Grant Osborneonthe course of our life-Most recent studies (Blomberg and Kamell, Martin, Moo) realize that the phrase had become a more popular idea by James's time, simply meaning the ups and downs of life. Mind what you say, or you may say whatever comes to mind. "The answer of the tongue is from Jehovah" (Proverbs 16:1). Proverbs 13:3. Always, only, for my King. She came in one day and was talking to him when suddenly they heard the vilest language imaginable. For my part, I am of opinion, that he has, by his wicked life, caused many to stumble and fall; and will be, if God prevent not, the ruin of many more. By the deeds that you do, by the words that you say; While I acknowledge that it is not always wrong to sue, I was moved by the choice of those parents to follow the pure, peaceable, and gentle way (Jas. Help us to speak with loving words "The crown of the wise is their riches" (Proverbs 14:24). Wherever we are today, lets ask the Lord to use us as His peacemakers. On the healthy tree every branch is laden with the fruits of mercy. Once spoken, words cant be taken back. Lord, please guard my heart and my words today. Those strong words remind us how damaging unguarded words can be to those around us. If the heart is filled with hatred, Satan will light the fire. Oswald Chambers, Knowledge is the fountain of wisdom. Fetid meansoffensively malodorous. The person with godly wisdom is not "playing the part." Hence the Apostle Paul, in the Epistle to the Romans, distinguishes all men into two classesthose who are in the flesh, and those who are in the spirit; the standard on which the division is based being that which I have now indicated: Ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you (Ro 8:9+). What is in the well of your heart will show up in the bucket of your speech. The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable. "The mouth of the wicked speaketh perverseness" (Proverbs 10:32). But the spiritual aspect that oversees the physical brain is usually referred to as the "heart" (not the physical heart of course). They bless with their mouth, But inwardly they curse. Like all wisdom among men on moral questions, which is only earthly, only natural, it is devilishdevil-like. (THEY COULD NOT BRING FORTH "FRESH WATER"!) ), and by your words you will be condemned.(Matthew 12:34-37). 2 Set your mind (present imperative) on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. He cannot speak well who cannot hold his tongue. Lord, help us to control our tongues, Today, researchers continue to try to replicate that ancient formula, but without success. The character of this wisdom (James 3:15) Matthew 15:18. Burdick thinks that "In reality, he is not referring to the tongue of flesh but to the intelligent, communicating mind that uses the tongue as its instrument. The mother is now leading a crusade to promote child safety. Are there people even now who are hurt or angry because of something you have said? Help me evaluate each thought (Rom. -- Dennis J. Evil(5337)(phaulos)means worthless, corrupt, goodfornothing, depraved, mediocre, unimportant, of no account, vile, evil, wicked, foul, depraved. The idea is to imprecate (= to invoke) evil on someone saying that a supernatural power will cause harm to someone or something. A pastor friend told me about a sign he had seen in front of a neighborhood church. Words are our thoughts going public! Jon Courson has an application to help us guard our tongues -When you hear gossip, pray silently in the Spirit to keep your tongue busy lest you join in the hellish discussion. "The heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness" (Proverbs 12:23). Johnstone on demonic/devilish -But something more awful still has to be said of this wicked wisdom. By:Julie Ackerman Link(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. So too, though the tongue is a small organ, it can do great harm. Louw-Nida - "to produce something new, with the implication of using materials already in existence.". Is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy- First - first in rank and time. He later admonished them, "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise" (Eph 5:15). It is interesting that when our Lord came to that dumb man, the Gospel writer is very careful to say, "He touched his mouth!" NIV Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. The rock from which they sprang determined the quality of the water, such as at Elim or conversely at Marah. "A divine sentence is in the lips of the king; His mouth shall not transgress in judgment" (Proverbs 16:10). Reprinted by permission. By:Anne Cetas(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. We have all kinds of devices to help us communicate. This was a shameful sin, and James would not tolerate it!" 1:4; Jas. Think of the potential of the tongue which James is depicting with this phrase the very world of iniquity -- it has the power to affect the entire unrighteous, sinful world! For example, pikros suggests a spiteful, vindictive person as well as bitter, unpleasant taste (see Exodus 15:23), piercing sound, sorrowful feelings, and painful disappointment. 1 En. GWN James 3:17 However, the wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure. (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. We have here, you observe, the truth brought before us, that genuine Christian wisdom, whether it lead a man to become a teacher in the church or not, will, at all events, in all cases find expression through giving spiritual loveliness to the whole daily life. James uses the present tenseand the perfect tense. (1 Pe 3:9+), Curse(accursed) (2671)(katarafromkat= down, against [intensifies meaning] +ara= a curse) means a malediction (literally to speak evil), imprecation (calling down a curse) on these men. Pride prattles on and on. "A lying tongue is but for a moment" (Proverbs 12:19). E. Stanley Jones, Sharp tongues have a way of sharpening other tongues. NRS James 3:9 With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse those who are made in the likeness of God. Two ships collided in the Black Sea in 1986, hurling hundreds of passengers into the icy waters and causing a tragic loss of life. From above(509)(anothenfromano= above, upward, up +suffix"-then" = from) literally means from above with a secondary meaning of again. Verse 1. In other words, we are to sing a duet, the tongue and the heart are to be in tune. Instead of fighting, we need to be helpful, positive, and encouraging toward others. If at the end of that cooling off period, he still felt the same sentiments, he would send the letter. Its natural killer instinct having been honed since the tender age of six months, this beast is fearful of no one. Do notlie(5574)(pseudomaifrompseudo= to cheat, defraud, falsify) means to communicate what is false, with the evident purpose of misleading. BBE James 3:16 For where envy is, and the desire to get the better of others, there is no order, but every sort of evil-doing. "Excellent speech becometh not a fool: Much less do lying lips a prince" (Proverbs 17:7). 5 They hold fast to themselves an evil purpose; They talk of laying snares secretly; They say, Who can see them?Psalm 64:2-5), They ("Evil men" Ps 140:1) sharpen their tongues as a serpent; b Selah. ", Cole makes an excellent point that "also implicit in the verse is the fact that a harvest is not accidental or serendipitous. 1 Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. (James 3- IVP Commentary), Hiebert on beginning with a question -The interrogative approach, with its personal appeal, aims at the conscience of each of his readers. Even for believers the battle of taming a tongue by the power of the Spirit rages daily as our fallen flesh seeks to usurp control of our tongue (cf Eph 4:29+). Religious zeal or "enthusiasm" for God and truth is a commendable attitude, but the subtleties of sinful human nature can readily pervert it into bitter antagonism against those who do not express their adherence to God and His truth in the same way we do. The field in which the seed is sown is the human mind and heart, immeasurably the noblest and richest soil to be found on earth. Matthew 12:36. The existence of many of its villages depended on the availability of such a source for its water. The course of nature refers to ongoing of life in general, not the recycling of individual souls. We must ask God for the wisdom to know when to speak, what to speak, and when to simply keep our mouths shut. It doesnt come from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. It is the wisdom that leads to immoral decisions about how life should be lived. (LAC), NOTE -The typical weekday Amidah actually consists of nineteen blessings, though it originally had eighteen (hence the alternative nameShemoneh Esreh, meaning "Eighteen"). Thomas Manton, Most of a mans sins are in his words. This passage begins with a stern warning to those who teach and proceeds to a set of pronouncements, nearly a tirade, on how the human tongue Continue reading "Commentary on James 3:1-12" 12:34). "The tongue of the wise promotes health" (Proverbs 12:18). God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason, the saying goes. All rights reserved), You're writing a "gospel," a chapter each day, Think of the hours we spend talking, whether in casual conversations about trivia or deep discussions about important issues. The tongue is placed among our members as a world of iniquity; it stains the whole body, sets on fire the cycle of nature, and is itself set on fire by hell. Speciesrace(5449)(phusisfromphuo= to bring forth) means natural condition, nature, natural order, being, essence, kind, species. A careless word may kindle strife; All rights reserved). Itnever hurt anyone else. But somehow, this tamed cougar, leopard or wolf suddenly reverted back to an old instinctto lash out, to maim, to kill. 3:11). He alone is worthy and is able to give us victory. -- Psalm 141:3 Ecclesiastes 5:2 (Ge 3:5,6+). 2:24; Jas. In these three verses James briefly discusses the motivation (James 3:14), the characteristics (James 3:15), and the results (James 3:16) of false wisdom. Reprinted by permission. He also knew well the terrible joy that comes only through suffering as he lived quite afflicted (both by illness and slander). If we listen to ourselves before speaking out loud, we can judge our hearts before our careless words harm others or sadden our God. Mitton aptly calls this "an ascending scale of wickedness! And with it - That is with the very same mouth that uttered blessings to God. The word suggests the vice of a leader who creates a party for his own pride: it is partly ambition, partly rivalry. Rom. Do we feel burdened when others fail, or are we glad? No man can tame the tongue, he wrote. Later, when someone asked how he could do that, Lee replied, "My friend, all ground is level at the foot of the cross.". Christian: He is the son of one Say-well; he dwelt in Prating Row; and is known of all that are acquainted with him, by the name of Talkative in Prating Row; and notwithstanding his fine tongue, he is but a sorry fellow. 10:9+; Rev. If we joke about sinful practices, we are speaking in a way we shouldnt (Ephesians 5:12). James is emphatic thatsuch "dichotomousdialogue" is completelyunnaturalfor those who are new creatures in Christ, and among whom old things have passed away (good and evil speech natural from same mouth) and new things have come (holy speech) (cf 2 Cor 5:17+). Meekness of wisdom is accepting Wisdom's dealings with us without a murmur and without a sigh. The more it burns, the faster it revolves until the whole wheel spins in a blaze, spitting fire in all directions. If we hear that the preacher across town has a bigger church, as long as hes preaching the truth, we should think, Praise God that His truth is going forth! But worldly wisdom doesnt seek Gods glory. "Happy is the man that findeth wisdom " (Proverbs 3:13-18). 18:25; 1 Sa15:32 = Surely the bitterness of death is past. 2:25+; Titus3:2+; Jas. As we bring othersdown, we gain the illusion that we are moving upward. NAB James 3:11 Does a spring gush forth from the same opening both pure and brackish water? And thus the tongue can be used for both good and evil (James 3:9). let him show by his good life his works in meekness of wisdom. His life will be characterized by modesty and unobtrusive-ness. And, being earthly, it is sensual. (NATURAL) The word so translated occurs in the New Testament several times, but is rendered sensual only here and in a verse in Jude, where mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts, (Jude 1:18+) are described as worldly-minded (psuchikos), devoid of the Spirit (Jude 1:19+). Beware! One thing you can give and still keep is your word. The best way to avert the flames of anger is to keep from striking that first match. Beyond this text, James affirmed forgiveness of sins (cf. Instead of creating the kind of verbal Greek fire that can destroy relationships, families, and churches, lets yield our tongue to the Holy Spirits control and allow our words to glorify the Lord. All of our conduct and conversation stems from either the one nature or the other. Sometimes, however, we have three constituent elements mentioned or alluded tothe body, soul, and spirit (ED: See Dichotomy versus Trichotomy). But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, 3 men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. Then your lives will be an example of the humility that is born of true wisdom. Eritheiadescribes personal gratification and self-fulfillment at any cost, which are the ultimate goals of all fleshly endeavors. -. Proverbs 18:8 The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels, And they go down into the innermost parts of the body. (BKC) (ED: wisdom and the "Restrainer," the Holy Spirit! Jesus usedspeirorepeatedly in His parables (Mt 13:3,18,24,31)We are all sowing some kind of seed. 16:5-7). For when we feel offended or unjustly criticized, the Spirit will remind us of God's love and keep us from reacting. Its never too late to begin growing in wisdom. Its a world of iniquity. (Ibid), Hiebert on world of iniquity -From the context it seems best to accept that James thinks of the tongue as a vast system of iniquity." (Pr 2:6). Unfortunately believers can sometimes corrupt the purity of God's wisdom by intermixing worldly wisdom, especially when we compromise and mix worldly principles with Biblical principles. Were either growing sweeter and wiser as the days go by, or were growing into foolish or even sour-faced curmudgeons. Jesus said, The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out the evil stored up in his heart. The fruit of this wisdom (James 3:18) (Hiebert - James Commentary). But as noted with my brethren James is clearly addressing believers among whomit is not fitting or right for theirtongue to exhibit such untamed speech. A believer is just like a fig tree. This is hypocrisy. James 3:6, Today's Scripture & Insight: James 3:112, It wasnt as simple as just crossing another river. When we fear we have crossed a Rubicon with someone, we can seek their forgivenessand Gods (Matthew 5:2324; 1 John 1:9). (MacArthur New Testament Commentary James). 2:10; Phil. "The scoffer is an abomination to men" (Proverbs 24:9). James 3:9. NIV James 3:14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Lets be on the defensive against any offensive or unloving terms in our own dictionary of usage. The court added, "But if those words or language are only used behind their backs and only between a few friends it would not be a misconduct. All rights reserved), The tongue can spread suspicion, Still today, the phrase crossing the Rubicon is a metaphor for passing the point of no return.. Troublemakers? So well not bring on You disgrace. A Malaysian court has ruled that using derogatory and vulgar language about your superiors at work is acceptable, as long as you do it behind their backs. In that Ephesians passage Paul is addressing believers who can at least take up the shield of faith to extinguish the demonic arrows. When someone gets bitter, they pierce themselves and build up or fasten together hate for someone else. Proverbs 9:10-12 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. The answer is the same way a believer is able to control their tongue -- it is by continually beingfilled with (controlled by) the Spirit (Eph 5:18+), continually walking by the Spirit (Gal 5:16+). This evil chafes at confinement, always seeking a way to escape and to spread its deadly poison. To honor You today. (Faith, Love & Hope: An Exposition of the Epistle of James). Its a battle worth waging.ByDennis J. DeHaan(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Anon. There is there neither prayer nor sign of repentance for sin; yea, the brute in his kind serves God far better than he. NLT James 3:16 For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. Whenever we use words that are considered crude, profane, or obscene, we violate Gods clear standards. (BKC), Letshow (1166)(deiknuo) in this context means to show so as to prove something is true or to make clear by evidence or reasoning. --Dennis De Haan (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. The parents were heartbroken when their young adopted daughter died in an unusual accident. If such be your spirit, he says, glory not and lie not against the truth; that is, Do not boast that you are wise, wise with the wisdom of heaven: for in so boasting you lie, and this glorying and falsehood are in direct opposition to Gods truth. So the parents appealed to the clothing and slide manufacturers to correct the problems that led to the death of their daughter. If your mind goes blankdon't forget to turn off the sound. 15:23-26). An individual is made pure through faith in Jesus Christ, and this establishes peace between God and himself Romans 5:1 says, "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.". YLT James 3:9 with it we do bless the God and Father, and with it we do curse the men made according to the similitude of God; NAB James 3:9 With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings who are made in the likeness of God. At amusement parks, the bumper-car ride is always popular. GNT James 3:15 , , . Author: Vernon C. Grounds (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. It thus denotes a party spirit, or factiousness.Thus it denotes a willingness "to use unworthy and divisive means" to promote one's own views or interest. Supposedly, he had it in the Garden of Eden before sin entered the world, but not thereafter. 20:19; 2 Sam. (Ibid), Wiersbe -The tongue cannot be tamed by man, but it can be tamed by God. Those who are engulfed in self-serving worldly wisdom resent anyone or anything that comes between them and their own objectives.' It will remain to be contemplated through eternity If it has been a useless life, it can never be improved. Faithful: Well, he seems to be a very pretty man. without partiality and without hypocrisy. And ask God to set a guard over your mouth to keep you from saying the wrong thing (Ps. May I speak only words that please You and bring health and healing to others. NAB James 3:18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace. It is not the modern concept of gentleness or meekness which associates a touch of passivity and weakness with these words! Interestingly, my friend didnt think this was impractical or foolish. The verb "flow from" (bruei), used only here in the New Testament, denotes something that is full to bursting; it indicates that the spring copiously gushes forth its water. BBE James 3:8 But the tongue may not be controlled by man; it is an unresting evil, it is full of the poison of death. (Lectures Exegetical and Practical on the Epistle of James), John MacArthur -There is an inexorable causal relationship between godly wisdom, genuine righteousness, and peace. To clean up what we say, (Isaiah 11:2+)As John Calvin said "To search for wisdom apart from Christ means not simply foolhardiness but utter insanity." The impossibility of this occurring should cause believers to realize how vital it is to learn to submit our tongue to the control of the Spirit. Geologists had given the project a favorable report, but there was still some risk. Please guard my mouth today. William James Sidis was born in 1898 with an IQ of 250. His question does not imply that none is wise but challenges to self-examination those who rashly assume that they are. Then it is peaceful, gentle, obedient, filled with mercy and good deeds, impartial, and sincere. YLT James 3:13 Who is wise and intelligent among you? Heavenly wisdom is better than worldly wealth, and to be preferred before it. It may leap upon the back of the prey or pin it down with its powerful claws. Notice how James repeats these two negative markers of ungodly, worldly wisdom -Jealousy(seepreceding note on zelos) andSelfish ambition(see preceding note oneritheia). - The rhetorical question calls for a reply of "Absolutely not!" The manifestation of this wisdom (James 3:14) It takes time, so be gracious in granting that to the other person. When this is sown, still in peace, it produces righteousness again, wherein is the further fruitage; and so ever on. In the preceding section James spoke of the importance of controlling one's tongue and now in James 3:13-18 speaks of the importance of controlling one's mind so to speak. Hate explodes from the lips. Amplified But the wisdom from above is first of all pure (undefiled); then it is peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle). Jonah Although rivets seem insignificant, they are essential for holding the ship together and keeping it afloat. . Blessing(2129)(eulogia)is literally a good word, good speaking, fine speech or praise. Unfortunately, there are people that creep into the church and do this among God's people in order to have their way in the church. When you tame an animal, you get a worker instead of a destroyer. Lord, make me conscious today of the words I choose and the way I use them. NRS James 3:8 but no one can tame the tongue-- a restless evil, full of deadly poison. TECHNICAL NOTE - The Textus Receptus has the word akataschetos(from a = without + katecho = hold back or control) which means that which cannot be restrained, uncontrollable, untameable, unruly. "He that uttereth a slander is a fool" (Proverbs 10:18). No one can tame the tongue- Tongue is placed emphatically forward as if to emphasize the "animal," is one of kind creature and is untameable. : Julie Ackerman Link ( Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, james 3 commentary spurgeon,... 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