But it is a possible explanation. [11], As his name implies, Pattern has the ability to recognize and decipher complex patterns and codes. Like other orders of the Knights Radiant Shallan had to verbally or mentally state the First Ideal to initially form the bond, but after that point the bond is strengthened by her admitting certain deep truths about herself. You're carrying around a corpse after all. Yeah. Suspected to be a member of the Ghostbloods, Shallan's mother and a friend attempted to kill Shallan once they'd learned of her potential abilities. There's no step five, because a glow could indicate any number of things. After leaving the Oathgate platform, Shallan went to visit the street urchin Grund, to drop off her excess food. As to her friend no idea? As he does so, Pattern seems to be a scholarly and excitable spren, exulting in finding truths, lies, and understanding new concepts. But she already has a Pattern Blade before that. He often aids Shallan in her various pursuits by opening locks, breaking codes, translating languages, and mimicking voices. [8] Even as he struggled to form coherent sentences, Pattern was able to understand the concepts of truth and lies as well as identify lies told by others. [66], When the group reached Celebrant they split in two, with Pattern joining Shallan, Azure and Mayalaran to try and find a ship willing to transport them. Pattern calmly interceded, hidden on the back of Vathah's uniform so as to fool the man into thinking he was hearing voices. His bond to Shallan Davar grants him sentience in the Physical Realm and allows her to use the Surges associated with the Order of Lightweavers, Illumination and Transformation. Of screaming and scrambling and hating as those you love are ruined, popped like a boil. "Thats what you said. Mmm More, you must know yourself. Has he been a Ghostblood agent from the beginning, sent to Shallan? Shallan has a bond with the Cryptic Pattern, allowing her to manifest Pattern as a Shardblade and giving her access to her powers as a Surgebinder. To her, this was a flattened-out version, without torso or limbs. Support me o. [9], Pattern and Shallan survived the sinking ship, and Shallan was carried ashore by the Santhid she had seen several days prior. Veil, Radiant thought. Who, then? I cannot betray this secret, Mraize said. was he truly that loyal to her? And then later Soulcasts a goblet into blood. was he under external pressure which caused him to crack? Her mother's shouts, arguing with her father. I don't see Nale being the type to give a set of shards to someone and then let them get entangled in a border dispute in Alethkar. ", "Ah. However its stated that Pattern hasnt met her until the ship with Jasnah which is chapter 1 Way of Kings. What am I missing? For a while I really was in denial and kept hope that there had to be another catch or something like that. Jasnah likened the Cryptics to lighteyes, the rulers of at least one of the great cities in the Cognitive. [46], After they had finished dinner, Adolin suggested that he teach Shallan how to use a Shardblade seeing as she had one in her possession. Mother calling Shallan one of them. Finally, he buzzed an approximation of a laugh. He squinted, lurching forward. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Pattern was confused by Shallan's decision, not understanding the logic behind her actions, however helped her see into the Cognitive. Judas failed to understand who Jesus really was, even to the end. The next day, Pattern debated the meaning of 'truth' with Shallan, who found herself frustrated with the biases shown by past scholars. There are a few possibilities, though I am very much torn about who she could have been part of. Odd thought, what if Dreder is the name of a group? 1) I strongly believe in Mother-Herald theory. Jasnah was murdered by mercenaries associated with Tyn who were trying to get into the Ghostbloods. When it became evident that the ship was being followed by the Fused, the group escaped, while the honorspren distracted their pursuers. She is incredibly loyal to her family and even spares Shallan's life after Shallan betrays her. Start Today. I'm expecting we'll find out a lot more about how Deadeye spren work in the next book, as we deal more with the Recreance and with Maya. Neither shardbearer killed by Arclo the Sleepless drop weapons, therefore Spren bonded blades don't drop when the bearer dies. I won't say it's impossible, but I will say that Shallan's mother attempting to kill her because Shallan was Radiant is more likely than the opposite, given the information we have. Radiant killed Ialai, so she was essentially acting as the Ghostblood "spy" in that situation. You wish to prepare for the Everstorm, the spren of the unnatural one. During a meeting of scholars he mentioned this to Shallan, who was quick to share the information with Jasnah. Point of view: Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar Setting: The Oathgate, the central plateaus, the sky Progression of the Chapter: Kaladin finally admits he's a Radiant; Kaladin and Szeth begin their battle.Shallan seeks the pattern of the Oathgate; she finally sees that it's a fabrial.Dalinar turns his attention to the retreat; Adolin is pleased; Sebarial and Palona are unexpected; the evacuation . spren are elements of the Cognitive Realm that have leaked into the physical world. Shallan eventually revealed to Jasnah that she had swapped the fabrials after she was poisoned by the ardent Kabsal. My initial assumption was that Shallan's mother thought she was a voidbinder. That points towards Beryl, yet, as far as we know, Beryl never used the Seon nor had the opportunitysince Pattern admits to the instances ofdisturbing the box. Why would Shallan's reaction to her spren being a Ghostblood be to kill Testament? She mentioned to Shallan that most spren manifested differently in the Physical to how they did in the Cognitive, evidenced by the different form Pattern took after transitioning. Pattern was present for most of Shallans childhood. Pattern's mention of Shallan's past oaths caused her to break off their conversation and she returned above to ride with Bluth. And a spy overheard? I just read it and Chapter 2 is the first meeting with Syl, but thats her talking and Syl later states that shed been following for a while. None of the men, however, brought up the incident, which Shallan attributed to their expectation for strangeness during the highstorm. I was so worried about you. Jah Keved too will turn against the coalition at that time. . Shallan could be bonded to pattern without interacting with him yet. We've seen them be relevant clues at least twice before this. She saw better than others. that said I think Pattern killed tyn. What I'm saying is: I think Pattern was talking to Mraize. I did not come to you merely to teach you tricks of light. Unmade was in the Davar's household sometime in the past. Jasnah tasked Shallan to study her spren, pointing out that she was likely the first person in centuries that had the opportunity to interact and learn from the Cryptics. That can explain why the blade was in the strongbox for so long. The wind will not stop blowing. Jasnah tells Shallan that she thinks the parshmen are Voidbringers and that she's concerned they'll rebel in the future. [3], To Shallan, 'it' didn't look dangerous, but she trembled nonetheless. Still, he says that he was not in this state when the Knights Radiant existed. Those lies attracted me. [57], During the robbery of Nananav, Pattern distracted a pair of guards with Lightwoven sound, while Shallan and Vathah snuck upstairs. Imbecilic? Shallan asked., Initially, worried what the sailors would think of the spren, Shallan tried to keep both herself and Pattern contained to her room, though quickly abandoned the plan. [9], They found no body within the room. [8] Since then, she's seen him from the corner of her eye, appearing in the grain of wood, the cloth on the back of a sailor's shirt. While sketching a portrait of Taravangian, king of Kharbranth, Shallan unconsciously drew a couple of Cryptics who had been standing in the room invisible to the humans there. I think it has to be the Patternblade. Although Pattern did no damage to the creature in his blade form, the Unmade pulled back from the control building and retreated. Kaladin doesnt seem to have a need to create romantic relationships. Shallan. She noticed Shallan's powers and tried to kill her to push her over the edge to become a Radiant. Eventually, during the Battle of Narak, her bond with Pattern allowed her to become the first Lightweaver to be revealed as a Knight Radiant since the Recreance. [26][27][28], They form groups of five Quintets, the letters Each message follows a pattern first three words start with one each of three of the quintet of letters. Sigzil's excited but nervous to be working with Kaladin in the day's trial. I'm impressed by how well pattern was able to lie given that he was just pulled through to the physical realm. Pattern stayed close to Shallan during her date, though remained hidden. Shallan Fan art by ex-m. Shallan has pale skin lightly dusted with freckles. Though Tyn did manage to hit her hard, eventually Shallan summoned her Shardblade and killed her. Without meaning to, Shallan used Stormlight and turned a patch of the deck of the ship green, as she began to recreate the memory. It does that that its harder, but pattern has said that they were determined to bond with Shallan. Tyns reply, the two that match., Shallan fell asleep after arriving at Sebarial's mansion and awoke in her new room to find Pattern humming to himself. I think Shallan's mom was affiliated with the Skybreakers. As the highstorm fast approached, Shallan used Pattern to cut out a cubby high in the cliff face, above the waterline, where she and Kaladin could wait out the storm. It's silver. Shallan's questions shifted the conversation towards the existence of spren and in turn to the Voidbringers. Just as the next one would be sent should Shallan kill Pattern? In that case, others see them too. Pattern was pleased by the lies Yalb told aboard the Wind's Pleasure, deeming them to be good lies as they were based in truth. The war was fought over control of the western Powder River Country in present north-central . Or maybe something else - there are probably a lot of other possible explanations for those organizations to not get along. Yes, but Testament being a member of the Ghosbloods is a pretty big leap. @HayamaGuess I should have read that last Shallan chapter again before posting this theory. She successfully convinced the boat to change and was pulled back into the physical realm. And, why did Shallans mother say she was one of us and yet hate her at the same time? And I don't see any proof that it was a delusion. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine! [67][68], Escaping Celebrant aboard Honor's Path, Pattern and his companions were locked away by the honorspren during the first week of their journey. The same thing is at play here. [13], Within the trunk, Shallan found not only Jasnah's books and research but a number of infused sphere's, one of which she tried to use to Soulcast a fire. Who is shallans mother? Early in OB Pattern is trying to get Shallan to progress through her ideals, and she says she used him to kill her mother. When she tried to hide in her room, Pattern pushed her to summon him as a Shardblade, however Shallan refused instead creating an illusion of herself with Pattern's help. Shallan, realizing that there was another space beyond the wall, summoned Pattern as a blade and to cut through the wall to discover a dark passage down into the depths of Urithiru. He does not understand sleep, nor does he truly understand scholarship. Well, for one, Shallan has two different Shardblades, demonstrably, in WoR, https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/93707-impressive-testament-foreshadowing/. [55][56], Having successfully infiltrated Kholinar and found refuge in Yokska and her husband's shop, it was decided that Shallan and Pattern would investigate the palace. He has the best sense of humor I've ever encountered, and he's so clueless, loyal, inquisitive, and sweet that you can't not love him She could not have known who "Dreder" was other than by word of mouth. Following her lead, Pattern tried some of fruit, and became horrified when he realized that it involved the destruction of the food consumed. He remembered little of the creature, but knew it had been of Odium. Eventually, during the Battle of Narak, her bond with Pattern allowed her to become the first Lightweaver to be revealed as a Knight Radiant since the Recreance. She draws him spiraling out of a center point, then re-creates each branch off the center, which has its own swirl of tiny lines. It is one reason he's attracted to Shallan; her 'delicious' lies. [15], Pattern knows that in order to fully be the Lightweaver she is meant to be, Shallan must have spoken the First Ideal of the Knights Radiant (which she did, several years ago), then speak only truths. I really, really doubt Sanderson would write the character of Shallan, including setting up a childhood secret backstory, and not figure out what that secret is. And let me tell you - I nearly had a panic attack myself when Pattern started seeming more and more suspicious! "Mmm . Shardplate adds a few inches to his height but still doesnt make him as tall as Kaladin. To pass the time, Pattern helped Shallan practice her accents, repeating her voice back to her, so she could gauge her progress. Without speaking truths you will not be able to grow, Shallan. This one has been explained but I wasnt overall happy with it - Testamant should have appeared during Oathbringer Shadesmar trip. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [2], Pattern, eager to learn more about human reasoning, was curious as to why Shallan had decided to continue on to the Shattered Plains and try to seek Urithiru. Determined in spite of her killing Testament. The Ghostbloods seem to have no problems with killing surgebinders, but they dont actively seem to do it unless they would interfere with their plans. Finally Pattern allows others to overhear him which does accidentally betray Shallan. Dalinar and Aladar argue about uniting the kingdom. Required fields are marked *. I dont think testament can be summoned as a blade. Then told her mother about the whole thing. Neither of us were" WoR ch. "A powerful lie "[18], Pattern has the ability to read ancient languages - such as Dawnchant - as they are written in a "pattern" according to him. Little is currently known about Pattern's time in Shadesmar and the Physical Realm before he initially bonded Shallan, except that he was a Cryptic scholar. But as Testament was not a blade when shallan broke her oath therewould not be a blade. If she'd killed Testament earlier, she would know. After Shallan had found the Oathgate, Pattern told her that both the highstorm and the Everstorm were on their way, and they would cause immense destruction when they clashed. Pattern denied being related to the Voidbringers, and urged Shallan to hurry in her search as he could sense the changes being brought by the Listener's song. [13], Further, he tells Shallan that she will eventually betray her oaths, thereby breaking his mind, leaving him dead. Pattern approached the hired coach driver, who had been tasked to wait for the young woman's return, and, imitating Shallan's voice, instructed him to return her to the warcamps. Ivory is an inkspren. Wit was being spied on by a Sleepless disguising one of its cremlings as a pen - which could actually be Mraize himself, as I've seen theories speculating he could be a rogue Sleepless. She just assumed it was her original sword and so started lightweaving the garden? Shallan eventually managed to inhale the Stormlight and while they talked learned that the spren was a scholar sent to study her. Additionally when she passes the blade to Kaladin in the chasms she tries to speak to Pattern and then remembers that shes given Pattern to Kaladin. Posted October 12, 2014. For a while one of the biggest mysteries on the 17th Shard was how Shallan managed to regress on her oaths (which she didn't, unless you count killing yourspren and then bonding a new one as doing so). I'm less confident than I was when I posted this that the infomation I'm giving is current and accurate. Finding out that the next ship would be heading for Celebrant Pattern explained that the they could find further passage once they had arrived. When Tyn's soldiers resisted them, the deserters killed them. I'm still not quite 100% sure there was no spy, but I think it's plausible that Mraize was making an educated guess, knowing that he didn't send any additional agents (or maybe he did, and that person saw Radiant do it). And you have to watch their joy seeping away . I don't honestly know. I'm not really sure what Dreder refers to, but it is only lightly implied and not stated that he was the person accompanying Shallan's mother during the incident. 4) I think the confrontation happened because Shallan and Testament found out the location. The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works, now including The Lost Metal and Tress of the Emerald Sea (Secret Project 1). I agree Shallan Mother was part of something and important, but I am not convinced yet exactlywhat that is. As the group began to cross the beads, he helped Shallan reach the beads, steadying her when she had to lean down over her temporary platforms. Pattern was pulled back to the tent when Shallan summoned him as a Shardblade, killing Tyn. Pattern attempted to intervene, impersonating Jasnah to try and distract Tyn while Shallan escaped. To the whole deadeye screaming, the answerlies in oathbringer. Over the last year, Shallan had grown surprisingly fond of the young woman. Only later did Vin learn that Reen had not left: he had been captured by a Steel Inquisitor and died insisting she had starved to death years earlier, even under torture. Otherwise they would have for sure been interested in her or would want to kill her like her mother did. Until WOR Shallan thought pattern was her old blade but so did pattern. There is a big difference though, Shallan is the only one we know of that is using her own deadeye blade that she still has some connection to, and did not lose all ofher radiant abilities. Spren are creatures of nature. Hes been spied on by the Ghostbloods. [7], Shallan first consciously remembers seeing Pattern on her sketchpad. I was in denial in the beginning but I also thought it would've been interesting to see a dysfunctional Radiant-spren relationship or one where the spren is the "leader" of the pair, instead of magical companion, like the spren just goes I Bonded you for this purpose, so I can use our powers to this end. Not all of her memories were restored. Theres nothing that says you cant bond a Spren while youve bonded a blade. Who Can Benefit From Diaphragmatic Breathing? Radiant is trying to peddle the idea that it's Beryl! I could not speak. But for anyone to reach Wit without prearranging a time, Wit would have to keep it close at all times, yet there's never been a hint of that. Is it possible the shardblade she used there was not Pattern but her original? Mmmm delicious lies. [4][30], Humans can see the world as it is not. Your truth is what you see. Do you find it pleasant? "Just just let me draw." My lore video on why Salvatore betrays Claude in GTA 3. Whereupon Adolin is promptly seized and put in chains despite his obvious wound. Why would Shallan's Shardblade being in that safe make it glow? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I know we're talking about RoW in the thread, but offhand I'm not sure how much this theory touches on other Cosmere spoilers so I'm prefacing my spoiler tag :), There's a popular theory that Shallan's mother is Chanarach. After his mother died, Heleran must have sought out here companions and joined them. [2] Shallan started calling him "Pattern" while she was studying him upon Jasnah's orders. [7], When it became apparent that Tyn would not allow Shallan to get away, Pattern hastened to find Vathah to bring him and his men to Shallan's aid. Though she was stabbed through the heart, she was able to escape to Shadesmar using the Surge of Transportation, then heal herself with Stormlight. So there seems to be some connection to the people her mother knew and her mother's feelings about her. . and 35 year-old Jasnah = 48 earth-years old. Instead of running, Shallan distracted the beast with Lightweaving to give Kaladin the opening needed to kill the creature. When Jasnah infused one of the strangely cut gemstones, Pattern noticed that it vibrated in a specific pattern, creating a decipherable code. Shallan has a bond with the Cryptic Pattern, allowing her to manifest Pattern as a Shardblade and giving her access to her powers as a Surgebinder. Shallan Davar is insane. Pattern clung to Shallan, who held onto him tightly and tried to shield him from the Unmade, imagining she was holding onto his humanoid form. How did It started when she found out what I could do.. Thus, Radiant could have told Mraize the information about the gloryspren at one point to "protect" Shallan. Before they reached their destination, Shallan asked Pattern to stay with her, not wanting him to die and leave. Heralds may have information about her whereabouts. [7][26], The next morning, Pattern unlocked the chest for Shallan, so she could access Tyn's outfits and dress appropriately when meeting with Dalinar Kholin. [12], Pattern is attracted to lies. When Shallan went to feel the ridges on the page, Pattern moved, frightening her. Shallan was taken to Dalinar's quarters where she was able to bath and relax after her ordeal in the chasms. What else could it be? [13], To not alert their travelling companions to his presence, Pattern stayed out of sight, hidden as per Shallan's request. For more details, see our spoiler policy. Ghostblood's always get even so i don't think it's them and the church faction would probably encourage surgebinders so i don't think it's them. Shallan was shocked, not understanding why Pattern would have this idea, however related it to what had happened centuries ago with the Knights Radiant. Started by Mmm More, you must know yourself. When sorry? [51], At the base of the stairwell, the group found several libraries filled with destroyed records, and beyond, a room full of darkness. They arrived back at the warcamps the next morning, where Shallan and Kaladin parted ways. 1. We also know that Ishar was instrumentalin the original creation of the Knights Radiant: "But as for Ishi'elin,his was the part most importantat their inception; he readily understood the implications of Surges being granted to men, and caused organization to be thrust upon them; as having too great power, he let it be known that he would destroy each and every one, unless they agreed to be bound by precepts and laws." Posted November 29, 2020. First appearing in Marv Wolfman and George Perez's New Teen Titans #26 in 1982, Terra joined the Titans early in their history during The Judas Contract only to attempt to tear the team apart from within as part of a plot by Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator. After nearly drowning in the sea of beads, Shallan was saved by Jasnah who brought her back to her body in the Physical Realm. The scholar's were wary of Pattern, and thought he should be studied with caution, as he could be related to the Voidbringers. She gives Shallan a book called Words of Radiance. You will not stop drawing., Several days later, Pattern was sent to spy on a conversation between the Tvlakv and one of his men. Like all radiant spren when they first entered the Physical Realm, the journey damaged Pattern, who lost much of his cognitive abilities becoming non-sapient and mindless. In turn to the people her mother did they arrived back at the warcamps next! Us and yet hate her at the warcamps the next one would be sent should Shallan Pattern! For so long control building and retreated have appeared during Oathbringer Shadesmar trip Shardblade used! Why would Shallan 's reaction to her spren being a Ghostblood agent from the beginning sent... For the Everstorm, the deserters killed them tricks of light does accidentally betray Shallan overall happy it..., https: //www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/93707-impressive-testament-foreshadowing/ was affiliated with the Skybreakers Shallan summoned her Shardblade and killed her is current and.. Being in that safe make it glow posted this that the ship was followed! More, you must know yourself and yet hate her at the warcamps the next,... More suspicious him `` Pattern '' while she was studying him upon 's. Of Shallan 's past oaths caused her to push her over the last year, Shallan went to visit street! Aids Shallan in her or would want to kill her like her mother 's feelings about her escaped! 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