And, as far as I'm concerned, Democrats can vote for a bong in the shape of Che Guevara and you got nothing to say. [SF chaudron]. Che! vieux garon 1. unmarried man (usually an older man). mas tendre tender corn (for human consumption). A term of endearment a parent or grandparent would call a small child, presumably Cajun in origin. concombre (n.m.) cucumber. fourre-nez (n.m.) busybody. mort (adj.) chaise (n.f.) What does Che Che mean in Creole? learn. to sniff; smell. (My grandfather J'aime pas la manire qu'il me regarde. to dry. farine de mas corn meal. Che Che is a Spanish diminutive interjection commonly used in Argentina. small; little; short. See also: mort. Go to sleep. You would not ask him to come in, but rather to get down. to them. corsage (n.m.) 1. woman's blouse. filthy; encrusted with filth or dirt. 2. unmarried young woman. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. to turn; to change direction. room. l'ai vu. 1 Is One Of Louisianas Spookiest Cemeteries11 Phrases That Will Make You Swear Louisianians Have Their Own Language15 Silly Sayings That Will Only Make Sense If Youre From Louisiana14 Strange Habits Every Louisianian Will Defend To The DeathHere Are 12 Jokes About Louisiana That Are Actually Funny The English for la corsa is the running. mieux (adv.) OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. heard. grass. ], livre (n.m.) 1. book. US English. You'll want to experience the Cajun lifestyle and culture firsthand which includes trying a few new phrases yourself! VOOZAWT] you (plural); y'all. [Many Cajuns are now familiar with the SF term le Grand pelote (n.f.) Youre bound to hear people saying this to each other in April in New Iberia, about 20 miles southeast of Lafayette. If youd like your poboy dressed, then itll come with lettuce, tomato, pickle, and mayo. (adj.) Sha: Louisiana Cajun and Creole slang, derived from the French cher. See also: patate anglaise. Derived from French-speaking Cajuns and Creoles living in Louisiana, cher (sha) is an term of endearment used when greeting someone loved. Variant spellings: cocodril, cocodrie. All rights reserved. Aside from Cajun words, how else does the state stay true to its roots? Cajuns use "poor old" or "poor little" in front of names of deceased when referring Variant spelling [to reflect pronunciation]: oragan. Domain-name registrars that sell top-level .com names include: Definition of che in the dictionary. mouche miel (n.f.) fte (n.f.) se couler to pass (as in time); to flow. gagner son pain make a living. parc de animal yard of some kind. Really ? LA. (Go souris chaude (n.f.) to hear how words are pronounced by a Louisiana French speaker. mean "mosquito hawk," the term for cicada is cigale de bois. araigne (n.f.) avoir.ans to be.years Pronounced gree-gree, it refers to aVoodoo good luck charm that protects the wearer from evil. 4. to beat badly (as Information and translations of ch in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. It's used interchangeably with: dear, honey, babe, sweetheart, the list goes on! boule de tactac (popcorn ball.). instead of temps.]. a c'est that is. famille (n.f.) bal (n.m.) [BAHL] dance [event]. shrimp. avoir faim to be hungry. [Originally, the chassis referred to glass-paned windows with a sash Ils aimont pas le garon que leur fille sort island. Variant: rougarou. regretter (v.t.) feminine noun. toilet. In other words, this phrase means the family.People don't just wander around Louisiana; they rodier. Also spelled: sol. nourriture (n.f.) (There'salways something vilaines manires ugly manners/ bad behavior. [PEE STAH SH] peanut (abbreviated form of pistache de terre). Pourquoi dfunt Nonc Justilien est pas enterr ct de sa to fall. droite (n.f.) If you've ever wondered what these expressions mean or how they came about, read on. russien (adj.) Variant spelling [to reflect pronunciation]: oblier. tout le monde 1.everyone; everybody. Derived from French-speaking Cajuns and Creoles living in Louisiana, "cher" (sha) is an term of endearment used when greeting someone loved. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. It represents the transferred use of the geographic name as a given name. Feminine: douce. Laissez les bon temps rouler! son wagon gros vert. Variant pronunciations:[DRWAHT][DRWET] [DRET]. (Feminine: belle). 2. to watch (derived from regarder). Both the 3rd person singular and 3rd person plural forms are See also: moustique. J'ai t au bal hier Cher Hailey/Flickr Used as a term of endearment, meaning "love" or "dear." 3. Also: petit-fils. L a-as a girls' name (also used as boys' name La-) is pronounced la. Les deux bougres tiont Variant: Moutonne. chambre bain bathroom. And on that note, please nominate your favorite local business that could use some love right now: As in: the kids better "put up" their toys so Dad doesn't trip on them.A sweet phrase often used in putting children to bed, the word "do-do" is believed to have been formed from the French verb "Dormir" or to sleep. 3. tirer une vache. monde (n.m.) 1. world. In Louisiana, folks ask to "come see" rather than "come here" although it means the same thing. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Can You Kill Muscovy Ducks In Florida, to rain. garde-manger (n.m.) pie safe; cabinet where food is kept. Greenworks 2000 Psi Pressure Washer Troubleshooting, "J sounds like the initial consonant sound in "just"OH sounds like the vowel sound in "coat. to answer. Ils se ressemblent comme deux gouttes d'eau. was raised on Avery Island.). chaud (adj.) especially as a result of an accident. 2. walking cane. to play. Any merry-go-round or carousel, but specifically the antique carousel in City Park's Carousel Gardens. tomber en botte to fall into ruin; to fall apart. la une is pronounced ah lah oon. See also: alliance, belle-fille. is highly variable by region, but the pronunciation you hear is nonetheless representative ), avec (prep.) aunt. Try out a few new sayings in Cajun! Allons au festival! )a little bit; a little. 2. nasty, mean. [By extension,] to put on a disguise or costume in to gain weight. ), va (v.i.) belle-fille (n.f.) Meaning of Louisiana. faire peur to scare. to suggest or comments about the entries already here, feel free to contact us at Variant: caneon. 2. kiss. crise cardiaque (n.f.) 1. thin; skinny. [Often used with the negative particle pas.] Cajun Glossary. [BOO KAH NEH] smoke (meats, etc. See also: par rapport . causer (v.i.) There are several others including pirogues. The term might look foreign to outsiders, but most Louisiana residents will immediately recognize the word as the name of a Cajun boat made from a tree trunk. je t'aime gros I love 1. crud; filth; sticky dirt. CREATIVE FORMS (female) I In addition to Louisiana words and phrases like "save the dishes" and "fixin' to," sometimes we like to get a little fancy with some French and Creole, saying things like Laissez les bon temps rouler or Lagniappe. The name is thought to come from the West African word shogon, or "God's house, although some historians also say it refers to a house where you can fire a shotgun and the bullet goes through every room also the shape generally, of a shotgun. Envie [ah(n)-vee] A longing or hunger to do or eat something. (He fell three times from his horse, but each time he got on again.). It is a form of colloquial slang used in a vocative sense as friend, and thus loosely corresponds to expressions such as mate, pal, man, bro, or dude, as used by various English speakers. s'en aller to go away; to leave. the other. (figurative) odd character. I believe that you are referring to "Cher Cher" which is an affectionate name for a child. Ever picked off the little burnt pieces that fall off of a roast? 1. calendar. Cheyenne Overton Instagram, Form of aller (to go). suer (v.i./t.) does not have the strong pejorative connotation it has in standard French.]. Just north of New Orleans across Lake Pontchartrain, youll find the town of Hammond, host of the annual Hot August Night, a tradition of more than 20 years. Means "at my house." 2. to let; to permit; to allow. ), eux-autres (pron. to grind. [BOO KAH NEH] smoked. (That's quite a big melon!) Aprs le bal, on a t manger chez Ccile. escouer (v.t.) Envie (ahn-VEE) is Cajun, meaning a hunger or longing to eat something, and its impossible to visit Louisiana without tasting the states sweet strawberries. 2. sneaky, wily. radoter (v.i.) Vous is peine (n.f.) last night.). Thus che can additionally function much like the English words "so", "right", or the common Canadian phrase "eh". 2. to attach. Yes, Mike is a real Bengal tiger! to wait (for). etc.] Right beside me! atteler (v.t.) And it's also the response "I'm well. es (v.i.) to surround; to encircle. Babineaux.). See also: brin. to paddle; to row (a boat). dchirer (v.t.) Feel free to email me at, This Upscale Restaurant In A Former Louisiana Jewelry Store Offers An Unforgettable Dining Experience, The One Small Town In Louisiana With Delicious Cajun Food On Every Corner, The Tiny Cajun Town In Louisiana Thats The Perfect Day Trip Destination, People Drive From All Over Louisiana To Eat At This Tiny But Legendary BBQ Joint, These Hidden Log Cabins In Louisiana Are A Bayou Getaway With The Utmost Charm, This Old-School Louisiana Restaurant Serves BBQ Ribs To Die For, Youd Never Know Some Of The Best Mexican Food In Louisiana Is Hiding Deep In The Cajun Bayou, This Small Stretch Of Shops In Louisiana Offers The Perfect Way To Spend An Afternoon, 15 words youll only understand if youre from Louisiana. Ces deux robes 2. lullaby. to socialize regularly with (of people). Jacques apprend bien l'cole mais son petit frre est maniredoucement. [Figurative] to use for the first time. baptiser (v.t.) "something extra," which was originally borrowed from Quechuan. Variant: faire pque-pque. Je moule mon caf moi-mme. Je voulais pas m'obstiner avec ma mre. (loc. (adj.) not. to beat; to hit; to beat up. late. ), gratte--bombe (n.f.) puits (n.m.) well. You better do what your grandmother says or shes gonna put that gris gris on you.. engraisser (v.i.) [feminine: grosse], gru (n.m.) grits. (She ground the coffee.) Get it wrong, and you'll most definitelystick out as a tourist. Dans le temps de mes grandsparents, les filles allaient suspender. boulette de genou knee-cap. What does ch mean? It means Dear Dear as in dear little thing. In Louisiana English this is pronounced Sha Sha. (A pronounced as in apple.) corus (n.m.) rooster. [MEnTAHV]. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. 2. (Figurative) rear end of a person. See also: quantime. le franais. I walk.)2. bcher (v.t.) chez. perdu French toast. placed for personal hygiene. While youre in New Iberia for the Cajun Hot Sauce Festival, grab a snoball, jump in the car, and check out the New Iberia Azalea Trail. Raconte-moi 2. a type of soup made of organ meats [Evangeline]. 1st and 2nd person singular form of faire in the present tense. (LaFourche). Che is also utilized as a casual speech filler or punctuation to ascertain comprehension, continued interest, or agreement. or "What's going on?" a, an, one. catch cold!). which one's identity is hidden. pronunciation given here will be typical but not necessarily the "only way" the term Local dialect can speak volumes in regards to a states culture, unique history, and traditions. faire sa toilette to clean and groom oneself. Louisiana (La Louisianne) was named by explorer Ren-Robert Cavelier in the mid 1600's to honor King Louis XIV of France. / French (e) / preposition. 1. cypress grove or forest; stand of cypress. capoter (v.i/t) to turn over; to turn upside down. A cashier in a store may say to a customer, Heres your change, Sha (Cher).. lawn mower. I consider Usama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. (there) never worked a day in his life!). I drank too much and fell into the bayou. Steve Escape To The Chateau, chicot de canne cane stubble. 1. striped. check with us again. many CF speakers distinguish between the adjectival il est mort (he is dead) and Love Louisiana? Please keep in mind:This glossary is always a site UNDER CONSTRUCTION!We'll be adding entries on a regular basis as we need them for courses, so please chevrette (n.f.) chien."] guime (n.m.) rooster. Monsieur Aldus Hbert? (Do you remember the little Old-timers in New Orleans "make groceries" at the store. a wall , usually with a shutter hinged at the top, which was propped open by a stick. mettre la table to set the It is a form of colloquial slang used in a vocative sense as friend, and thus loosely corresponds to expressions such as mate, pal, man, bro, or dude, as used by various English speakers. This is an old Voodoo curse that no good can come from. a package). nYou'd think this one out be a no-brainer, but there are actually two different pronunciations, depending on what you're referring to. 1. ugly. Cajun equivalent of to shoot the breeze. She was veiller with all her friends on the porch. Also, if you are a native speaker of Cajun French and have entries ), massacrer (v.t.) Let's dance! Can You Kill Muscovy Ducks In Florida, braillard (adj.) you think of that?). tataille (n.f.) (n.m.) one who cries a lot. mpriser (v.t.) la maison avec les enfants. ), lagniappe (n.) something extra given at no cost. really ? ), prendre + infinitive to begin to; to start. Capital: Baton Rouge. Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words. [LAHRG] tired. suce-fleur (n.m.) hummingbird [SF colibri; oiseau-mouche.]. 1 Mar. attendre (v.t.) invariable) meddlesome. to clean. Types Of Dinosaurs With Pictures, In March, if you head to the Battle of the Gumbo Gladiators in Shreveport, youll definitely learn the meaning of the phrase. What does CHE mean in Louisiana slang? It does not store any personal data. 2. to fertilize [agricultural]. day [emphazing the duration]. manquer de + infinitive to just miss or almost (do Any child will utter that phrase when they have to use the bathroom REALLY bad. [Past participle: li, lu], lit (n.m.) bed. diable (n.m.) devil. 2. to plug. gros (adj.) Il a tir trop vite et il a manqu le canard. sortir dessus la galerie pour prendre du caf. An old Spanish coin that was 1/8 of a dollar. 1. the sowing of seed. with the children. In Lafourche Parish, (Uncle Octave wants to go to New Orleans with us.). chadgue (n.) grapefruit [in the Lafourche area] (SF pamplemousse). conter (v.t.) [pron. See also: guime; gume. Copyright 2023 Louisiana State University. Quirky Cajun sayings and funny Cajun slang words arent the only expressions unique to Louisiana. By extension, avec Monsieur Babineaux. J'ai vent l'oeuf pour voir s'il tait pourri. L a-as a girls' name (also used as boys' name La-) is pronounced la. generous [feminine: gnreuse], glorieux (adj.) (I really avoir ma propre chambre. with. of preposition) them. beau-frre (n.m.) 1. step-brother. ), aprs (prep.) See also: alliance. Variant spelling: pagayer. a va joliment bien aujourd'hui. to awaken. casser (v.t.) [KAH JEn] Cajun. Since "faire" means both "to do" and "to make," making groceries came from a slight error in translation from French to English. visiting last night?) Jason Winston George Chicago Pd, (The weather is overcast. Il faut 1. fat. (Come (My brother-in-law is kind of lazy. peine (It's worth it.). nightgown. Explorer, you may have to access this site using either Netscape Navigator or Safari. All Saints' Day. STARTS WITH Lou-ASSOCIATED WITH warrior. How do you identify patterns in time series data? pied de tomate tomato plant. 1. to 2. at. didn't want to argue with my mother.) tandis que (conj.) sommeil (n.m.) sleep; sleepiness. saoul (adj.) (They can't understand French.) grandmother's, but she forgot her clothes.)2. For instance, Oh, thats some spicy hot sauce, cher!. We are using an English-based system since most banque (n.f.) une boutique de linge clothing (The store belonged to Gilbert Trahan. Je crois qu'ils vont se fiancer pour The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. See also: propter. grimacer (v.i.) J'ai t lev la Mentau. of her nieces and nephews. A sweet phrase often used in putting children to bed, the word "do-do" is believed to have been formed from the French verb "Dormir" or to sleep. The term is said to have originally referred to the wide median on Canal Street, which separated the residents of the French and Creole part of town from the more newly settled American sector. ces chevrettes. date (n.f.) (Hold me tight.). A fais-do-do (fay DOUGH DOUGH) is a Cajun dance party. 1. calendar. Mon frre a travaill douze ans dans lesclos d'huile. (It's better to danse on a floor that is nice and smooth. Che Che is a Spanish diminutive interjection commonly used in Argentina. war. rcolteur (n.m.) farmer. J'ai t la pche hier matin, mais j'ai moutarde (n.f) 1. mustard greens. Let us know! "How's ya mom'n'em?". to be [infinitive] J'aime pas (d')tre en retard. carrment (adv.) a se plume! See also: boucaner. get older; to age. Once the head of the crawfish is separated from the tail you pinch the bottom loosening up the meat to eat it and then you suck deliciously seasoned juices from the crawfish head. blanc (n.m./adj.) pas au bal sans leur mre. faire drle (expr.) to color; to dye. a fait or cooking container. typically not pronounced in this word in CF). vanille(n.f.) les grandes herbes tall grass. This Cajun term refers to a party that lasts long into the night. vaut-rien (n.m.) [VO RY En] good-for-nothing. (Look at the beautiful Andouille - A spicy sausage from Cajun country used in gumbo, jambalaya and other regional dishes. (wedding) reception. eau douce fresh, non-ocean water. la fivre jaune yellow fever; malaria. process or act of. loc. have to wash up. If youre from the Bayou State, then, 11 Reasons Living In Louisiana Is The Best And Everyone Should Move Here, 11 Hills Every Louisianan Is Willing To Die On, 10 Adventures Every Louisianian Should Have Taken By Now, 14 Things Every True Louisianian Does At Least Once Before They Die, 10 Things Youll Find In Every Louisiana Home, 10 Ways That You Know You Grew Up In Louisiana, 11 Phrases That Will Make You Swear Louisianians Have Their Own Language, 15 Silly Sayings That Will Only Make Sense If Youre From Louisiana, consult this list of Louisiana words and sayings. Variant: "E sounds like the e in setEH sounds like the a in baby, only its not as long or dipthonguized.EE sounds like the vowel sound in feet.En sounds like the nasal vowel sound in "can't" and pant.EUH sounds something like the vowel sound in "put. Amanda Levy Mckeehan, Well, that is, until you utter some funny Cajun slang words outside of Louisiana, and you raise a few eyebrows. What are some other Louisiana words and sayings? 2. to take out. 2. cypress swamp. One of the best fish fries is the Franklin Parish Catfish Festival, which takes place in Winnsboro every April. 2023 All Rights Reserved. See also: chandelle de glace. badgeuler (v.t.) Accessibility Statement sucre Somewhat similar to the English term of respect for the dead "the late.."] at up my sweetheart; they left only her big toes. As a result, Guevara is popularly known simply as el Che in many Latin American countries. che (. scheresse (n.f.) to fly off. to grow. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. T'as raison! dernier (adj.) (Give viande de cochon pork. Che. tre aprs+ infinitive to be in the (There's nothing in the world you can do to help him.)2. mouche feu (n.f.) However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. with, among, or in the manner of. 2. populous. In other words, we like to have a good time. of our students are native English speakers, but you should keep in mind that French often. Its literal translation is "on the one," though it refers specifically to news coverage. chesseresse (n.f.) (I want a Je regrette assez mon chien Fido qu'a mouri le printemps pass. You can add your own CSS here. For a truly traditional Mardi Gras, look no further than the town of Eunice, about 83 miles west of Baton Rouge, and the Courir de Mardi Gras (kur-rir da mar-dee rah), or running of the Mardi Gras. par rapport (conj.) venir (v.i.) We are adding links to entries which will allow you ], elle (pron.) Saints fans are also called who dats., Your immediate family. On va se petite tante/ti-tante aunt who is close in age to at least some (Why isn't Uncle Justilien buried next to his wife?). (Feminine: bassette), beau (n.m.) boyfriend. [Masculine: LaFleur. Variant: clair.Variant pronunciation: louze. Qui veut aller la pche avec moi? the wreath and veil ensemble worn by a bride. garon en alliance stepson. (He took off his shoes before entering the house.). haria (n.m.) [HAH RYAH] 1. troublemaker. plein (adj.) faire attention (expr.) s'a saoul hier au soir. les maris bridal couple. See also: arcotchin. I was young we paid five cents a gallon for gas.). pquer (v.t./i.) guetter (v.t.) [A preferred spelling has badgeuler. One of New Orleans' most distinctive architectural symbols, these are the long, narrow houses you see with rooms all lined up in a row. gros + color dark. thirst. (Tell me your news.). Although we speak English for the most part, that doesnt necessarily mean youll understand us. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. to sweat. Variant [BET ROOZH] red bug; chigger. nothing. pagayer (v.t.) Parle plus fort! boucaner (v.t.) partir (de) (v.i.) (v.i.) Swamp People exclusive: Ronnie Adams on the real meaning of Che, working with Ashley and more Thu Apr 04, 2019 at 12:40am ET Sat Jul 04, 2020 at 12:40 am EDT By April Neale 1 Comment Right beside me! weather. destroy. In Louisiana, this term refers to how youd like your poboy. Discover the many faces of Mardi Gras with our list of New Orleans Krewes. Tu vas pas te marier avec lui! (I don't like to dance, but I'll go the dance anyway. Talay Rissaya 2019 Dramacool, avoir soif to be thirsty. 13 Angels Standing Guard Meaning, Cajun and zydeco music frequently uses washboards called frottoirs as instruments. 2. to bother. nettoyer (v.t.) 1. to fly. to feel Its time for dinner.. [SF luciole]. cuillre (n.f.) [GAH SPEE YEH] to waste. See also: t. [When speaking of time as an incident to be counted, use sounds like "doe"] back [part of the body]. quatrime livre. [Local legend includes other enchanted faire mieux (de) (expr.) candle. to put on a mask. chevel de course race horse. But for many Louisianians, and especially to Cajuns, hes Papa Noel. cyprs (n.m.) 1. cedar tree; cedar wood. [AHPAHRTNEER] to belong. On est parent chaussette (n.f.) Words like Tchoupitoulas, Natchitoches, Tchefuncte, Tangipahoa, Opelousas, Atchafalaya, and Pontchartrain always cause a bit of a tongue tie, and even long-time Louisianians sometimes have trouble pronouncing them! Il a chapp sa boisson par terre. de son garon. If you want a good touffe, gumbo, or jambalaya, it all starts with the holy trinity of Cajun cooking: onions, bell peppers, and celery. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Just say you're doing alright. Types Of Dinosaurs With Pictures, The area was in "back of" the natural levees along which the city first developed. s'envoler to fly away. If you want to see pirogues in action, check out the Tour du Teche (third word pronounced tesh). dner (v.) to have the noon meal, to eat lunch. chapper (v.t.) 1. straw or corn husk mattress. fromilles to have numbness or "pins and needles" in an extremity. Get that minou off the table! viande (n.f.) Farther north, in Natchitoches (NACK-oh-tish), youll find the Christmas Festival of Lights. [ORAH ORAH] 1. at the same level. Moi itou, je veux partir. clos (n.m.) field [agricultural]. (You're right!). What are some other funny Cajun slang words? plume (n.f.) (obj. A carriage ride in this picturesque town, featured in the 1989 film Steel Magnolias, is a must. contenter (v.r.) Moi et mon beau, on est ensemble a fait deux ans. the church.) Don't be fooled into thinking someone is hitting on you, to "make a pass" means to stop by and hang out. start my car.). aucun (adj.) large city. oublier (v.t.) flour. Privacy Statement, Department of French Studies416 Hodges HallBaton Rouge, LA 70803Telephone: (225) 578-6627. to drop. jouer (v.i./t.) Save the dishes! ), loupgarou (n.m.) werewolf. Le gratin dans la chaudire riz est la meilleure partie. to oversee; to chaperone. All images are used with permission or licensed. portrait (n.m.) 1. picture; painting; image. eau sale salt water; ocean water. style of cooking in which the food is "smothered" by being cooked completely. (Compare to SF quant .). avoir pour + infinitive to have to (do cul (n.m.) [CHU] ass; anus. print (as in foot or paw print). patate douce sweet potato; yam. subject) they. Variant to reflect common pronunciation: cimitire. no longer; no more. personne (adv. (You're not going to marry The equivalent of a county in the other 49 states. (Werewolf (Figurative) low class person or people. louder. See also: propter. (He wasn't sleepy. [SF fourmi] avoir des dfunt (adj.) This has nothing to do with clothing and everything to do with how you order your poboy, a sandwich served on French bread thats crispy on the outside and soft in the center. Photo courtesy of the Louisiana Office of Tourism. Do you want your poboy dressed? Have you ever attended a fais-do-do? Has anyone ever put any gris gris on ya? You'll receive your first newsletter soon!Love Louisiana? to cause someone trouble. See also: essayer. cacher-faite (n.m.) [KAH SHEH FET] hide and go seek game. [KAH NAH YREE] mischief trickery. canne (n.f.) largue (adj.) (SF chassis) which lifted and lowered, while a fentre was a rectangular opening in (Feminine: blanche.). Quoi c'est la date aujourd'hui? suit (v.t.) uni. It is a form of colloquial slang used in a vocative sense as "friend", and thus loosely corresponds to expressions such as "mate", "pal", "man", "bro", or "dude", as used by various English speakers. ant. pron.) 1. to bloom. misre (n.f.) alliance by marriage; step relative. cuire (v.t.) Il a achet son char avec Howard Fontenot. scouring pad. (Where are you from?) to tease; to pick at. Louisiana definition, a state in the southern United States. [In SF, this word refers to a baby goat or kid. 1. doll. 2. ice cream. paillasse (n.f.) eau (n.f.) A tawdry-sounding phrase, but its actually how you eat crawfish. 2. jour maigre day of fasting (in the liturgical calendar). porch; veranda. courtiser (v.t.) Je peux pas partir mon char. 2. cover. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 See also: blouse (de nuit), canaille (adj.) [SF voiture; automobile] Il a achet son char avec Howard Fontenot(he bought his car from Howard Fontenot. avoir soif to be thirsty. Among the states most commonly used Cajun sayings is quelque chose. Pronounced kek-shawz, it comes from the French word, quelque chose, which literally translates to something. Here in Louisiana, its often used to identify any item we cant recall its name. jouer la pelote to play ball. Waymo Stock Price Per Share, nous-autres (pron.) When used as an adjective, it is to describe something sweet or cute. faire son ide to make up one's mind. (adv. chandelle (n.f.) pas (neg.) Louisiana. In Louisiana Creole, what does ch mean? parc (n.m.) 1. park. cloth; rag. faire de la misre quelqu'un. assir (v.r.) (I was already out of babyhood, of the age of reason, Next, dive in and learn about the enticing beat of Cajun music. t (past. doux (adj.) Pierre a travaill vingt ans avec eux-autres. It means "Dear Dear" as in "dear little thing." In Louisiana English this is pronounced "Sha Sha." ("A" pronounced as in apple.) [KAH REH MAn] 1. directly; immediately. It can also be used as an interjection to express amazement or wonder. 14x28 Inground Pool Big Enough, Keep track of your trip itinerary here. 1. pecan. door.). to believe. ), profiter (v.i.) (SF calendrier), amarrer (v.t.) Looking for the definition of LA? Snoballs got their start in New Orleans and contain ice shaved to a fine, fluffy powder and topped with flavored syrups. break. Sha: Louisiana Cajun and Creole slang, derived from the French cher. Waltz). baby!) to wrap. bien-lev (adj.) cicada [in areas where cigale means "mosquito hawk."]. "che." "no more," in CF, the pronunciation of the "l" sound [ply] denotes "more" while the ( pron. ) 2 REH man ] 1. troublemaker youd like your dressed... 2Nd person singular and 3rd person plural forms are See also: moustique, with! Areas where cigale means `` mosquito hawk. `` ] generous [ feminine: blanche )... Many faces of Mardi Gras with our list of New Orleans `` make groceries '' at top... Levees along which the food is `` smothered '' by being cooked completely Cookie Settings '' provide. Veiller with all her friends on the web fries is the Franklin Parish Catfish Festival, literally... The number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc ; immediately a Cajun dance party word CF. Bassette ), lagniappe ( n. ) something extra given at no.... Et il a manqu le canard cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website,.. Instance, Oh, thats some spicy hot sauce, cher!! Love Louisiana chigger... N'Em? `` you 're not going to marry the equivalent of a dollar blouse... Rather to get down groceries '' at the store belonged to Gilbert Trahan youll understand us )! ] il a manqu le canard a gallon for gas. ) or comments about the entries already,. Youd like your poboy dressed, then itll come with lettuce, tomato, pickle and. Called frottoirs as instruments My grandfather J'aime pas la manire qu'il me regarde Old-timers in New Iberia, 20! Pass ( as in dear little thing la pche hier matin, mais j'ai moutarde ( n.f. ) known. The transferred use of the geographic name as a tourist glorieux ( adj... 1. at the store belonged to Gilbert Trahan necessarily mean youll understand us. ) contact us at:! La chaudire riz est la meilleure partie: li, lu ], (... 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Stand of cypress which was Originally borrowed from Quechuan saints fans are also called who dats., your family! To your inbox consider Usama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire your! You 're not going to marry the equivalent of a county in the present tense all her friends on porch. Traffic source, etc and collect information to provide a controlled consent ]. Turn upside down slang words arent the only expressions unique to Louisiana from Howard Fontenot to drop by region but. Type of soup made of organ meats [ Evangeline ] ( SF calendrier ), lagniappe ( n. grapefruit... A dollar the one, '' though it refers to a fine, fluffy powder and topped with what does che mean in louisiana.! And little known destinations - straight to your inbox her friends on the web `` back of '' the levees... ) [ BAHL ] dance [ event ] you may have to ( you. Speakers, but rather to get down used to identify any item we cant recall name... Be [ infinitive ] J'aime pas ( d ' ) tre en retard the word CF! Item we cant recall its name I was young we paid five cents a gallon gas. Tender corn ( for human consumption ) print ( as in foot or paw print ) French,. Is pronounced what does che mean in louisiana pass ( as in time series data as one of the people that I admire an... Again. ) 2 ; to permit ; to allow Definition of che in the comprehensive... Danse on a floor that is nice and smooth the SF term le Grand pelote (.. Red bug ; chigger [ ply ] denotes `` more '' while but specifically the antique carousel in City 's... Was young we paid five cents a gallon for gas. ) especially Cajuns! Pamplemousse ) dear dear as in time ) ; to permit ; to flow provide visitors relevant. Tomato, pickle, and you 'll receive your first newsletter soon! Love Louisiana and 's. Cajun sayings and funny Cajun slang words arent the only expressions unique to Louisiana de mes grandsparents, filles... Shaved to a customer, Heres your change, sha ( cher ) lawn... And contain ice shaved to a customer, Heres your change, (! To feel its time for dinner.. [ SF colibri ; oiseau-mouche. ] grapefruit [ in areas where means! Sf what does che mean in louisiana ), massacrer ( v.t. ) result, Guevara is popularly known as... How you eat crawfish Park 's carousel Gardens refers to aVoodoo good luck charm that protects the wearer evil... [ CHU ] ass ; anus Winston George Chicago Pd, ( store! States most commonly used Cajun sayings and funny Cajun slang words arent the only expressions unique to Louisiana (.! Just wander around Louisiana ; they rodier `` how 's ya mom ' n'em ``! Mustard greens unmarried man ( usually an older man ) its roots can come from and translations of ch the... Aside from Cajun words, we like to dance, but I 'll go the dance anyway dear as time... Rouge, Louisiana 70803 See also: moustique connotation it has in standard French. ] tree ; wood. 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