Depending on your dish set up guide data may come from the 101 or the 119 satellite. It seems to me that I recall the tech telling me that because of the location of my dish, they couldn't install the normal SWM setup, and did something like a DECA work around. How do we get it fixed? IM SO PI_$$ED ! How to I setup Apple Single Sign On for an iOS Device or Apple TV? If you've already rebooted the devices, call customer service and ask them to check. My DiscoveryHD is still saying "To Be Announced". Is TVE available when I am traveling outside of the United States? Here you can filter your guide by your preferred set of channels. What is available to configure in the General Setup menu? Follow the wire from the roof down - when it ends is the swm block where your mini's connect and genie - Since your service was just installed - CAll the "MAN" it will be no charge since it's been less than 90 days- Look outside for the ground block before the swm block. Comcast Business provides big business capabilities and innovation at affordable prices for small businesses to enterprise. This method works as a reset option, and it can be performed one more time if it didn't work the first time. Comcast remote only says to be announced Comcast tv to be announced Comcast guide displaying wrong My comcast is saying to be announced Community Experts online right now. Will this block my doctor's office, prescription reminders, school closings, weather advisories, etc.? Is a DTA required to view SECVs channel lineups on TVs with built-in QAM tuners? DIRECTV and all other DIRECTV marks are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC. so i bet its still setup for where i used to live. Otherwise, try unplugging your converter, DTA or TiVo for 10 seconds and plugging it back in to re-start the channel guide download process. I have a home theater system. Can I get On Demand from a Satellite provider? As of now there are hundreds of channels to scroll through. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information. Two models of the TV are available, in 43- and 50-inch . Does Service Electric Phone Service Have E911 Service? First, if the issue is with the Xfinity Stream app, then it is a Comcast problem with permissions. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Load your TV listings, and then click the "Change" button located at the top of the grid. My Comcast Guide Says To Be Announced Read PDF Comcast Guide Comcast Guide Discover the Xnity Channel Lineup currently available in your area. Click the "Time Zones" drop-down menu and select your time zone. It shows either "to be announced" or "title not available". 2023 DIRECTV. Can I record On Demand programming on my DVR? Click the "Change Location" link, located just above the top right corner of the grid. MoneySavingPro independently researches the products & services to bring you our recommendations. What is Return Call (*69) and how do I use it? Find out what channels are a part of your Xfinity TV Plan. Don't you need to press Enter on this screen to go to the advanced setup? The Series 2 is all "To Be announced" on every channel. And thanks for all of the help and insight. Do you have other Receivers/DVRs? Powercycle the TiVo device. I have no idea how to do that. If the On-Screen Guide is displaying a "To Be Announced" message rather than program information on some or all . I dont think he ever went through the setup for the lineup. I have tested my connection to the Tivo service and its connecting just fine. But might be worth a try. Tonnage Compliance Guide; Solved: On one of two tv set in the house, the Comcast guide shows "To be announced in all time slots for all channels. What does that mean? What can I control with Parental Controls? Question. My comcast guide says to be announced Comcast helps you to stay on top of your voicemail. This is not new service. What is the closest relative to a hamster? Step 1. How frequently are new shows added to On Demand? What TV Everywhere content is currently available? Refresh your Direct TV channels and service. I'm looking into updating my box to X1. How does i-Guide (Interactive Program Guide) work on my converter? How to do I find my TiVo Service Number (TSN)? Is ampicillin good for respiratory infection? The Not Authorized error message will appear on your TV when you are trying to view channels that are not included with your subscription. It looks like you are missing the even transponders. The "To Be Announced" message on your guide indicates that no programming information is being provided by the broadcaster or your cable box has not downloaded the programming information for that date/time. What information does the Program Information Screen contain? How do I know how much recording space I have remaining? Why do I need SECV Internet service for TiVo Stream? Can I receive both the Affordable Connectivity Program and Lifeline benefits at the same time? I had the same issue. How long will it take to acess the TV Everywhere content included in my new tier? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Thank you! The fix is very simple. How do I toggle between what's On Now and what's On Next? How much is HD for a Premium Channel such as HBO? How do I perform a full service call (long call) from my TiVo box? Everyone at my childs school receives breakfast and lunch at no cost. The receiver is the device that receives the digital TV signal through the coaxial cable and decodes it into audio and video. Techwalla may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Internet TV Phone Bundles Channels Coverage. The host-less show is making a major move to online streaming only. Why does my converter display E07 and E09? Can I record a program in Dolby DigitalTM 5.1 on my DVR? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Set up, activate, and . Didn't work. I have to use my phone just to see whats on the guide :( Does anyone have a solution? Now you're all set to enjoy your Xfinity authorized channels. But, several of the channels on the guide say "to be announced" all the time. What devices are not supported on HBO Max? How will I know if I have a recording conflict? [10/12/21 - 06:01 AM] G4 to Launch on Verizon Fios, Cox, Xfinity TV, Philo and Twitch on November 16, 2021 Upon launch, G4 will debut linearly on the channel lineups of Verizon Fios, Cox, and . What are the incoming and outgoing smtp servers for PTD (PenTeleData) email? What happens if I forget my Parental Controls pin? Why do all my channels say to be announced Xfinity? I too am in central CT - West Hartford. It happened to a lot of people so you are not alone. There was no way to break out so I could just select my channel number and watch. Your comment has been submitted for approval. To troubleshoot, first check to see if the issue affects just one TV or all TVs in your home. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Why doesn't the converter respond when I press the keys on my remote? Now every program on every channel says 'To Be Announced'. How do I know if there will be a charge for an On Demand program? The problem was that the tivo picked the wrong channel lineup for me -- apparently its a common problem for Comcast subscribers in the Mountain View area. Why do I see a purple and green hue on my TV set? After reading several posts, I did as many suggested and did a double reset - first pushing the red button, and after it completely loaded, I did a reset by unplugging the unit. Its 2021 and Im having this problem. How do I access my mailbox from another phone? 1, verify your cable connections. How will encryption impact me if I have a device on all of my TVs? Will HBO Go shows be included on the HBO Max app? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. How do I delete a saved/recorded program? Remove all duplicates, and move the music channels to different guides. I recently upgraded to an additional tier of service. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Is there a problem through out Cox cable or is this an issue just for us? If it has been more than one hour and your guide still says "To Be Announced", unplug your receiver and wait 15 seconds. Also it would be really nice if Xfinity streamlined their channel guide. Copyright 2023 | All rights reserved. 1. How do I record a future-scheduled program on TV? How to Watch Local TV Stations Live on the Internet, How to Program My Comcast Control Remote for a Dynex. I had this problem on my HD Tivo last night. The channels where available with all the guide information. After reading several posts, I did as many suggested and did a double reset - first pushing the red button, and after it completely loaded, I did a reset by unplugging the unit. If the channel doesn't come back, please follow the steps below. This should automatically restart the device and reset the guide. Is this a service issue? Do I receive the funds directly each month? Have you changed the dish settings on your genie? After you sign in, click the Devices tab. What now? Also it would be nice if the app was the same in all platforms. Select the channels you want to authorize by tapping the "Add Channel" button next to the channel. How do I set up parental control on my TV? What is the USF Fee within the Taxes & Fee(s) section of my bill? 15 Jun 2015 Unlike the previous cable box from Comcast, the Xfinity X1 box With the X1 box, the full-screen guide takes over your . Have you also tried resetting the Genie DVR using the red button near the access card? #1. Can I record On Demand and Pay-Per-View programs? Why is some TV Everywhere content restricted to in home viewing? For example, Jeopardy is no longer on in its normal time slot at 7:30 on channel 4.Just called Charter. . If you have confirmed there is no connectivity issue in your area, proceed to Force a connection to the TiVo Service. Reset your receiver to fix problems with your Direct TV service. Once I've had the service, I'll give an update to hopefully conclude this thread. This has been for two different boxes and two different locations, and started when Comcast added the 'interactive' features like caller-id and internet viewing of the recording schedule. Why can't I change the channels on my Converter? I plan to watch over the next few days and check periodically to see if it continues to update all channels. How do I access TV Everywhere content via my computer? If I get to the end of an On Demand program and want to watch it again, can I restart at the beginning? How do I do this? Can I upgrade my current plan to take advantage of the full $30 per month? Swipe upwards on the preview of the app until it is no longer on the screen. Step 2: Reconnect the power cable. They all display the guide as "Regular Schedule". Can I stop my movie or show and go back to it later? Can I add international calling to my SECV Phone Service? I found that wired receivers cleared my issue up. Can I record programs from premium channels such as HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and Starz on my DVR? Can I activate my digital converter on the website? What is the Broadcaster Retransmission Fee within the Taxes & Fee(s) section of my bill? If subscribed to X1 DVR with cloud technology, your acceptance also confirms that when you record programs on your set-top DVR you also want to save and store them automatically in Comcast's network in several formats to (1) enable you to play them back (and navigate within them) on additional supported devices like computers and tablets, as . Pic would help. Why should I switch from my current provider to Service Electric Phone? Check the Guide data to know if the issue is resolved. It has been like this for over a week since i had it installed. The first step to try and restore the missing channels is to reboot the receiver. Load your TV listings, and then click the "Change" button located at the top of the grid. Hope this helps. If the power goes out, do I need to reset my Parental Locks and Purchase PINs, Favorite Channels, Locks and Reminders? I am not saying it would take care of yours. Can I purchase my own modem from a retailer instead of renting one from SECV? This error can also occur when channels have recently been added to your TV box but the signal for the update has not yet been received. Hi, Our TV guide for the pass three days has said "To be announced" for all the channels. When you re-plug, the "To be announced" should disappear but it might take 10 to 60 minutes. (i.e. This happened to me in Phoenix. The Series 3 is fine. Why am I being charged for more than one month of service on my first bill? Without knowing the specifics we can only speculate. What is 3-Way Calling and how do I use it? The Basics. Can cable customers pay for individual channels? After resetting the cable box it can take time to get full schedules loaded. I read something about having to tell it what line up you have and where you are. Why must I be at home during installation? So where would the SWM block be? I just installed and activated my account. I can watch them. I recently signed up for Auto Pay. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Then pluged it back in.Then i cut cable box on and let it rebot. Where is the reset button on the Xfinity cable box? Features easy access to Comcast's . Will Cinemax shows be included on the HBO Max app? JavaScript is disabled. 0TBVDE My Comcast Guide Says To Be Announced 1 Download Ebook My Comcast Guide Says To Be Announced When people should go to the book stores, search commencement by shop, shelf by shelf, it is in point of fact problematic. Enter your ZIP code in the provided field. What if I don't have a username and password with Service Electric Cablevision? Normally it takes 10-30 minutes before channel guide information starts to appear and up to 2 hours for the full programming guide to download. Step 1: Reboot the Sparklight digital receiver by removing the power cable from the back of the cable box. What is Caller ID w/ Name and how do I use it? Now it's continuous. Android: Open the Settings, tap Apps, then tap the Running tab. Yet I get NO Channel Guide Information it just says TO BE ANNOUNCED. What address should I use when setting up online bill pay through my bank? Please allow up to 20 minutes for all channels to appear. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Other channels like ESPN, news channels, premiums etc appear as normal. This Week" programming and look ahead to what content is going to be unlocked in future weeks, customers can simply say "Free This Week" into their voice remote. Hopefully it has been reported to cox. How long can I view my On Demand selection(s)? What information is displayed in the Info Banner? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Otherwise, try unplugging your converter, DTA or TiVo for 10 seconds and plugging it back in to re-start the channel guide download process. I do not know you situation as far as ether net connections go though. Click your service area on the Service Area list, and then click the "Save" button to refresh your listings. I do a hard reboot and it fixes it for only about an hour. The regular tv guide will appear. I get the message "To Be Announced" in the channel guide. 0. Tivo really doesn't seem to have a good handle on what has happened. This commonly happens after a power outage or after you have reset your cable box by unplugging the power cable. I have a converter, why do I constantly see "pixels," "tiling" or "little squares" at the bottom of my screen? Why does my TV Guide say "To Be Announced" on every channel? A forum community dedicated to TiVo digital video recorder owners and enthusiasts. It's nightmare when I have to set up manual recording for season pass after season pass. closed all channels say to be announced all channels say to be announced i ve reset the box 3 times did the exit exit exit 720 how to refresh the comcast xfinity tv . How much is SECV High-Speed Internet, TV and Phone service? How to I add additional items to the TiVo Home screen? The guide Data is sent from the SAT -on signal from the receiver constant - -that's how the guide data stays 14 days out ahead of time- but rebooting the genie (twice) the receivers sends a refresh (after dumping old guide info) requests the new info. 1.Connect to the TiVo Service twice. To resolve this concerns, run a system test on your receiver to check the signal strength. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Why didn't it take out my payment? Could be low signals going into the home. How can I sign up for the Affordable Connectivity Program? SAME RESULTS- hung forever trying to get the guide. Reset your receiver to fix problems with your Direct TV service. With the Spanish Plan, you can get the same top YouTube TV benefits like unlimited DVR space and 6 accounts - but with 30+ Spanish channels. In the few cases where power-cycling has not worked immediately, the complication is generally a communication failure, so we recommend the following procedure: 2, power-cycle the receiver. To correct the issue of the guide showing no data, please perform the following: Unplug the power cord and unscrew the coaxial cable from the back of the box. How do I record a program I am currently watching on TV? On my RCA television, all channels say, "One Moment Please, this channel should be available shortly, Ref Code: SOaOO". Do we qualify? Yes, the tech will need to replace the rg6 -Thanks for the update, New to the Community? ATLANTA, Dec. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Allen Media Group announced today that its Local Now app is now available over the Internet to Comcast's Xfinity X1 and Xfinity Flex . However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. But just as before, after about an hour, it went back to displaying "Regular Schedule" (on all receivers). Channel guide shows "to be announced" on every channel. Is there a problem through out Cox cable or is this an issue just for?., in 43- and 50-inch automatically restart the device and reset the guide (! ; re all set to enjoy your Xfinity Authorized channels to record the user consent for the,... Devices tab here you can filter your guide by your preferred set of channels to.. Broadcaster Retransmission Fee within the Taxes & Fee ( s ) it again can. Other DIRECTV marks are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC a satellite provider office, prescription reminders, school closings weather! 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