Shakespeare belongs to you. Lean and pale, moving slowly, sad and brooding, perhaps suspiciously looking around for enemies. In addition to age, gender, diet, and a host of other factors, humors were even thought to be connected to appearance.
Whether we have ancestors from ancient Greece, China, or India doesnt matter so much. Retrieved from. Hamlets sanity is one of the major themes in the play. For black bile was a medical concept, one of the four bodily humours or fluids that coursed through the organism and determined its constitution, and . Hippocratic method and the four humors [Blog Post]. Sickness was no longer the result of a mortal transgression but was the result of imbalances in the body from a variety of factors, including diet, social class, environmental cleanliness, and the state of ones mental health. Arikha, N. (2007). Retrieved from, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Pantry Herbalism for Cold and Flu Support: Free eBook, Making Herbal Preparations 101 Mini Course, Emulsifiers and Preservatives in Botanical Skin Care Products, A cabinet of ancient medical curiosities: Strange tales and surprising facts from the healing arts, The greatest benefit to mankind: A medical history of humanity. They are associated with sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholic temperaments respectively. Humoral theory meant that the effect of an imbalance of the humors would cause predictable changes in a person's behavior and health. What is the humoral theory. Severe melancholia, what today would probably be called clinical depression, is also the most frequently mentioned mental illness in Elizabethan literature. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Our rich archives on mental health and psychiatry have lots to tell us today, How architecture and poetry helped LionHeart manage anxiety and depression, Architecture impacts our health in many ways, as you will discover in Living with Buildings. The Theory of the Four Humours was that these four liquids in your body could affect your physical and mental health through imbalance. Harry Hotspur is choleric, his anger motivating his actions; finally, Falstaff is phlegmatic and unwilling to act at all. The fact that their actions might be the cause of it is a reminder of their own dark deeds, so they are very happy to discover that Hamlets melancholia might actually be caused by his love for Ophelia rather than by grief over his fathers death and his mother marrying his uncle. Ageing was in itself seen as a process of gradual drying of the flesh and cooling of bodily humours. Here is the humor of tragedy with a vengeance. Where be his quiddits now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? Blood was thought to be generated in the heart and was primarily associated with the spring, as well as with heat and wetness. Elizabethans believed that the balance of the four humors would keep them healthy. Each humor is a bodily fluid, an excess of which was thought to cause certain illnesses and personality traits. Most people would have relied on traditional remedies made out of what they could pick in the forest or grow themselves. The key to good health (and being a good person) is to keep your humours in balance. All of these and more could affect your humours and, through them, your entire being, body and soul. Those unions result in the four humors: 1) melancholic. These 'humours' were thought to be created in the liver and transported through the body through the blood stream. Ben Jonson. (Original work published 165-175 CE), Gill, N.S. ", Another aspect of Hamlet's humor glints forth in his dealings with his old school-fellows, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Regarded by many as the father of Western (and some say Islamic) medicine. (V. ii. Soliloquy Analysis: Now might I do it pat (3.3.77-100)
King Henry IV himself is melancholic, Prince Hal sanguine, Sir Harry Hotspur choleric and the knight Sir John Falstaff is phlegmatic. spacious in the possession of dirt." These humors represented different aspects of a human, connected to the four elements (wind, air, earth and fire) and the four seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter). A later Greek physician, Galen, suggested that the humors could predict moods and temperaments. Hamlet's stubbornness is one of the survival tactics he has developed to counter his own reluctance to kill Claudius. The Roman philosopher and physician Claudius Galen formulated a concept of personality types based on the ancient Greek theory of humorism, which attempted to explain the workings of the human body. Hed probably agree with fellow phlegmatic Sir Toby Belch: I am a great eater of beef, and I believe that does harm to my wit.. Hamlet is a play. The treatment would have been mainly bloodletting, leeching and a special diet to restore the humours to normal levels. Blank Verse and Diction in Shakespeare's Hamlet
The people of Shakespeare's time did not think about physical or mental health the way modern doctors and scientists do. Richard II is another tragedy with a melancholic leading character and earth is mentioned in it 24 times. There are many famous melancholics - the author of Ecclesiastes was one, so was Hamlet (Shakespeare probably had read an . Phlegm. Hamlet as National Hero
The temperament is sanguine, meaning optimistic even in challenging situations, as well as patient, balanced, and thoughtful. In the human body, the interaction of the four humors explained differences of age, gender, emotions, and disposition. Similarly, the four humours loosely correspond to the wheel of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Humorism, the humoral theory, or humoralism, was a system of medicine detailing a supposed makeup and workings of the human body, adopted by Ancient Greek and Roman physicians and philosophers . Theres a daisy. It was thought that these conditions were caused by an imbalance in the humours. After being refused by Ophelia, Polonius explains that Hamlet: Fell into a sadness, then into a fast, Air was the most important humor because it corresponded with blood. Ancient Greece | Galen & The Four Humours 60 Second Histories 3.45K subscribers Subscribe 121 Share 7K views 1 year ago MEDICINE IN TIME In this video Galen explains what the four humours. Similarly, the four humours loosely correspond to the wheel of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Galen: On the properties of foodstuffs(O. Powell, Trans.). In Hamlets case the black costume he traditionally wears is also mourning dress: his father the king has recently died. that soaks up the king's countenance, his rewards, his authorities. One of the most outstanding characteristics of Hamlet is his subtle and persistent humor. As a class review the two handouts and tell students that they are to examine closely Hamlet's temperament during the exposition and rising action part of the play's dramatic structure. is caustic and satirical. Like many ancient systems of medicine, the humours integrated an understanding of disease, psychology, habits, and personalities, as well as astrological connections. Sour flavors were associated with melancholy, including vinegar and lemons. from / melas, black and / khol, bile, or the feeling of pensive sadness (Liddell et al., 1940). Humors, Madness, and "Hamlet". Retrieved from By now its probably clear that melancholia was the least valued of the four temperaments. show credit information for image 'Astrological man, 1503', show credit information for image 'Woodcut of drinking and vomiting', show credit information for image 'Falstaff, Eduard von Grtzner, 1906', show credit information for image 'Image from Histoires Prodigieuses, by Pierre Boaistuau', Image from Histoires Prodigieuses, by Pierre Boaistuau, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
Blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile: the bodys four humours were believed to control your personality in Shakespeares day and influenced the way the Bard created some of his most famous characters. Today, this Shakespeare quote is often adapted for humorous effect. The Death of Polonius and its Impact on Hamlet's Character
. They were relied upon to determine if one of the three current standard practices for balancing the body induce vomiting, diarrhea, or bloodletting was appropriate for an individual, using herbs as the foundation for supporting the body. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. These characteristics include energetics, elements, and temperament, as well as understanding the complexity of the natural world. Last Modified Date: February 20, 2023. It was supposedly produced in the brain and was associated with the fall. Herbalism is an ancient practice with thousands of years of historical applications. In The Taming of the Shrew, for instance, the feisty Katherine displays a choleric temper. However, everyone hasa natural excess of one of the humours, which is what makes us all look unique and behave differently. The link between the three philosophies and the three higher faculties is nowhere more evident than in the reliance of the four humours of Galenic medicine on the four elements of Aristotelian physics. The Herbal Academy makes neither medical claim, nor intends to diagnose or treat medical conditions. 20 Aug. 2009. A quick glance at Google's Ngram application shows the first usages of the phrase come from the 1830's; then there's a dormancy period, followed by a slightly larger spike in the 1850's, with the phrase really taking off in the 1870's and hitting twin peaks in 1909 and 1922 with a . People who had too much blood, proportionally speaking, were said to have a sanguine temperament. The theory of the four humours was central to the teachings of Aristotle, Hippocrates and Galen. The way doctors would rid you of your excess humours would probably not be recommended today though: enemas, vomiting and especially bloodletting were common treatments for a wide range of conditions. As a result, those who had too much yellow bile were considered choleric. (Original work published 165-175 CE), Gill, N.S. OSPP Four Temperaments Test. The greatest benefit to mankind: A medical history of humanity. We use a third party provider, dotdigital, to deliver our newsletters. Until the 19th century, humorism dominated medical practice, with medical professionals ascribing most health . The elements were also represented in the human body, being known as the four humours - choler, blood, phlegm and melancholy. These humours in turn were composed of four qualities (hot, dry, cold and . Crawford, Alexander W. Hamlet, an ideal prince, and other essays in Shakesperean interpretation: Hamlet; Merchant of Venice; Othello; King Lear. Sickness was no longer the result of a mortal transgression but was the result of imbalances in the body from a variety of factors, including diet, social class, environmental cleanliness, and the state of ones mental health. Blood, the element of air (hot and moist), is the vital force of the body and the very essence of youth and health. Principles of treatment [Blog Post]. Osborn, D. (2015). Poor Hamlet, too much humor had'st thou for this harsh world!" 4. The four types of. Mary McMahon.
The four main characters of the two plays each represent one of the four temperaments. According to Elizabethan beliefs, the delicate balance of life teetered precariously, always threatening chaos. Besides Falstaff, who has the largest number of lines inHenry IV, they usually function in the subplot of the comedies, like the duos Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Sir Toby Belch inTwelfth Nightor Stephano and Trinculo inThe Tempest. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Boston R.G. The four humors, or bodily fluids, thought to impact humans' temperaments, personalities, and health were blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. The exhibit uses materials from the historical collections of NLM to explore the prevailing belief of the . ), "Even in dying," as Sir Herbert Tree says, "he breaks into a sweet irony of humor, in meeting the 'fell serjeant death.' lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Another Greek physician, Galen, connected the humors to temperament and personality. Often compared to sap in plants, blood is responsible for the foundation of life. In Hamlet, the advisor Polonius, misreading the causes of the Prince's apparent lunacy as romantic rejection, offers a neat analysis of his illness that makes the relationship between love and madness very clear. 16th-century illustration of the four humors: Flegmat (phlegm), Sanguin (blood), Coleric (yellow bile) and Melanc (black bile). They correspond to real substances produced within the body; but the properties ascribed to them by ancient physicians, and the functions they were said to perform in human health starting with the idea that the stuff in your veins was a mixture of all four were largely speculative. As he describes it himself: I have of late but wherefore I know not lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises, and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air look you, this brave oerhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.. mock your grinning? Hippocrates's humoral theory of illness proposed that the body consisted of four humors: black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm. Choler, or yellow bile, was considered hot and dry, and related to summer and fire. Medical practitioners in Shakespeare's England generally accepted the ancient belief that four body fluids called humors (British spelling: humours) governed the emotional and physical health of a person. Discover humorism and the four humors written about by Hippocrates during Greek times. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.. Shakespeare Online. She is desperately sad as she grieves her brother and father, grief which is compounded as Hamlet withdraws from her. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. The influence of the humors changed with the seasons and times of day and with the human life span. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. (date when you accessed the information) < >. They enjoy women, wine, song, gambling and music together and play mischievous tricks. Choleric people were quick to anger and highly irritable. ), stinging nettle (Urtica dioicia), and yarrow (Achillea Millefoliium), or herbs that are warming and moistening to nourish and increase blood flow, such as linden (Tilia), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), and hawthorn (Crataegus spp.). Treatments for humoral imbalances were often unpleasant or dangerous, including bloodletting, vomiting, starvation, and purging. (W.H.S. your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? endstream
(III. Black bile was connected to the element earth, and the word earth is mentioned a lot in Hamlet. Four Humours. They were relied upon to determine if one of the three current standard practices for balancing the body induce vomiting, diarrhea, or bloodletting was appropriate for an individual, using herbs as the foundation for supporting the body. 'The rest is silence.' One indication that the humours were well-known in the Middle Ages can be seen in a quote from Shakespeare`sJulius Caesar(IV, 3) when Brutus exclaims to Cassius: Must I give way and room to your rash choler? Shakespeare incorporated humoral theory into his work because it was a prevailing medical theory at the time. Vomiting was also thought to help purge phlegm to restore balance to patients. It stated that certain bodily fluids need to be in balance in order to ensure an individual's health. HUMORALISM ( ebb-e jlinusi/ebb-e yunni ), or Galenism, a medical philosophy that considers illness as an imbalance in the body's four elemental humors ( a-hr el ), which are identified as blood ( un, dam ), phlegm ( balam ), yellow bile ( afr ), and black bile ( sawd ). Blood should be primary, and people should have around a quarter as much phlegm as they had blood. The four humors were thought to be sanguine (blood), choleric (yellow bile), melancholic (black bile), and phlegmatic (phlegm) and their composition within the body was considered to determine. Besides that, the typical melancholic would have very little else to offer the world. Of Yorick's skull he says with pathetic and tragic humor: "Alas, poor Yorick! Soliloquy Analysis: Tis now the very witching time of night (3.2.380-91)
The four humorsblack bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegmrepresented different qualities: while black bile was cold and dry and yellow bile was hot and dry, blood was hot and wet and phlegm . Belief in humoral theory was not limited to ancient Greece. Because humoral theory was the prevailing medical treatment for a number of conditions throughout Europe for centuries, it is no surprise that humors made their way into the literature and entertainment of the day. New York, NY: W.W. Norton. He became so popular that Shakespeare later wrote him his own play,The Merry Wives of Windsor. The Four Humours are Blood, Black Bile, Yellow Bile, and Phlegm.
This explains the Hippocratic .
Hamlet ends as he began, in humor's minor key. Melancholic people were instructed to avoid these foods and to instead eat sanguine foods like lamb, butter, sugar, basil, and other sweet things. What were the humours according to the Theory of the Four Humours? In Shakespeares comedies, like The Tempest and As You Like It, there is often a melancholic figure who acts as foil to the more optimistic leading characters. Just as we now believe that mental illnesses may in part be due to an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, Elizabethan doctors similarly believed that certain personality traits stemmed . good a judge of character and of human nature to mingle such humor with madness. Boston R.G. Hamlet's Silence
All the temperaments have their good and bad sides.
It referred to the four fluids thought to be present in the human body: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. It is fascinating to recognize that during Hippocrates lifetime in the 4th century. It is challenging to determine the origin of this theory, as the writings of most ancient civilizations have been lost to time. * It is the work of Polybus, Hippocrates' student and son-in-law. THE THEORY OF THE FOUR HUMOURS The theory of the four humours (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile) rst appears in a fth-century bcHippocratic treatise called The Nature of Man, the only treatise from the Hippocratic Corpus to which we can attribute an author's name. Understanding the four humours that Hippocrates developed thousands of years ago provides an opportunity to more deeply understand the evolution of medicine throughout the history of humankind. Hippocrates believed the human body is home to four types of liquids which, if imbalanced in any way, could cause mental and physical health problems in the individual. All diseases and disabilities resulted from an excess or deficit of one of these four humors. The black bile would weigh on you, and make you passive, sad, dull and indecisive. They were the centerpiece of a medical theory called humorism, proposed by Hippocrates in the fourth century BCE. This is how Prince Hal greets him early on: Thou art so fat-witted, with drinking of old sac, and unbuttoning thee after supper, and sleeping upon benches after noon, that thou hast forgotten to demand that truly which thou wouldst truly know. 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