<< /X0 11 0 R /F1 13 0 R 0000015429 00000 n
Stacy Crouse. Be Clear is an intensive dysarthria treatment program for adults with nonprogressive dysarthria. This is an easy-to-read handout to give to parents (or to use yourself in therapy) to help them work on speech therapy at home. /Type /XObject WebIt tells them strategies to use to increase their child's speech and language with clear examples of how to do that. /F2 14 0 R This can make it easier for others to understand you: Sit face to face with the O{*Ot. >> /Parent 2 0 R 0000007728 00000 n
The program was set up to complete 1 hour sessions 4x/week for 4 weeks. << /Type /Page Speech-language pathologists, or SLPs, can help. We use many muscles to talk. These include muscles in our face, lips, tongue, and throat, as well as muscles for breathing. It is harder to talk when these muscles are weak. Dysarthria happens when you have weak muscles due to brain damage. It is a motor speech disorder and can be mild or severe. endstream
The clear descriptions and images give students concrete ways to help with retaining auditory information across multiple environments!This tool will help youIncorporate auditory memory strategies as a supplement to any therapy activity that you're doing with your students.Promote home carryover by providing parents with a clear and simple resource to use at home.Serve, Help your speech therapy students learn and use strategies to improve conversations using this simple and effective visual! ! /ProcSets [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /Height 500 Help your speech therapy students learn and use strategies to improve intelligibility using this simple and effective visual! /Contents 28 0 R 0000109279 00000 n
68 0 obj
>> >> Severe: Natural speech is the primary means of communication, although it is not completely understood in all situations. 0000042154 00000 n
>> Its all about using material relevant to the person you are working with. /ProcSets [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] >> endobj Intelligibility Tips. 0000006067 00000 n
/TrimBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] by. WebUsing Speech Therapy Apps to Treat Dysarthria: Slurred Speech in Adults. Moderate: Speech is intelligible but rate and naturalness are reduced. PDF. /ProcSets [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] In addition, each page includes 4 key vocabulary words from the text so you can practice this skill as well!This packet, Are you a medical SLP looking for easy grab and go educational handouts to help educate your patients, caregivers and families? Rate Changes in Speech Slowing down the rate in a general way, or at least with multi-syllabic words D%\9 !wH= J@;H0 +@B3#e#
This program was developed to take into account the new knowledge of both neuroplasticity AND principles of motor learning, using the strategy of Clear Speech.. Print on colored paper for more noticeable oomph! Downloa, Would you like a resource that you can share with parents and caregivers during your parent-coaching sessions that shows the parent/caregiver what the strategy looks like? endobj endstream
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The slower you speak, the easier it is for others to understand you. summaries, and continuing education courses xXRF}G HANDOUT-ABLE: Articulation Strategies for improving Dysarthria, HANDOUT-ABLE- Sheet for Assisting with Communication at Medical Appointments, Etc. /Resources << page, a first/then board with multiple incentive choices, multiple variations of "I am working for" token boards with various incentive choices, and behavior visuals with videos for behavior management and strategies. From AAC to speaking in unison to discussing hot topics, weve got you covered with 4 core and 2 WebMotor Speech/Dysarthria/Apraxia. ;; ?' This also allows time for your tongue, lips, and other articulators to get where they need to for certain speech sounds. /ExtGState << /G0 10 0 R endobj All rights reserved. 0000030021 00000 n
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Mix and match the activities to use for multiple days. >> /MediaBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] 7 0 obj /F0 12 0 R >> /Font << >> >> /X0 11 0 R 0000038294 00000 n
WebClear Speech One strategy that may prove useful in the treatment of nonprogressive dysarthria is clear speech. %%EOF
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The Be Clear treatment and ALL my motor speech materials (and tons more) are now hosted in the comprehensive Activity Studio+ (https://www.honeycombspeechtherapy.com/activity-studio). WebBe Clear is an intensive dysarthria treatment program for adults with nonprogressive dysarthria. /X1 17 0 R >> Get ready for success with the R Sound! /G0 10 0 R stream
Use these visuals alongside your favorite activities to aid you in teaching your students concepts and strategies to help them be successful. /X0 11 0 R /BleedBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] 0000005090 00000 n
All activities have clear instructions and an answer key is provided. /X2 21 0 R /F0 12 0 R /Producer (Canva) 8 0 obj Intervention continues to focus on compensatory strategies. /XObject << /SMask 29 0 R The clear descriptions and images give students reminders for having conversations with friends, classmates, teachers, family, and community members!This tool will help youIncorporate social language strategies as a supplement to any therapy activity that you're doing with your students, such as role plays, worksheets, or discussions.Promote home carryover of pragmatic l, These handouts provide information on auditory verbal therapy (AVT) strategies for parents of children with hearing loss. Ive got you covered! /Width 500 WebStrategies for Clear Speech: Think SLOW. /Font << << /X0 11 0 R HqB9H 0=z2"3. >> /Parent 2 0 R /Contents 19 0 R /Annots [23 0 R] %PDF-1.5
Yes it is now hosted within the Activity Studio with hundreds of other resources! << This visual provides simple written descriptions and clear pictures and icons for 6 fluency enhancing strategies and 4 stuttering modification strategies.These visuals can be used to help students learn, identify, and practice the strategies for more fluent speech. 0000008250 00000 n
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N>P+|CTsto*Y]I Improved self-perception of speech (via scores on the Dysarthria Impact Profile), Improved communication partner rating (See, Improved ability to use a decreased speech rate. /ModDate (D:20181213131247+00'00') /Title (MedSLPCollective Handout - Assessing and Managing Dysarthria) 5 0 obj /MediaBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] >> 4aPwqm&.T
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Be clear: A new intensive speech treatment for adults with nonprogressive dysarthria. Research has shown that giving the simple, easy-to-understand cue of using clear speech helps people adjust their speech in several ways without having to be conscious of it. 0000027962 00000 n
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The coarticulation strategy has been an effective tool for eliciting a clear vocalic R sound for ages. endobj |.v\gc>z \'^t=^YJQ*zB?4c;k&e$EbqiV%R36lWOtdj\c*]Q,,RWc[Jj""S70'Uaqola2#Hf+.4 l`a{P&z4uLp?-FHpSzWh3-DZdu\mC'%0(ka5!gGDm!M'=VC*8W"|gu33Tq1qJ2qinQ@}gPqpmW*G#Qwi.3PWGPmp#'2S=;nnt4ov~b
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/Title (MedSLPCollective Handout - Assessing and Managing Dysarthria) 4aPwqm&.T
hcAmX`y",/dcg.z]0?2*a&YUX[YP~J^'VM~e& /Type /Catalog /BM /Normal /F2 14 0 R >> Dysarthria can make it difficult for others to understand a persons speech. /ProcSets [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /Parent 2 0 R /ProcSets [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] >> These specific strategies will help improve speech intelligibility for the person with dysarthria. PDF. /Parent 2 0 R 0000011746 00000 n
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/Resources << Include SPEAKING (not just speech) and real-life practice within our therapy sessions and home programs. WebDysarthria refers to a group of neurogenic speech disorders characterized by "abnormalities in the strength, speed, range, steadiness, tone, or accuracy of movements required for breathing, phonatory, resonatory, articulatory, or prosodic aspects of speech production" (Duffy, 2013, p. 4). Images include children with varied skin tones, to represent the diversity of students in our schools. This program was developed specifically to align with the new knowledge we have that promotes using meaningful, salient stimuli to maximize patient motivation and outcomes. WebAbstract Treatment programs of four improving ataxic dysarthric speakers are reviewed. /BleedBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] >> Each photo is labeled with the corresponding sound to make product creation easy. Using words and phrases that MATTER (personally-relevant) and 2. 0000011858 00000 n
/Contents 22 0 R >> Webpracticing this strategy to meet your individual needs/speech deficits. 0000042119 00000 n
/Parent 2 0 R %PDF-1.4 >> Dysarthria results from damage to the nervous system. /BleedBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] /F1 13 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /ProcSets [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] Dysarthria Exercises: Intelligibility. /Type /Page /F1 13 0 R endobj therapy materials, clinical tools, research One strategy that may prove useful in the treatment of nonprogressive dysarthria is clear speech. Clear speech refers to a speaking style where talkers spontaneously modify their habitual speechto enhance intelligibility for a listener. H-bJ:x]L#)l =e% As someone who embraces the Life Participation Approach in speech therapy, its my aim to provide any sort of speech therapy in a way that improves functional outcomes. In celebration of my launch of Functional Treatment for Motor Speech, this blog series looks closer at individual treatments for dysarthria and apraxia. 0000015881 00000 n
/XObject << For speech pathologists to provide to patients/families/caregivers, as indicated: Copyright 2018-2022. /TrimBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] /Filter /FlateDecode /ProcSets [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /F2 14 0 R /G0 10 0 R 0000038255 00000 n
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The phonetic context of a sound can facilitate correct production of the sound (Bernthal, Help your speech therapy students learn and use strategies to assist auditory memory using this simple and effective visual! The Nice Speech Lady, LLC. /F2 14 0 R /BleedBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] /Contents 24 0 R 0000000016 00000 n
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/ExtGState << << TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Hop on over to check it out I hope you love it. It can be tricky to figure out goals for students who dont have a clear pattern of articulation errors, have a motor speech disorder or who have diagnoses such as Down syndrome. 213 0 obj
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;; ?' Dysarthria is most often a result of Strategies that are included: Modeling, praise, self-talk, This set of worksheets targets final vocalic R (AR, ER, EAR, AIR, IRE, and OR) paired with initial prevocalic R, and youre going to love it! /Font << /Resources << /G0 10 0 R /Type /Catalog endstream
Copyright 2023 Therapy Insights. Dysarthria is classified by the All rights reserved. Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday! 11 0 obj These schedules consist of a speech therapy schedule and movable visuals, including multiple schedule options (3, 4, and 5 routines), editable "what am I working on in speech?" In addition, each page includes 4 key voc, Easily target non-fiction comprehension with these printables! Dysarthria is most often a result of doing what you do best: Connecting with your patients and changing lives for the better. 0000041609 00000 n
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Clear speech refers to a speaking style where talkers 0000121740 00000 n
0000136254 00000 n
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Let your listener know It results from an impairment in the motor neurons (upper and/or lower), neuromuscular junction, brain areas supporting speech feedback control (i.e., basal ganglia and cerebellum), or the speech musculature itself. /TrimBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] % /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB 4.9. Increases in intelligibility were initially achieved by /Creator (Canva) Talk, pantomime, use gestures, facial expressions, pictures, and writing Repeat what they said, then ask if you understood correctly Give the person extra time and be patient Ask them to repeat what you said Avoid speaking louder unless the person has a hearing loss Aphasia does not affect hearing, so speaking loudly does not help 0000042232 00000 n
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(330) $1.00. endobj WebDysarthria can make it difficult for others to understand a persons speech. For example, they slow down, add longer pauses between words, slightly increase their loudness, and improve articulation. >> 0000122809 00000 n
/ProcSets [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1, 97-110. /Count 6 wQFy "
The Study included patients 6-months+ brain injury, English speakers, adequate cognition to participate in therapy, and stimulable to use Clear Speech. Patients were excluded if they had aphasia, significant hearing or vision loss, dementia, apraxia, or amnesia. /Resources << >> >> << WebSpeech2u. /Type /Page >> /ExtGState << /BleedBox [0.0 1.0000236 612.0 793.0] endobj /Count 6 Coarticulation is the idea that the sounds you produce are impacted by the other sounds around them. << 0000015067 00000 n
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