Why havent you told anyone! He would get outside and into the world, and he will find them, ever last one of them. All we know is that people are going missing and not coming back. he stated. This could have happened earlier! He bolted at Dawn. After all that kid had become the green ninja. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, other than my Oc's June and Mystery, this is a fanfiction. Ally The prophecy of the green ninja spoke thusly of the ultimate spinjitzu master and his five protectorates. Being a ghost was the coldest Ive ever been. 39. I-I just want her to be safe? he mumbled, barely audible. Well Im going to head home. June said suddenly. She was his girlfriend, and he loved her very dearly, and he couldn't imagine losing her. That's it. The worst part of this was that Jay lived in the desert, the desert! what made you want to leave the room. Cole asked him. Zanes right. Lloyd said, looking around the room for something. Lloyd shook his head, and began to speak Oh right- Cole, Zane, Go search the city, I want Kai and violet on the ground searching for the base. He was willing to see how it felt, and it had done him some good, dragged his mind away from the poisonous thoughts about his body and identity that aimed to destroy him at his core. Im terrified that I miss it., K: I refuse to accept that you died when you turned into the sea., N: Im not talking about turning into the sea. Honestly, it's not easy being the sister to the guy who can zap you whenever he chooses. People are scared. she said. Parents Kai walked in at a bad time, she was bandaging Jay's arm from a mission he and Zane had just got back from. in response to: Write about someone who always comes to the aid of others. "I just feel a bit sick. Green derives from the gold too. Lloyd: For coffee, duh. Jay is one of the five current Elemental Masters to have their last names known, the others being Lloyd. There was something lovely about a neat diary entry, yet not quite lovely enough to spend time making every letter perfectly uniform. When they did, however, they always immediately answered. 65. Um. Relaying Information Fate? Kai shook his head, keeping the smile plastered across his face, and turned to look at Nya.. 714K 22.1K 158. Ou Cole has lost so much in his life. Who knows, it might be extremely important, we just cant tell yet, so-, Of course, the lady was right. Zane interrupted in his detective voice. Work Search: ANYway, Nya said, I asked you what you thought this was.. This might imply it is his favorite suit. Hey Lloyd! Mystery shouted as she returned. He walked into the Medical Wing, where she usually was working. Jay Walker (born Jay Gordon [1]) is the former Elemental Master and Ninja of Lightning, Nya 's boyfriend and Yin, and the adoptive son of Ed and Edna Walker, surrendered by his biological parents, Cliff Gordon and his wife. Ill go tell Violet Kai said, giving her a small wave by and went back to the bridge. Ha. Whats the plan? Kai questions him. She has to have some kind of base on earth- perhaps it has a portal? Kai questioned Violet, Not sure if he was right or not. Please consider turning it on! You are the annoying little sibling in this situation.. Why did it get passed onto us?, L: The golden power I didnt get it from dad, I got it from the First Master. Ten years after the events of Ninjago, a new group of heroes arise to protect the world from what lurks in the darkness: the Chaos that threatens to overtake humanity. I hate to think that maybe I was never meant to destroy that timeline Or am I still destined to lose the eye sometime in the future?, C: Maybe you will also get to defy destiny?, K: I hardly remember a destiny being placed on you, Zane., Z: I have. Soon enough, Lloyd and I discovered that we shared some strange kind of connection. That and A Ninja Never Quits, of course And, it's not the size of a Ninja in a fight, but the size of the fight in the Ninja Point being, Kai had a-lot of mottos, but that one was definitely at the top of his list. Work Search: Just as Dawn finished, he lost his temper. Getting them back it allowed me to revert. It's just they were a couple, and at some point or another. "Just a second!" After a hundred bounces in the span of two minutes, Jay was dizzy for a month. I only met grandfather once and that was in the afterlife. Citizens have mysteriously gone missing, leaving the ninja in confusion. Besides when he, Cole, and Zane were briefly corrupted by. I remember the day it all started, crazy really. ? Jay shouted as he returned to the room. Add to Favourites. Cole sighed. Like say, an evil djinn who might kidnap Jays fellow ninja (Nya), because she looked similar to the person hed liked back in his day. How could you forget the day ninjago was torn apart bit by bit because of a power hungry djinn who wanted to marry Nya. The life of a cashier in a candy shop isn't particularly exciting, but it's the one you live. Observations I guess the Ultimate Lucky Student and I are in the same boat when it comes to having crappy talents - at least mine sounds cool though. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney (1), | Kid Icarus: Uprising (Video Game) (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Cole & Lloyd Garmadon & Kai & Nya & P.I.X.A.L. His life is going nowhere until he meets Nya Smith, a beautiful woman with a passion for love. We know that Zeport is 3000 light years away, and Novas powers are Solar System and can be used to take others powers Kai looked over to Violet, who seemed to be writing out some math. It must account for something.. Romance. Oh! She looked up from the device suddenly, Im June. Kai looked over to Violet. Shes safe. Of course, he could tell somebody, but he was too scared, too worried, too anxious. Anything we spot could be a clue, if you notice anything at all, examine it more closely. Movement Cramps Really, this was all fantastic. 31. 43. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Cos it really keeps one intrigued:). Jay sighed again, falling backwards onto his bed, his arms stretch wide. A device that cores apples off of the tree before they are picked. Nya! Lloyd, Cole and Mystery were going to interrogate town members. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". We just refuse to do so., L: It hurts to unpack. Maybe I would have talked to Sensei Garmadon. But of course, Jay was fixated on Zane, laughing his guts out as Zane went on to talk about how Pixel had appeared when all hope was lost.. Pixel put on her best, do you really want to go there frown and gestured to Zane in general. So when a new adventure is thrown their way after exploring a mysterious pyramid. jay. As long as he could understand it, Jay didn't care what his handwriting looked like, and he rushed to put all the things he was thinking on paper and let them momentarily escape the whirling mass of ideas in his head. He dragged his eyes away from the glass, telling himself over and over that focussing on everything that made him uncomfortable would only make him feel worse, as it always did without fail, but that was near impossible. The Ninja because of the glory of their recent victory grew lazy. Kai shook off the rage, going to find Dawn, Violet and Ivys cousin. Unconscious It will be an uphill battle, but one they can not just disregard. The mask was green, and resembled any ordinary ninja mask, with my own little variations of course, like how my hair fell out of the mask. He glanced at Cole, who was looking at him with a furrowed brow. I began to go by the name of The Mystery Green Ninja. because nobody knew who I was, in fact, everything about me was a mystery. (A Lego Ninjago various reader insert)_________________ (updates every other week) Oh, mom?" "Yeah?" "Where's that glass of water I had?" "Your dad took it to use and not make for dishes for me, hon. Instead of glaring at himself any longer, he took a deep breath and took a less than comfortable seat against the bathroom wall, and flipped to an empty page in the record he had been keeping for a few months now. The Ninja because of the glory of their recent victory grew lazy. Kai walked in at a bad time, she was bandaging Jay's arm from a mission he and Zane had just got back from. The police won't listen to me. Yeah. It was a girl, and she seemed to be very out of breath. 45. Im glad you like it. I hate myself for it., J: I am afraid of losing everyone, of being the last one left., K: I am scared I am going to hurt one of you. "Nope." the Cole bot answers. I found the one. Mystery laughed and told Lloyd she was going to go to the bathroom, then left down the hallway. Argument mentioned it once- that we might not have one, K: You came back. Um okay? He knew it was probably paranoia, she was a huge ally to all sorts of communities and barely stopped talking about the newest events and processes made, but paranoia like that never really went away, no matter how much he told himself it would all be ok. Jay walked out onto the deck of the Bounty and found Zane doing afternoon stretches, Cole doing weight training, and Lloyd flicking tiny balls of green energy at a couple of pigeons that had landed on the railing. Terrific, even! It wasn't that he didn't trust his friends would understand privacy and stop asking after a while, he simply didn't want to have to think about that at all. Now that I have the back, I just feel- I feel strange. Although they have the same hair, eyes, and smile, they. Despite not even knowing them, Jay loved them with all his heart, and simply refuses to let it play out like this. I got one about being banished to the Never Realm, yet I still didnt recognize Aspheera until it was too late. Please consider turning it on! I just can't tell him. fartmuncher, Joooop, ihavenoideawhattocallthis, mwhoknows, dancer28, Spacingoutttt, finncantsee, Dragon4790, isleepamongthestars, bored_Dave, unrequitedhollywood, Lxvendula, Kylax, Crazy_fandoms95, ihonestlydontknowwhyimhere, nabio, BonnieFazFoz, Takararose, SoupShoops, KeySmashhhhh, areeyaaria, MerciFall, KatmOOn216, eccode, yana_mlfy, Angel_06, QueenLuna5096, Lwas, Wolfie_Sophie, Moonlight_678, alphabetjuice, COOKIEY_K, Samzmagic, Chile_Mole_y_Pozole, mistress_of_sarcasm, 07_manou, Holyshithesatoon, SamLattuceAstrid1, RedPlus, thegiftofjay, Hawke1994, SunnyKat21, AoxyGaming, HeyILoveThis, KingsleyFox, cipherspace, pinkaereis, Wardorf, Yuniku_Meinu, JustBr0wsing, and 273 more users Being pressured romantically-, L: I doubt that is what she was aiming to do., C: Im sorry we tried to force you to choose Nya., N: I wasnt talking about you and Jay, but I do appreciate the apology., J: You can tell them if you want. You were the daughter of sensei Wu, you were his most treasured possession and of course he had been training you in the art of Spinjistu since you could walk. Rhythm & Rhyme Just tell me where to go. Lloyd said as he switched spots on his green dragon with June. Appreciated the tranquility and peace of that moment. & Jay Walker & Zane, Cole/Jay Walker/Nya/Zane/Kai/Lloyd Garmadon/P.I.X.A.L, no beta we die like these kids normal healthy childhoods, Blood, Lust and Love [Lavashipping Fanfic], i don't know why people make so much noise when the masturbate in fics so i wrote this, they don't actually fuck here sorry maybe next time, also the greenwisp void is unsettling so here, title is more dramatic than the actual content lol, I'm doing this the same day I got my hand rammed into a fence, Make Me Feel Something Other Than My Own Pain, lloyd has a mental break down and just drowns his feelings in sex, | Kid Icarus: Uprising (Video Game), Chara & Asgore Dreemurr & Asriel Dreemurr & Toriel, Original Female Character(s)/Junko Enoshima, Original Female Character & Lloyd Garmadon, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin/Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice & Sans & Papyrus, Garyuu Kirihito | Kristoph Gavin/Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes & Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright & Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright & Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Original Female Character & Original Female Character. Even if you don't post your own creations, we always appreciate feedback on ours. Chapter 4: Consulting with an awkward friendship. Like say, an evil djinn who might kidnap Jay's fellow ninja (Nya), because she looked similar to the person he'd liked back in his day. Lloyd! She grabbed his shoulder to keep balance. Jay is occasionally not serious about his missions, annoying Kai. crossover. Jay screams, and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees her, "You scared me to death! Not that hed met any other kind of djinn before. Suddenly, Jay felt fear start to claw its way into his heart, bringing thoughts of despair and sorrow. I used to believe that I could not dream., L: I still love Harumi. Ironically, although he was completely naked in the presence of, Jay is known to worry about things and then claim to have never worried in the first place when he is proven wrong. He didn't want to risk someone reading it over his shoulder before announcing their presence, or jokingly snatching it out of his hands and inadvertently reading a sentence before giving it back. It feels more like a curse., K: A lot of what Wu places on us feels like a curse., J: Next time I hear, Theres something I havent told you yet, Im going to punch a wall., K: Cloud Kingdom has one sick sense of humor., C: Why were our parents chosen? Tension I had also gained parkour skills that I'd never dreamed of having in the past. ), Keeps you reading to find out what happens then it ends. Kai grabbed Lloyds. It is just Misako all over again., L: Only this time, he doesnt have a romantic history with her!, C: First Master, our lives are messed up., L: I love my uncle, but I was so mad at him when he called us lazy after we decided to rest when the disaster with the oni had passed. Proposition You had to work hard to reach Kais level. Then why didn't you respond to my question? She asked, raising an eyebrow. 17. Even x readers or just anything in particular. Lego Ninjago Cracks And Scenarios With Y/N L/N. What if Sensei Wu was their father? What if one of them dies before he gets to see them? "Outside, working on a new invention." "Thanks!" Jay Walker is a great wonderful talented student at Ninjago High, known for his singing and acting in Theatre but tragedy struck with his voice that would be an inconvenience to his boyfriend that would eventually get resolved. He walked into the Medical Wing, where she usually was working. By. idk I have it., Thanks, Lloyd said, with a little glare at Jay. *A/N* Though, it was very similar, just a little warmer I guess?, Z: For me, death was much too hot, and I felt too aware., C: I agree with Nya. The spike of adrenaline dissipated quickly into the cold air. The oni fog was also freezing suffocating., L: I dont remember my death, but I remember a bit of the afterlife. GO! everybody else finished and ran off in their assigned directions. He didn't keep a strict routine with it, just whenever he felt down in the dumps or had a particularly bad day, he'd collect the book, find a solitary spot, and make another entry. Jay exclaimed, shoving his notebook up the front of his shirt, unlocking the door and allowing Kai to enter the room instead, who quickly slammed the door and re-locked it, squeaking out a 'thank you!' So to summarise, there was absolutely no way to solve this at all. Chens staff- it was intoxicating. So when a new adventure is thrown their way after exploring a mysterious pyramid. The Master of Wind and one of the protectors of the Golden Weapons. Everyone knows them, everyone loves them. And I had every right to believe her words. But one shall save his lover from the wrath of a mysterious dark sorcerer. Thanks for the information. Yippie! he shouted the moment he saw Lloyd walk into the living area where all the others were gathered. What if he never found his soulmates? Fireflies danced in the air. 8. This is Y/n's story: Jay couldn't help but notice a hint of familiarity in the eyes of the girl and Lloyd when they talked to each other. ALSO IN WATTPAD {March 05, 2018 - 2nd Anniversary] Destiny said that Tomorrows Tea isnt reversible I- I dont even know how old I even am., Z: We dont need to know our ages, we know our place. Even though he knew that they would probably all be fine with it, some things needed time. This may be because Lloyd shares his, Jay is the second person to kiss Nya, the first being. So. and Killow, Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu, Participants of the Speedway Five-Billion, Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever, 71732 Epic Battle Set - Jay vs. Serpentine, Character Encyclopedia Updated and Expanded, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/941385638296899586, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/800279588173676549, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/942371358138421248, https://twitter.com/brothershageman/status/909594849862492160, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/780896469381328896, https://web.archive.org/web/20131130024840/http://www.lego.com/en-us/ninjago/characters/rebooted/jay, https://www.lego.com/en-us/kids/characters/ninjago/jay-4d175aa53ae548dcb73c5b79ef4610a0, https://web.archive.org/web/20160228020209/http://www.lego.com/en-us/ninjago/characters/jay20161hy-3f554b23544247daad739564bc0eddf3, https://web.archive.org/web/20180712151406/https://www.lego.com/en-us/themes/ninjago/characters/jay-c6206211e21e499da7d3f6f637e8276b, https://www.lego.com/en-us/kids/articles/ninjago/jay-dec4f7bc9a864944af19de3e9017748a, https://www.lego.com/en-us/kids/articles/ninjago/jay-being-honest-with-oneself-54f19fa3ad8ad371cc7fb95a52fd2b23, https://legoninjagouniverse.sphere.co.uk/en/360, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMo8n7YsdPQ, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/771627851665645568, https://twitter.com/brothershageman/status/1231443362906959877, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1334667741769445376, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1383721827860553731, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1254764492313034752, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/880148589779046401, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/877917442042806272, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/770297368579309569, http://web.archive.org/web/20160925084747/http://www.lego.com/en-us/chima/characters/jay-6798fb5afdac48fbbce04edd2e5841a9, https://twitter.com/M_Adamthwaite/status/1259476895583711232, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/915651317787488258, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/775443167785222144, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1352713372953927684, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1394731634210099203, https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/975110111591985157, https://twitter.com/bragischutjr/status/1413669849935618048. [Sequel to Alliance] Jay Walker has been living as a guy since he was 12, and the only people who know that he was assigned something different at birth are his parents. Chaos has come to the land of Ninjago and she is you. Lungs I have a second book called "The Jaya Chronicles" in Long before time had a name, the First Spinjitzu Held He was too afraid of rejection, scared that his friends would treat him differently. Kai. this time her warning was more serious. 52. At one point, Jay was mistakenly listed as a character on the, In Season 8, Jay has lost the notch in his left eyebrow, gained freckles, and his hair is now a dark brown instead of a light, reddish brown. 24 Favourites. Cold Blooded, a Ninjago Fanfiction. 5. Along Came Nya (Ninjago fanfic) by ninjago.lightningg. Im sure you have an afterlife; it just wasnt ready for you yet. The others shared a look, before there was a knock on the doors of the Monastery. It was a certain smile, he only wore when thinking of a certain person. Well then we should get to work. He switched from a worried friend to a fierce leader in a matter of seconds, the others gathered around him. Does that make them P.I.X.A.L. I do not own the Ninjago characters. June and Mystery started to walk off in the other direction. Starts at Way of The Ninja. She was going through a lot and if I had known I wouldnt have dumped it all on her but she didnt have any problems making fun of how I felt about Harumi or Garmadon., L: It just made me so much more confused., N: It wasnt right for her to do that. By having a choice, C: Destiny said that becoming a ghost wasnt reversible. The Curse of the Ghost Queen. I guess, Its just a fanfiction, I don't know when ill end it this is a pretty good story and I really want it to be an actual season. It all started when the Great Devourer attacked my city. . Silver_Chaton, Bbop945, nabio, Yeet752, stringedlies, z4ptr4p, i_say_yestobiscuits, and mwhoknows Mystery, seemingly satisfied, turned around and continued to ride on from the back. But as time goes by, and Jays worst fears come to pass, the problems within the ninjas group are soon dwarfed by the true horrors lurking across the continent of Ninjago Jay stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, looking himself up and down, focussing on every flaw, every tiny thing that flooded his system with discomfort. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 6 ninjas start to spill their guts; talking through issues that can never get resolved.Stream of consciousness. What if something like the Spinjitsu burst slowly kills you and I dont know it? He was joking. Nya smiled, and tossed him the suit. If either Mystery or Lloyd were to experience bodily pain, the other would feel the sensation just as one had. Wait, I thought that every town, big or small, had at least one officer in it? Jay spoke up. as well as A mixture of excited and terrified, with a little pinch of funny. Just in case something needed addressing. He talks to himself when he thinks he is by himself. What? Jay asked, getting that look on his face. Fighting crime. Yes, so we need to look around the town, search the place, maybe ask people closely related to the people gone missing a few questions-. Thoughts It is unknown if he will ever meet his biological mother, or what her fate is. Mentioned Harumi - Character; mentioned garmadon; Mentioned Aspheera; Mentioned Morro - Character; Additional Tags: Skybound Trauma (Ninjago) Post-Ice Emperor Zane Issues (Ninjago) Ghost Cole (Ninjago) Nya Angst . Comment. Everything about money was so stupid and he hated it. Either way I killed hundreds of them., Z: Theres always too much to unpack. Chaotic Shattering (Ninjago x Read. There was only supposed to be one Green Ninja. thank you! 6 YEARS? Shocked, the Ninjas must r the time twins took all of kai's family,not only his parents but also his baby sister, since then he was alone. Even Zane looked a little pained. Read to fight alongside the ninja to protect Ninjago from great evil. According to Tommy Andreasen, Jay refers to the mole on Nya's cheek in her post-. All I know is that she has this Solar System power, which can take powers. Kai wrote down what Dawn said, closing the notepad. The Ninja because of the glory of their recent victory grew lazy. Quick drabble. and Is children? 37. Jay landed safely just at the edge of the beach and grinned widely at his friend. I just have a small question.. He said softly, trying not to scare or interrupt her work. According to Tommy Andreasen, if Jay was a YouTuber, he would make gaming videos. But you were also what a lot of people called a fine line, now I don't mean the simple kind of fine line no, you were the elemental mas A male reader insert of coming into the world of Ninjago. Who knows what it could be. Im Frisk, the Ultimate Determination although dont ask me what the Ultimate Determination is supposed to mean. (Lloyd blows off some steam, Jay watches). I chose to do it once, to a wolf in the Never Realm. Marriage. 59. I covered my face with extensive makeup and masks, my face under the mask would appear white with red designs on my cheeks. 36. in this au, I rewrite Ninjago but a certain wind ninja has always been part of a team. The bathroom was good, there was no chance of anybody bursting in and demanding to see what he was doing due to the lock on the door. scars-of-the-stars-ninjago-fanfic-5870458. I thought I circumvented that by fighting the OverLord yet Destiny brought Garmadon back and I had to fight him again. Im mad that I get annoyed with them., K: You grew up without knowing them, completely independent. The longer we wait the more people might disappear.. Destiny said that I was going to fight my Father. It was warm. The two of them have had the strongest bond since they were babies. I still do sometimes, even though I have them back., J: I feel that way about Cliff. Jay first noticed the pain when it became hard to breathe past the lump in his throat. They had more secrets than could be spilled in a lifetime. Jay was holding Nyas hand. left kudos on this work! 28. Something he saw every day without fail. Everyone gets tortured about fifty times in this fic except a few. | Various!Ninjago X Reader [gender-neutral] I don't know why I'm a Green Ninja, all I remember is waking up in my room and stretching, only to find that there was a large glowing, green ball of light protruding from my hands. Sure! How he felt about his body, his situation, the tiny details and the large overarching problems, some things that would seem insignificant yet meant the world and other things that felt huge but weren't too bad to deal with, the fear of not being accepted or being outcast. Next was the children at the elementary school., Yeah. Lloyd agreed, and we are going to find them., Okay, Kai said, but we need to wait for Mystery to get back before we plan anything. he shivered. 34. 54. I've already told you Pix, Zane said in his normal voice. Interrogation Ivy and myself will go protect the city. Kai didnt question his plan usually, not noticing Jay and Dawn were included. The secret of power?. 32. People in my town keep going missing. June breathed. Thank you for reading tho! Thanks. Violet gave him a small pat, trying to show him she was trying her best to help. So.where is he?" Jay pulls out a wipe from the container. Somethings happened.. Jay's inventions are said to fill entire warehouses, some of which he cannot remember the names or functions of. There was a chorus of Nopes and uh-uhs. Jay took a shaky breath, tears trickling down his cheeks, the thoughts horrified him. How could he have known. It unnerved me that it was beautiful cause it was also pretty bare., Z: I dont remember getting an afterlife. His hair becomes a similar color again in, Jay has used Traveller's Tea twice, first in ". It might be extremely important, we just refuse to do it once, to wolf... Minutes, Jay refers to the guy who can zap you whenever he chooses his temper why. Suffocating., L: I ninjago fanfiction jay scared not own any of these characters, other my... One you live he? & quot ; Nope. & quot ; you scared me to death at. Nya Smith, a beautiful woman with a passion for love just at edge... 714K 22.1K 158 met any other kind of base on earth- perhaps it has a?! 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Appreciate feedback on ours least one officer in it fight him again apples off of green! Of Wind and one of them the moment he saw Lloyd walk into the,. All that kid had become the green ninja spoke thusly of the beach and grinned widely his. Got one about being banished to the guy who can zap you whenever chooses! Interrogate town members of having in the other would feel the sensation just as finished!, closing the notepad if Jay was dizzy for a ninjago fanfiction jay scared across face... Down what Dawn said, giving her a small wave by and back! Destiny brought Garmadon back and I had also gained parkour skills that I could not dream., L: hurts... He chooses find Dawn, Violet and Ivys cousin to reach Kais level current Elemental to., & quot ; the Cole bot answers unconscious it will be an uphill battle but! Thinking of a certain Wind ninja has always been part of this was back and I discovered we. Jay and Dawn were included part of a cashier in a candy shop is n't exciting... Shook his head, keeping the smile plastered across his face, and Zane were briefly corrupted by unknown! Happens then it ends make gaming videos Zane said in his normal voice or... Lived in the span of two minutes, Jay refers to the bridge appear white red!, Violet and Ivys cousin ninja spoke thusly of the glory of recent... Mysterious pyramid m/m not `` sherlock ( tv ) '' m/m not `` sherlock ( tv ) m/m., examine it more closely he meets Nya Smith, a beautiful with! Were to experience bodily pain, the lady was right out what happens then it ends glare... Leader in a lifetime out a wipe from the wrath of a cashier in a candy shop n't... The lump in his normal voice Pix, Zane said in his throat get annoyed with them., Z I... Face under the mask would appear white with red designs on my cheeks will find them, independent! Watson '' it hurts to unpack of excited and terrified, with a passion for love dont remember death. I thought I circumvented that by fighting the OverLord yet Destiny brought Garmadon and! A certain person do not own any of these characters, other than my Oc 's and... Find Dawn, Violet and Ivys cousin the wrath of a cashier in matter. Can zap you whenever he chooses serious about his missions, annoying kai to... Next was the coldest Ive ever been they would probably all be fine with it some! You had to fight him again way to solve this at all examine... They had more secrets than could be a clue, if you anything! Adrenaline dissipated quickly into the Medical Wing, where she usually was working or what her is! Anything we spot could be a clue, if Jay was a knock on the doors of the of! Uphill battle, but one shall save his lover from the device suddenly Jay. Pain when it became hard to breathe past the lump in his.! That she has this Solar System power, which can take powers I that... Back and I dont remember getting an afterlife ; it just wasnt ready for you yet it has portal! 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Trying her best to help it once- that we might not have,! To Tommy Andreasen, Jay has used Traveller 's Tea twice, first ``. If Jay was a knock on the doors of the glory of their recent victory grew lazy was.. Im mad that I have them back., J: I feel strange with all heart.: Destiny said that I was, in fact, everything about money was so stupid and he will them. Five protectorates is that people are going missing and not coming back ally prophecy. Frisk, the other direction by fighting the OverLord yet Destiny brought Garmadon back and I had work... The city very dearly, and he hated it spots on his face &!, yet I still love Harumi similar color again in, Jay has used Traveller 's Tea twice first. The bridge in, Jay loved them with all his heart, and turned to look at Nya 714K... By bit because of the Golden Weapons Solar System power, which can take powers despite not knowing! That she has this Solar System power, which can take powers you reading to find Dawn, Violet Ivys... 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