My husband and I are nature type people, we love long walks. Thanks again and I will be putting the newly discovered information to good use. I used it 3 to 4 times a day on the cancer program for about 20 before the surgery. I'm 90 years old and although I can get on the computer, I don't do email. - D. Ables, VA 9/19/17. Rife thought bacteria were behind many diseases like cancer. The researchers carried out these experiments in test tubes, which is not the same as studies in animals or humans. Doctors said not to do anything except antibiotics. I have my own new testimonial!! 751 Commerce Ln Kalamazoo, MI 49004. I have extreme chemical sensitivities and learned to muscle test years ago for everything. There was nothing the medical doctors could do. - A. George, AZ 4-2-16. I use the Rife machine 3-4 times a week on inflammation and arthritis and once every week for diabetes. I purchased it and after I began using it, I found I had no problem with colds anymore. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. Spooky2 Success Story - Recovery From Lyme Disease Using Spooky2 Rife Machine. Consider the full anti-aging healthy palette we offer: As required by our friends at the FDA, the information or products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. - D. Ables, VA (4-13-18). I had pain all over my body. It's been a godsend, I'm so happy! 23: The rife machine and retroviruses. - Rich S, CA (1-13-16). My wife says that the Disk Program works wonders on her Spine. Knowing that they don't tape up ribs like they used to due to the chance of pneumonia, we were going to wait until Monday to see the doctor. I was visiting California, and I was feeling terrible! And thank you to my Rife technician, Bruce H., for allowing me to have my voice back again! Sly W (1-29-15), Thank you Tina, so nice to have direct contact with someone that will give you help and guidance, so much appreciated. She is in her early 70's and still holds a physically demanding full time job and using the rife machine has really made it so she can continue to work in this capacity. She thought she'd be out of commission for a couple of weeks. After going back to work, I was so drained of energy, I would just come home and go to bed. I even sleep with it and do treatments at night. General Health Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance: I was recently diagnosed with an MTHFR gene mutation - wherein my body does not readily Detox due to a Methylation Defect. Of course we haven't told the doctor about any of our alternative therapies. Pre-programmed for over 30 forms of primary top illness. He didn't want to try alternatives but I persuaded him to and told him I'd pay the cost. I got started that very day and I haven't stopped. Love this, Rife! I'm not surprised. The American Medical Association condemned Rife's experiments. Like so many others, I am seeing immediate results from repeated use. Then, God was watching over me and did me a favor. It works. I made the decision to purchase the RIFE 101 machine. My PSA was 13 and rising fast about 2.2 per month. I keep using the Rife 101 frequency generator and recently it was time for another mammographyhaving cancer thickens the breast tissue and it shows that on the mammo, but I'm all clear now! Try it. Earline W. (NW, 2008), Thanks so much for all your time. I used ice and heat, nothing worked. This combination of your machine & Metalfree works really well for me. My hearing got so bad I could hardly hear - someone told me I might have water in my ears, but I used my Rife Model 101 for INFLAMMATION and it was gone after one treatment! Day 2, Level 2--tomorrow Level 3. He felt nothing happened immediately and left the office with good energy but very skeptical. The last 12 years his attention has shifted to cancer research. There was a slight improvement when I quit all medication, but the eye was quite sore, and very bloodshot. P.S. I used the Rife 101 on him and he beat the cancer in two months! I took 13 prescription drugs a day along with 10 muscle relaxer pills a day. Take a look at our article where we compare the rife machine and the Healy device. Recently I borrowed someone's Rife 101 machine and ran the gall bladder and liver programs. But I did have an ultrasound of my bladder that showed I retained about 8 ounces of urine when I was done urinating. Thank you for your help! There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. I began being bothered by a pain on the right side of my lower back that started out as a minor discomfort, and then continued to escalate in intensity. WebThe GB4000 Rife Machine is probably next in line. I can see my face getting clearer and the definitions of the nose and chin coming back after being bloated or swelled for years! I have used my rife machine several hours a day plus have had 7 chemo treatments and started radiation to-day. It means that you can get a reference about the next health improvement schedule without depending on the third party. I am sold!!! The doctors can't believe it that she has NO cancer. I was so disappointed! I got 2 bites before we found their spider pod. Any accidental contact with his skin would cause that part of his body to swell and if he ingested anything with nuts in it his throat would swell up and suffocate him. I had prostate cancer stage 4 which had spread to my bones and slightly to one of the lungs. I used the sticky pad electrodes. While trying to sleep I would regularly get horrible leg cramps. - S. Vernon 11/15/17. A stool test revealed various abnormal bacterial forms. Thank you Dr. Months earlier, during a visit, I had hit the same elbow on a concrete patio. Feb 17, 2023. I am sure that the only reason I am alive is because of this machine. My gums were bleeding every time I brushed my teeth. We are dealing with multiple myeloma, now, 4 years after the diagnosis, and much medical treatment. I tried many other programs. I'm in an assisted living facility. When I am administering on our dogs, I will follow your protocol of placements, as I feel this is best. I used the Rife Model 101 every day for about a week and my gums stopped bleeding after the 2nd treatment. You can receive treatment of Spooky2 only by pressing a few bottons on GeneratorX. I had a sore shoulder for several days. She is using the back/disc program and said that her back feels so much better! ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Very Smart Cat (not actually a testimonial): Tina, I just received my Rife machine. I placed the small sticky pad electrodes on my temples. I started using it after the purchase, and noticed that it began lessening the pain in my hip area. August 2014: Her doctors continue to be amazed at how much her liver has shrunk. When the medication ended, the infection came right back and the horse's lower leg blew up. It produces an energy similar to radio waves. Rife based his ideas on the work of another scientist, Albert Abrams, who believed diseases gave off electromagnetic frequencies. Finally to top it all off, we have your super customer support. To us that is so wonderful to hear, I am jumping for joy. She seemingly had strep throat - pus filled tonsils, couldn't swallow, very painful, felt awful and she couldn't get to a doctor right away. I can see the marks on my back and arms going away. I wasn't thinking about it before I started downstairs. I originally ordered it because my son spent 15 months in Iraq in 2006-2007 and had severe symptoms of candida and probable parasites. At the time, few people believed his claims. Within a half hour she could swallow, felt incredibly better, was able to get out of bed and get dressed. Florence S. (NW, 6-2015), Hello Tina, Just want to say thank you for your help! Our general health is better and my husband's headaches, constipation and colon problems are much much better. WebA rife machine unit that comes with light emitting diodes (LEDs) is a great feature. Ron from Hawaii -, I have diabetes and I've been using the Rife machine for that. I told him he's going to be the Rife 101 poster child, lol. She doesn't get anything else in her diet. The machine uses technology that makes common sense. Take good care, and thanks again! We run the Rife machine on both of them once a night and they are lively, happy and healthy. Her cancer tumor markers were as high as 8,000 and now are at 100. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. She always drank a lot of water, so it wasn't from dehydration! Although I'm not a "pharmaceutical" person, I tried many drugs they prescribed but nothing worked. It has been some time we were in touch (3 months). The doctor is shocked and said it'll probably come back in 6 months. In my little corner of the world. Personally, I have two TrueRife machines at home; one is probably 9 years old and still works great. I've been using the Rife 101 Energy System 5 weeks now and I am astounded at the results. When he had an attack, we tried it and after 3 consecutive days it was almost cleared up which was amazing because it could debilitate him for weeks before. Vet said he'd be gone in a week. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I always said that if I get Cancer I will never take chemotherapy. I used the detoxification program on the Rife machine as soon as I got home and once every day for several days after. The infection moved to my lungs, making breathing difficult, then to my ears, so I could harldy hear.By using electrodes over my lungs and then near my ears, I was able to clear the infection from these areas. She looked more energetic after the treatment. They are drug salespeople, not healers. My husband was
Sorry to be such a pest with all my questions, but you seem so knowledgeable and I appreciate your suggestions. My chiropractor said the Rife 101 was "the best Rife machine, by far" and lent me his Rife 101 frequency generator, and after just 2-3 days running the Prostate program, there was a noticible difference! I am getting lost of rest and sleep. For further evidence of suppressed inventions I refer the reader to Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries by (NW, 2005). They sell for as much as $6,000 on the internet. He could hardly believe his eyes. Thank you. Feb 17, 2023. My mother-in-law Betty was told she had three days to live. Sincerely, Lynn T. Hello there. The itching goes away immediately (even though after six months or so the itching returns). Nothing I tried was making any difference in speeding up the healing. But, most of these treatments havent been studied. sold on Rife. He was going to give me Rife 101 frequency sessions Pro Bono! Her diabetes is gone. WebRife is MOST effective in dealing with microbial-based diseases (bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, and parasites) and your own cells (cancer). I have no doubt that many other routines would work great if I ever needed them but I have not as I am fairly healthy. (Rife 101 user since 2008) - C. Preston, TX 4/21/16. WebWhat about the Beam Ray Rife Machine? They gave me cortisone shots into my S.I. The doc did a bunch of tests, even though I don't have faith in it all, and when I had my last blood test it showed, I work in a clinic with 16 people. Blessings, Deb K. (10-10-09). And I use it for Eye Problems too. It has never made me feel sick only better. This means that the quality and construction of these machines can vary considerably. We'd tried every medication the doctors' prescribed AND everything you could get over the counter. DOI: Why do people think Rife machines treat cancer? Then the family slacked off on all of it and the cancer came back. I remained perfectly healthy even though I worked with them every day. - TINA RAPPAPORT - Owner, & (4/7/14), My dad was putting up Christmas lights, fell, and fractured his ankle and it was in a cast. Yet; I say once more; THANK YOU & THANK GOD FOR YOU AND YOUR GENUINE CONCERN FOR OTHERS! for water filtration, ionization, super hydration and cleansing detoxification! Sometimes I'd be put on antibiotics. I got the Rife 101 Bio-Frequency Machine and I gave it a chance with nothing to lose. Cells have charged molecules that can respond to electrical fields from the outside. They used customer testimonials and anecdotal evidence to support claims about the machine. Sincerely with much love and gratitude! At the welfare clinic she initially went to for lack of funds the doctor told her vehemently, "You will die if you don't have a hysterectomy!" GBS Guillain-Barre Syndrome & Nerve Pain: I have had Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) for over 1 1/2 years of painful hell. Liver Cancer, Lupus, Prostate, Thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease): I'm writing to say how very happy we are with our Rife machine! Quickly, I have to tell you it has worked great on several other conditions too. That's why I can see, in comparison, how excellent your Rife 101 product is. Leprosy, Mycobacterium Leprae, Colds, Nasal Infections, Parasites: I've had my Rife 101 since 2005 and I've used it for so many things like colds, nasal infections and parasites, but the most remarkable was when I actually came down with LEPROSY! - R. Mathis, OK (6-29-18). My chiropractor recommended the Rife 101 and told me "you'll never come back to see me" and he was right. Feb 17, 2023. They keep wondering how I do it, my doctor also, well duh, I am trying to inform you! It's now 4 years later and she is cancer free! Within an hour Plasma treatment, his problem of muscle stiffness is better and back pain is almost gone. Now she continues to use the machine and goes for a PET scan every 4 months. The pain is going away! Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) & Herpes, Cold Sores: A woman reported with extreme fatigue. I can say that it really works for me. I went to the eye doctor Dec. 23, about three months after starting on the Rife machine. I have used your custom EYE program three times and it has restored my vision in my right eye, not 100%, but I can see myself in the mirror. I'm so glad I had this Rife 101 when this happened, because I immediately started using it on the STROKE PROGRAM - even before going to the hospital!! She had a most troublesome body twitch encompassing her shoulders and head and has finally found relief with this Rife machine! I was shaking and stressed out. It's almost "hard to take." In September 2007 I started to get an unexplainable headache, (a positional type) from bending, sneezing, coughing or even going to the bathroom. Early research suggests that a low carb keto diet may help to treat or prevent cancer. VT. Vince Tabacco. Hi, I'm Betty Farnholtz's daughter. I have my life back and have the ability to help others get theirs back as well. The Rife 101 took it away in a few minutes. His name is Bubba, and my husband has had him since he was a baby. - R. Fernandez, NM 1-14-17. All gone! I had just shaved so I had open pores, and a female acquaintance from Brazil was visiting and kissed my cheek with her moist lips. Suppositories did nothing, so I used the Rife machine on the constipation program THREE times for three minutes per channel. I was diagnosed with throat and tonsil , and I was spitting up blood. I don't know if I did indeed have a recurrent shigella infection or not, but whenever my eyes get itchy I use the "shigella" frequencies on my portable Rife machine and Presto! These machines are for personal experimental purposes. Bless you Tina Rappaport - you are an Earth Angel! Acupuncture, massage therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga may be helpful to treat symptoms related to cancer and side effects due to cancer treatments. Spinal Meningitis, Pain, Numbness, Tingling & Chronic Fatigue: White male, 48 years old, history of Epstein-Barr Virus, Chronic Candida, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, presented With viral form of Spinal Meningitis, the symptoms of which had been increasing for at least a month: sharp stabbing pains shooting up spine into brain, limited range of motion, and tingling and numbness in the extremities. Eyes, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Eye Glasses & Asthma: I got the Rife Model 101 machine to help with my eyes and lungs. The lady remarked that she had slept better, could smell her coffee for the first time in years (she was an allergy sufferer) and no longer liked the taste of her cigarettes - an added advantage? George Alexopoulos Hi Dr Peter, This is George from Greece. Diarrhea, Eye Inflammation, General Wellness, Leg Pain & Back Pain: We live in Ecuador now, and my wife had diarrhea for about a month. After 3 days of using the Rife 101 the swelling in my limbs is going down. My daughter uses it for cold sores and it has helped her. Her husband's tests are all improving! 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. I saw the eye doctor and he said it wasn't from a detached retina or a tear in the retina, so I was ok - he said just "old age" (I'm 61). They requested a 6 month follow up sonogram to check growth rate knowing they would request surgical removal of the gall bladder if growth rate was evident. A baby am administering on our dogs, I have n't told the doctor is shocked and it! Thank you to my Rife machine unit that comes with light emitting diodes ( LEDs is! Charged molecules that can respond to electrical fields from the outside type people, we have your super support! 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