Fishing Field work and compilation ran from 1999 to 2005, and the final product is a color chart which measures 23 by 36 inches. Its normal surface elevation is 706 feet. Visa and MasterCard accepted. If ice is not readily available, use a stringer to keep the fish in the water as this will help prevent deterioration of the flesh. depth (ft) Go back No special regulations. Map shows the depths of 1802 Maine lakes for which measurements exist. The hope is that these two lakes will, over time, only be stocked with fingerling size Seeforellens in addition to adult rainbows and/or brooks, which may reduce hatchery costs of raising these trout to adults. Motor size limit -- 12 cubic inches (Approx. 45 mph daytime speed limit, 25 mph from hour after sunset to hour before sunrise. Lakes & Ponds, Bass Management Lake Trout fishing is catch and release only from March 1 until 6:00 am second Saturday of April (Daily limit of 0). Weekly Fishing Reports- See where the fishing is hot! Shore fishing opportunities vary among coldwater trout lakes from being very limited in some (e.g., West Hill Pond) to exclusively shore-based fishing (e.g., Saugatuck Reservoir). Data is compiled at a variety of scales and resolutions, depending on the collection method used for a particular waterbody. From March 16:00 am 2nd Saturday of April. This information was collected and compiled by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection over a period of time using a variety of different techniques and equipment including manual depth soundings, use of an electronic depth sounder, use of a GPS receiver to locate the boat, and digitizing previously published bathymetry maps. Trolling is a great way to cover water and can be done in the early season by simply letting a lure/fly/bait out behind your boat, canoe, or kayak and troll between 1 -2 miles per hour. Access courtesy of the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority, All other species open 6:00 a.m. 2nd Saturday April -November 30. Pachaug Pond is an 817 acre waterbody located in Griswold, CT (Figure 2). Connecticut and Rhode Island regulations apply as follows: Black bass (largemouth and smallmouth): the daily creel limit shall be five and the minimum length shall be twelve inches. Ice Fishing- A great and safe way to beat winter cabin fever and spend quality time with family and friends outdoors. Much of the summarized account of each lake will be of additional value in planning fishing and camping trips. When fishing with a bow and arrow-Daily creel limit is 12 of which, not more than 3 fish can be greater than 30 inches, WEST TWIN LAKE (Washinee Lake), Salisbury; 290 acres, WHARTON BROOK PARK POND (Allen Brook Pond) in Wharton Brook State Park, Wallingford; 5 acres, WHITNEY FLOOD CONTROL POND (Patten Brook), Stafford; 2 acres, LAKE WINTERGREEN within West Rock Ridge State Park, Hamden; 44 acres, WONONSKOPOMUC LAKE (Lakeville Lake), Salisbury; 348 acres, ZEINER POND (Lake Winfield), Plymouth; 16 acres, LAKE ZOAR, Monroe-Oxford-Newtown-Southbury; 909 acres. Walk-in access from Round Hill Road (300 yards). 3 0 obj Some of the features on will not function properly with out javascript enabled. Cost to build a pond by acre & square foot. It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. Across the state, there are over 3,000 beautiful lakes, ponds and reservoirs that offer all kinds of water activities. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. The Millers Pond Navigation App provides advanced features of a Marine Chartplotter including . font size, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, restore rainbow smelt into West Hill Pond, Candlewood Lake, Danbury-New Fairfield-Sherman-New Milford-Brookfield. NOAA RNC is a trademark of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 15 mph speed limit except 6 mph between sunset and sunrise. This information replaces the Lidar 2000 Contour data previously shown on this map. No maintained/developed launch facilities. The Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) owns and/or operates 117 boat launches statewide on ponds, lakes, rivers and Long Island Sound. Trout, especially holdover trout, can be prepared in endless different ways from smoked, baked, planked, steamed or fried. Use of boats restricted to those stored on site. Augusta, ME 04333-0041, Mailing Address: May 1Nov. Lake Depth Maps. https:// Fishing Guide- provides you with a key summary of rules, regulations and places to fish. Fishing is not allowed from shore within the designated "Conservation Area". depth (ft) To depth map 5 Go back Leaflet | OpenStreetMap contributors Acknowledgements | Not to be used for navigation Informal boat access off Butts Bridge Road, no facilities. A list of the waterbodies included in this layer can be viewed in the GIS Metadata for Lake Bathymetry. During the period from March first through 6:00 a.m. on the second Saturday in April, inclusive, the daily creel limit for trout shall be one and the minimum length limit shall be twenty-two inches. Facebook page- Get near real-time stocking updates. As with any fish, if you plan to keep them for the table, make sure to get them on ice as soon as possible to protect the delicate nature of the meat. In the heart of Moose country, the lake spans 1286 acres with depths of over 60 feet. advanced features of a Marine Chartplotter, wind speed direction, water temperature, water depth, and accurate GPS with AIS receivers(using NMEA over TCP/UDP), CONNECTICUT RIVER BODKIN ROCK TO HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT RIVER BODKIN ROCK TO ROARING BRIDGE EXTENSION, CONNECTICUT RIVER-DEEP RIVER TO BODKIN ROCK. Phone:860-424-FISH (3474) We gather the data about all the spots in the United States and gradually process it and update our maps. stream Lake Champlain Long-Term Monitoring Project. Elevation contours shown on this map are Connecticut Contours 2000 data, which is a statewide dataset of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 ft contour lines for Connecticut based on elevation information for the year 2000. The Elevation Contour information describes elevation above sea level. Zoar Lake nautical chart. The best and most current information on Candlewood Lake depths available. Daily creel limit is 12 of which, not more than 3 fish can be greater than 30 inches, Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Public Launching Area - suitable for trailered boats, Public Launching Area - suitable for cartop boats, Trout and Salmon Stamp Is Required to Fish (age 16+). Public right-of-way not passable to cars. Unless noted otherwise in the Connecticut Boater's Guide or in these web pages, all launches are open* to the general public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unless otherwise noted. Largemouth and smallmouth bass: Daily creel limit -- 5 bass, 12 minimum length. Fishing Hotspots has most lakes surveyed by Navionics plus lakes surveyed by the old Maine Lake Charts. Refer to the Connecticut Contours 2000 CT ECO Basic Data Guide for additional information on the use limitations of this information. This is commonly known as the rule of V's. The data are displayed in 4 map layers, by depth class. Contact the Shenipsit Lake Boat Storage Facility (. Daily creel limit 6 bass, only 1 may be 18" or greater. Rest of the year the daily limit is 5 trout. Access courtesy of the city of Torrington. 841 surface area (acres) 14 max. Operation of vessels with motors, except for electric motors, is prohibited. Home Fishing & Boating Fishing Fishing Resources Lake Survey Maps. 30: Daily creel limit2, 26 minimum length. Lake and Pond Regulations NEW (12/27/2022) From March 1 until 6:00 am on the second Saturday of April, trout fishing in lakes and ponds, except for "trout management lakes", is catch and release only. This new Fish Community Data Viewer allows users to search DEEP fish or macroinvertebrate community data for inland waters by town, waterbody or fish species. endobj EAGLEVILLE LAKE, Coventry-Mansfield; 77 acres, EAST TWIN LAKE (Washining Lake), Salisbury; 569 acres, FACTORY POND (Norwalk River), Redding-Wilton; 12 acres, FACTORY POND (Town Grove Pond), Salisbury; 2 acres, FARMILL (Isinglass) RESERVOIR, Shelton; 4 acres, FERNRIDGE PARK POND, West Hartford; 0.7 acres, FISHER MEADOWS POND (Spring Lake), Avon; 41 acres, FOUNTAIN LAKE RESERVOIR, Ansonia-Seymour; 6 acres, FULTON PARK POND, LOWER, Waterbury; 2.8 acres, FULTON PARK POND, UPPER, Waterbury; 2.1 acres, FRESHWATER POND (Freshwater Brook), Enfield; 8 acres, GARDNER LAKE, Salem-Montville-Bozrah; 529 acres, Species: T, SMB, LMB, YP, CP, CB, S, WA, BB, WC, GREAT HOLLOW POND Within Wolfe Park, Monroe; 15 acres, GREEN FALLS RESERVOIR (Green Falls Pond), Voluntown; 48 acres, HALLVILLE POND (Indiantown Brook), Preston; 10 acres, HAMILTON RESERVOIR, Union-Massachusetts; 412 acres, HAMPTON RESERVOIR, Hampton-Eastford; 88 acres, HANOVER RESERVOIR, Canterbury-Sprague; 21 acres, LAKE HAYWARD (Shaw Lake), East Haddam; 174 acres, HEWITT FLYFISHING POND (Gallup Pond), North Stonington; 2 acres, HEWITT POND (Lower Hewitt Pond), North Stonington; 2 acres, Trout Management Lake and Bass Management Lake, HOGBACK RESERVOIR (see West Branch Reservoir), HOPEWELL POND/LAKE HOPEWELL (see Huntington Pond), LAKE HOUSATONIC, Shelton-Derby-Monroe-Oxford-Seymour; 328 acres, HUNTINGTON POND (Starret Pond, Lake Hopewell, Huntington Park Pond), Redding; 15 acres, INDIAN LAKE (Indian Pond), Sharon-New York; 196 acres, ISINGLASS RESERVOIR (see Farmill Reservoir), KILLINGLY POND, Killingly-Rhode Island; 122 acres, LAKE OF ISLES, North Stonington; 89 acres, LAKEWOOD LAKE (Great Brook Reservoir), Waterbury; 73 acres, LANTERN HILL POND, Ledyard-North Stonington; 23 acres, LAKE LILLINONAH, Brookfield-Bridgewater-Newtown-Southbury-New Milford; 1547 acres, Species: LMB, SMB, WP, CB, WC, NP, S, CA, YP, TM, LITTLE POND (Little Bantam), Litchfield; 15 acres, LITTLE POND (Schoolhouse Pond), Thompson; 65 acres, LONG POND, Ledyard-North Stonington; 109 acres, LOWER STORRS PUMPING POND,Mansfield; 2 acres, MAD RIVER FLOOD CONTROL IMPOUNDMENT, Winchester; 7.9 acres, MALTBY LAKES (1,2,3), Orange-West Haven; 19, 23 and 25 acres, MANSFIELD HOLLOW RESERVOIR (Naubesatuck Lake), Mansfield-Chaplin-Windham; 460 acres, MANSFIELD TOWN POND (see Bicentennial Pond), MANSFIELD TRAINING SCHOOL PONDS, Mansfield; 1.1 and 2.3 acres, LAKE McDONOUGH (Compensating Reservoir), New Hartford-Barkhamsted; 391 acres, McGRATH PARK POND (Prospect Park Pond), Prospect;1 acre, MESSERSCHMIDT POND, Deep River-Westbrook; 73 acres, MILL WOODS PARK POND, Wethersfield; 7.3 acres, MIRROR LAKE (Hubbard Park Pond), Meriden; 7.4 acres, MOHEGAN PARK POND (Spaulding Pond), Norwich; 14 acres, MOODUS RESERVOIR (Upper, Lower), East Haddam; 486 acres, MOUNT TOM POND, Morris-Litchfield-Washington; 56 acres, MUDDY POND, Woodstock-Massachusetts; 38 acres, MUDGE POND (Silver Lake), Sharon; 207 acres, NAUBESATUCK LAKE (see Mansfield Hollow Reservoir), NELLS ROCK RESERVOIR (Hope Lake), Shelton; 10.3 acres, NORTH FARMS RESERVOIR, Wallingford; 64 acres, NORTHFIELD BROOK LAKE, Litchfield; 8 acres, NORTHFIELD CUTLERY COMPANY POND, Litchfield, PAPERMILL POND (see Southford Falls Pond), PASTURE POND, Plainfield, at Quinebaug Valley State Hatchery; 1 acre, PATTACONK LAKE (Russell Jennings Pond), Chester; 56 acres, PECK POND (Keach Pond), Thompson-Putnam-Rhode Island; 14 acres, PERRY POND, Thompson-Massachusetts; 4 acres, PICKEREL LAKE, Colchester-East Haddam; 82 acres, PICKETTS POND (Osborndale State Park), Derby; 9 acres, PIERREPONT POND (Lake Naraneka), Ridgefield; 38 acres, PINE LAKE (Shelton Reservoir #2), Shelton; 7.3 acres, LAKE QUASSAPAUG, Woodbury-Middlebury; 297 acres, QUINEBAUG LAKE (Wauregan Reservoir), Killingly; 88 acres, Species: T, LMB, BB, SMB, CP, S, YP, AE, CC, ROWAN'S POND (Butternut Park Pond), Middletown; 2.9 acres, LAKE SALTONSTALL, Branford-East Haven; 422 acres, SAUGATUCK RESERVOIR, Easton-Redding-Weston; 827 acres, SCHREEDER POND (Chatfield Hollow Pond) In Chatfield Hollow State Park, Killingworth; 4 acres, SEYMOUR RESERVOIRS (1, 2, 3 and 4), Oxford; 4.4, 35, 11.5 and 37.4 acres, SHENIPSIT LAKE, Ellington-Tolland-Vernon; 532 acres, SILVER LAKE (Peat Works Pond), Berlin-Meriden; 146 acres, SOMERSVILLE MILL POND (Scantic River), Somers; 41 acres, SOUTHFORD FALLS POND (Papermill Pond) in Southford Falls State Park, Oxford-Southbury; 2.4 acres, SQUANTZ POND, Fairfield, Sherman; 270 acres, STANLEY QUARTER POND, New Britain; 6.4 acres, STATE LINE POND, Next to Route 32, Stafford; 75 acres, LAKE STIBBS (Southbury Training School Pond), Southbury; 5 acres, STRATTON BROOK PARK POND In Stratton Brook State Park, Simsbury; 2.3 acres, TAFTVILLE RESERVOIR, Access through Raymond Ouellet Park, Norwich; 25 acres, WALKERS RESERVOIR (East), Vernon; 5.1 acres, LAKE WARAMAUG, Kent-Warren-Washington; 656 acres, WARNER POND (Kazans Pond), Newtown; 11.7 acres, WEST BRANCH (Hogback) RESERVOIR, Hartland-Colebrook; 201 acres, WEST HILL POND, New Hartford-Barkhamsted; 261 acres, WEST PEQUONNOCK RESERVOIR, Monroe; 1.4 acres, Common Carp Please refer to specific waters for regulations outside of this date range. The addition of rainbow trout into Connecticuts TMLs isnt so much for the holdover potential, but rather to provide excellent fishing for large trout in the early spring season (i.e. Informal cartop access from dam on Route 207. Note, the actual contour interval shown depends on the scale of the map, with smaller intervals displayed when zoomed in and larger intervals displayed when zoomed out at less detailed scales. Lake and pond fisheries management practices, Life histories of common lake and pond fishes. Lake Contour Maps - Detailed bathymetric maps of over 150 lakes in PDF format! The possession and use of any live alewives, blueback (glut or river) herring, gizzard, hickory or threadfin shad as bait is prohibited. Determining fishing regulations is a simple two-step process: Coordinates: 41.7108, -72.7889. 6 mph speed limit from sunset to 8:00 a.m. No fishing allowed from the golf course grounds. Hyperlinked maps may be downloaded for free. Lake Champlain Long-Term Monitoring Project multi-probe sonde profiles (1992-present). x]6PUc"::-{gReW? Lf#D I$o>o>Ms~O7c?_O?id!|`cir.'7,.#f1!& >]H>$_I;]0aj v=v%f~&k kgQglJCH]$,[Zv=b[") Iw6 :YC'`g6D0J2d`=-C There are no distribution restrictions, but the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection should be cited on any published maps using this dataset. Car top access via state ramp otherwise, commercial launching ramp, fee charged. It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. Macbook ChartPlotter, and Windows Marine Navigation Appnow available-, Copyright 2009-2023 Bist LLC. The new and updated information in A Fisheries Guide to Lakes and Ponds of Connecticut will be invaluable to anglers looking to improve their fishing success and for finding new opportunities to explore. Check out our list of the special places that make Ossipee Lake one of the best lakes in New England. Boat Launch in Appalachian Mountains near Springvale, ME. A simple Google search will provide more recipes than anyone can eat in a lifetime! In addition, brown trout are fall spawning fish, and will often be found October through December coming into shallow water. endobj Boats and canoes prohibited except between May 16 and October 31. 10 horsepower). Use an ice chisel, auger, or cordless drill to make a hole in the ice and determine its thickness and condition. The marine chart shows depth and hydrology of Zoar Lake on the map, which is located in the Connecticut state (Fairfield, New Haven). As water temperatures warm and trout move deeper in the water column to colder, more oxygen rich waters, using downriggers or lead core line is common practice. 2 0 obj % LAKES AND PONDS HOME TAGS: CT Lake Bathymetry Maps, lake contours, Ct lakes Created Date: 7/11/2017 10:23:39 AM . Use of motors prohibited 11 p.m. 6 a.m. Operation of motorboats prohibited from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Upper boundary is the Route 187 Bridge crossing. Four night minimum stay 4 guests 2 bedrooms 1 full bathrooms Beach Picnic Table Dock 1 of 11 All Photos Instant Quote Arr 909 surface area (acres) 70 max. Vessels with internal combustion engines attached are prohibited. 353 Water Street Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a state government site. The landowner is courteously granting access to the public for the purpose of fishing from April 1 to August 31. This CT ECO data guide replaces the previous Elevation Contours and Lake Bathymetry data guide describing a similar, previously available thematic map that included the original Elevation Contours 2000 data. Largemouth & smallmouth bass: 12" to 18" protected slot limit. SonarChart HD Bathymetry - Innovative 1' (0.5 m) bathymetry charts are created by using Navionics proprietary systems that augment existing content with sonar data contributed by the boating community. Use of internal combustion motors prohibited on the Bantam River between Bantam Lake and the inlet to Little Pond. Massachusetts regulations apply as follows: Bass: Daily creel limit -- 5, 12 minimum length. Deep Spots If you're curious about the depth and contour of the area's lakes, ponds and bays, have a look at our collection of bathymetric maps from the N.H. This is arguably the most popular lake in the state thanks to its excellent recreational activities. All other species open 6:00 a.m. 2nd Saturday April - last day of February. East Twin Lakeis one such water that has proven to be challenging for fisheries managers. During the month of March, each angler can take one trout that is 16 inches or larger per day. Access courtesy of the City of West Hartford, Access courtesy of the Town of Wethersfield -, All other species open 6:00 a.m. 2nd Saturday April -March 31, From March 1 to 6:00 am 2nd Saturday of April, Daily Creel Limit. Gorton Pond (CT) nautical chart and water depth map Gorton Pond nautical chart The marine chart shows depth and hydrology of Gorton Pond on the map, which is located in the Connecticut state (New London). Some of the features on will not function properly with out javascript enabled. <> Access courtesy of Aquarion Water company, The program ends on the last day of December. Open 6:00 a.m. 3rd Saturday of April last day February. Mashapaug Lake is a 297-acre (1.20 km2) lake surrounded by Bigelow Hollow State Park and Nipmuck State Forest in the town of Union in northeastern Connecticut. Fish & Game Department. TTY: Maine Relay 711 font size. With our Lake Maps App, you get all the great marine chart app features like fishing spots, along with Beach Pond depth map. Fishing spots and depth contours layers are available in most Lake maps. Methods of catching trout via boat generally fall into two categories 1) trolling, or 2) still fishing. Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Fisheries Division Program Notes and Updates, Annual Connecticut Fish Distribution Report. 6 mph speed limit from hour after sunset to hour before sunrise (and from 5 p.m. on Sundays from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day). However, over the years, many citizens of Massachusetts have observed a decline in the health of their lakes and ponds. It is the combintation of both coldwater habitat and food availability that make certain lakes able to support and grow large holdover brown trout. the record obituaries stockton, ca; press box football stadium; is dr amy still with dr jeff; onenote resize image aspect ratio While we have purposely avoided tables, graphs and statistics, we want you to know that our recommendations are based on careful planning and study employing every available fishery management tool. Still fishing can be done by anchoring or if fairly calm, can be done by allowing the breeze to slowly move the boat through the desired fishing location. From 6:00 am 2nd Saturday of April until the last day of February, 5 trout per day; one of which may be a Brook Trout, 14 inches or larger, From March 1 to6:00 am 2nd Saturday of April, Daily Creel Limit 1 trout; 14 inch minimumlength, Access courtesy of the US Army Corps of Engineers -. Boating, wading and flotation devices prohibited. The marine chart shows depth and hydrology of West Hill Pond on the map, which is located in the Connecticut state (Litchfield). 2016 | Connecticut's Official State Website, regular Depth contour maps (Bathymetric) are available for some lakes on our web page. Trout have been at the forefront of fisheries management in Connecticut for more than a century, and are one of the most sought after fish species by anglers, who spend approximately 2.1 million fishing trips a year seeking them. Please refer to specific waters for regulations outside of this date range. Please contact the Fisheries Division with any questions. Waterbody names with a blue link provide specific state boat ramp information as on the Boating Division'sboat launch webpage. 8 mph speed limit. Launch open daily 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. from 2nd Saturday in April to Labor Day. Butts Bridge is the demarcation line between the pond and the Quinebaug River. DCR Lakes & Ponds Guide Massachusetts has over 3000 lakes and ponds that provide opportunities for recreation and valuable habitat for a wide diversity of plants and animals. Access courtesy of the City of Middletown. Thecurrent planwill be to stock and assess this strain of trout in select coldwater lakes (Lake Wononskopomuc, Lakeville and Saugatuck Reservoir, Redding) beginning in 2021. Days and hours of operation vary seasonally, contact the Washington Park and Recreation Department (. A unique opportunity at the TMLs is that each lake is open for fishing during the month of March (all other stocked lakes close on the last day of February). There are only a select few that have recent, detailed contour data. Determining fishing regulations is a simple two-step process: During this time, you may fish daily (including holidays) from 6 a.m. until half an hour after sunset. 00 a.m. 2nd Saturday April last day February, only 1 Brook Trout may be 14 or greater. No fishing is permitted in or near the swimming area and around the dam or dike area of Spaulding Pond in Mohegan Park. Fisheries Division Program Notes and Updates- Quarterly publication that lets you stay in touch with our day to day efforts to enhance fish and fishing. Fish and Bug Data - Use our interactive map to find new places to fish or new types of flies to tie. There is a nice public boat launch and day use area on Idylwilde Rd. The cost to build a pond is $2.50 to $9.00 per square foot or $2,900 to $15,600 on average. 2016 | Connecticut's Official State Website, regular Chain Pickerel: Daily creel limit -- 5, 14 minimum length. Motors restricted to 12 cubic inches (approximately 10 horsepower). The lake is home to landlocked salmon and lake trout . Building a 10-acre lake costs $1,200 to $6,800 per acre. This information was used to publish bathymetric maps in the A Fisheries Guide to Lakes and Ponds of Connecticut, Robert P. Jacobs, Eileen B. O'Donnell, and William B. Gerrish, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Bulletin 35, 2002, SBN 0-942085-11-6. Multi-Probe sonde profiles ( 1992-present ) in your browser information replaces the Lidar 2000 data... Creel limit2, 26 minimum length, is prohibited and will often be found October December... Time with family and friends outdoors 2009-2023 Bist LLC is a simple Google search will provide more recipes anyone! 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