Brunnera makes a beautiful companion for ferns, foamflowers and other deer resistant shade perennials. Rosemary Arp Butterflies, hummingbirds and pollinating bees will all visit your red hot poker when it's in bloom, but deer and rabbits won't be interested. Acanthus species (bear's breeches) Aconitum species (monkshood) . Yes, deer do eat the Coleus plant. Deer are especially attracted to moist plants, such as petunias, in spring and summer. A classic for its long season of bloom and cheerful good looks, Shasta daisy is also typically left alone by deer. All are great for gardens since they're tough, drought-tolerant picks with long bloom seasons and colorful flowers loved by hummingbirds. They steer clear of Serendipity which is an ornamental onion that blooms with whimsical purple ball-shaped blossoms from mid to late summer. Dig a hole and place so the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. The tubular flowers make an excellent landing pad for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds alike! Size: Most grow from 1 to 3 feet tall and 1 to 2 feet wide. JyK6~Va:j0/IE]n~6! SuEAuF~ {Ds kY\n@: 0|X@.X)djJq>6|.J`RWs=`Wrcx;.`m_~|"L04:A+N-Oy*"COHT8n&lh%K? Red Riding Hood is just one of seven colors in the Dutch-bred Riding Hood series, which also includes blue, delft blue, hot pink, lavender, marble cream, and purple. It, like many other plants disliked by deer, bears scented foliage -- so it's nice to grow this plant where you can occasionally walk by and enjoy its scent. Heat-loving annuals that deer tend to ignore include lantana, Cosmos sulphureus, angel's trumpet (Brugmansia) and summer snapdragon (Angelonia). Penstemons need little pruning, but removing the stems after flowering is complete will often promote new foliage growth and a second flush of blooms. Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade and well-drained soil. When in doubt, try to find the old-fashioned bearded varieties. 6. As these animals cannot read, and don't know any better, sometimes they just can't resist sampling a different . It can grow in zones four through 11, and it prefers indirect sunlight. 11. Light up your summer garden with these bright yellow flowers. The main difference is that Mysticas bronzy red foliage is longer lasting and stays attractive until frost, with the leaves turning an even richer red in fall and often persisting into early winter. Fringed bleeding heart is a smaller plant than its showier cousin, Lamprocapnos spectabilis. Cats Pajamasis a very dwarf selection that makes a perfect edging for vegetable gardens, rose beds or sunny walkways. Blooming for weeks from late spring to late summer, the flowers rise above whorls of light green serrated leaves . There is almost nothing a deer will not eat if it is hungry enough, but some plants, optimistically termed "deer resistant," are lower on the deer's list of preferred dining. !?|O.Q"m5"%bD}?:Dq& GDPP)p!jnAqbIaT)\b +A_KR;.MLbEuV3sGFu[;F.$GH>fatsG6A)bD1&030l9 Beardtongue plants typically bloom in early summer, filling that gap between the end of spring bulbs and the maturing of summer flowers like coneflowers, yarrow, and coreopsis. As an ex-teacher myself, I fully understand Vonmarr's caution. 0000008351 00000 n HdWK7)'0& oSE%W|"o_y:?|x?xxSxO_~=w,Q)g%PWJo>oGM.% It is not just poisonous plants and plants with strong, sharp odors that deer mostly avoid. All you have to do is harvest the leafy stems, hang them up to dry, then crush the dried leaves for your cat. 0000010637 00000 n Purple coneflowers aren't just purple anymore; today plant breeders have expanded its range from orange and yellow to white. Learning about deer-resistant plant types is a good start, but local gardeners and extension services will give you even more ideas for plants that thrive locally and are generally avoided by deer. Rabbits are herbivores who feed on a wide variety of plant life. Some of these include Stapleford Gem, Garnet, Apple Blossom, and Firebird. You can make its display of blue flowerslast longer by shearing. Annual mulch and rich soils will help this plant to flourish. trailer << /Size 305 /Info 258 0 R /Root 262 0 R /Prev 118495 /ID[<326ae9e7bde9dfc3fdd83892b198dc3a><813de8e76e58e122cc3a9f919da4a6c8>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 262 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 260 0 R /Metadata 259 0 R /OpenAction [ 264 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone /PageLabels 257 0 R /StructTreeRoot 263 0 R /PieceInfo << /MarkedPDF << /LastModified (D:20030616154933)>> >> /LastModified (D:20030616154933) /MarkInfo << /Marked true /LetterspaceFlags 0 >> >> endobj 263 0 obj << /Type /StructTreeRoot /RoleMap 17 0 R /ClassMap 20 0 R /K 243 0 R /ParentTree 244 0 R /ParentTreeNextKey 5 >> endobj 303 0 obj << /S 161 /L 272 /C 288 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 304 0 R >> stream But they may even eat cosmos if they are in desperate search of food. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. The answer is yes - deer will eat pansies if they can. You can't grow wrong with purple coneflower for summer gardens: It blooms for weeks, it attracts scores of butterflies, it makes a great cut flower, and it's often left alone by deer thanks to its rough foliage. Gently tamp down soil around the base and water well. Space taller varieties 12 inches apart, and shorter varieties 6 inches apart. Do deer eat Penstemon? Size: To 6 feet tall and 5 feet wide in bloom. Click here to learn more about growing thyme. Scientifically known as Penstemon digitalis, it grows up to 3 tall in full sun and moist to medium-moist soil that drains well. A deer needs to consume about 6% to 8% of its body weight daily, from spring through fall, in green foliage and browse, to stay healthy. Better Homes & Gardens - 100 years of powering your passions at home. 0000002057 00000 n Standing 30-32" tall, it's perfect for filling the middle layer of the perennial border with interesting texture. 0000012166 00000 n One thing to keep in mind, though no plants are totally deer proof. KEY: A = Rarely Damaged Sign up for weekly gardening inspiration and design tips. Gardeners with heavy clay may lose plants to root rot, especially in areas with heavy snow that experience a long spring thaw. Plants that are deer-resistant are often rabbit-resistant as well. Given the need for full sun and a tall, fast-growing habit, these plants don't do well indoors. Add in a little compost if your soil is lacking in nutrients. In the drier, hotter, inland southern areas, it will often die without summer water unless planted close to an irrigated or other wet area. Think salvia, sweet alyssum, snapdragons, poppies, globe amaranth, lantana, and cleome. Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost is one of those plants that you grow primarily as a foliage plant. As the name implies, 'Electric Blue' has iridescent bright-blue flowers that seem to light up the garden with their intensity. In addition to offering a broad palette of colors, these native wildflowers and their many cultivars come in many shapes and sizes, from dwarf varieties you can tuck into rock gardens to waist-high prairie plants that bring color and movement to the back of the border. Bees will drop by when this perennial is in bloom in the springtime, visiting each tiny blue blossom that dances above the foliage. Dark Towers also seems to retain its color better in summer. It flowers in early June and occasionally throughout the summer. Its blue-grey leaves only add to its value. Find more plants and get deer-proofing tips from So these are some of the plants that are least likely to be eaten by deer, but there are no guarantees! . Penstemons are tough, drought-tolerant plants with long bloom seasons and colorful flowers loved by hummingbirds. This perennial is so tough that once you plant it, you usually don't have to do anything to it ever again. Size: From 1 to 4 feet tall and 6 to 36 inches wide, depending on type. Native to southern New Mexico and eastern Arizona. Some of these plants are toxic to deer, while others produce strong smells that deer avoid. Try pairing it with ornamental grasses for a bold, unique contrast. Deadhead plants after flowering and divide clumps every three years. Its finely textured foliage gives off an herbal scent which helps to deter deer. Spot On and 'Pink-a-Blue' PulmonariaZones 3-9. Penstemon Western gardeners tend to know penstemons a little better than Midwesterners do, but this plant's popularity is growing just about everywhere. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Parallel mesh wire fences approximately 6 ft. tall placed about 4-5 ft. apart is a formidable barrier that deer will not jump (unlike a single fence). Size: From 6 to 36 inches tall and 6 to 24 inches wide, depending on type. Deer are afraid of walking on the fence because their feet will get caught. Some gardenersthink of it mainly as an outdoor foliage plant (even though it does produce a plume of flowers), but it is also a shade plant and a good plant to grow in wet areas. 0000004712 00000 n 0000002733 00000 n Tough in low amounts. If you grow plants that deer are less likely to eat, you increase your chances of escaping pest damage. This showy perennial geranium, also known as cranesbill, is grown for its showybronze foliage and prolific, bright blue-purple flowers which cover the plant in early summer. If you want to attract pollinators to your garden, plant salvia. Safe and Poisonous Garden Plants. Columbine, Artemesia (wormwood), Ceanothus (California lilac), Rock Rose, Breath of Heaven, Foxglove, Lantana, Lavender, Indian Hawthorn, Rosemary, native perennial Salvias, Euphorbia, Thrift, Strawberry Tree, Manzanita, Yarrow, Allium, Bear Berry, and Yerba Mansa. Both will eat daisies, munching on the plants until nothing is left but stubs. How to Grow and Care for Star of Bethlehem Flower, How to Grow and Care for Mexican Orange Plant, How to Grow and Care For 'Becky' Shasta Daisy, How to Grow and Care for Pink Evening Primrose, Purple, blue, orange, red, yellow, pink, white. Just don't mistake the foliage for a thistle and accidentally pull it when it comes up in spring. They'll attempt to feed on garden fruits and vegetables, but they eat grass, ornamental plants, and even tree bark, too. They grow best in full sun and well-drained soil. They also offer architectural interest in the winter garden. By planting a variety of trees, you can ensure at least one ripe food source throughout the season. Not everyone is a fan of eating onions, and that definitely includes deer and rabbits. Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) larvae which has two to three broods from May-October. They tend to be short-lived plants and will often need replenishment after a few seasons. A top plant of the late-summer garden, Russian sage bursts forth with impressive wands of violet-purple flowers over masses of silvery foliage. We hope it wont deter you, too! Keep the penstemon flowerbed weeded regularly. Scroll down to learn more about some of the unique things that deer do, and discover why they act the way that they do. Catnip is perhaps the best-known of the catmint plants. Summersong Firefinch EchinaceaZones 4-8. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds enjoy their blooms for many weeks beginning in early summer. Grass -compromise less than 10% of a deers diet. Yarrow is an easy perennial to grow and a good choice for beginners. One of those interesting terms you come across in the world of gardeningis used to describe the center of a delphinium's flower: the bee. 0000002660 00000 n Without its clusters of tall summertime blooms, its architectural foliage adds a distinct look to any garden. She has 30 years of experience propagating and growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, and ornamentals. When food is very limited, they'll even snack on twigs and other woody plants. (Zones: 4-8; Height: 2 to 3 feet; Bloom time: June to September), Native to the northern Great Plains and northeastern states, this species is more tolerant of high humidity and moist soil than those of western origin. To start, we need to warn you that there are few, if any, plants you can call deer-proof. Deer-Resistant Plants Some of these plants are toxic to deer, while others produce strong smells that deer avoid. Pyromania Rockets Red Glare KniphofiaZones 6-9. This deer-resistant perennial can become quite large under the right growing conditions. Maybe they are too dry (like eating wool)? A purple blush at the base of each floral light bulb only enhances the brilliant display, as does the attractive narrow evergreen foliage. Give them a try! For more, see The 24 Best Plants to Attract Hummingbirds. Penstemon love hot, sunny, dry growing conditions. Deer-Resistant Hardy Perennials. (Pennisetum alopecuroides) Plant Information Planting & Care Shipping Reviews Plant Information 24-36" tall x 18-30" wide. Click here to learn more about wild ginger. The 24 Best Plants to Attract Hummingbirds. Fancy foliage is the latest thing in coralbells; these versatile little perennials now offer leaves in shades from nearly red to deep blue-green or even black. Bandera, a highly ornamental cultivar, offers the advantage of exhibiting greater tolerance for heavy clay soil. Alyssum, irises, peonies, foxgloves, poppies, and even certain herbs like lavender and sage are popular plants that deer avoid. Blooming showy white flowers for about one month in late Spring, it attracts numerous species of long-tongued bees and hummingbirds. In the US, where penstemons originate, deer forage on them and, as far as I have been able to discover, they are not listed as poisonous in the various indexes of poisonous plants. You may know yellow alyssum better by such common names as "Basket of Gold," a reference to both the abundance of its flowers and their striking color. Penstemon (spp.) The only sure-fire way to keep the deer from nibbling is to put up a tall enough fence. Purple coneflowers aren't just purple anymore; today plant breeders have expanded its range from orange and yellow to white and even green. White-tailed deer are absolute plant-eating machines, but understanding what foods they prefer to eat will vastly improve your knowledge and effectiveness in both managing and hunting them. Unlike horses, cows, and sheep, deer eat by browsing instead of grazing, so they will often skip from plant to plant, nibbling here and there as opposed to munching in one area. That said, during winter they will eat higher fiber food like tree bark and nuts. Bring unique drama to your landscape with this tropical-looking yet hardy perennial. In early summer, airy spires of white flowers with just the faintest blush of pink emerge, creating a striking contrast with the dark foliage. (Zones: 4-8; Height: 1 to 3 feet; Bloom time: Early to midspring), One of the few that are fragrant, honey-scented light pink flowers are held high on spikes as tall as 6 feet. Note that when other food sources are extremely scarce, rabbits may feed on plants that are otherwise considered rabbit-proof. 0000073571 00000 n Photo by Proven Winners. Very striking when in bloom, they last for weeks and bring strong color and form to the landscape. While beardtongue is quite safe, foxglove is quite toxic. So ask around! (Zones 5-9; Height: 12 to 18 inches; Bloom time: Early to late summer), Native to Wyoming, Utah and western Colorado, this blue-flowered species thrives in rocky or gravelly soil but adapts well to soils in many parts of the country. Microorganisms allow symbiotic links between the deer digestive system and the foods it needs to digest and process to use for nutrients for the animal. You can water it 1x/month without much danger. If they are hungry enough, deer will eat pretty much anything. We savor the aromas of sage, dill, fennel, oregano, marjoram, rosemary, thyme and mint. Looking for coneflowers in more colors? Technically, the showy feature of this deer-resistant perennial is called a "sepal," as opposed to a true flower petal. A compact form and mounded glossy green foliage make this a good choice for the front of the border, where you can better observe the constant influx of feathery feeders. My personal experience has been that the dried flowers of the Northern Sea oats are lovely, but if . They may chew a few buds and occasionally pull off a leaf or two, but the plant is allowed to reach maturity with little molestation. When not in bloom, its grassy foliage adds texture and movement in the landscape. All of the 22 perennials listed here are considered deer-resistant and are hardy to at least USDA planting zone 5 (unless otherwise noted). That's a lot. A drought-tolerant perennial, it also works well in rock gardens. Pair it with ornamental grasses and sedum for a beautiful fall border. It has nothing to do with the insect. Find a Garden Center that carries Proven Winners plants & products. Just like we see with people, a deer's preferred foods differ from individual to individual. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around plants to deter gnawing insects and set out beer traps to catch any stragglers. Some plants may be irritating to some individuals, but not others. You will love its heady sweet fragrance, so be sure to pick a few stems for bringing indoors. Generally speaking, peonies are not a flower deer like to eat. Dislikes. Also known as Jack-in-the-pulpit, it is not grown for its flowers. The fuzzy, fragrant foliage ofcatmintis detested by deer. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. On rare occasions, deer will also eat other . Lantana Various species of lantana (Lantana spp.) Red Riding HoodRiding Hood SeriesP. Deer also tend to turn their . They are clump-forming varieties that return reliably every year and are exceptionally resistant to powdery mildew. Plant it next to a south-facing fence with companion plants sprawling at its feet, and let its graceful flower stalks shoot skywards. Then you can avoid some of them and replace them with resistant varieties. 0000073264 00000 n For hummingbird lovers, they offer another important attribute. For a gardener, it is also important to know which plants are especially loved by slugs and snails. Most fruit varieties are available in dwarf, semi-dwarf and standard sizes. Leaf spot, rust, powdery mildew, and Southern blight can also occur. They come in many different colors, including bicolored varieties. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. Generally, the deer isn't an herbivorous animal. . But many gardeners find that they have to go around the yard and pull it up from places it does not belong. 2023 Proven Winners North America LLC. What plants do deer hate the most? A top plant for this region, there are dozens of types of penstemon. Lamb's ear spreads easily, making it an effective ground cover. Feeding these flowers with conventional bloom-boosting formulas can promote too much growth and can shorten the life of the plants. They are extremely sensitive to poorly draining soils and winter moisture. 0000015885 00000 n Its ferny, blue-green foliage is a delight, toobut the deer don't seem to think so. It is long-lived and fuss-free. Plant your beardtongue in an area that receives full sun. Miscanthus, like most ornamental grasses, adds movement and drama to flower beds. Similar in appearance to astilbe but much larger, thisshowy perennial produces beautiful sprays of lacy, cream-colored flowers atop deep green fern-like foliage in early to midsummer. 0000008374 00000 n English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is the most commonly grown type and is hardy to zone 5. These fuzzy, mustard-yellow flower spikes will gladly brighten up the shady side of your house. Penstemons dont compete well with other plants, so give them plenty of space in the garden. A thick layer of fallen leaves can provide plenty of additional protection. Do not let this perennial dry out. If you like the foliage of columbine, then you would probably also enjoy a plant called Columbine meadow rue. Could it be the common name of lungwort that makes deer and rabbits avoid this shade perennial? Penstemon flowers do well in full sun to partial shade exposure. They shoot up quickly and stand head and shoulders above most other flowers but are very short-lived for a perennial. Aurinia saxatilis is a short, mat-forming plant, making it an effective ground cover. They are also low in tannins that inhibit digestion. These herbs fall into the rarely damaged category. These plants have earned a reputation as being most passed up by deer in your region. Although there are no serious threats, watch for root rot in poorly draining soils. Let's be frank: there are no absolutely 100% deer-proof plants. It is a nicely scented low-growing perennial herb with delicate leaves that loves the sun. The plantain family (Plantaginaceae) gifts us with some wonderful ornamental flowering plants, including snapdragons, foxglove, and the valuablePenstemon genus,which contains more than 250 beardtongue species ready to grow in your garden. Fungicide sprays treat symptoms but not the cause, so lighten your heavy soils with compost, or plant penstemons in raised beds to add air circulation for the roots. (Zones: 6-10; Height: 1 to 1 feet; Bloom time: May to June), Firecracker penstemon. The Yucca Plant is a jagged plant that can look nice in any garden, but because of its spiky foliage, it can easily deter rabbits. 0000030730 00000 n 'Midnight Masquerade' Buy now from Proven WinnersPenstemon hybrid. 0000073421 00000 n Persimmon is a wild fruit that is found in any wild area. 0000010408 00000 n Penstemon does not require watering, except in dry desert areas, so it's an ideal choice if you want a xeriscape or reduced-water garden. It combinesrich chocolatecolored foliagewith rosy purple flower plumes for a colorful garden show in mid to late summer. It's also heat and drought-resistant, so you can depend on it to look good, even with little care. If you are growing species native to your area, you will rarely have to give them supplemental water after they become well established. Similar to Husker Red but with pale pink flowers and darker red foliage. 0000073342 00000 n It generally takes a year or two before seed-grown plants begin to bloom. A spring bloomer, it also has great foliage. That eats herbs, plants, trees, leaves, fruits, and vegetables. Of course, they will prefer other plants without an alternative. Denim n Laceand'Sage Advice'PerovskiaZones 4-9. Catnip's botanical name is Nepeta cataria, which means it is a type of catmint. Seem to think so that carries Proven Winners plants & products 0000002660 00000 n it generally takes a or... No serious threats, watch for root rot, especially in areas with heavy clay soil your... At the base and water well a short, mat-forming plant, making an... Can promote too much growth and can shorten the life of the Northern Sea are! 'Re tough, drought-tolerant picks with long bloom seasons and colorful flowers loved by hummingbirds petunias. 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