This female German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. RIVEN has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Cu Bocan has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Often agencies Randy Police Dogs offers Trained Dogs for detection and protection work. Please check back with us for further updates. Because the decision to go with the single purpose dog over the Storm has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. The Jagdhund is a hound selected specifically for its ideal tracking/ and tailing traits. and area searches, the dog will likely find the subject away from the Campbell said deputies with the Interstate Criminal Enforcement (ICE) team were in the area of Interstate 77 North near the 62 mile marker Monday and stopped a 2017 Jaguar with a temporary registration plate for a traffic violation. We are proud to introduce our first generation meet the new class of 2017! purpose dogs than they do Labradors. HERA has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Passionate about our dogs. By definition Single Purpose Dogs are trained for one purpose only. In households where at least one parent is addicted to drugs, children experience high levels of criticism, negativity, inconsistency, insecurity, and sometimes even neglect. SAGA will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler KHOJA a Malinois is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. BUFFALO NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT Police K-9's for sale Contact us for weekly new inventory Import Dual Purpose Police K9- FOR SALE Import GSD- FOR SALE Banshee is a single purpose female trailing bloodhound. When a family is affected by drug misuse, it is children - at key developmental points in their lives - who are often impacted most severely. The beagle is a breed of small scent hound, similar in appearance to the much larger foxhound.The beagle was developed primarily for hunting hare, known as beagling.Possessing a great sense of smell and superior tracking instincts, the beagle is the primary breed used as a detection dog for prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs in quarantine around the world. All three may test well for police or SAR as well as great Elite Obedience and sport dog prospects. He has great drive and is currently undergoing training. Course length/hours are tailored to your specific requirements. Contact us for a detailed Proposal & Price Quote. She will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Looking for a Dual Purpose Dog? A drug dog is a vital asset in these efforts. and a dual purpose canine, despite the additional perceived liability for the controlled aggression. Our dogs are bred from exceptional quality proven european working line adults. Our Next Official K9 Handler Course Classes are Starting on: UPDATE : Red has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Nya has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. other breeds as well, German Shorthair Pointers, Springer Spaniels, Price includes training of handler and certification Price: $4,000.00 Sold Sold Name: Bona Keeping these harmful substances out of communities can help to alleviate these problems. read more Dutch Shepherds, Labradors and other working breeds. Loki is 15 months old. McDonough K-9 offers fully-trained Police Patrol Dogs. World-class Belgian Malinois for police K9s, Toggle Bar. Our drug dogs are meticulously screened to ensure that they are social, environmentally sound and have the required drives and temperament to perform detection functions successfully in high stress and demanding environments. We provide a 5 YEAR Guarantee! At K10 Working Dogs - based in Holland we train and sell single and dual purpose K9's. In this article we will try to explain the difference : single vs dual purpose K9's. Our single purpose dogs are either excellent for detection work or protection work. K-9 Bosco alerted for the presence of illegal narcotics and a further search uncovered 907 grams of crystal methamphetamine in the drivers floorboard and 41.2 grams of crack cocaine on Tartt, Campbell said.. K9 Dia will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. effect the arrest might sue the arresting agency for injuries sustainedduring the arrest procedure. dual purpose dog are often made by smaller departments with less Further the presence of the dog is likelyto encourage the subject to more willingly give up as while they maybe willing to go hands on in a fight with the officers they are lessinclined to try out the dog. German shepherd. ZIVA is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. SAGA has solid drive and is currently undergoing training in trailing. Patrol 3. K9-Trader establishes working relationships with breeders, trainers and training facilities to provide you with the best selection of green, trained and working dogs. We train our dogs in several different areas. Groucho- Single Purpose Police K9 Prospect- FOR SALEHe has extreme ball drive and will not loose intensity for a search no matter the distraction or conditio. Even with propertargeting training, grip training to keep the dogs apprehension stablefor a proper bite and hold, and efficient handling, a dog bite willcause some damage. The Iredell County Sheriffs Office arrested a man on drug charges after finding 186 MDMA tablets in his vehicle. liability on the agency. Nobody should ever track a felonysubject without at least a cover officer or cover He is a . the possible choices. CLICK HERE for a detailed "K9 Price Quote", Service Dog & Police K9 Training: ", "I now feel safer when home alone because I know Niobi is well trained and will protect me should anything happen.". dog shows its value with seizures, arrests, and location of suspects thetown and agency will see the value of expanding the program andconsider a dual purpose dog. your K9 handlers through an instructor school so they can learn how canine (normally referred to as a dual purpose dog location and Dual purpose dogs are trained to combine these duties in one K9. At that time we begin KANE is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR. records and progress or mandating certification) are exposures for ", "Once you purchase from her, you really are a client for life. "Get the right K9, Equipment, & Officer Training you need to impact your Community in a positive and More Police Dogs For Sale & Police K-9 Handler Training Courses. This course includes both classroom and practical field work. Our police K9 handler courses are offered at our dog training center in North Carolina and generally last for either 3 or 4 weeks. He will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Explosives Detection 5. Police K9 handler courses for single purpose dogs are three weeks and total 120 hours. In my opinion, officer safety considerationstrump the perceived liability concerns outright. These dogs are trained to track down poachers in many different environments and under all kinds of circumstances. ", "From the first night, even before we began my training on his handling, I knew I had found the greatest friend I've ever had. Free private lesson on pick up or delivery (number of free lessons depend on the obedience level of dog.) duty involves location. He is available to law enfacement and SAR. With exceptional hunt and retrieve skills and top-notch bite work, Hans is in a class of his own. Single purpose dogs are used primarily for either patrol duties or detection duties. As the number of dogteams in the K9 unit grows, proper supervision, and training musttake place to keep the unit cohesive and functional. Typically, our drug dog handler training lasts for three weeks, but customizable training is available for agencies or organizations requiring training which lasts up to six weeks. This female German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. This should be the Medusa is a female Maliois in training for narcotics detection, and scent specific tracking/ trailing. Bolt is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. team (depending on the situation, and the topic ofanother discussion). He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. With his rigorous training and keen sense of smell, Elvis can be relied on to find even the smallest traces of illegal substances. K9 Quick Sale; VLK Blogs "Single/Dual Purpose Handler Course Begins January 16, 2023. Regardless of thekind of K9 you choose, dual or single purpose, the majority of its usewill be as a location tool. Classes can be conducted either onsite or offsite. With his intense drive and focus, he would be perfect for law enforcement or personal protection work. temperament and drives without a pre-conception. Rebel has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. The two told deputies they were traveling to West Virginia to go to a casino, but inconsistencies in their stories and travel plans, prompted the use of a canine to search the vehicle, Campbell said. Bane will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. [et_social_follow Dia is a female earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Our certification standards far exceed the requirements of many jurisdictions. With the right training, she'll make an excellent addition to any security or law enforcement team. K9 Zypher and his partner make a successful narcotics bust during their second deployment. incurred from having a biting dog making apprehensions, a dual (854 F. 2nd 909), which held that Police K9s in their apprehension A 1988 Case in the 6th Federal Circuit Robinette v. Barnes When you get your dog it will not be a green young adult, it will be a fully functioning college graduate! He will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. New York K9 LEAP Grant Program OFFICIAL - Certified Police Dogs For Sale | K9 Handler Officer Training Courses | National & State K9 Certification Standards for Law Enforcement Agencies and Military Working Dogs. US Drug Sadly, drug use, misuse and abuse has far-reaching effects in our society. Green K9 - Single and Dual purpose 2. BlueStreak K9 hosts single and dual purpose canines available for sale at all times. Elmo is a super detector dog for narcotics. We just started his trailing training and this will not be complete until he is 10 months old. We frequently read about the successful work that K9 teams we have trained are carrying out in their communities. The more the subjects resists, and the longer the K9 with it the reality that the subject on whom that force was used to Not only do we specialize in pure breed bloodhounds, Hanover Hounds, and German Shepherds, but we also understand that the development of working traits involves constantly developing bloodlines and adding new blood from time to time. Workability: He will be a single purpose K9 in Drug Detection. Very social, Zeek is 13 months old. In other articles in this publication I have written about how He will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. These dogs are professionaly trained and can be used for security services, as a police dog or an army dog. She has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Available for Law Enforcement Agencies that qualify! Reducing dependency on illegal substances improves the quality of life for individuals and their families. Listed below are some of the topics covered during our Drug Dog Handler Courses: Basic Odor TheoryProper Handling TechniquesCanine Case LawRecord Keeping & Report WritingCanine First Aid & CPRProper Detection Training Aid Handling and Storage, Advanced Detection & InterdictionScent Discrimination TrailingVariable Surface TrailingTactical TrackingPolice K9 Agility. We selected her at 7 weeks for work after flawless testing. However to do this jobproperly, administrators must allow the unit to benefit from the besttraining, both initial training as well as maintenance training (16hours a month is the minimum industry standard of training hoursno matter what the dog is trained to do). Please contact us for more information. EXCEEDING State & National Certification Standards! K9 Bane will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. As We test and select our pups for their future work and prepare them for the handler accordingly, either for bite work, detection, or agility. Police/Security K9s For Sale Ruidoso Malinois trains Belgian Malinois K-9 Police Dogs from our own breeding and imported green dogs. security officer are the dogs protection. Boojum is a single purpose male trailing Oger Polskli (Polish Bloodhound). It is well socialized in a variety of environments whilst a resident at Ruidoso Malinois to ensure a stable and confident adult dog. In every corner of the globe, we have placed police k9 dogs, detection dogs, bomb-sniffing dogs, drug dogs, and any other kind of world-class working dogs you can imagine. At Pacific Coast K9 our experience includes: While there are many choices in canine training facilities, few can offer the training based on real world experience provided by Pacific CoastK9. No seriousvendor sells or trains for police work anything other than the GSDor Malinois or crosses for dual purpose work. Red will be suitable for law enforcement or an HanoverianHoundboy Jekyllis earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Our handler training courses teach handlers every aspect of handling detection dogs from properly searching vehicles, avoiding liability pitfalls and successfully prosecuting narcotics detection canine related cases in court. She would be a great addition to any department or team. He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. All vaccines up to date: Rabies, DHLPP, Bordetella. torn between starting the unit with a full-service patrol/detection For drug detection, there are few assets more effective than a highly-skilled drug detection dog. The methylenedioxy methamphetamine was found in the suspects van after the Iredell County Sheriffs Office Interstate Criminal Enforcement (ICE) Team conducted a traffic stop near mile marker 67 on Interstate 77 north for a traffic violation, Iredell Sheriff Darren Campbell said in a news release. This girl is really something to watch already. With our years of experience combined with the fact that we are headed by former law enforcement personnel we are uniquely placed to be able to troubleshoot common issues you may encounter in real-world situations with your drug dog. Rebel will be suitable for law HanoverianHoundAALA is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. If you decideto run a tracking dog without apprehension capability, security teamsgoing with the dog are an absolute necessity. Deputies searched the vehicle and located 1.7 pounds of cocaine concealed in a duffle bag in the trunk of the vehicle along with $10,576 in cash, according to the news release. A well-mannered and social police dog can be used alongside serving law enforcement personnel at community events, educational establishments or public talks to explain their capabilities and the benefits they bring to the community. By Jerry Bradshaw, Tarheel Canine Training, Inc. Fiona is a 12-month-old Malinois that is perfect for detection work. The two men were reportedly traveling from Elmira, N.Y., to Charlotte,. "It is without reservation that I would recommend Worldwide Canine to any Organization or Private Party who is seeking training and/or K-9's for the purpose of Personal Protection, Patrol, Narcotics Detection, Explosives Detection or a combination or a combination of needs."Joseph R. Merry Jr., K-9 Officer #223, New Chicago Police Department This male sable German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Davey is a 15 week old Hanoverian hound suitable for trailing and possibly narcotics detection work. K9 Freyja will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Lug nut is an adult male bloodhound, one-year-old, fully trained for Before you ask your vendor about Doberman While we specialize in sporting breeds, (Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Pointers, Spaniels), we also have German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois available for single purpose work. A majority of the drug dog teams that we have trained have detected substantial drug seizures, some within only a few hours of returning to duty. 2.2 Bonnies Rat Terriers. The purchase of a drug detection dog also includes a three-week Police K9 Handler Course of instruction, lodging at ourdog training center, certification, course materials and free in-service training and annual re-certification. "My experience at Highland Canine was great. The stress and pressure of a working police k-9 both mentally and physically is demanding to say the least. We are also doing plenty of controlled puppy runaways designed to get just the right response. Interested in purchasing a Police K9? Ace Single Purpose Dog Ace Male Black Lab DOB July 13th, 2018 Single Purpose Narcotics Price $5,000 If interested please email us at We've got puppies! Create an alert to be instantly notified of new similar listings coming online. Here Bill is photographed hand-selecting dogs in Germany. Our experience makes us a leader in this industry not only do we have an extensive process for selecting, training and imprinting our drug dogs but many of our team are ex-law enforcement themselves. purpose dog, make sure these dogs do not have the drive and ability They can only be used for a single purpose. He will be finished with training in the first part of 2023. Very . For experienced handlers, our handler courses can be customized to assist them in honing their existing skills. Learn more about how a highly-skilled drug dog can help. himself, would be put into immediate serious jeopardy. Mouseover the images for information about our canines. Successful work that K9 teams we have trained are carrying out in their communities should ever track a felonysubject at... Make a successful narcotics bust during their second deployment illegal substances of circumstances handlers our... 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