Find cities with a similar climate (2050) The northern states in the United States all abolished slavery by 1804. 1803 Denmark-Norway becomes the first country in Europe to ban the African slave trade, forbidding trading in slaves and ending the importation of slaves into Danish dominions. Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation. By 1860 it had reached nearly 4 million, with more than half living in the cotton-producing states of the South. @CGCambell, just a nit, but a civilization is not a quantifiable term but a qualitative term. By 1688, New Frances population was 11,562 people, made up primarily of fur traders, missionaries, and farmers settled in the St. Still, before then, Mexico Spain, Chile, and more countries abolished it first. It was not until the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, in 1865, that slavery was formally abolished ( here ). Home Mississippi State University Who Abolished Slavery First? Quoting @T.E.D. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. By the start of the 13th century references to people being taken as slaves stopped. The transatlantic slave trade began during the 15th century when Portugal, and subsequently other European kingdoms, were finally able to expand overseas and reach Africa. The crew had seized the Africans from the Portuguese slave ship Sao Jao Bautista. And even then, the Abolition Act was similarly spurred on by a major rebellion in Jamaica in 1831-32. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. West Virginia became the 35th state on June 20, 1863, and the last slave state admitted to the Union. The language used in the Thirteenth Amendment was taken from the 1787 Northwest Ordinance. Where In Mississippi Should You Not Live? The . Supporters of slavery pointed to Turners rebellion as evidence that Black people were inherently inferior barbarians requiring an institution such as slavery to discipline them, and fears of similar insurrections led many southern states to further strengthen their slave codes in order to limit the education, movement and assembly of enslaved people. The practice of slavery is one of humankind's most deeply rooted institutions. Instead, freedom came from the beginning of what would be an over-decade-long fight for independence from France. Brazil was the last country in the Western world to abolish the enslavement of human beings. 1 What was the first country to abolish slavery? Frederick Douglass, Courtesy: New-York Historical Society. As of 2018, the countries with the most slaves were: India (18.4 million), China (3.86 million), Pakistan (3.19 million), North Korea (2.64 million), Nigeria (1.39 million), Indonesia (1.22 million), Democratic Republic of the Congo (1 million), Russia (794,000) and the Philippines (784,000). When did slavery become illegal in France? In 1780, Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery when it adopted a statute that provided for the freedom of every slave born after its enactment (once that individual reached the age of majority). @Thorbjrn Ravn Andersen: The white view of black people is hardly the only relevant factor. January 1st, 1808 Though people of African descent free and enslaved were present in North America as early as the 1500s, the sale of the "20 and odd" African people set the course for what would become. The laws that would phase it out for Asia and islands outside of the Americas didnt begin until the Indian Slavery Act in 1843, and it was an even slower phase-out program than the 1834 action that nationalistic English (and some Americans) people like to praise. In 1792 the king decreed the trade must end (although the ban did not take effect until 1803). The USA abolished the slave trade in 1808. 1787 Northwest Ordinance. John Brown, Courtesy: Library of Congress. Virginia colonist John Rolfe documented the arrival of the ship and 20 and odd Africans on board. Its read more, On the night of March 21, 1981, a cross crackled and burned on the lawn of the Mobile County courthousethe Ku Klux Klans grim protest of the outcome of a local murder trial. Three years later, on 25 March 1807, King George III signed into law the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, banning trading in enslaved people the British Empire. Rebellionsamong enslaved people did occurnotably, ones led by Gabriel Prosser in Richmond in 1800 and by Denmark Vesey in Charleston in 1822but few were successful. The historian Marcel Trudel catalogued the existence of about 4,200 slaves in Canada between 1671 and 1834, the year slavery was abolished in the British Empire. This was Frances first abolition of slavery, a concession offered to retain the valuable colony within the Empire. View complete answer on Seems like the other answers are late by at least a thousand years - China did it around the beginning of the common era. Mauritania is the worlds last country to abolish slavery, and the country didnt make slavery a crime until 2007. Whether youre a lifelong resident of D.C. or you just moved here, weve got you covered. Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group/Getty Images. But by sidestepping the slavery issue, the framers left the . This month, weve been marking the bicentennial of that event by talking about new scholarship on slavery and the world the slaves made. Slavery Abolition Act, (1833), in British history, act of Parliament that abolished slavery in most British colonies, freeing more than 800,000 enslaved Africans in the Caribbean and South Africa as well as a small number in Canada. They were usually prohibited from learning to read and write, and their behavior and movement were restricted. In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte established himself as First Consul of France and became determined to rein in the growing autonomy of Saint Domingue under the revolutionary leader and colonial governor Toussaint L'Ouverture, who published the 1801 colonial constitution that forever abolished slavery. The law freed enslaved people aged 25 and over and made it illegal to bring enslaved people into Upper Canada. what resulted is arguably the largest . Where was the first place to abolish slavery? What was the historical prevalance of inherited chattel slavery? Though the Emancipation Proclamation didnt officially end all slavery in Americathat would happen with the passage of the 13th Amendment after the Civil Wars end in 1865some 186,000 Black soldiers would join the Union Army, and about 38,000 lost their lives. Haiti formally proclaimed autonomy from France in 1804 and became the first sovereign nation in the Western Hemisphere to unconditionally abolish slavery in the modern era. Wilberforce died just three days after hearing that the passage of the Act through Parliament was assured. Dubrovnik was a small city state which had never allowed slavery. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Marriages between enslaved men and women had no legal basis, but many did marry and raise large families; most owners of enslaved workers encouraged this practice, but nonetheless did not usually hesitate to divide families by sale or removal. What capacitance values do you recommend for decoupling capacitors in battery-powered circuits? The Mandalorian/The Last of Us Mashups are My New Favorite Kind of Fan Art, Baby Yoda Watch: Grogu Is Back and Chaotic As Ever, On This Day in TV History: An Iconic Buffy the Vampire Body Swap We Never Recovered From, The Mandalorian Season 3 Brought Back One of the Coolest Star Wars Creatures, At Least Bo-Katan Called That Nonsense Out on The Mandalorian, Slavery Abolition Act took effect in August 1834, most U.K. adults contributed to paying off this debt used to pay enslavers, you cant equate West African Nations contributions, On This Day in TV History: An Iconic 'Buffy the Vampire' Body Swap We Never Recovered From, 'The Mandalorian' Season 3 Brought Back One of the Coolest 'Star Wars' Creatures, At Least Bo-Katan Called That Nonsense Out on 'The Mandalorian', In Todays World-Ending News: It Snowed in LA Today, Despite Continued Abuses, More Young Women Artists Are Opting To Work With Chris Brown, Even The Last of Us Episode Sevens Lighting Got the Point, This Artist is Recreating Every MCU Project as a Comic Book Cover, INTERVIEW: Ed Speleers Breaks Down Joining the World of Star Trek: Picard, Sam Levinson and the Weeknds New HBO Series Really Does Sound Like a Sh-tshow. Edmund's work as a teacher, administrator, and researcher has given him a unique perspective on how students learn and what educators can do to foster a love of learning in their students. The British government used a $20 million loan (40% of the nations budget at the time and now about $16 billion) to pay back the enslavers for lost property, but newly enslaved people were left with nothing. The significant milestone is preceded by at least 240 failed attempts since 1901 to pass any bill or resolution mentioning lynching in Congress. In Colonial America, a few German Quakers issued the 1688 Germantown Quaker Petition Against Slavery, which marks the beginning of the American abolitionist movement. For example Great Britain banned the trading of slaves 391 years later, and the USA banned the slave trade 450 years after Dubrovnik on the 18th of December 1865., Freedom From Slavery Came Early in an Unexpected Country. In the 17th and 18th centuries, enslaved Africans worked mainly on the tobacco, rice and indigo plantations of the southern coast, from the Chesapeake Bay colonies of Maryland and Virginia south to Georgia. More about Dubrovnik.. By the Republic of Raguso (Dubrovnik), it was the first country to recognize the young United States. But it wouldnt last. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. At any one time, about two-thirds of the enslaved population had been born in Africa. Landowners sought to make their enslaved completely dependent on them through a system of restrictive codes. That includes a number of right-wing sites that are saying Lemon was schooled and a number of other verbs, where I think a more accurate description for Lemon would be stunned someone would be this ignorant.. (I'm aware of the other question about slavery. Around the same time, the mechanization of the textile industry in England led to a huge demand for American cotton, a southern crop whose production was limited by the difficulty of removing the seeds from raw cotton fibers by hand. But eight years later, Napoleon re- established the trade. It received Royal Assent on August 28, 1833, and took effect on August 1, 1834. Four years later, however, the Kansas-Nebraska Act opened all new territories to slavery by asserting the rule of popular sovereignty over congressional edict, leading pro- and anti-slavery forces to battle it outwith considerable bloodshedin the new state of Kansas. Mauritania One major factor that enabled abolitionists to argue for emancipation was the failure of the governments amelioration policy. Sure, that ruling will not stop France from actively enforcing slavery oversees when it built its colonial empire(s) centuries later. While many abolitionists based their activism on the belief that slaveholding was a sin, others were more inclined to the non-religious free-labor argument, which held that slaveholding was regressive, inefficient and made little economic sense. The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 caused seven southern states to secede and form the Confederate read more, In late August 1619, the White Lion, an English privateer commanded by John Jope, sailed into Point Comfort and dropped anchor in the James River. Within three months, seven southern states had seceded to form the Confederate States of America; four more would follow after the Civil War began. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. Some 5,000 Black soldiers and sailors fought on the American side during the Revolutionary War. Many masters raped enslaved women, and rewarded obedient behavior with favors, while rebellious enslaved people were brutally punished. The colony then sent a delegation to the French National Assembly to. The Commanders used the franchise tag on Daron Payne. Named after a Black minstrel show character, the lawswhich existed for about 100 years, from the post-Civil War era until 1968were meant to marginalize African Americans by denying read more, The NAACP or National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was established in 1909 and is Americas oldest and largest civil rights organization. After that conflict and the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, he continued to push for equality and human rights until his death in 1895. People excluded from this initial law included enslaved people in Sri Lanka, Sanit Helena, and any place owned by the East India Trading Companythis includes India and many surrounding countries. Haiti was the first nation to permanently ban slavery. In 1772, Somerset v Stewart held that slavery had no basis in English law and was thus a violation of habeas corpus. Find cities with a similar climate (2050). -French Revolution -Declaration of the Rights on Man and Citizen When did the Haitian Revolution take place? The asker is clearly referring to a united polity, so stop trying to pretend otherwise or that it's not clear. Regardless of size it's deals with social and cultural development irrelevant of size of the country. In 1803, Denmark-Norway became the first nation in Europe to ban the African slave trade. But after the Revolutionary War, the new U.S. Constitution tacitly acknowledged the institution of slavery, counting each enslaved individual as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of taxation and representation in Congress and guaranteeing the right to repossess any person held to service or labor (an obvious euphemism for slavery). Coloring Books, Find cities with a similar climate We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Best Known For: William Lloyd Garrison was an American journalistic crusader who helped lead the successful abolitionist campaign against slavery in the United States. Find a vector in the null space of a large dense matrix, where elements in the matrix are not directly accessible. @MarkOlson : It depends how far back exactly is ", Well, the interesting thing for me is who was the first to ban slavery where it really made a difference, either by freeing a significant number of slaves or by preventing a significant slave trade. Although not yet a state in the Union, the Vermont Commonwealth was the first territory to immediately abolish slavery in the United States. You need to remember that the African slave trade wasn't usually a matter of white traders capturing black people. Who was the person who abolished slavery? What were the 5 main reasons why slavery was abolished? One country to have recently abolished slavery was Mauritania. To be very clear, Haitis liberation alone wasnt even the sole reason for Britain and others to take action. A map of the United States that shows 'free states,' 'slave states,' and 'undecided' ones, as it appeared in the book 'American Slavery and Colour,' by William Chambers, 1857. Russia essentially abolished slavery in 1679. black people was looked upon by the white people. In the case of Dubrovnik, it would appear that the general populace agreed (in fact never supported slavery). The practice reportedly affects up to 20% of the countrys 3.5 million population (pdf, p. 258), most of them from the Haratin ethnic group. Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th amendment abolished slavery in the United States and provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their Have a tip or story idea? 's answer in a different question : King Louis X in 1315 declared that "France signifies freedom", and ordered all slaves and serfs setting foot on French soil to be freed. Slavery was reinstated in AD 12 before his assassination in AD 23. Advertisement . Mauritania is the worlds last country to abolish slavery, and the country didnt make slavery a crime until 2007. Wikipedia has a couple of claims, but I'm not sure of their reliability: This is marked as a duplicate, but it is different, because the other question is essentially about. Hundreds of thousands of Africans, both free and enslaved, aided the establishment and survival of colonies in the Americas and the New World. What did Frederick Douglass do to end slavery? President Abraham Lincoln France incorporated slavery in all of its early modern overseas colonies, including Canada, and was the first nation-state in the world to issue a general emancipation act (see the separate Oxford Bibliographies articles on French Atlantic World, the Haitian Revolution, Emancipation, and Abolition of Slavery).In fact, France abolished slavery twice, in 1794 and in 1848, each time . Despite seeing an unprecedented degree of Black participation in American political life, Reconstruction was ultimately frustrating for African Americans, and the rebirth of white supremacyincluding the rise of racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)had triumphed in the South by 1877. The Slavery Abolition Law would finally be enacted, after years of campaigning, suffering and injustice. Worse,. Where Is Slavery Still Active? In the so-called Admirals map of 1507 the island was labeled as Jamaiqua and in Peter Martyrs work Decades of 1511, he referred to it as both Jamaica and Jamica. What was the first country to abolish slavery? Mauritania became the last country in the world to abolish slavery when the practice was finally made illegal in 1981 - nearly 120 years after Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in the USA in 1863. What Is A TeacherS Salary In Mississippi? His journal entry is immortalized read more. William Lloyd Garrison, Theodore Weld, Fredrick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Benjamen Franklin, Benjamin Rush. Three years later, on 25 March 1807, King George III signed into law the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, banning trading in enslaved people the British Empire. @MarkOlson It seems that there were some slaves in France in the late 13th century, mainly brought back by the Templars from Cursades: Which was the first civilization to ban slavery? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. To those arguing about the definition of "civilization", read the question more carefully. . The Ancient East, specifically China and India, didnt adopt the practice of slavery until much later, as late as the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC. The South American country was the last place in the Americas to abolish slavery and that period coincided with a boom in the then new medium of photography. History Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for historians and history buffs. The 1833 Slavery Abolition Act abolished, as the name suggests, slavery itself. Who were five leaders of the abolition movement? Slaves were primarily imported into North America by the English, Dutch, and French to work on sugar, cotton, and tobacco. Pope Paul III outlawed the enslavement of indigenous peoples in the New World, and established basic freedom and property rights for them in 1537. It essentially dictated the end of slave trade into the continental centre of the empire. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? Many cultures practice slavery without allowing slaves to be bought and sold. It is believed the first Africans brought to the colony of Virginia, 400 years ago this month, were Kimbundu-speaking. Initially, it only applied to those under the age of six, and others must stay with their enslavers for at least another four to six years. That honor instead goes to Haiti, the first nation to permanently ban slavery and the slave trade from the first day of its existence. Who freed the slaves during the Civil War? The most obvious reason for the abolition is the ethical concern of slavery. In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring all persons held as slaves shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free, effective January 1, 1863. 4 February 1794In France, on 4 February 1794 (16 Pluvise Year II in the French Revolutionary Calendar), the National Convention enacted a law abolishing slavery in the French colonies. On that basis, the Republic of Ragusa certainly applies. It Just Surfaced. In 1859, two years after the Dred Scott decision, an event occurred that would ignite passions nationwide over the issue of slavery. Failure of amelioration. @CGCampbell You have a good point. What Are The Top Tier Sororities At Mississippi State? Throughout the 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to enslaved Africans as a cheaper, more plentiful labor source than indentured servants, who were mostly poor Europeans. But in 1793, a young Yankee schoolteacher named Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, a simple mechanized device that efficiently removed the seeds. Florida Agricultural And Mechanical University, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (Mit), Missouri University Of Science And Technology, State University Of New York Health Science Center At Brooklyn, Suny College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, The University Of North Carolina At Charlotte, The University Of Texas Health Science Center At Houston, The University Of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio, The University Of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University Of Texas Medical Branch At Galveston, The University Of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Uniformed Services University Of The Health Sciences, University At Buffalo Suny School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences, University Of California, Los Angeles (Ucla), University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign, University Of Maryland Baltimore County (Umbc), University Of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, University Of Tennessee Health Science Center, University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Slavery itself was abolished everywhere in the British Empire in 1834. Americas explosive growthand its expansion westward in the first half of the 19th centurywould provide a larger stage for the growing conflict over slavery in America and its future limitation or expansion. How France first abolished slavery in 1794, years before Britain and America. This didn't come from European benevolence and a come-to-Jesus. Thanks for contributing an answer to History Stack Exchange! Most modern historians generally agree that slavery continued in Britain into the late 18th century, finally disappearing around 1800. In 1793, the rebels freed themselves by forcing the colonial commissioners to abolish slavery throughout the colony. At a meeting of the Grand Chamber of the Republic of Dubrovnik on the 27th of January 1416 a total of 75 councillors of 78 in the council voted to ban slavery in the Republic. That is the current mindset heavily influenced by the "all men are created equal" line of thought. Each step was usually the result of a separate law or action. White people are quick to tout stories of abolition, emphasizing the path bravely forged by imperial powers like Britain and France. Who was the most important person in the abolition of slavery? Learn how Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and their Abolitionist allies Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown, and Angelina Grimke sought and struggled to end slavery in the United States. In Europe, the first significant efforts to ban human trafficking and abolish forced labor emerged in the 18th century. Was there a movement for "humane" slavery? Bonaparte sent an army to restore Saint Domingue to colonial order. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Introduction. The ask is about a civilization that banned slavery with a law (note the singular). The government denies it exists. Does Mississippi State Require Freshmen To Live On Campus? But the history, it seems, is far more complicated than a single date. It Just Surfaced, 40 Years a Slave: The Extraordinary Tale of an African Prince Stolen from His Kingdom, The Shocking Photo of 'Whipped Peter' That Made Slavery's Brutality Impossible to Deny, Enslaved Couples Faced Wrenching Separations, or Even Choosing Family Over Freedom. The U.S. was one of the last countries to abolish slavery If Your Time is short Mexico, Britain, France, and Denmark had all abolished slavery before the United States adopted the 13th. This article was published more than2 years ago. The proclamation underscored the growing discontent many had with slavery and the slave trade, particularly in the colonies of the North where Quaker-led abolitionist movements were taking root. The latest manifestation of this line of defense has reached a new audience as columnist Hilary Fordwich went on Don Lemons show on CNN to repeat this lie to million more people. - user27618 Jun 14, 2019 at 15:11 1 Although estimates vary widely, it may have helped anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000 enslaved people reach freedom. Massachusetts was the first to abolish slavery outright, doing so by judicial decree in 1783. READ MORE:The Shocking Photo of 'Whipped Peter' That Made Slavery's Brutality Impossible to Deny. For example, if Civilization X never had slavery and it makes a law banning it, it won't count for this purposes. The first country to make slavery illegal was the newly formed country of Haiti in 1793a full forty years before Britain. What was the last First World country to abolish slavery? Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. The first country to make slavery illegal was the newly formed country of Haiti in 1793a full forty years before Britain. 05/04/2021. One of Britain's largest companies, Lloyd's of London, insured almost every slave trading voyage between Africa and the Americas. He preserved the Union during the U.S. Civil War and brought about the emancipation of slaves. New Jersey had close to 12,000 slaves. My point: you're nit picking about poorly defined criteria. It was just the beginning of the terror that would take place that night. It only takes a minute to sign up. It prohibited masters from making their slaves work on Sundays and religious holidays. The Last Slave Ship Survivor Gave an Interview in the 1930s. The cross burned out, but the read more, In December 2018, the U.S. Senate passed a federal anti-lynching bill for the first time. In 1781 the legislature voted to free slaves who fought with the rebels during the Revolutionary War. At the initiation of revolutionaries in Saint Domingue, France had abolished slavery, but it swiftly reinstituted it and restarted the slave trade in 1802. Lincoln, in a speech at Peoria, attacked slavery on the grounds that its existence within the United States made American democracy appear hyprocritical in the eyes of the world. . The practice reportedly affects up to 20% of the country's 3.5 million population (pdf, p. 258), most of them from the Haratin ethnic group. Though the Union victory freed the nations four million enslaved people, the legacy of slavery continued to influence American history, from the Reconstructionto the civil rights movement that emerged a century after emancipationand beyond. It has repeatedly been noted, including in history textbooks, that Portugal was the first country in Europe to officially abolish slavery 260 years ago. Before the Civil War began in 1861, the United States had 15 slave states (with a 16th, West Virginia, achieving statehood in 1863 upon condition that it would gradually abolish slavery) and 19 non-slavery states. Dubrovnik the city state had never participated in the slave trade, but this decision went further. An escaped enslaved man named Peter showing his scarred back at a medical examination in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1863. He was willing to set in motion the gradual abolition of slavery, but that would be as far as he would go. [emailprotected]. France essentially abolished slavery in 1315. Which was the first civilization to ban existing slavery with a law? In 1787, the Society for the . It was formed in New York City by white and Black activists, partially in response to the ongoing violence against Black read more, Attempts to reckon with Americas history of racism have been difficult in the South, particularly the deep South states of Alabama and Mississippi. Who freed the slaves during the Civil War? Effective August 1, 1834, in 1833 Britain passed the Slavery Abolition Act granting freedom to enslaved people in most of the British Empire. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? After the Dred Scott decision, an event occurred that would be an over-decade-long fight for independence from.... On Man and Citizen when did the Haitian Revolution take place this didn #! Major factor that enabled abolitionists to argue for emancipation was the first Africans brought the... Virginia, 400 years ago this month, weve been marking the bicentennial of that event by talking about scholarship... Banned slavery with a similar climate ( 2050 ) why does Jesus to! The rebels during the Revolutionary War does Mississippi state Require Freshmen to Live on Campus watch... Laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation Truth... 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