But roughly how many years are we talking about of extended life, of maybe increased good years of life, would you guess that somebody who really puts their mind to it can buy through good behavior? His practice also focuses on elements such as diet, sleep, exercise, and, physiological aspects that promote Peter Attia talks with Steve Levitt about the problem with immortality, what's missing from our Covid response, and why nicotine is underrated. makes a complete mockery of what sexual harassment is and is not. But theres a lot of new research coming out among economists, of all people, thats starting to flag the importance of sleep. I basically had the worst headache of my life for the next three months. in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. ATTIA: No. Peter Attia: "I Definitely Lost a Lot of IQ Points That Day" He's been an engineer, a surgeon, a management consultant, and even a boxer. When we think of extending our lifespans, we think a lot about our physical health how well our bodies function. If were going to take Tylenol, we know the dose. And I will say, hes one of the few people who when he tells me to do something, I just do it. Well, I have six kids and I havent had a good nights sleep in 18 years. ATTIA: Well, I think its too soon to say that. Both of them are funded by the Arnold Foundation, with substantial ties to animal agriculture industry lobbying. Then theres the physical piece your muscle mass function, ability to move, freedom from pain, all of those things. And then, of course, this third piece, which is the emotional resilience and the ability to maintain a tolerance around distress. , Most people, when they think of death, think of what we call cardiopulmonary death or what Im calling death-certificate death. But probably 80% of people have actually died one of the other deaths before they die a cardiopulmonary death. Its just so hard to quit stuff. But not too far behind it is cancer. And when I was applying for my first grant, I went to the senior people around the M.I.T. 3K? But theyre not really set up to do big, big thinking. ATTIA: I actually this is probably one that has changed less than most in the past decade. So there are lots of benefits to fasting. He aimed to get his omega-3 to omega-6 ratio closer to 1:1, first by limiting sources of omega-6, and secondly by supplementing omega-3s. Learn more at microsoft.com/teams, The Buddha said, To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear. And, said, The human body is the best picture of the human soul., My guest today is physician Dr. Peter Attia. You have to have one project which is 95 percent done and turned out well. But to accomplish that goal, we have to learn how to prevent chronic diseases. And then youd just be guaranteed to get N.S.F. Why werent we immediately engaging in a whole bunch of experiments that would very rapidly get us answers to questions that would enable us to decide what to do? [6] As his residency drew to a close, Attia joined the consulting firm McKinsey & Company in the Palo Alto office as a member of the Corporate Risk Practice and Healthcare Practice. Thats the ultimate goal: To practice medicine and healthy living in such a way that we avoid encountering any kind of death before we have to. He has since been mentored by some of the most experienced and innovative lipidologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, sleep physiologists, and longevity scientists in the United States and Canada. I would run between five and 13 miles each morning. Theres days when I really feel like Im getting left behind and the train is so far ahead and Im never going to catch up. And thats part of the reason why a lot of smokers do gain weight when they stop smoking. So if you have defective cells, you dont want those guys going around replicating, making cancer cells and things like that. Note this may include abusive, threatening, pornographic, offensive, misleading or libelous language. Im so grateful to him for taking the time to join me here on The School of Greatness! Lets talk a little bit about the difference between lifespan and healthspan because theres a really key distinction between them. I could basically, within two weeks, turn you into an almost-diabetic by sleep depriving you. , Almost anything youre going to eat is going to come with something thats going to slightly raise your temperature. Despite the fact that he exercised and followed a healthy diet, in 2009, Attia was overweight and had started developingmetabolic syndrome, putting him at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. [1][2] He is also the first person to make the round-trip swim from Maui and Lanai. Something about that fructose molecule is really problematic. Were you a good fighter? So the other night here is a funny story, because it will come across that my daughter lives a tortured life she really does enjoy this stuff. And for that, Dr. Peter recommended therapy. It was really an interesting thing to watch. LEVITT: Id love to talk with you about Covid, because I have been, myself, a little bit shocked at how ineffective our public policy has been on Covid. Residency didnt seem very merit-based. Right? His practice deals extensively with nutritional interventions, exercise physiology, sleep physiology, emotional and mental health, and pharmacology to increase lifespan (delay the onset of chronic disease) while simultaneously improving healthspan (quality of life). Dr. Peter trained for five years at the, in general surgery, where he was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including Resident of the Year. Hes spent the last few years being mentored by the top medical scientists and now hosts. Your body naturally creates glucose in your liver, so when you eat and consume extra glucose, your body sends it to your muscles, and you use it as energy. ATTIA: I dont know if that exercise did, but yes, I think a lot of the training that I did did pay off, actually. And I hope thats the kind of lesson that I can reinforce, which is: youve got to become a good thinker. So I went, three days and just had water. So when you contrast living to 70 [and] spending 20 years in misery versus living to 75 with maybe two years in misery, it just doesnt even strike me as a trade-off. . By Sydney Bueckert, NASM CPT, CES, FNS, GPT November 23, 2022 It was about 10 things. Put simply, Type 2 diabetes is what happens when your body cannot dispose of the amount of glucose youre consuming. Can you describe how you approached your undergraduate classes at Stanford? in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. I think they often get confounded. How we are going about medicine the wrong way. I think most people do get a bit of a cognitive jolt from it. And senescent cells basically send out these really nasty inflammatory signals to other cells that basically age them. Airplane versus subway? How often? And you were like, Whats that? And I was like, Oh, I chew Nicorette gum. And you asked me if I was a smoker. I mean, not even hard to figure out if youre willing to do randomized experiments. Hes doing an appropriate amount of exercise for his age, and hes focusing on developing the strength and skills he still wants to have into his 80s and 90s. With over 50 million episodes downloaded, it features topics including exercise, nutritional biochemistry, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers disease, cancer, mental health, and much more. Wouldnt you like to live longer? I admire his dedication to becoming a kick-ass 100-year-old, and I only hope I can do the same! And so for six months, Ive been doing something that was probably a really bad idea as well. Peter Attia is a Canadian-born doctor who focuses on the science of longevity. And the more I learned, frankly, the less I agreed with him. It promises to be one of the most important books you'll ever read." Steven D. Levitt, New York Times bestselling author of Freakonomics "In Outlive, Peter Attia explores the science of not just . Attia has a chapter giving advice in Tim Ferriss' book Tools of Titans. LEVITT: So, tell me what are your current feelings towards sugar? Dr. Peter focuses on the applied science of longevity, the extension of human life, and overall well-being. Why didn't you address what Nina has brought up? Thanks for listening. It is the one thing that makes all three of those worse, and, in its most extreme state, its Type 2 diabetes. Hes been an engineer, a surgeon, a management consultant, and even a boxer. And I would get so tired that I would go to bed at eight oclock at night and Id wake up at 11:00. Sleep supplement. The short answer is, its never been deemed interesting enough to do the studies, which is great news to me, because Im 100 percent convinced this is a knowable set of answers, but someone just has to do the research. Throughout our lives, we experience different stressors that can cause strain on our mental health. And you would say, Peter, those seem really easy, and youd be right as a 37-year-old stud, but the point is most 60 year olds couldnt do them. Dr. Peter Attia. As we get older, we may develop knee or hip problems, hearing or vision loss, or even memory problems. Matt Hickey is the producer, and Dan Dzula was the engineer of this episode. Peter Attia @PeterAttiaMD. is who Id want for my doctor. ATTIA: I mean, look, Steve, that is a million dollar question. And then the key was that they said, If you ever sleep longer than three hours, you ever do one full night of sleep, your body resets completely and youve lost it.. HOMA-IR and frailty (same study as #3 linked twice); The studies that use OGTT do not establish that glucose variability above 140 mg/dL is important; None show that the high glucose itself is causal or that reducing it via diet will improve outcomes. And this mutation actually is what saved our species, because if we didnt have the ability to go to a cold place like Europe and get fat in the fall by eating all of the fructose-rich berries, we wouldnt have survived the winters. The first two are simple: Diet and exercise. Its also that it has no fiber left in it as well. You sometimes need that distance from something. And finally, the fourth thing that significantly affects our chances of getting Type 2 diabetes is stress. It turns out that our bodies perform a lot of glucose disposal when we sleep, so sleep is incredibly important for preventing glucose from building up in our bloodstreams. In Part One, we talked about how mental health affects longevity, daily practices you can do to live a longer and healthier life, and all the details on Type 2 diabetes. ATTIA: Well, my undergrad was actually in Canada, which is where I did math and engineering. Dr. Peter earned his M.D. And I think youve come to appreciate, in recent years, the importance of sleep. [10][11] He was one of the speakers at TEDMED 2013.[12][13]. But I still stand by the benefits of nicotine. If you learned something today, please share it with us! He is well . And I missed that routine once in four years. Who I am. So theres this molecule called adenosine. So theyve either died a cognitive death which is to say their minds have become so dull that theyre really not able to be the people they wanted to be [or] their body has broken down so much that the things that once gave them so much joy, theyre deprived of or emotionally theyve become depressed. And I think most people do find a lot of benefit from it. LEVITT: No, it was when I worked in consulting. And thats really about the highest praise I can offer anyone I know. Too often, it intervenes with treatments too late to help, prolonging lifespan at the expense of healthspan, or quality of life. When it comes to chronic and life-threatening diseases, Dr. Peter said it comes down to three major things: So the big three are, in order, atherosclerotic disease so thats vascular disease, meaning heart disease and stroke. [3], Peter Attia was born on 19 March 1973 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sign up (free) to receive the5 Tactics in My Longevity Toolkit delivered by email as a 5-day course,my weeklynewsletter, and newpodcast announcements. If I just took 20 guys like you and took them from eight hours a night to four hours a night for two weeks and then did these glucose tolerance tests, I could reduce [their] glucose disposal by 50%. So when you contrast living to 70 [and] spending 20 years in misery versus living to 75 with maybe two years in misery, it just doesnt even strike me as a trade-off. Dr. Peter Attia. Im involved in a coronavirus study now, that were trying to get off the ground, thats looking at the long term impact of immunity. I am absolutely in the process of rewriting it, and that is my intention. I said, No, no, no. what happened to peter attia. So it turns out that if you deprive the body of glucose, the body still goes through that same process. Hes one of the most intelligent, curious, compassionate people Ive ever met. Because for most people, the last 20 years, especially the last 10 years, are not great, both physically and cognitively. But when you consume too much glucose, your body cant use it. So you went to Stanford and got your medical degree there and then you did your residency at Johns Hopkins. He attended Stanford University School of Medicine, where he received his M.D. Comments are welcomed and encouraged. And to this day, we still respect each other greatly. LEVITT: I will say that youve taught me a lot and I never told you this before youre one of the few people on the planet whose opinion I trust so completely that when you tell me to do something, no matter how absurd it sounds, I do it. Now, in very low doses, which is what you would get if you were eating a piece of fruit, there is no problem in eating fructose. So, for example, if the argument is that the people who are most disadvantaged genetically will have the greatest benefit from change, the number I talk about with patients is probably five to seven years. It showed I had cerebral contusions. ATTIA: Yeah, thats another example of something that I think, prior to 2012, I was very much of the mindset that, Oh, Ill sleep when Im dead. And residency certainly reinforced that. But I loved the benefits of nicotine.. Dr. Peter focuses on the applied science of longevity, the extension of human life, and overall well-being. Whats good about nicotine? ATTIA: Now, that I remember. Dr. Peters goal is to reduce those early deaths as much as possible. But I have to say, hes also completely, totally insane. And then after school, I would get home and then do another 90 minutes of work on the heavy bag, speed bag, double end bag in my basement, coupled with more anaerobic training. from Stanford University and holds a B.Sc. When I finished residency, if you looked at a blood panel of mine, you would never imagine that I was a 33-year-old. In addition to being an accomplished physician, Dr. Peter is also a successful businessman. Nina Teicholz misleads readers by chronically failing to disclose how her work is financially supported, How to use psyllium husk supplements to reduce or in some cases replace cholesterol medications, THE SQUAT AND THE DEADLIFT ARE DANGEROUS, SPECIALIST LIFTS THAT SHOULD NOT BE USED BY MOST PEOPLE, PART 3, A comprehensive debunking of Peter Attias claims about continuous glucose monitoring, with a cameo appearance by david Sinclair. According to Tools of Titans, Attia takes 600 to 800 mg per day of magnesium, alternating between mag sulfate and mag oxide. Theres a part of me this is not going to sound great Im just not an optimist when it comes to what the world is going to look like in 50 years. So I want to start with a story. And I religiously do whatever you tell me to do. ATTIA: No, I think its the hardest job. Mass vaccination would interfere with this a lot. ATTIA: I mean, I was a pretty good fighter at the time, but we have a heavy bag in our garage now. And then take a little step further, and you reach neurodegenerative disease, of which Alzheimers disease is far and away the most common and also the most rapidly increasing. And then take a little step further, and you reach neurodegenerative disease, of which Alzheimers disease is far and away the most common and also the most rapidly increasing. Of course, this is now a very hot topic today. Peter Attia is the host of The Drive podcast and . department where I was, and I said, I have three new projects; Im going to put into my proposal., They said, No, you got it totally wrong. In addition to being an accomplished physician, Dr. Peter is also a successful businessman. But the point is, without making these proactive changes, they mightve lived only until 70. In 2018 Dr. Attia switched to a special type of magnesium called Slow-Mag. A SIXTEEN-ARTICLE POWERBOMB. [4] First wanting to become a professional boxer, he later attended Queen's University, receiving B.Sc. This mask versus that mask? Why the Oura ring sucks for tracking sleep and might be Chris Kresser is awful. A surgeon who developed metabolic syndrome himself despite the fact that he ate well and exercised often, Attia realized that our understanding of these important health issues may not actually be correct. Where did this drive come from? ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Peter_Attia&oldid=1139971534, Stanford University School of Medicine alumni, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 19:54. Dr. Peter says there are four main ways to do it. We talk once every six months or four months. So, I think it puts N.I.H. This comment policy is subject to change at any time. Comments that harass other posters will be deleted. So I think when you say sugar, what you mean is added sugar. And actually, my model ended up working really well, but I was basically threatened that Id be fired if I ever did it again. This is a tragedy. And then three of those days it would be a shorter run with hill workouts and sprints. So, again, evolution won. ATTIA: Exactly. Incredible evidence in how it prevents neurodegeneration and basically all forms of chronic disease. The other two preventions, however, might surprise you. The purpose of comments on our site is to expand knowledge, engage in thoughtful discussion, and learn more from readers. Your lifespan may be longer, but your healthspan the amount of life you live in good health isnt. My Centenarian Olympics has 18 events in it. He is of Coptic Egyptian descent. But I certainly didnt appreciate at the time what it was doing to my health. But my hunch is, youd know better than me, is that for things like influenza, we actually dont even know the answer, even though weve had 100 years to be thinking about that. Our lifespan is the amount of time we live, and it is steadily growing longer. This magnesium features what's called an enteric coating to protect it from premature disintegration. If you pay any attention to history, we will have another pandemic that will involve yet another virus. As an Amazon Associate, Freakonomics may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made through links on this site. This episode is informative, and I know youll get a lot of value from it. Ive never really experienced nicotine. Below this, it has no benefit, above this, its toxic. Its a bit of luck and its having really good people around me who are really patient, who have been able to help nurture me back to a new way of thinking about life that is unrecognizable compared to the ethos that was 10 years ago. 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