DanGODFREYPassed away peacefully at home on 31st July 2018, aged 83 years. The podcasts also include advice on how to manage grief, what you can do for loved ones who are grieving, and what additional resources are available to you . We still got four. DANIELLE MURPHREE: The producers come through the speakers and they're pretty upset. Danielle won HOH and nominated Dan and Ian for eviction. When I find out he doesn't know, then I'm like, "Well, maybe we've got a shot." The drama and aftershocks for some of Dan's victims continued well after they left the Big Brother house. And then Dan was like, "Oh, okay. SHANE MEANEY: I really struggle with the fact that Danielle was the only one to vote for him. Click here if you would like to make a donation. But the game talk from me ends now. We talked about it at the roundtable. The Veto competition was a Draw Something challenge hosted by Ian in which players (including Jenn, who was picked by Dan with the Houseguest Choice chip) would have to buzz in and guess the object being drawn. I want to know how to do that if that's something you can control, but he actually looked pale. That was one where I thought there was not even a point of telling that one. But I knew he was staging it because he made signs to the camera like he was okay or something, but he didn't look good. Then it's like, "We need to review some footage.". And number three, how is this happening? But I still think that there's something rotten going on because this guy, he's too good to go out this way. "So finally, you know, there's Danielle. Are her and Frank working together? I'm not a jerk. IAN TERRY: He looked pale and he looked sick. Because Jenn and I were pretty good friends, so I was like, "Oh no, what if she tries to take me off. But I had a better relationship with Dan than I did with Britney. They just didn't know. As the time expired on Dan's solitary confinement, the other houseguests gathered outside the door to count down the final seconds. She was the only other person who would say, "Well, that just makes him a really good gamer." DAN GHEESLING: I get the necklace around my neck, I sit down, and Frank starts to talk. It was his HOH. Relatives felt that they had not received adequate support from the Government. It was just us two, and so I wasn't really worried about it. No one even thought that something like that would happen. Messages of condolence and support can be left for the family via the condolences button below. The final scene of the series between dad Jack Pearson (Milo Ventimiglia) and his young son Randall (played in flashback by Lonnie Chavis) brings to life the show's underlying theme. To hear. Past winners Dan Gheesling and Mike "Boogie" Malin along with fan favorites Britney Haynes and Janelle Pierzina were originally in the house to pick teams and then claim a $100,000 prize if one of their players ended up winning the season. Throughout 1964, his conflict with the Nation of Islam intensified, and he was repeatedly sent death threats. I was like, "You're not even supposed to be playing!" And Chris tries to get the bits out of me that he needs to, but also this is someone that I have a relationship with from season 10, and he says, "Hey, look, man, nothing's ever over. I'm borderline tears and so I go right to the Diary Room. She's covered everywhere. I'm not kidding. So I understood what he was doing. He was super ripped and I'm just trying to flatter him at this point. Although Lucifer (Tom Ellis) may have something to say about his untimely. That segment should live in the Big Brother Hall of Fame. And Frank's just jabbing him and basically saying, "Hey, it's payback time. BRITNEY HAYNES: Dan did this thing that caused me to get evicted and I was super mad about it and it was brutal. I just remember being like, "Oh, my God, Dan is not well! But I was also like, "Well, it doesn't matter, it's not going to work.". DANIELLE MURPHREE: I remember sitting there feeling so sad, because I don't ever want somebody to be sad or to be heartbroken, and I cared for Dan so much. So I'm happy that I was picked. I didn't want to vote for him, but I didn't want to vote for Ian either. Please do subscribe if you want to. Would it have mattered? My brain's not right. There's a couple things I've said about you I'm not proud of. Obviously, there's strategy to it, too, because Dan was a good player, and had a lot of people that he was working with in the house. Ultimately, in the end, I believe the reason why Dan did not win is because no one wanted him to win twice. This is how I go out." It was a culmination of all of Dan's hard work and the power of his mist. If Shane or Britney had won no problems. I'm really upset at this point because I'm now pissed off because you're putting my relationship in danger. I feel like Dan played a way better game than Ian, and that's never going to change. But, yes, it's very hard to vote for someone that was the reason you left the game that you potentially could have won. I was like, "Frank, I cannot lie to you. DAN GHEESLING: I had to run through it 100 times in my head at least, and that's how I operate in the game. I think that the majority of the jury was very caught up in this rule book that they had in their mind of how people can or can't do certain things. I was like, "Well, a fing nuclear bomb is about to hit this place and I can't wait to fing pull the pin.". People would have been concerned. She just kind of came out of the blue. We're going head to head the whole game as competitors. I was already outside, I was ready to go, I was feeling the feeling, baby. Afterward he talks to frank, the current HOH, and tells him that he wasn't the Flip in the votes last week and that Ian was. DAN GHEESLING: I've been a huge fan of Big Brother. DAN GHEESLING: For me, at that moment it's not time to celebrate. And now things are starting to make a little bit of sense. For the eco-minded funeral director, it's often things like willow coffins and natural burials. The end of the drama's sixth and final season focused heavily on older Randall (Sterling K. Brown . Kind of a shead move on my part, but at least it's trying to throw some discourse on the other side of the house, because it did get Ian mad at Dan. Seven years after Big Brother 14, Entertainment Weekly editor Dalton Ross conducted an interview with everyone present for Dan's funeral . But I was also thinking, "Oh my gosh, they've been in this bubble so long they can't see through his phoniness." That's absolutely what it was. Because at that point I don't think she did have really anyone to go to. "There's an old saying, 'Revenge is a dish best served immediately!'"- Dan, "New Mexico" Daniel ''Dan'' Mandel (Curtis Armstrong) is the titular anti-heroic main protagonist of Dan Vs.His main goal in the series is to exact revenge on people, places and things that wrong him during his day to day life. And it was something along the three-week line. You were under his mist. We can provide advice, support and resources. As tight as I am with Ian, there is no doubt in my mind he's tighter with Britney". I'm sadly not any smarter still. He just acted like he dumped Danielle in front of everybody, so he wants to come up here and be like, "Look, Frank, you're in the house by yourself. I was like, "I can do this. The idea that there was truth behind his lashing out at her is not something I remember. Knowing that Dan's one of the best of the best, that's a huge ego boost. And sometimes they would ask, "Hey, what do you want to hear?" And I knew that people just really didn't see me as any sort of threat. I figured that he was going to make some sort of last-ditch plea, because why would you not just say it right there? How did it happen? No!". We had a really close friendship. It was just word vomit. It was just lie after lie. (Think Dan's attack on Danielle was really all a ruse to gain her sympathy and make it appear as if the two were not working together? I had to win every competition, and I knew the odds were not in my favor. He loved gatherings, especially tailgates involving Auburn Tigers and Atlanta Falcons football. You're the first lesbian I ever met, and I just want to make sure you know how much you touched me.". What season was Dans funeral? There's no way I can ever expect him to believe that. ", DAN GHEESLING and his wife Chelsea have two sons Desmond (3) and Miles (1). Jacquis and Rae are examining it this week, picking apart Dan Gheesling . DANIELLE MURPHREE: I'm starting to melt. Firefly Lane: Bud's funeral explained Essentially, the confirmation that Kate and her daughter attend a funeral in a couple of years compels audiences to ask who may have died. But at this point, I was actually feeling pretty confident. DAN GHEESLING: Jenn and I got along very well. JULIE CHEN (Host): We knew he was done and he knew he was done. And you singlehandedly made this experience for me.". While two Quack Pack members were up on the block, a plan formulated among the alliance to save the entire group, thanks to Ian already holding one Veto and another one being up for grabs in the next competition. She could've taken Ian to the end, and she was going to get the votes. It's not about compliments with Frank. DAN GHEESLING: I remember seeing Jenn's vote and being like, "All right, I got no shot now." He's going to be alive. The purpose of this plan is twofold to 1) Get himself off the block 2) Paint a new target that is the biggest threat to his game to keep himself safe. Dan was absolutely the target. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. Because there was a close call like that earlier in the season, too, where we were doing the counting competition where they had all the candy and whatever, and we had to count. BRITNEY HAYNES: I was frustrated by it, because we had organized this plan. But the Quack Pack was shocked when Dan who was supposed to be throwing it for Britney and Shane buzzed in and got question number two correct with "Hunger. DAN GHEESLING: I haven't thought about this really ever since it happened, but I can remember distinctly getting a weird social read off of everyone in the alliance. I didn't initially realize how ticked off Dan was. Obviously, we're watching it in real time as it's happening. In March 2003 some of the relatives of those who had died formed the UK Bali Bombings Victims Group. After a surprise double eviction night sent Frank's two best buddies Mike Boogie and Ashley Iocco out the door, Frank rebounded by winning Head of Household. FRANK EUDY: The truth is, once he brought that thing up about Ian being with them for a while and I connected him and Britney's relationship, I didn't really need all that stuff. And if I were voting, that would hurt my opinion of you giving you my vote. I see the writing on the wall and I'm like, "Man, this is how it ends. But one thing I knew for sure was, if he nominates Britney right off the bat, then I could use my Veto to protect her. Britney's a more dangerous player. He's an apple polisher. I really enjoyed spending time with her, so it was the same thing with Shane and Joe, but really more genuine. ALLISON GRODNER (Executive Producer): I had just gone home, and I remember Rich calling me and running the decision and the situation and the decision by me. The plan includes the funeral director's services, a simple coffin, a funeral procession and gives the family the choice of time and date for the funeral, plus a 1,100 allowance towards third party costs which can be used for burial and cremation fees. The biggest mistake Dan made in his game was the jury management portion. Dan, what the heck is wrong with you?" Oh my God, I'm sick just thinking about it. That made them think that he didn't really deserve to win because he had used all of these unfair tools like his Bible and his ring, and grandfather's cross to gain trust with people, and that shouldn't be allowed. There was no question. She recently played on the Warped tour and her band Kittie released a live reunion DVD earlier this year. They just hear our voice, but it's where we talk to them from, and we have a machine in there we can roll back tape. I was so mad at Ian that last week. They had to bring in a medic, because I got a rash, broken out and stuff. People had stopped throwing paint, and when I took my hands down, he took a bucket of paint and threw it straight into the center of my face and was just glaring anger. JOE ARVIN: No disrespect to Ian because I absolutely love him, but if I had to do it over again, it would be Dan by far. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. For the plan to work, both Britney and Shane had to be picked at the Veto player picking ceremony in which the Head of Household and two nominees each put their hand in a bag and pulled out a chip with a player's name in it. Serendipity lines up to give me the one thing I don't want at this point. Frank messes up and I get another chance to go head-to-head against Jenn, and I lose to Jenn who hasn't won anything. Dan's funeral. I'm literally looking around the room going, "You people have lost your minds over one night this guy spent in a room." DAN GHEESLING: Yeah, I remember that. Not even so much in what he said. Frank was able to really sell that argument in the jury house. Frank has not dropped Britney's name, but I see Ian breathing heavily, shaking, looking back and forth. I think everybody was stunned by that. I could trust you through thick or thin." I don't know what's going to work and what's not. Because that was his closest ally, and he was upset because then he felt exposed. DANIELLE MURPHREE: I could start crying right now. He would always make the conversation about you and he would always make you feel so important. Big Brother 10. Credit: Cliff Lipson/CBS. So I was furious and I didn't understand, but I took that feeling and really just pushed it more to "Now you've really got to run the table here. I can't see.". That really put a lot of bitterness in my heart, like "You're going to vote for someone that voted me out? And that was probably my downfall because I respected what he said about me, and I took it to heart, and I did feel bad for him. Nope. He was pissed at me and kept asking, "What the hell are you doing? BRITNEY HAYNES: I knew that she knew about it, 100 percent. And I told her I still thought it was her best chance, even though it wasn't going to improve her chances at all. Give me a break. I was like, "Oh, it was just another meeting. I was just like, "Summer!". Is he serious right now? So I just want you guys to know I appreciate that. I always just thought it's him being a troublemaker. SHANE MEANEY: This was probably my worst competition of the season. IAN TERRY: That's another reason I wanted to bring Dan to the end. One of the main protagonists in Lucifer is Detective Daniel "Dan" Espinosa, who worked. It was flawless. And now his Big Brother life has just blown up in front of him." DAN GHEESLING: It's almost like you're playing a game of Clue and you know the murderer and you know who's about to get murdered, and you know you're going to win. I think that it's about to come my way. It really does. On today's mini episode of the podcast I was interviewed by EW's Dalton Ross. Because I knew people had underestimated me. I may have a future in sales selling ice to Eskimos if I can pull this off." ", DAN GHEESLING: The last card I have to play is to let Frank know that he got swindled, not by me, because earlier in the season him and Boogie got mad because something happened where they got played and it was me covering for Ian. And that fury manifested itself once Danielle had to allow her fellow contestants to throw paint at her two minutes as her punishment: DANIELLE MURPHREE: I got "Spots" right, and Dan was so pissed off at me. So that's why there's a bit of a stop down because we want to make sure everything is 100 percent correct. Others pride themselves on their traditional horse-drawn carriages and excellent embalming. DAN GHEESLING: Well, it's the crescendo, right? He was insinuating that these lights messed with his eyes, and that he was in pain, or he was messed up. And they're like, "Yeah." I never want to make someone cry in the game. I really didn't suspect that he was going to go up there and try to get off the block, I really didn't. How could he think that I would ever do that to him? He did. DAN GHEESLING: If you had interviewed me the week after coming out of the Big Brother show, I'd be like, "Oh yeah, I orchestrated the whole thing." I freakin' loved it. I felt game-wise good about Britney going home, but I didn't feel personally good because I really like Britney. RICH MEEHAN: We knew he was in major, major trouble. I'm like, "All right, I've got a shot at this thing. He was driving every single thing that she did. It's over. I didn't speak for several reasons, including my respect for Shane. IAN TERRY: I know Dan likes to make a big spectacle of everything, right? JENN ARROYO: We're all thinking "This is signed, sealed and delivered, baby!" None of that promising on any of that made any difference. So upset and hurt. I'm not scared of making a deal with the devil." I just saw him as the winner. I'm just mad and I feel like I blew an opportunity and I'm going home. We were both looking at each other during the funeral, like, "This is kind of stupid and lame," so she was like, "Hold on, I thought this didn't affect us." ", DAN GHEESLING: I wanted to disarm everyone and let them think I'm done playing the game, so that's the only thing I could think of to make sense. Being in the house and the way that it happened, you didn't see the magnitude of Dan's moves. Welcome to the Quantum Realm. DAN GHEESLING: I'm angry at Danielle for buzzing in. I wasn't like, "Help me." An online book of condolence has been opened following the death of Watch Manager Dan Lee. BRITNEY HAYNES: Frank felt so personally burned by Dan, so bad. Then, at the very end, Dan lies to me, gets rid of Shane, and ruins my game. I was trying to figure it out and he whispered it to me. I don't think it's going to work, but it's the only thing I can do to try and stay in this game. That's the idea, yes. I was already to that hysterical point that I didn't even want to listen to him. BRITNEY HAYNES: To be honest, I thought that Jenn winning was not a bad scenario for me. 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