It is unlawful for pet owners to allow their pets, with the exception of cats, to run at large. Among the services provided by Animal Control are prevention of rabies, investigations into animal bites, animal adoption, care for unwanted and stray animals, and education regarding responsible pet ownership. City of El Paso Animal Services strives to take a proactive approach to promoting the proper care of animals and to combating pet overpopulation within the community. Some of the services provided by animal control are: pet registration, responding to calls related to animal bites, and enforcing animal ordinances. Parking of vehicles takes full priority over storage and any other possible uses of the garage. Animal Services requires pet registrations, which are free of charge. An animal that bites and breaks the skin must be quarantined or tested for rabies. These chapters deal with animal shelters and rabies. The City of San Angelo Animal Services web page is here: Published: Oct. 14, 2021 at 7:56 PM PDT LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - Lubbock Animal Services (LAS) seized more than 20 dogs from a property near East 34th Street and Elm Avenue on Wednesday. Low-cost sterilization and vaccinations are available through Animal Services. The Dallas Animal Services in the City of Dallas has a lengthy ordinance regarding animals. Animals that are loose or that have become a nuisance are apprehended in the most humane way possible. Dogs and cats older than four months old are required by local ordinance and state law to be vaccinated against rabies. Recyclables should be disposed of properly within designated containers in such a way to prevent materials from overflowing and littering the neighborhood. Local laws, such as local animal control ordinances, are part of a city and/or county code. The City has an online animal complaint form. Keeping or harboring animals that create a nuisance, such as by continuous barking, is unlawful. There is an Animal Cruelty Investigator assigned to handle reports of animal cruelty to domestic animals. Their website is: It is recommended to plant these plants in groupings, to ensure a showy display during seasonal prime times. The website for McKinney TX Animal Control is here: Because of the danger to public health and safety, matters related to rabies control are of the highest priority. Any pets that arrive at the shelter without a current City of Midland license are held for only two working days before they are available for adoption, transfer, or euthanasia. Dogs, cats, and other domestic animals may not run at large within city limits. Also, the tether must be at least ten feet long. It is against the law to harbor or keep a dangerous animal in the city. All dogs and cats four months old and older must be immunized against rabies and registered with the City of Richardson Animal Shelter. Corpus Christi Animal Care Services and Vector Control handles field service and animal issues via four branches. Dogs must be physically restrained at all times. The department has responsibilities which include impoundments, investigation of animal bites, ordinance enforcement, and more. A dog or other animal that bites or scratches a person, breaking the skin, must be quarantined at a state-approved facility for 10 days. LUBBOCK, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a new bill into law October 25 creating tighter restrictions regarding dogs being tied up outdoors. Animal Services aims to help residents with complaints related to animal issues. Welcome to Lubbock Animal Services, one of the city's public health and safety departments. It is prohibited in Mansfield to keep a dog or other animal which disturbs any person of ordinary sensibilities, with such behaviors as incessant barking. The City of San Marcos Animal Control Officers respond to numerous service calls throughout the year. Fourth, if there is a wild animal or snake in a house or garage, though there must be a visual on the creature. Animal bites should be reported within 24 hours. Petopia also provides education regarding responsible pet ownership and pet care. Any animal that bites a person and breaks the skin must be quarantined in a state-approved location for at least ten days. The animal control department also performs all of the usual duties of municipal animal services, such as enforcing animal-related City Ordinances. It is unlawful for a pet owner to allow their animals to run at large within Richardson city limits. The City of San Antonio changed its pet licensing program as of April 30, 2015. More information about Houston animal laws is here: Pets must wear both the city tag and rabies vaccination tag at all times. Tethering of dogs is restricted; for example, a tethered dog must be properly fitted with and wearing a collar or harness made of nylon or leather. Citizens can file complaints regarding vicious animals with the animal control officer. It is unlawful for anyone owning a dog or other animal to allow that animal to run at large. The adoption center places animals in appropriate homes through adoptions and animal placement groups. Requests for animal services are responded to promptly. The cost to register a pet is higher for unsterilized animals. Fees apply for all animals brought by residents outside the city limits and for animals released by their owners. The City notes that it will respond to emergency calls about aggressive or dangerous dogs that are at large. Stray and loose animals are captured by Animal Control Officers. 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