(Geneva County Reaper, 10 Mar 1922, P 5. W. C. Smith passed to his final reward last Wednesday night and was laid to rest at Leddon Thursday. The Opp News. McLeod, departed this life Wednesday morning at 1:30 o'clock after a few days illness. Transcribed by SLH) The minister was pronouncing the final words of the burial service when Manning toppled over dead. Mrs. John Summerlin, who had been an invalid for some time past, passed away Tuesday of last week, and was laid to rest in Poplar Head cemetery Wednesday afternoon. In the death of Mr. Latimer Geneva county sympathizes with the bereaved ones in their sadness. In fact, Geneva County, AL newspaper articles originally published Alabama obituaries. Jesse Aycock, one of the oldest men of this community, died at his home Thursday, the funeral being held at Fairfield church Friday afternoon, Rev. Sellers, and was about 16 years of age. McCRONE, Mrs. H.M. Statewide Public Notices. Geneva, AL Obituaries Uncle Mack will be missed at many firesides where he was one of the best of entertainers. Millard A. Simmons, son of T.G. Transcribed by SLH), ADKISON, BONEY A number of witnesses were examined, and both of the defendants proved conclusively that at the time of the killing they were at some other point. U.S. Social Security Death Index 1935-2014 search this death index database of over 94 million records. A dispatch was received in Geneva Saturday afternoon, stating that Carl Sims, son of A. W. Sims, residing on route one Geneva, had departed this life in Philadelphia as a result of diphtheria. She was 89 years old. (Geneva County Reaper, 18 Jul 1919, p1. B. He was an active member of the Andalusia Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Kiwanis Club. Transcribed by SLH) He was elected to the legislature in 1914. (Geneva County Reaper, 23 Nov 1923, P 1. He stood his gun beside a small tree, took a last look at his beloved commander and began his journey back to his beloved Alabama, where he has lived since, an honored and respected citizen. The body was brought to her home and the funeral was conducted from there on Wednesday. He was born on January 16, 1937 to Ollie J Spurlin and Exa Ellis Spurlin. Rev. (Geneva County Reaper, 08 Dec 1922, P 2. He was entirely well on retiring, and a member of his family in the same room with him did not discover any indication of illness during the night, but when it was attempted to awake him he was already cold. of the family throughout this whole section doubtless regret to learn of the He was actually dead. a student at the University of Alabama; a sister, Miss Tessa Latimer of Geneva. All three men are from Gordon. He never attached himself to any organization except the Confederate Army, yet he was a firm believer in the Primitive Baptist church and his presence will be sadly missed in the councils. The child was just a month old and had been sick only a short while. (Geneva County Reaper, 09 Jun 1922, P 2. death of Mr. Latimer and deeply sympathize with the bereaved ones in their (Geneva County Reaper, 19 May 1922, P 8. Latimer, Sr. and Mrs. A.J. The pastor, Rev. On Wednesday evening at 6 oclock the spirit of J.J. Johnson passed Mrs. Dallas Metcalf, who has long been a bed-ridden invalid, passed to her final reward Monday night between ten and eleven oclock. The bereaved mother and brother and other relatives have the sympathy of the entire community. County, She enjoyed taking care of her family. (Mrs. Atkins obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 15 June 1923, P 5. Mrs. Alto Marchman died Wednesday. The remains were laid to rest at Leonia cemetery. Smith obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 13 Apr 1923, P 1. Transcribed by SLH) Geneva County Reaper - September 26, 1947 - Albert J. Latimer. Andalusia, Ala., Jan. 20.Citizens of Andalusia and Covington county were shocked Friday morning to hear the news that A. P. McGowin, prominent lumber man and widely known citizen, was found dead in his car near Acree school building with a Winchester rifle near the body. He partially recovered and was removed to his home here. Albany, GA; Mrs. Karl Winter, New Orleans, Louisiana. To this union were born seven children, as follows: Charlie Stewart, who was called from time to eternity in May, 1900; Mrs. D. T. Fulton, of Hartford; John W. Stewart, of near Black; Mr. J. L. Collins and James W. Steward, of our community; A. F. Stewart, of Hartford, and Mrs. Fannie Savell, of Bonifay, Fla. The body of Ed Ogletree was sent to Gordon where burial took place. He has, Simply browse the Genevas obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. A two-vehicle crash that occurred at approximately 10:05 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7, has claimed the lives of a Georgiana woman and a Brewton woman. Geneva Obituaries Recent, Arrests reports for Opp Police Department, Covington County Jail January 30-February 5. Geneva County Reaper - August 5, 1965 - Bertha Leigh Latimer. Funeral services were held Thursday morning in the Primitive Baptist church in Samson. hundreds of US newspapers Geneva County Reaper - November 15, 1929 - S.F. of Geneva and by Mrs. Mary Sollie, Ozark; Hugh Johnson, Montgomery, Mrs. Ed The names, logos, and other source identifying features of newspapers depicted in our database are the trademarks of their respective owners, and our use of newspaper content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement from, the publishers of the newspaper titles that appear on our site. Call: 334-684-2280, get directions to 803 E Town Ave, Geneva, AL, 36340, company website, reviews, ratings, and more! Transcribed by SLH) (Mrs. Dallas Metcalf obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 28 May 1920, P 1. He is survived by his widow, one brother, S. J. McGowin, and one sister, Mrs. Aubrey Brown, both of whom reside in Andalusia. The deceased was 65 years of age at her death, and is survived by a husband, two daughters Mr. J. H. Mullins, of Daleville, Ala., and Mrs. T. P. Williamson, of Cerro Gordo, N. C.; three sons, B. W., of Geneva; W. H. of Montgomery, and A. D., of Minneapolis, Minn., and several brothers and sisters. Surviving her are her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Price Grice, and several sisters and brothers. On Sunday Morning, December 18, the remains were taken to Mt. Indeed, it is doubtful if another person in West Florida has lived to so ripe an old age. Keith, Sr. Mr. Latimer was engaged in business with his father, Mr. universe to remove from our midst our much esteemed and beloved brother, Dr. The remains were laid to rest in Poplar Head cemetery Saturday morning. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased. Will DeShazzo. May the Heavenly Father's blessings rest upon one and all. Aunt Polly Spikes passed to the great beyond last Wednesday night at 7 oclock and was laid to rest in the Hendrix graveyard Thursday afternoon. Transcribed by SLH), MATHEWS, REX Elbert Smith, officiating. (Geneva County Reaper, 20 Jan 1922, P 1. The many friends Funeral services will be held at 2:00 . Resolved Transcribed by SLH), ATKINS, Mrs. The burial took place at 10 a.m. Tuesday, the Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday . For years Mr. Latimer had been associated in business with J.J. Ogletree was carried to a Dothan hospital at 6 oclock Saturday evening. Mrs. Nancy McCormack, wife of Mr. Abner McCormack, one of the leading farmers of Limestone county, was found dead in bed a few days ago. During the past year she had been a student of the Kinsaul School and had made an admirable record, and she will be sadly missed by her classmates. Chicago, July 22May Malsh, 7 feet, 6 inches tall, and said to be the tallest woman in the world, died today at the municipal tuberculosis sanitarium. SMITH, (Son) Transcribed by SLH), McGOWAN, WILLIE MARIE SMITH OBITUARY. (Geneva County Reaper, 06 Feb 1920, P 1. A. Cullifer. Transcribed by SLH), McCORMACK, NANCY USGenWeb Alabama Archives search online Chapel on Saturday afternoon, September 26, at 3 p.m. Miss Latimer died on Will Simmons Killed by Bolt at Geneva Burial will follow at Meadowlawn Memorial Park with Pittman Funeral Home of Geneva, directing. He is survived by his wife and small child. Date: 189? The infant baby of John Owens was buried at Pond Town Sunday afternoon. MESSER, Mrs. BABE Newspapers.com makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. The remains of Ms. Kate Smiths son, who was killed in France, were brought back to Pondtown and buried there on day last week. Transcribed by SLH), MANNING, S.J. been confined to his home. Note: Affiliate links are used within the directory on this site and a small contribution goes to the website for some purchases made. (Geneva County Reaper, 04 Aug 1922, P. 2. Both families, the Greggs and Spears, are very much grief-stricken over the affair, as is also this entire section of county.Holmes County Advertiser. McGUIRE, DANIEL Transcribed by SLH) While she lay suffering agonies, she was forced to witness three large hogs devour her three-months-old child, which she laid on the ground while she worked. 23, with Rev. Steward obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 23 Dec 1921, P 5. and Norvelle; four daughters, Mrs. K.C. She was laid to rest at Christian Home Monday. At the time of his death he was one of the most prominent merchants in the county and the largest livestock buyer and shipper in this section of the state. Geneva Record 1887-1892 Newspapers.com. Geneva most profound and tender sympathy and point them to the great Redeemer for Samson, Ala., May 20--Two are dead and three injured as a result of a terrific electric storm which swept over this section about 6:30 this evening. Charley McDonald, who has been sick some two weeks, passed to the great beyond last Tuesday evening. She is survived by eight children, Mrs. J. J. Faulk, of Enterprise; Miss Lois, of Montgomery, Miss Maggie Ruth, who is teaching at Black; Carlton, of Abbeville. He commanded the love and respect of all who knew him. (Geneva County Reaper, 21 Apr 1922, P 5. J. F. Pharr, of Florala, who spoke a few timely words. Transcribed by SLH) Obituary Index Geneva County, AL- -This particular page exists for the purpose of indexing obituaries of individuals born in Geneva County, Alabama.-Name Born Age Birth_Place Died; Arnold Kelly, Gladys Juanita [ Cain ] 12/02/1908: 98: Slocomb, AL: 02/05/2007: Avery Thweatt, Wilbur Phillip: 03/08/1927: 81: Mr. Stanley had been sick for three weeks, and the last two weeks his children saw there wasnt any chance for him to recover. Sanders, Dothan, Mrs. Margaret Steetle, Andalusia, Miss Catherine Latimer, Medical aid was at once summoned, but nothing could be done to relieve the sufferer. The death last week of William A. Sauls, aged 103, removes from among us the oldest citizen of Holmes County. Mr. Alexander had the sympathy of his many friends in Geneva, his former home. (Geneva, Ala.) 1887-1890s, Geneva: Mirror. Bozie Bullock, third member of the party, was slightly hurt. J. Alabama Tombstone Project search cemetery transcriptions for Transcribed by HEH). Jr., Norvelle Latimer, A.J. Department of Veterans Affairs Death Will D. Scott, a colored employee at the depot died of heart failure Friday morning, while attending to his duties in the freight warehouse. . men in the personage of S. F. Latimer, Sr. Mr. Latimer died at 6 oclock Passed Away Saturday Morning - The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Simmons died last Saturday morning at one o'clock. Tornado touched down one mile east of Geneva at the intersection of County Roads 4 and 6 damaging 6 to 10 residences. Her relatives have our sympathy. Latimer and one sister, Miss Tessa Latimer, (Geneva, The Geneva Tribune, 23 Feb 1897, p1. (Will Maund obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 16 Mar . (Geneva County Reaper, 14 May 1920, P 6. [2] It is published by Mo Pujol and edited by Katherine Hepperle. McELVANE, G.B. Find a Grave Index 1600s-Current 1921, P 6 in Poplar Head cemetery Saturday morning his many friends funeral services were Thursday... 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