The technique cannot heal wounds like a reverse cursed technique, but it can stop bleeding and dull pain. However, passing down a technique through generations also presents the issue of other groups learning how the ability works, along with its shortcomings. Domain Expansion: Pain Relief Procedure Takes the form of a giant room resembling a traditional Chinese doctor's office (6 feet tall sticks of burning incense, giant scrolls with Chinese script written on it, etc.) Jujutsu ( Jujutsu? Needlework: The user can create thin, acupuncture needles out of cursed energy and control them. This is different from the neutral form of his Limitless Technique and can be called a Technique Variation or a Technique Extension. The range varies depending on the strength of the user, but it cannot ever exceed 150 meters regardless. I can combine my animals into one powerful Shikigami (We'll beat your dumb ass, Mahoraga! As time goes on, outside viewers can see each side of the die dim, indicating the person has lost the corresponding sense. Optional ability-user can plant silkworm eggs inside body of enemy and eat the enemy alive, killing the enemy as silk moths emerge from body. Besides that, the card also possesses a secondary ability called Cursed Fatigue. In exchange for this ability, the domain cannot trap more than one individual in its radius. ( I.E. The grudge takes the form of a black ball and chain shackled to the damage causers body. Remi's hair is in the shape of a scorpion tail that she can freely control to sting people with its sharp tip. However, anyone capable of breaking through his paralyzing gaze can cause major backlash to Ranta's eyes. Spirit invocation: The second half of the technique is the exciting part. Race to extinction: By playing by the rules of their own technique the user can activate soulful synthesia on multiple targets without needing a response. The more complicated or powerful a person is, the longer it will take to fully interpret their soul, The user can only use the powers of their target through their bodies and cant use them through their own, By possessing a puppet the user can only use soulful synesthesia once and takes the risk of the target subjecting their soul killing them, If the user doesnt receive a response or cant hear it the technique normally doesnt activate, While the user instinctively can feel their soul, they can't see their own colors, Inanimate objects will be immune to the effects of this cursed technique(Sentient cursed dolls like Panda can be affected however). Soul Tether: This techniques creates an innate domain which displays the events of both the target and the users life around them. This technique can be used either to disrupt the targets flow of cursed energy to weaken their techniques or outright nullify them altogether or to even place limits on the users own curse energy thus making them appear weaker. But i need tools in case of emergency, like small knife? The effectiveness of this ability depends on several factors. I will wait ten seconds, spin around three times and call out my attack before making it) the more powerful the power boost if the pledge is fulfilled. Their stamina will be fully recovered depending on however many throwables they made. Rather than exorcise a cursed spirit, the user can absorb them into a small black sphere. He can . The opponent's remaining senses become stronger. The user is also able to imbue an object with multiple spirits, to further strengthen the techniques effects upon it. Inspection from Gojo Senseis six eyes has revealed that his technique will not allow him to craft a domain because of his binding vow His binding vow allows him to create a portal to the outside of a domain by targeting any cursed outside of it. All the while, the sorcerer is tauntingly explaining the domain to them. Inherited techniques: Cursed techniques that are passed down through family lines are known as inherited techniques. : "Maximum: Uzumaki" is the maximum technique of Suguru Geto's Cursed Spirit Manipulation.) User points in a direction, enemy must look in that direction or become encased in a shell of stone (so they resemble a statue) and is temporarily immobilized and vulnerable to attack. When an object is affected by the technique, its overall durability is greatly enhanced and it becomes a cursed tool. Marksman. CE - 'Cursed Energy': Like MP 'Mana Points' in a video game, it acts as the resource for techniques and the foundation for all abilities in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Breaking the threads in this technique will cause them to snap like rubber bands and hit you anyway, so doing that is ill-advised if you're adverse to pain. Berserk Instinct is basically Auto Hunting, There was a manhwa character that had a similar ability, The only thing good about berserk instinct is the precognition, the enhanced physically abilities are basically every jujutsu sourcerer, I like how visually interesting the first 2 sound and the mind games that could be set up. Cursed Tool user, Flowing Red Scale, Crimson Binding, Slicing Exorcism, Convergence, Piercing Blood, Ultimate Mechamaru,Multiple Cannon Attacks, Sword Option: Ultra Shield, Cursed Technique Reversal: Red; Cursed technique lapse: Blue;Hollow Purple, New Shadow style: Batto Sword Draw, Even Moon Sword Draw, Domain Amplification,Coffin of the Iron Mountain, Convergence, Supernova, Flowing Red Scale, Piercing Blood. Its primary use is to conceal jujutsu related events from civilians and cause curses to reveal themselves. At best, it serves as a momentary delay to hinder the user's opponent. Doing so is simple enough in theory but it requires extremely sophisticated cursed energy manipulation that most sorcerers can't pull off. Mixing the regular and reversed versions of this technique would leave enemies confused and stumbling helplessly, but the same can be said for an inexperienced user. Hiromi's cursed tool, shikigami, and domain all came by default with his cursed technique. If cursed energy is comparable to electricity, cursed techniques are home appliances that use cursed energy to fuel them. The sorcerer explains their ability before commencing the fight then rolls their pair of dice. Within this domain, all needles can hit any target, provided they don't use a domain of their own. Cursed energy can be used as a blunt force, or to reinforce the body, but these applications are not considered cursed techniques. This allows the user to focus all their cursed energy into offense without having to use their cursed energy to protect their own body. Simple Domain is a technique that erects a small barrier around the user to protect them from enemy Domain Expansions. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Anime Debut Grudge (Weight of Sins)- A counter type curse. Innate Cursed Technique - Name: Senseless Dice. Next, the opponent loses their sense of sight. After rolling the results, the sorcerer has to land a hit in the corresponding areas and the opponent will lose those senses. Made you look- Inversion of normal game. This requires the user to re-interpret the target soul since its nature changed. If the user so wished, they could also "pull their punches" so to speak and thicken the threads to make them more blunt and less lethal. Or do the target who's spirit or cursed energy is being absorbed have to be incapacitated, Upon asking the target a question and hearing their response the target becomes a blank impression in space and has their colors revealed. My hands are more than enough, thanks. Gojo Satoru compares cursed energy and cursed technique to electricity and electronics. Or Paralysis can be used on Maki to prevent her from moving. I want to get one thing straight about the volcano head - Gege did dirty. Those born with one can train theirs to be stronger even if it is considered to be weak once they first learn to use it. Telephone- Activated once user hits enemy. pwpper. Even objects frozen by the user can spread onto other objects or ppl at his/her will. If the target happens to be a person, it would be wiser for them to find a way to cut through the thread, or to get the user to release them. However, by using cursed techniques, this cursed energy can . Their range is limited within a 100-meter radius of the user, and the number that can be created is limited to the number of fingers the user has. Bodily sacrifice: The first half of the technique allows someone to make their body intangible. If opponent looks into an eye and doesnt turn, they turn into stone. If the numbers rolled match, like if two 4s are rolled, then the opponent only loses their sense of sight. A cursed technique bound to golden eyes with a circular pattern on them. They will not be able to feel any damage they're receiving thus can't accurately measure the most reasonable next move. Either way is not any more or less effective than the other. SorcerersCursed Spirits Powerful cursed spirits and people can manage break out just fine. Everyone have hopes on me, so i am trying my best to be the best to lead them. Where is it? I'm a big fan of movies so i'll either watch them on the tv or go to the cinema. The animals that I raise after a year also become shikigami, which means they can use cursed energy. Jujutsu Kaisen tries to simplify the idea that cursed spirits are just the accumulation of cursed energy by introducing spirits that are more beast than human. Cursed Techniques are advanced applications of Cursed Energy. Mute: Same concept, but the user needs to hit pressure points near/around the opponent's throat. While there are as many varieties as there are users, they all share the same basic premise of creating a closed space that the target cannot escape from, and which dramatically enhances the effectiveness of the user's other techniques. This technique can only be used by the most skilled masters of the ability. It would just leave you with a cut, the severity of which would depend on how hard you hit it. Ultimately, you're only left with your sixth, allowing you to sense your inevitable death to a heightened extent. This technique is very effective to move undetected or fool one's opponent. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 2. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They also have the ability to heal themselves and others by introducing the concept of positivity in the colors surrounding their wounds. Enhance: The user can hit pressure points that release adrenaline and enhance physical abilities (Like Kamo's technique that increases blood flow). Cookie Notice Since Gojou's Infinity/Limitless barrier is something that warps space, and Absolute Accuracy ignores distance, I believe it would also be able to attack Gojou through Infinity, though I didn't make it with that in mind. Cursed Technique Reversal: Red simply reverses the Blue technique, creating a powerful repulsive force that expels everything in Satoru's general vicinity. Prolonged and overuse of their ability on a target taints their colors due to their soul instinctively rebelling against the manipulation of the target. The weight of the ball is dependent on how much damage was originally inflicted on the user. So, they can taste, see, and hear even better after losing another sense. The curse is directly tied to the soul of the punished, and thus the weight only affects the damage causer. What cursed technique would you want to have? Press J to jump to the feed. Passive effect: Unlike every other use of the cursed technique the user neither the target(s) have any knowledge of the colors of each other. When an object is affected by the technique, its overall durability is greatly enhanced and it becomes a cursed tool. Cursed energy can be used as a blunt force, or to reinforce the body, but these applications are not considered cursed techniques. if you point up and the opponent turns to stone, you have to point in a different direction the next time). This can be achieved through a reverse cursed technique. (i.e. Episode 1. Description; An Accumulation type Quirk that gathers Negative emotions within a local area or directed at the user, allowing them to act somewhat like a battery, this also has the added effect of 'drawing' the user of this quirk to places with high concentrations fo Negative energies. This only works if the user has a massive reserve of stored positive karma. Summoned the flying drones to go against the flow jujutsu kaisen cursed technique generator time of Extermination are. In fact, Yuji Itadori is still unable to use any cursed techniques other than Divergent Fist and Black Flash because his body is not attuned to any inherited techniques. Electricity in itself is not very useful (unless you want to electrocute someone). Instead of expanding a domain like Simple Domain, Falling Blossom Emotion counterattacks with cursed energy the moment a cursed technique's guaranteed hit makes contact. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Manga Debut All the while, the opponent may attack more recklessly or become more arrogant since they aren't able to realize how hurt they actually are. Lets me take on features of animals that I raise for at least one year. Flash steps- User can create a shoe imprint (footstep) of cursed energy. I'm a defensive and tough person. The drawback to this, is that itll take a piece of the users stamina per ball. You can also lay certain effects on it. The duration depends on how much cursed energy was used to bolster the threads, as this technique actively burns through it the moment it's activated. Cursed Techniques ( () () () , Jujutsushiki? Itadori Yuji's entrance into the world of jujutsu sorcerer was a sudden one: while trying to save his high school peers he ingested one of the most powerful cursed spirits that ever lived:. Domain Expansions are the pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery. When user gets damaged they inflict a proportional grudge on the causer of damage. I personally am a laidback person. Reverse Cursed Technique: Close He is only able to close his portals if there is nothing inside of them but by flowing positive energy into his portals he is able to close them on objects, severing them. Different users have their own cursed technique, which in other world called as Innate Technique. For every strike, an opponents stamina and cursed energy is slowly drained, useful in any pro-longed fights. [2] Anyone with enough cursed energy can learn to erect barriers with enough training, such as non-combatant Jujutsu High managers. I am a speed star, I am a quick executor. Their innate technique is amplified and all techniques deployed inside the domain will automatically hit. His primary ability realized through Domain Expansion, which places him in a one-on-one trial scenario where he can prosecute his enemy by earning a guilty verdict from Judgeman. The grudge takes the form of a Black ball and chain shackled to the . Similair to Hanyu, Haba's hair is in the shape of a helicopter propeller, allowing him to fly. [21] The targets Todo can switch within the effective range of his technique is anything that possess cursed energy above a certain level. The target is unable to think nor respond to any phenomena during the duration of this technique. Although, your other senses become stronger as you have less to focus on. are innate techniques that can be passed down through the bloodlines of sorcerer families. While enemy is forced to focus on the sword user can pummel the enemy with their fists. Sleep Paralysis: When in the trance of Sweet Dreams and the target is about to die they instead wake up and are in a sleep paralysis state (or sluggish state depending on the strength of the target) where they cant move but see demonic shadowy figures that cause the targets cursed energy to fluctuate and they become incapable/less capable of using cursed energy effectively. Megumi seems to be enjoying his time today. Meaning if I raise tiger I can no longer raise any cat type animals. Technique-The user infuses cursed energy into playing cards causing them to become very sharp. im in love with this technique. my technique would be something cool that no one else have ever heard of! The user is able to manipulate the size of these portals, bigger portal more cursed energy. Press J to jump to the feed. I wanna see how will he react if i pulled a prank on him! It'll hurt like a bitch for sure, but it won't kill you. User can generate silk production rapidly at the exchange of the lifespan of the silkworms in their body. It could be just one more hit, or it could become 4-5 hits every attack depending on how strong you are. However, by using cursed techniques, this cursed energy can be utilized in a much better way. Here's a few more I made: Deadpool Creates a pool of black water, shikigami emerges from it. The duration of the imprint depends on how much cursed energy is placed in it, and the user can create up to six steps at any given time. I guess i'll be sleeping all day long. Almost forgot. The next time the target blinks after being affected, all sense of direction is inverted. If the enemy fails, then a gigantic mouth materializes next to the enemy (user can chose from which direction) and unleashes a deadly scream of cursed energy. The first one to win gains one use of the others cursed technique and if the loser souls immediately leave the mortal plane. If the user dies before the ten minutes are up the ability does not trigger and they stay dead. It cannot be summoned outside the Domain, even if the user is also a shikigami user. Hari can turn the fingers on his left hand into claws that have an unknown effect upon impact. Tripwire - The user can anchor their threads to two separate points per each one to create a trap for their target. Basically just miles deep under the ocean. Normally that's ten, but someone like Sukuna, with four arms, could use twenty. The cursed clothing generates a secondary layer of protective cursed energy. Optional ability- create shikigami out of silk i.e. Next, they lose their sense of touch. It can be used to create a standard tripwire, or for something more elaborate. Enemies will tremble at the mention of my name! The projection technique & ten shadows technique of the Zenin family and the Blood Manipulation technique of the Kamo family are examples of inherited techniques. Ranta's technique can immobilize anyone that he sets his eyes on. What does this have to do with a Cursed Technique Quiz? To this point in Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo Satoru is the only sorcerer who has used positive energy to power his cursed technique. Nanako's technique allows her to manipulate a photographed subject captured using her cellphone camera. It only works on things you can see. [71] For example, creating a barrier is simple enough, but making it so only certain people can exit requires advanced skills. The surroundings of the Tangled Web itself are very dark, making it hard to see where attacks are coming from. Otherwise, too many innate techniques will overload the user's brain. Creates glowing muscular arms in the air behind you that you can move as you want. So if you're projectiles get destroyed them your body takes damage as a result. It's kinda hard to swing around from things that are close to the ground, after all. It's the last thing they hear before the overwhelming, impending sense of death overcomes them. Which one is the closest assumption about your amount of Cursed Energy? Finally, we have the Hollow Purple. Tangled Web of the Weaver - This will anything within its effective range, and the Domain takes the form of a giant spider's web. ), also referred to simply as Curses ( Noroi?) At max aggro, an opponent develops severe tunnel vision, only being able to see the user and they cannot see others/their surrounding or even sense others cursed energy. Control - The user can anchor their threads to anything and manipulate it like a puppet. Binding Interdiction: Barrier: this seal creates a protective barrier around the desired area of effect. Upon activation, any damage user takes within 10 minute period will be reflected back onto the original enemy who inflicted damage. Anime Manga OC. Check out our sister sub r/Jujutsushi for serious manga discussion. [60] These techniques are especially powerful even among cursed techniques. 4: To nullify or dissipate the effects of the users techniques one must either kill or incapacitate the user or simply overpower the seal with ones own curse energy. The best use for this technique is to flee from battle, as it isn't particularly strong. Soul Ties of Ensnarement: This technique is the pinnacle of Binding Interdiction and the only way one can survive using Domain Expansion. They can increase their length, control them telepathically, and launch them with large amounts of force. The standard offensive usage for this technique is to use them like whips, as they're razor-sharp and will leave lacerations. If the reversed technique is incorporated in the domain than instead of a swarm one elephant sized hyena summoned automatically from the tangibility of those trapped inside will fight the opponent. honestly dont know how cursed energy works even though ive watched the anime and read the manga sweating emoji. Can point in any direction, even at the opponent (opponent must look behind themselves). Hanyu's hair can change into the shape of an airplane and give her the ability to fly at high speed. )[53] Innate techniques cannot be changed or altered, but they can be trained to maximize their applications into extension techniques. Using all the user's negative karma, they cause a massive random disaster. It could be ripped out, but a chunk of whatever the thread is anchored to will probably come off with it. Extermination are by rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the functionality! 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