Examples of such positions to include, but not limited to: ADULT AND SUMMER SCHOOL, SUMMER WORKSHOPS, club assignments, 44 Education Association Board of Education At the high school and middle school the normal teaching load will be five (5) teaching periods, a homeroom period, which will be rotated on an equitable basis not to exceed three (3) successive years, plus one (1) additional assignment. Withdrawal will be effective thirty (30) days after proper notification is filed. An Association Representative may speak at the conclusion of any school level meeting, or at a designated time mutually agreed upon by the building principal and the Association building representative. A high school would cost about $25 million in the budget, the staff, athletics and all those things that go along with it," said O'Malley, adding that a middle schoolis about $15 million and an elementary schoolbetween $8 million and $10 million. "I'd like to leave the district knowing kids are safe, the staff is safe and that we've really built a good infrastructure," said O'Malley, district superintendent for the past nine years who announced his June 30, 2019 resignation this week. Connecting with municipal experts, inspiring speakers and nearly 1,000 of your fellow officials. In order for a course to be reimbursed, the request for reimbursement must arrive at the Personnel Office no later than June 30 of the school year in which the course is completed. 10/20/08 . Single Coverage: Any unmarried employee, divorced person, separated person, widow or widower who does not support a family with dependents shall be eligible for single coverage. Observation reports shall be individual in nature and shall not mention other staff members by name. It is a sign of the times that nobody can say it's just passing. In the high schools and middle schools, when an eight (8) period schedule is in effect, teachers shall be required to report for duty ten (10) minutes before the late bell and shall be permitted to leave eight (8) minutes after student dismissal. President President. Any unilateral change in coverage shall be equal to or better than that currently in effect during the life of the contract. No decision affecting a Staff Member's terms and conditions of employment will be made until the Principal has formally observed and evaluated that Staff Member. Extension courses: salary guide credit for graduate courses will be granted only if the institution conducting the course is approved by an accrediting association (Middle States Association, New England Association, etc.). An additional 500 students are expected to enroll for the 2018-19 school year. duty, 14, 15, 16, 32 The Board shall pay all costs connected with the training. The district, in partnership with the community, will provide a safe, supportive learning environment which promotes self-worth and encourages productive contributions to a diverse and constantly evolving global society. The Board shall provide a payroll deduction program for the purchase of United States Savings Bonds. Consultation time for special education teachers and regular education teachers will be provided. Payment for dependents will not be considered in computing this difference. The normal budget increase is about $4 million. Forms used for observation reports and annual written performance reports shall be only those that are developed in cooperation with and agreed upon by the Association and approved by the Administration. If the member does not return after two years of temporary disability, the employee may remain on the group health insurance plan provided he/she reimburses the Board of Education for applicable premiums until termination or return to work but shall receive no other benefits except as provided in Section J of this Article. It is expected that all parties will exhibit professional behavior at all times. "So yes, it is counterintuitive to what we as public schools really want with our community, but it's where we are today. Middle school head counselors shall receive, in addition to their annual salary, compensation of two thousand nine hundred dollars ($2,900.00) annually. Date ratified by the Date ratified by the payday, 39 I think we have one remaining debt payment for Woodbrook School and then the district is debt free for all those projects, which is really how I financially set the district up," said O'Malley, who noted that seven of nine budgets were at or lower than the 2 percent cap, and the district tax levy was lowered twice in eight years. O'Malley sees more students at Edison High School with high SAT scores and goingto four-year colleges. The Superintendent shall inform all administrative staff of any decision rendered, and the Association shall inform all Association Representatives. Approval by a state educational authority alone will not suffice in this case. A copy of said notice shall be made available to the Association. Designation of said Principal/Assistant Principal/Supervisor might be determined by the number of teaching periods the staff member is assigned at the Principal's building. If a teacher is pulled from a duty and assigned to cover a class, said teacher will be paid substitute coverage at twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per period. With a search for a new superintendent expect to take four to six months, O'Malley said that his successorwill be challenged with taking the district to the next level, and that will involve addressing overcrowding, especially at the high school level. Each party shall submit to the other at least three (3) days prior to the meeting an agenda covering matters it wishes to discuss. The ETEA is comprised of 394 educational professionals committed to the pursuit of teaching excellence. All meetings between the parties shall be regularly scheduled, whenever possible, to take place when the teachers involved are free from assigned instructional responsibilities unless otherwise agreed. O'Malley said the school board has a committee looking at the need for a new high school. If at any time after filing a statement, the teacher gives evidence of inability to perform assigned duties, he/she may be required by the Superintendent or designee to submit further physician's certification of fitness at intervals of not less than one (1) month. coaching, degree differential, 39, 41 Teachers whose date of appointment for one-half (1/2) work day or more, but less than a full work day, is between October 1 and February 1 inclusive shall receive a one-half (1/2) step increment in the salary guide. Contracts Home About Members Committees Workshops Health Insurance Coverage HTEA Events Union First Contracts If you have any questions regarding the contract, please contact Frank Gatto, HTEA President, at (609) 586-9335. In the event there are more volunteers than needed, the principal shall determine assignments on a rotating basis. 2023 www.mycentraljersey.com. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the reasons for the transfer. discrimination, 6, 38 He said there is some land between John Adams Middle School and J.P. Stevens High School, but some of it is wetlands. If necessary, and with administrative approval, additional time may be granted. Two (2) meetings may be scheduled for one (1) hour thirty (30) minutes, and two (2) or three (3) meetings may be scheduled for one (1) hour fifteen (15) minutes. This adjustment in salary shall take effect no later than the date on which full responsibility was assigned for planning and implementing the program related to the additional period teaching assignment(s). Our 2023 Annual Conference will show you how. On days when no laboratory period is scheduled, teachers may be assigned non-teaching duties within the science department or a library-related duty. _______________________________________________, _________________________________________________. Employees who elect not to participate directly in the insurance coverage as outlined in Section A above shall receive two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) annually at the end of each contract year of non-participation. Teachers hired on or after July 1, 1986 will be reimbursed for graduate study in accordance with the provisions of this Article only when the course work is in the teacher's field of certification or related to their present assignment. In addition to the two (2) meetings credited for the first four (4) hours, service beyond four (4) hours will be compensated at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour for each year of this contract. is placed in effect. Guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers who work beyond these days set forth above, with the Superintendents approval, will be paid in accordance with Article VII, Section C, Paragraph 1. For the purpose of clarification, homeroom and/or bus supervision may be assigned only to a classroom teacher. It is urged that assignments should be rotated annually, with a maximum of three (3) consecutive years of service in any one (1) role/capacity. Assistant Superintendent - Pupil Special Services, Chief Academic Officer - Elementary Administrator, Chief Academic Officer - Secondary Administrator, High School Math Textbook ISBN Information, Middle School Math Textbook ISBN Information, Elementary School Curriculum Guides and K-2 Report Card Rubrics, Gifted and Talented Parent Information Night, District Health Forms & Athletics Information, Edison Board of Health Immunization Schedule. Except for emergencies, teachers shall not be required to attend after school meetings on the day of Back-to-School Night. He began. Contract. Everything is paid for. Admin. Building improvements haven't been limited to that school. Emil Ferlicchi James Kukor, Board Member Criteria for selection to this committee shall give emphasis to the kind of personnel resources needed to complete the assigned tasks, training level, teaching experience, and interest in doing such work. At the middle school, the daily preparation time shall be one (1) period of forty-six (46) consecutive minutes in a seven (7) period daily schedule, or the equivalent of two (2) classroom instructional periods in an eight (8) period daily schedule. A minimum of ten (10) different programs per year will be offered. The concern/problem should be clearly presented, and solutions or suggestions to address the concern may be offered by the individual. Membership on this committee shall include personnel from each educational level (elementary, middle, and high schools) and from every type of position within the organizational hierarchy (teacher, supervisor, administrator, special service personnel). The memorandum of understanding between the school board and township runs through the end of 2017-18 school year. Compensation will be provided at the maximum mileage rate per mile permitted under the Internal Revenue Service rules for business use of automobiles. edison township education association contract 2018 edison township education association contract 2018. "We can never go back. Once certification has been received and verified by the Board, said teacher will enjoy all employment credit provided by existing contract language. The Edison Township Overcrowding Task Force scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 450 Division St. was canceled due to school closing and is expected to be rescheduled in the next couple of weeks, according to the board president. Said procedure shall conform to statutory requirements. Teachers whose date of appointment for less than one-half (1/2) work day is after February 1 shall receive no increment in the salary guide. Promethean boards are in every classroom. A summary of available indicators of pupil progress and growth, and a statement of how these indicators relate to the effectiveness of the overall program and the performance of the individual teaching staff member; Provision for performance data which have not been included in the report prepared by the evaluator to be entered into the record by the evaluatee within ten (10) working days after the signing of the report. All new Mentor Teachers must attend required training sessions before this assignment. Oct 2013 - Dec 20207 years 3 months. All rights reserved. If required to facilitate/conduct in-service sessions or staff development training sessions after the completion of the normal school day as stated in Article VIII, Section A, Paragraph 2, the staff development trainer will be compensated in time equal to the time required to facilitate/conduct any in-service session, or staff development training session. All school nurses and athletic trainers required to report for sports physicals shall be paid a per diem compensation of one two-hundredth (1/200th) based on a daily rate or, if needed, an hourly rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Teachers who are involuntarily transferred shall receive written notification of the Board's action. MEETING OF THE EDISON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION . Teachers may individually elect to have up to ten percent (10%) of their monthly salary deducted from their pay for summer savings. "I have had a great run over the past nine years in Edison and I would like to end my term here on a high note with the successes that the school district is currently at and with the professionalism that the community deserves," said O'Malley, who has worked as a school superintendent for 15 years, and is looking to take advantage of private- and public-sector opportunities he has previously bypassed. /s/ Shannon Reilly /s/ Daniel P. Michaud Member Center To Do In Edison About ECC About COVID-19 Info Edison Township Education Association Education 2 Ethel Road, Suite 203A Edison NJ 08817-2839 (732) 287-4322 (732) 287-6181 Send Email Visit Website Rep/Contact Info Ruthanne Quinn 2021-2024 Agreement . Our members understand the importance and . A teacher has five (5) working days to sign the observation report. salary adjustments, 41 Our motto "Lighting the Way", demonstrates our commitment to illuminating the young minds who will shape and guide the future. 50 timely township topics at sessions crafted to keep you on top of the changes, requirements and expectations of today's local leaders. Harassment/Intimidation/bullying Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. JULY 1, 2008 - JUNE 30, 2011 . Teachers who desire to apply for any vacancy shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent's office within the limit specified in the notice, and acknowledgment shall be given to all such applicants. ETEA Negotiating Team BOE Negotiating Team To me, that is a tremendous accomplishment that all kids have access to an equal education. Woodbridge Township Education Association. REMINDER: TAKE ACTION TO PREVENT THE FLU! Thereafter, to remain on the group insurance, the employee must reimburse the Board for all applicable premiums. Every effort will be made to restrict the teaching schedule to two (2) subject areas and a maximum of three (3) teaching preparations. work year. Any part-time staff member whose work day ends at the end of the school day is required to attend the staff meetings. Middle School Core Content Leader: Teachers of English or Math will teach two (2) classes per day. Edison Township EA Latest news Educator Evaluation Rubric Weights January 9, 2023 2022-2023 Evaluation Updates NotificationofEducatorEvaluationRubricWeightsfor2022-2023andBacktoSchoolKeyDateReminders Read More ETEA Friends & Family Night January 9, 2023 Box 428, School Street . class coverage, 31 Teachers who travel to two (2) or more schools in the same day shall be assigned a duty-free schedule on that day. Every effort will be made to ensure that personal planning time will be used at the discretion of the teacher. class size, 16 "So you could build a high school and we probably could get a referendum passed, but can the people afford it, because it's $25 million on top of everything else.". Myron Fouratt Sue Scerbo, Board Member O'Malley said his leadership skills came most into play following the March 2014 fire that destroyedJames Monroe Elementary School. "If you build it, they will come," O'Malleysaid in describing the district's growth. personal days, unused, 27 Click below to report an incident online through Hibster. Specific deadline dates for receipt of application or letter will be noted. New personnel may be required to attend four (4) days of orientation to be scheduled during the ten (10) weekdays prior to the start of the school year. In the event that changes in teaching assignments take place after the close of the school year, teachers will be immediately notified by mail of such changes. The value of the program to the district, as determined from the relationship of the program to the candidate's present or potential assignments in the district, i.e., the capability of the program to provide the candidate with additional competencies which could be of future value to the district. Land for a new school also is an issue. Employees shall be subject to payroll deduction as necessary to reimburse the Board or its carrier for benefits erroneously paid. Except in an emergency, the agenda for all meetings shall be given to the teachers at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Kindergarten teachers will be provided with two (2) preparation periods of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes each. Woodbridge Township Education Association 34 Green Street, Suite A Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095 732-634-5028 . The Board will comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A. The catastrophic out-of-pocket amount for out-of-network and supplemental coverage will be twenty percent (20%) of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) single/eight thousand dollars ($8,000.00) family. Wrestling D Golf MTEA. In such cases, the observation shall not mention staff members by name. "We've done this, and we don't get a lot a credit for it, without any debt. In the event that the position cannot be filled, this posting will be district-wide. child study team, 15 All grievance hearings shall be at a mutually agreed-upon site in Edison Township. At the same time, the disposition of the unresolved grievance at Level I shall also be submitted in writing to the Committee. Assigned after-school and evening activity coverage will be compensated according to the following schedule: More than two (2) hours and up to four (4) hours of service will earn credit for two (2) meetings. Softball Strength Training (Annual) Any teacher in the Edison Township School system, or any other person under the supervision or control of the Edison Township Board of Education, if required by the Association and Board, shall be made available for appearance at any arbitration or grievance hearing as requested by the Association or the Board without any loss of pay while attending such hearings. . A teacher shall receive a full step increment if the teacher, during the course of a school year, accumulates less than thirty (30) calendar days of requested unpaid leave. Welcome to the Ewing Township Education Association webpage! If at any time this assignment causes a teacher to go beyond the four (4) or five (5) meetings per month limit, the teacher will be compensated at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour for each year of this contract. Benefits. A teacher may file an addendum to the observation report within ten (10) working days after the follow-up conference. contract, on leave, or employed by the Board, including: all full-time and part-time professional Evening parent-teacher conferences shall be scheduled on Tuesday and may be conducted for a two (2) hour and fifteen (15) minute period. direct deposit, 40 The regular Public Meeting of the Edison Township Board of Education, previously scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 7:00 P.M. at Edison High School, 50 Boulevard of Eagles, Edison, New Jersey, will now be commence at 6:00 P.M., beginning with Closed Session to . Formal classroom observations for the purpose of assessing teacher performance and teacher evaluation shall be conducted only by personnel holding a supervisory certificate issued by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners. /s/ Myron J. Fouratt /s/ Barry F. Miller When a payday falls on or during a school holiday, vacation, or weekend, teachers shall receive their paychecks on the last working day prior to the holiday. A teacher shall suffer no disadvantage in terms of scheduling or course assignments based on chosen method of evaluation. At the elementary level, the Head Building Association Representative will not be assigned bus supervision. School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades, Anti- Bullying Bill of Rights District and School Grade Report, Message from Assistant Superintendent - Pupil Special Services, Special Education Parent Advisory Council (ESPAC), Policy Guidelines for Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE), Parental Rights in Special Education (Revised August 2016), Referral Process & Child Study Team Services, Educational Service Option for Students with Disabilities, Middlesex County Project Lifesaver Program, Edison Township Public Schools - Transition Programs, IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), 2022-2023 Subscription Bussing Application, Technology Help Desk Repair Ticket Requests, Edison Township Public Schools Preschool Program, Board of Education and Meeting Information. Assignments will be posted on the department level. Passing time will not be scheduled as part of the preparation period for elementary special subject teachers. Voluntary HMOs may be made available by the Board. Our new contract was ratified in December 2015. The Association Representative, however, is charged with representing the views of the Association with regard to any resolution to the matter. "I think the board has to say these are non-negotiables now. The conference will be arranged at a time most convenient to all parties involved. Be scheduled as part of the school Board and township runs through the of. This case designation of said Principal/Assistant Principal/Supervisor might be determined by the number of teaching excellence, charged. Mentor teachers must attend required training sessions before this assignment kindergarten teachers will be discuss! Be submitted in writing to the pursuit of teaching periods the staff meetings decision rendered, solutions. At a time most convenient to all parties will exhibit professional behavior at all.., 14, 15, 16, 32 the Board has to say these are non-negotiables now time for education! 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