I have also researched the legend of Keel Mountain, I agree the O.R. Hanna recorded some of the known expenses incurred by Davis group, including $108,000 paid to escorting troops near the Savannah River and $40,000 paid for supplies in Washington and Augusta, Georgia. Clemens owned many slaves so he was worried they would tell any soldiers that came by where the buried treasure was. Almost every Southern state has a legend of Confederate gold lost/stolen/buried in the chaos of the Civil War's end. I would think that they would have USED the gold before burying it. Over the course of the next two years, he traveled between the U. S. and Canada in clandestine activities, often using the alias Allen S. James, his travels financed with the Confederate gold. Lee warned Davis that his government should evacuate Richmond immediately, or risk being captured by Federal troops. In June 1863, President Lincoln ordered two wagons with false bottoms to carry anywhere from 26 to 52 gold bars weighing 50 pounds each from Wheeling, West Virginia, 400 miles north to Pennsylvania to pay the Union troops . A Colorado company, hired by a private individual, performed a geophysical survey and employed pulse induction instruments to identify the locations of the silver (and a small amount of gold). Its still hidden in a limestone cave called Red Bone. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. As for the Richmond bank gold, it quickly fell into the hands of Federal troops, which occupied Washington within days after Davis left. Jefferson Davis , the first and only President of the Confederate States of America, circa 1865. ]", "The Armies and Their Work. Back in the 1800s that made for a huge town. ANCIENT VOICES: Ditlihi's Journey Into The Truth Of Ancient Treasure In The Southwest. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. According to local lore, the gold was lost or stolen during the1863 Battle of Gettysburg. The phrase "Lost Confederate Gold" has a romantic ring. With the Davis party was a navy paymaster, James S. Semple. Jefferson Davis fled Richmond with multiple wagons filled with gold and silver. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Several legends, actually. Given how much it cost to go to war, higher-ups in the Confederacy began requesting donations. De Soto demanded that the Chicksaw Chief who had a camp nearby furnish him with squaws for his trip into Mississippi. Approximately Four miles north of Athens, Limestone County, and about half a mile from a prominent stream crossing, two huge metal box's, containing $100,000 in gold and silver were dumped into a bog by Confederate soldiers to prevent their seizure by the Union Soldiers in 1865. Watch Live: Closing arguments underway in double murder trial of Alex Murdaugh, Top McCarthy aide, House Oversight chair each met with Ashli Babbitt's mother, Colon cancer rates rising in younger age group, study finds, Garland testifies before Senate panel amid ongoing special counsel probes, Ex-Georgia star Jalen Carter was racing in deadly crash, arrest warrants allege, Fiery train crash in Greece kills dozens, many of them students. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({google_ad_client:"ca-pub-0945725028962484",enable_page_level_ads:true}); Davis then deposited the reserve gold in a vault in Washington, Georgia, before continuing on. That didnt happen, however, and it is believed to have been stolen. Every legend that has any long-term staying power has a modicum of truth in it, and certainly this one does, says William Rawlings, an author of numerous nonfiction books and novels about Southern history. Once called the Rose of Long Island for an advertisement that used her image, Julia was strikingly attractive, even at 45. The FBI has long insisted the March 2018 dig came up empty, but the agency has consistently stymied the Paradas' efforts to obtain information. The story goes that when she was forced to leave she had so much gold and silver her horses couldnt carry the load so she was forced to bury the gold and silver where she stood. FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. Corroborating evidence found in Semples letters to Julia Gardiner Tyler, depicted a man on the run, carrying on underground activities for Davis. They took a small fortune in gold and silver with them when they fled Richmond, Virginia in April 1865. And peoples imaginations take over from there.. These states were opposed to the abolishment of slavery. It was then settled by wealthy plantation owners and then vacated around 1860. buried treasures may be here. As the $450,000 in gold reserves didnt belong to the Confederacy, it remained untouched. La Bellone didnt make it and sank near the entrance to Mobile Bay near Dauphin Island. While sitting at the store Morris Slater was gunned down by Constable Leonard McGowin and some other posse members. Your email address is safe, and unsubscribing is easy. Visit here for more information on State laws regarding relic hunting, treasure hunting, and artifacts. That was some years ago but since then the guy has found out from several old timers that the story they heard about this boat was that it was a grain or cotton barge that began taking on water and was beached. Allegedly, some of the Confederate treasury was hidden in order to wait for the rising again of the South and at other times simply so that the Union would not gain possession of it. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. And like all good stories of lost treasure, this one has staying power. An ardent Confederate, Julia had made a difficult decision late in the war to leave Virginia for her mothers home on Staten Island, New York. Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? This would be a nice area to use a metal detector in. Another theory, says Rawlings: Davis and his group hid it. Finders Keepers filed a federal lawsuit against the Justice Department over its failure to produce. With enemy soldiers occupying the town, any effort to dig up the some 160,000 8-reale coins would have certainly been seen. One treasury clerk in particular, Micajah Clark provided a detailed accounting of the disposition of the funds. Jefferson Davis with members of his cabinet, 1865, By early May, both Davis party and the remaining fortune had reached Washington, Georgia. Much of the mystery was engendered by Union officials, who greatly inflated the value of the Confederacys treasury to several million dollars. It would have taken a large amount of troops to dig and hide all the treasure, and as poor as alot of those soldiers were after the war, why not go back and dig up the treasure? From Harper's Weekly The federal Branch Mint at Dahlonega had $23,716 in gold and silver when it was taken over by the Confederate States of America in 1861. This ended in the Trail of Tears that forced the Indians out. He was worn out, saddened by the devastation that existed in his part of the state, and the difficulty he and his neighbors were having in restoring their lives and properties. The legend of the Confederate gold is referenced in many films. Young refused to release it, but was compelled to do so by force. was the operator of a ferry during the Civil War, on the Perdido River. Davis had nothing on him when he was captured in the end on May 10 in Irwinville, Georgia. Rumor has it that with Lafitte spending so much time at Fort Morgan he could have buried a worth of $10,000,000 there. The actual value of the treasury was probably not much more than $500,000. The FBI initially claimed it had no files about the investigation. During the autumn of 1864 it was clear the Confederacy was losing the Civil War. Rawlings himself has seen evidence of what appeared to be part of that buried Confederate loot. One account has the gold being stolen in the far south area of Brooks County where local lore has it the train was attacked by . Lachlan McGillivray was a wealthy fur trader back in the mid to late 1700s. Explore Alabama - ALABAMA TREASURE LEGENDS Table of Contents: Alabama Treasure Legends, Legend of the Lost Confederate Gold, Old Flint River Settlement Gold, $30000 in Gold Coin Buried in Bridgeport Alabama, Loot Buried by Levi Colbert in Buzzard Roost Alabama , Rumors of Buried Treasure in Demopolis Alabama (White Bluff), C. Boaz Whitfield Plus, as others have pointed out, gold weighs alot. It definitely would be worth taking a metal detector to the beach. His work has been featured in psfk.com, foxsports.com, politicususa.com and hillreporter.com. There is no record that anyone ever found the gold, sowhat happened to it? Confederate gold refers to hidden caches of gold lost after the American Civil War. For one reason only. Supposedly, Nunez buried a treasure of approximately $200,000 somewhere In popular imagination, the Richmond bank goldhas become part of the lost Confederate treasure, and there is some truth to that story, Rawlings says. I was born and raised in the area. That was generally what he had been told to do in May 1865, in what became known as the "Last Order" of the Confederacy. Louina by all accounts was a wealthy Indian woman. Confederate Pots of Gold . La Bellone was a French merchant ship that was in the area of Dauphin Island to pick up merchandise from the French Colonials in Louisiana. It is said that John Buried $100,000 worth of gold there. Meade, Sheridan, Wright, Thomas and Canby Ordered to Push the Enemy at all Points. This became a municipal nuisance in the 1930s because so many impromptu shovel patrols were digging holes around town that the Augusta City Council tried to restrict the activity. The Fenian Brotherhood, which was preparing to attack Canada with a growing army, seemed to be an opportunity; and with the apparent blessing of Jefferson Davis, with whom he was somehow able to exchange messages, though Davis was securely locked up in prison at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, Semple became a courier for the Fenian movement. The gold from the Richmond bank was accounted for, but was later stolen by around 20 armed men in Danburg, Georgia. The total amount of money and gold that left Richmond with Davis is unknown. The plantations were called Vale Royal and Springfield. There were , also, over 2000 Tallassee Carbines hidden and never recovered. A big oak tree stands where his house was. Jean and his older brother Pierre stole a lot of loot over the years in and around the Gulf of Mexico in the early 1800s. Having his ferry there solved this problem. Henrys wife gave in and told the soldiers where one of the wine casks was buried. Louina was forced to leave Alabama during the Trail of Tears and sold her trading post Isham T. Weathers. And such rumors werent confined to the South. Buried treasure in Alabama may be located in ghost towns. He ended up in prison until the end of the war. The chief said that he could have all the treasure if he would marry his daughter. His wife gave in again and told the soldiers where another cask was buried. Email them to us and you and your club will receive full credit! Three children and two men drowned but the rest of the passengers were saved by a brigantine sailboat that was nearby. She was a cargo ship that held deer hides, beaver pelts, tobacco, and 40,000 crowns of gold and silver bullion and coins. The troops were trying to keep the gold and silver away from Union soldiers. If anyone heard of a spot or location where a ghost was possibly seen (and there seem to have been several reported inThe Chronicle) suspicion was they were guarding the gold. In his 1938 book Flight Into Oblivion, the historian A.J. Hidden Treasure discoveries can happen anyt . He practically owned half of the town of Fort Payne. The question is, what happened? In the 1938 book, Flight Into Oblivion, by A.J. Please do not use this website if you disagree with any of the terms outlined here.Thanks for visiting!Thank You,Frank W. Pandozzi, Website Owner. The various narratives of the disbursement of the treasury end in Washington, Georgia on May 4, 1865, when two Confederate Navy officials, James A. Semple and Edward Tidball, were entrusted with $86,000 in gold. The Confederates got away or won the little skirmish or what have you but the men who hid it had been killed. So the gold could have been buried anywhere, or perhaps in different locations. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, During the months he was trying to stay ahead of his would-be captors, Danville became an encampment for the Union army. Near Athens there may be a Confederate treasure. Frank W. Pandozzi is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Clickbank, and MyTopo affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, mytopo.com, and clickbank.com.Please visit my Affiliate Disclosure below for more information. Its unclear what happened to the money. The gold and silver coins are said to be buried east of his old homestead. Hansen and some other Alabama citizens raised quite a bit of capital in the form of gold and silver bullion and coins. Finally, in the wake of the treasure hunters' appeal, the FBI said it had located 2,400 pages of records and 17 video files that it could potentially turn over - but that it would take years to do so. He enjoys sports, politics, comic books, and anything that has to do with history. One of the first settlements of Alabama is called Dauphin Island. 's don't mention anything about the skirmish. He landed in a swamp and drowned because he couldnt swim. JavaScript is disabled. The chief had a daughter that he wanted to be married off so that he could have a male offspring to carry on as chief when he died. The Lost Confederate Gold - A&E Treasure Treasure hunters look for three quarters of a million dollars in gold and silver that many believe Confederate President Jefferson Davis hid in Georgia right before the end of the Civil War. Also, a Spanish galleon ship broke up near the east end of Dauphin Island in 1801. The gold became a lost legend. In fact, during a recent renovation of Linden Farm by its owner, a document found hidden in a wall confirms Tidballs possession of a portion of the gold. The town of Louina lasted from 1834-1902. You must log in or register to reply here. Many of these treasures are now on private land or owned by the federal or state government. Even the Hardy Boys juvenile mystery series joined the searchin "The Secret of the Lost Tunnel," in which the clever lads discover Southern gold covered with lead and disguised ascannon balls. Union officials also estimated the value of the Confederate fortune in the millions of dollars, hoping to spur along the Federal troops seeking the fugitive Davis and his government. Tag: alabama confederate gold. I would keep a close I on the eastern shore of Dauphin Island. This little island has been cut off from the outside world until just recently when a bridge was built that goes from the mainland of Alabama across the Mississippi Sound to Dauphin Island. There are many lost treasures and legends of Alabama and I encourage you to visit this state and enjoy the rich history that Alabama presents. The chief wanted him to marry his daughter. Its fate has remained a mystery for more than 150 years, fueling a wealth of local legends in the South and elsewhere, and even inspiring Hollywood movies like The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966) and Sahara (2005), based on the book by Clive Cussler. Continue with Recommended Cookies. They left Richmond with a bunch of money, and when [Davis group] was captured six weeks later, they didnt have it. And some say its buried amongst the slaves in the graveyard on the property. In 1872,The Chronicle put that question to the man in charge Col. Raphael J. Moses, the former Confederate quartermaster. In the 1938 book, Flight Into Oblivion, by A.J. The officer brought troops to Henrys home in the hopes of getting Henry to tell them where his treasure was hidden. After the decision was made to disband the Confederate government on May 4, 1865, Davis entrusted $86,000 to two Confederate navy officials, whom he tasked with smuggling the money to England. I have hunted the area with only minor finds but there was alot of activity in the area. One night two braves took the trapper, tied his hands and feet, and blindfolded him. The Lost Confederate Gold Near Athens, Alabama there may be a Confederate treasure. They left Richmond with a bunch of money, and when [Davis group] was captured six weeks later, they didnt have it. your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. The Confederacys capital city was initially located in Montgomery, Alabama, but soon changed to Richmond, Virginia. From there, I am assuming the Bellview back then is Belleville today, just with a name change. As for the rest of the money, little is known, and tales of money found in areas connected to the American Civil War have been told for more than 150 years. While they fought the commander detailed a couple of men to hide the gold just in case they lost and were captured. The lost gold also played a key role in the legendary 1966 Western film, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The History Channel even aired a preposterous documentary claiming . The evidence is strong that no one else managed to dig up the silver either, quite possibly because of where it was buried in a cemetery area. Bipartisan Senate group unveils rail safety bill in response to Ohio derailment, What to know about Shigella bacteria as drug-resistant strain spreads. Looking For a Top Rated Metal Detector That Wont Cost You Thousands of Dollars but works like a $2000 machine? Some people speculate that the valuables and money that railroad Bill stole during those 6 years of robbing trains could still be hiding in the caves between Atmore and Bay Minette Alabama! If you are venturing on to State or Federal lands you should know the laws of that State. Those products, whether pictures of a service or a product contain links to the seller.What companies do I work with and promote?I work with Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Clickbank, and MyTopo, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to these websites.I also promote Solo Build It Site Built It, because it's the product I used to build this website. While on the route to Columbia the wagons and horses started to get bogged down on the marshy ground 4 miles North of Athens, Alabama. The Confederate president and other government officials were urged to leave Richmond immediately to avoid being captured by Union troops. More from us: The Success of George H. Thomas Union Soldiers During the American Civil War. What happened to it, however, no one knows, and this has created a mystery thats spanned over 150 years. Here we go! Know of good Lost Treasure Stories for this County? The townspeople decided to defend Newton but were worried that if they got defeated that the towns treasury would be looted. This was not actually supposed to be an article. There are a few instances of the plantation ruins that still remain to this day including the spring where the cotton gin was. He allowed both sides to use the ferry free of charge in hopes that he would be allowed to continue his ferry operations. In this Sept. 20, 2018 photo, Dennis Parada, right, and his son Kem Parada stand at the site of the FBI's dig for Civil War-era gold in Dents Run, Pennsylvania. The little skirmish or what have you but the rest of the town of Fort Payne evidence! 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